• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 1,993 Views, 321 Comments

A Little Adventure in Alola - CommanderX5

With Twilight being able to successfully create a portal back to Alola, it's time for the ponies to escort the summoned pokemon back to their homeland. However, when one adventure ends, another begins, one that just might be their last.

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Ch.6 - Rescue Party - Pt.4

A Little Adventure in Alola


Chapter 6
Rescue Party - Pt.4

“Ula’Ula, finally!” Starlight shouted as her hooves made contact with the sand as she examined her surroundings. Ahead of her she could see the city in which her dearest Nica was most-likely still resting inside the Pokemon Center. On her right she noticed a forest and hills separating beach, as well as numerous ruined buildings and scorched ground.

Should I pay Nica a visit, or start a search for her brother immediately? I wonder. She glanced at her two companions, one as tall as her, while the other was reaching only to her knees. “I am done sitting on the sidelines while my pokemon friends face all the hardship. I hope you two are ready, because we have pokemon to find and bad guys to burn. Are you with me?”

Both pokemon nodded at her while showing their teeth, determination visible in their eyes.

Starlight looked ahead and stomped. “Let’s do this!”

Meowth stood in between both battle-ready pokemon before swinging his paw. “The battle starts now!”

Jessie pointed ahead with her finger. “Mimikyu, attack with ‘Shadow Ball!’”

Ash swung his hand. “Nica, dodge and counter with ‘Thunderbolt!’”

The Raichu leaped to the side while wrapping her tail around the speeding orb of darkness, spinning in mid-air before throwing it back at the attacker. With a loud ‘Chuuu!’ she attacked with ‘Thunderbolt,’ striking Mimikyu the moment he tried to evade his own attack as his head fell to the side, his disguise busted.

Ash’s eyes became wide. “That tail-use was great, keep it up,” he praised, memorizing the trick he had just learned for later. He clenched his fist as he held it firmly in front of his head. “Attack with… Volt Tackle,” he commanded, remembering Nica’s moveset.

The electric pokemon charged forward while surrounded by an aura of electricity.

“Mimikyu, counter with ‘Shadow Claw!’” Jessie commanded.

Ash observed the battle with full attention, awaiting for the coming clash between two strong attacks as Mimikyu’s ‘Shadow Claw’ seemed bigger than ever before. Much to his confusion, his temporary pokemon jumped over the attack and spun in mid-air, striking the middle part with an ‘Iron Tail.’ The ghost move dispersed in an instant.

Jessie took a step back, panic on her face. “‘Wood Hammer,’ defend with ‘Wood Hammer!’”

Mimikyu jumped backward, forming a massive tail before swinging it in mid-air.

Nica stopped herself by pressing one paw against the floor, pushing herself to the side in time to evade. With the large tail now stuck as numerous cracks started spreading across the floor, she circled around her opponent to gain more momentum before striking Mimikyu from behind, causing a little explosion of electricity. Pushed back by the recoil, she pressed her paws against the floor, pulling herself to a stop.

“Now that’s agility! You’re doing great!” Ash praised, causing a blush to appear on the pokemon’s cheeks, as well as a prideful smile. He smirked, feeling a growing confidence in his temporary pokemon. I think I've underestimated her. Maybe we can actually win. Pointing at Mimikyu, he commanded, “Keep up the offense, attack with ‘Thunderbolt.’”

Nica nodded, unleashing thin but quick bursts of electricity.

“Mimikyu, we can’t afford to lose it. Show them your power with ‘Shadow Ball!’”

Ash blinked in confusion as the ghost attack effortlessly tore through the electricity. That’s weird. When compared to Pikachu’s attack, this ‘Thunderbolt’ seems very weak. He narrowed his eyes. “Nica. Counter with ‘Iron Tail’ and then follow up with ‘Thunderbolt’!”

She did as she was told, leaping to the side in order to wrap her ‘Iron Tail’ around the destructive orb, spinning while throwing it back at the enemy. She jumped, attacking with ‘Thunderbolt’ immediately after.

