• Member Since 24th Jun, 2016
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I come from the land of the green and unknown, from tenth page drop, where the horse words flow.

Comments ( 81 )

It's a good image for the mane 6 looking down at something.

I mean when dealing with Equines Anon and Tom have known he'd be smaller yet he possess a lot of superior traits for one he's doesn't nut in like 3 seconds, his refractory period should really be 30 minutes and his hands are much more dexterous and if you need to fist a pnky to get the point across that you I no way inferior, so be it.

My throne is oddly wet as well however, it has a seatbelt spell to prevent me from slipping out. You should cast one on yours as well and a heating spell... and a vibration spell.

But now these two will tell the others!

"We might talk about it, every once in a while. Idly. Without charts."

I hope she hasn't upgraded to power point presentations by the time Anon finds her... or she finds him.

"I'm sure somewhere, you'll find a mare that is happy with you."

Flutters, you've gone from Element of Kindness to Element of Savagery. Most friends would point and laugh, it's the really nice ones who pat you on the back and shatter your dreams.

I was waiting for the part where Big Mac walks from behind the corner but aw well loving it so far

(on the first chapter)

You bring your left hand down on her soft posterior, gently cupping the golden booty.

I completely lost it at Golden Booty :rainbowlaugh:

And the title, oh the title. I'm loving this silliness, please continue :derpytongue2:

Applejack got her rocks off. The question is who is next?

this story actually made me laugh, so you get a thumbs up

I miss the casual sex threads. Also, and I don't think this gets said enough, thank you for collecting the one shots and shit posts.

I feel that Pinkie would be the most adventurous with sexual misconduct.

I'm really enjoying this story so far. Can't wait for twilight!

Pinkie's such fun.

I love that "Anonynohnymoanymoose" ridiculousness. Very her.

Long, wordy titles are awesome. Well done.

My favs are "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Mixed Up Zombies" (absolutely awful movie, but great title. Watch the MST3K version).

And Roman Polanski has "The Fearless Vampire Killers" (which the full title I've seen as "The Fearless Vampire Killers, or, Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck").

This site consistently can have me laughing and horny at the same time. Well played.

Trojan Brand Tuxedos. Styled for her pleasure.

Hell up vote just for that reply! Have a follow too LOL hahahahahahahahaha!

Damn, son.

Most excellent.

Anon is way too chill about dropping trou and showing off Anon Jr to ponies. Makes me wonder if this wasn't a bad habit of his before Equestria... :facehoof:

Two things come to mind from this chapter:
1.It is perfectly within belief that Pinkie would throw a Welcome to Ponyville Party just to meet Anon's (or any human's) dick.
2. If Pinkie got permission to throw that party in the spa closet, porn logic dictates that Aloe and Lotus will be demanding the right to see his dick as well...

Nice of the element of laughter to be the first one to not mock anon's manhood.

Is this gonna turn into some uplifting message about how size isn't everything or something? Like some friendship lesson that what matters isn't how big your penis is but how big your friendship/love is? I'd like it if it ended like that.

I kept it light at first, playing with her netherlips

What the hay was that?

Five of Equestria's greatest heroes and role models each individually having a sexual encounter with an alien they had no prior hint at romance with, over the course of less than twenty four hours? Sure, absolutely.

But Rainbow Dash saying "netherlips?" You dun broke immersion in the story, buddy.

What pony size scale does this fic use, most scales (apple, candy cane, EQG door/angel bunny ect) all have ponies as between 3.3 ft and 3.6 ft and using a average of 3.5 then the scale Big Mac's dick is only 11 inches long, which is big to be sure but still not the size of a forearm + hand.

MY SIDES!!!! :rainbowlaugh:

This entire chapter was beyond hilarious. For science!! :trollestia:

Is this really the end?

I was hoping more...

Eh, I like to imagine them being somewhat smaller, maybe 2.5 feet

They are precisely as big as is necessary for the sex scenes to work. As for pony phallus, horse comparisons might not be valid, due to different evolutionary pressures.
Real talk tho, I didn't really have an idea in mind about how big the ponies are when I was writing this. I just saw those size charts and dong sizes, and decided to write some silliness contrary to that.


And nice to see the return of Molestia!

What, Spike doesn't get any HMD? Come on, surely he deserves a little something for running all the way out to Anon's house.

Comment posted by Hominus deleted Feb 2nd, 2019

Shame Luna didn't jump in with the assist.

Most excellent story.

Good shit right here


and their breathes come in


Thanks, and thanks for the catch.

Oh my goodness Twilight chapter best chapter I love her! She's so hot and sweet and cute and adorkable I love her!

"It doesn't have to be him, sometimes ah imagine other stallions, just, bigger. You know, Anonymous..."


Her cheeks color.

"Your forearm is about the right size."


The last time Anon tried something like this, he wound up "In Too Deep" .

That "yay" at the end sold me :moustache:

This entire story made me happy. Pinkies' chapter was especially... enjoyable. But this chapter and especially the two following quotes forced me to stop for a minute or two to bring the giggles under control. Already threw a follow and favourite etc your way so have a Spike in lieu of an imaginary double follow/favourite :moustache:

"Good morning, Anonymous, Celestia. ..."

The door slams, and you hear her run off. Celestia pushes the door open with her magic.

"I'm sure she'll be back in a bit. Why don't we make ourselves comfortable?"

"Anonymous R. Le'Jion"

Jokes on her, they basically sucked him off and he rubbed them off. I don't think Anon lost anything here.

Damn, Pinkie not only didn't make fun of him, but she genuinely let fuck him her hard and she enjoyed his cock like a real mare. The best one so far. Applejack was the worst.

What a fun idea, with great execution!
Nice work ^^

The dynamics between Twilight and Celestia were unexpected, but providing all the more sources of arousal and humour for it.

For science.

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