“Two can play in that game, Mimikyu, ‘Shadow Claw’ and ‘Shadow Ball’.”

Mimikyu grabbed the incoming orb with his ‘Shadow Claw’ before turning towards the troublesome trainer. A shadowy aura escaped from under his costume, heading towards Ash. He turned back to his opponent and threw the orb at the Raichu before summoning another one.

Ash massaged his aching forehead as his vision became blurry. He blinked, feeling as if looking through a fog. “Pikachu, evade and then use ‘Quick Attack’,” he commanded as his mind provided him with the vision of his loyal companion fighting by his side against the ghost/fairy pokemon. It was a deciding match after all where he and his Pikachu would finally conquer the ghost trial.

Nica raised an eyebrow at the odd command. She leaped forward, wrapping her tail around one ‘Shadow Ball’ before throwing it into another one, causing a large explosion as she raised her forepaws protectively from the spreading smoke. Her ears perked up, hearing the incoming enemy while sensing its presence in the smoke.

“Pikachu, jump back and attack with ‘Electro Ball’,” Ash commanded.

Nica jumped back onto a nearby shelf, increasing the distance from her opponent before attacking with ‘Thunderbolt.’ As her opponent zipped to the side in order to evade her attack, she redirected her electricity, striking the large Mimikyu with part of the initial force.

James whispered to Jessie, “I think something is wrong with Ash. He keeps calling her Pikachu and commanding her wrong attacks. Maybe Mimikyu had something to do with it.”

“We should take advantage of that,” Meowth suggested.

Jessie nodded. With a grin, she commanded, “Mimikyu, keep the pressure up with ‘Shadow Claw’, don’t let her keep distance from you.”

Mimikyu screeched before jumping up, stretching his ‘Shadow Claw’ to strike the Raichu from above.

“Pikachu, use ‘Quick Attack’ to evade!” Ash commanded.

Ace looked between his sister and the heroic trainer in confusion before whispering to a similarly confused Oshawott.

Nica leaped from shelf to shelf, which ended up clawed from above. Drops of sweat formed on her face as the attacks became faster and more aggressive.

Mimikyu pulled one shelf, causing it to fall at the Raichu who rolled to the side in order to evade, their distance substantially reduced.

“Perfect, now use ‘Play Rough’! Show no mercy!” Jessie commanded before laughing loudly. “Let’s see you evade that,” she said before continuing her sinister laugh.

“Pikachu, defend with ‘Iron Tail,’ push him back!” Ash commanded, only for water to spray into his face. He turned towards his Oshawott. “Hey, what’s the big idea? Can’t you see I have an important trial to…”

This is not a ghost trial! someone’s voice echoed in his mind as the injured Ace forced himself to shoot him disapproving glare. I know you’re missing Pikachu a lot, but he’s not here, you’re commanding my sister Nica, a Raichu. Wake up!

Ash blinked in confusion before looking at the battling pokemon, the illusion of Pikachu vanished, replaced by the Raichu who defended herself against the onslaught. Nica’s long tail clashed with Mimikyu’s shadowy tail, keeping the pokemon at a distance. While Mimikyu’s strikes proved to be very aggressive, the Raichu kept them at bay.

What am I doing? Ash grit his teeth. Pikachu wasn’t with him yet as he was in command of a Raichu, he had to accept this fact. This wasn’t the fight to overcome another trial but a fight to save Nica’s brother and not let Team Rocket steal the brave and skilled pokemon.

“Oh come on! You never had trouble landing ‘Play Rough’ on Pikachu, and you’re stronger and faster now. Just hit her already!” Jessie yelled, stomping repeatedly against the floor in annoyance.

Mimikyu screeched in rage, attacking with ‘Play Rough’ again with even more aggression as the Raichu kept defending with her ‘Iron Tail.’

Ash watched the Raichu with full attention. Unlike his Pikachu, who would jump forward and spin, clashing his ‘Iron Tail’ with Mimikyu’s shadowy tail as they would try to overpower each other, Nica’s style proved superior. She… she’s not trying to hit hard or push, she’s playing her opponent, Ash thought as he looked at how the Raichu moved her tail, using its flexibility in a way he didn’t think was ever possible. The more aggressive Mimikyu is, the more openings she finds to hit him. I really need to meet the trainer who raised such an amazing pokemon.

With his mind once again sane and his confidence in Nica’s skills growing, Ash stepped forward and commanded, “Raichu, combine ‘Volt Tackle’ with ‘Iron Tail’ and run around your opponent.”

Nica looked at him and nodded in understanding. She ran, gaining momentum as her tail flashed a metallic grey. An aura of electricity surrounded her body.

“Mimikyu, ‘Shadow Ball’,” Jessie commanded.

“Nica, use your tail to grab his attack,” Ash commanded, now understanding the fighting style of the Raichu a bit better.

The long-tailed pokemon wrapped her tail around the sphere, pulling it with her as she kept running around the Mimikyu.

“Keep attacking, she can’t use more than one attack with that cursed tail,” Jessie suggested.

One after another, Mimikyu bombarded the Raichu, causing one explosion after another while leaving holes with spreading cracks in the dusty floor.

“Evade and hit him with ‘Volt Tackle’!” Ash commanded while Oshawott performed a cheering dance.

<You can do it Nica, show him some cool combos,> Ace cheered, waving his paws before wincing in pain.

Zipping left and right, Nica evaded the barrage. She jumped towards the middle part of the costume, striking it with the full force of her ‘Volt Tackle’.

“Perfect, now slam the ‘Shadow Ball’ against your opponent,” Ash suggested, raising his fist towards the ceiling.

With a slap of her tail, she pushed the orb against Mimikyu’s face, pushing the Totem Pokemon away with a powerful explosion. Ghost types being weak to ghost attacks rather than resisting them worked in Nica’s favor.

“Now ‘Iron Tail’ and ‘Thunderbolt’, don’t let go,” Ash commanded, wondering if this Raichu still had the strength left to use so many moves in a row. Even my Pikachu would be too tired to make such a follow-up. Let’s find out if she has got what it takes. To his satisfaction, the Raichu attacked with a weak but fast ‘Thunderbolt’ in an instant, only to close the distance and push Mimikyu into a damaged shelf with ‘Iron Tail’. Her attacks may be weak for a Raichu, but she sure makes up for it in other areas. Once Alola is safe, I so much need to have a fight between my Pikachu and this amazing Raichu. He’ll love it.

“What’s going on? We’re being pushed back,” Jessie said with her hand raised in front of her terrified face.

“We can’t lose! The boss is counting on us,” James added.

“Mimikyu, get up and fight. Our glorious and luxury future is on the line!” Meowth yelled at the damaged shelf.

Much to Team Rocket’s relief, which quickly shifted into looks of terror, Mimikyu crushed what was left of the shelf with a large ghostly hand. It screeched with undying rage as the aura around his body grew in size.

<I am done toying with you!>

Nica took a step back, feeling the pressure of power coming from the Totem Pokemon while sensing his growing rage. While her opponent was covered in burns, he still looked far from done. She narrowed her eyes and took a fighting stance, not intimidated in the least. Her opponent not only tortured her brother, but was also a big threat to her hero. <You think you can scare me? By the end of our battle, you’ll be the one trembling in fear.>

Mimikyu didn’t wait for any command, jumping into the air while summoning a large ‘Shadow Claw’.

Nica backflipped, evading the thrown shelf before it could flatten her. She leaped left and right, dodging the piercing claws. Seeing as Mimikyu ran deeper into the labyrinth, she followed. “Hey, wait!” she heard Ash’s voice but decided to ignore it for the time being.

With her opponent now gone from her sight as her surroundings were darker than before, she closed her eyes, trying to pick up the aura of her opponent. She opened her eyes and jumped back, just in time as two shelves were about to fall on her. She didn’t dare drop her guard yet as she raised her ‘Iron Tail’.

Sensing and hearing the attack coming from behind, she pushed the shadowy claw to the side with her tail. She turned around, only to spot a glimpse of Mimikyu before he vanished into the darkness.

Explosions of electricity and noises of clashing attacks followed as Nica danced from one rear paw to another, her tail constantly in use as Mimikyu tried to ambush her at every turn.

With the surroundings and lack of visibility working against her, Nica clenched her forepaws, unleashing a ‘Thunderbolt’ in all directions. Her strategy seemed to force Mimikyu out of hiding as he jumped at her while throwing a ‘Shadow Ball’. With a swift movement of her tail she pushed the orb to the side, only to jump in time to avoid ‘Wood Hammer’.

Nica raised her forepaws protectively over her head as a few fragments of the damaged floor shot in her direction. She hit Mimikyu with a quick weak ‘Thunderbolt’ as her opponent pulled the massive tail from the floor.

She didn’t get a moment to breathe, nor a moment to attack as Mimikyu was already on the offense, slashing his ‘Shadow Claw’ against her ‘Iron Tail’.

Nica grit her teeth, now face to face with Mimikyu who was as tall as her, both stuck in a clash as if two warriors pressing sword against each other.

<Why can’t I hit you, you stupid Raichu?!> Mimikyu screeched before using ‘Play Rough’, delivering a barrage of blows.

Nica leaped left and right, dancing on the floor and next leaping from shelf to shelf, evading some hits while pushing the other strikes aside with her ‘Iron Tail’. Her opponent was enraged and attacked without a break, yet if anything, she knew how to tire an enraged opponent. The more restless and reckless her foes were with their attacks, the more room she had to display her agility and skills at using her tail. While her breathing increased in speed and sweat started to cover her body, she still had plenty of stamina to spare. Keep attacking, Mimikyu. You’re only exhausting yourself.

The battle dragged on for a few minutes as nearly every shelf in the large Pokemart was either crashed or knocked over, more often than not used by Mimikyu in an attempt to crush his foe.

Nica shouted in pain, feeling ‘Shadow Claw’ strike against her belly. Performing a backflip in the air, she landed in front of Ash, standing on the bronze patches of her rear legs as her breathing was heavy but stable.

Mimikyu stood ahead of her. While it proved difficult to tell how tired he was due to the fake costume, she could tell he was getting slower and weaker by looking at his shrinking aura.

“I can’t believe my eyes,” Ash said as the Rocket members started in equal shock. “You… you defended… against all that. I have no words…”

Nica gave herself a moment to look at the proud and impressed trainer, gratefully accepting the praise.

“My Pikachu could learn a lot from you. Once we finally reunite, I want to have an epic duel. Oh, I can’t wait!” Ash raised his hand towards the ceiling enthusiastically.

Nica smiled sheepishly. Defeating her hero due to her unfair advantage was the last thing she wanted.

Oshawott’s mouth was agape as one could notice hearts in his eyes.

<Seems someone got charmed.> Ace murmured, <Sorry to dash your hopes, but my sis already admires someone else.>

Oshawott frowned at the Alolan Raichu. <Hush you!>

Nica looked at Team Rocket, their confidence crumbling before her very eyes, a look that filled her with satisfaction.

<Why… why...> Mimikyu said in a sad tone, catching Nica’s attention. <I was promised fame… If I capture you, I would become more popular than any cursed Pikachu on these stupid islands. Yet even with all this power, I can’t lay a scratch on you.>

Nica approached with slow steps, walking on two feet. <Why is fame so important to you?> she asked, getting Mimikyu’s attention. <I heard you’ve been helping Team Rocket and mercilessly harassing Ash’s Pikachu. Why do you hate my hero so much?>

<Your… hero?> Mimikyu asked, tilting its fake head to the side. <You want to know why I hate him?>

Nica nodded.

<Because all those stupid Pikachu are so popular. Everyone in Alola loves them. My kin chose our appearance not to be feared, but to be liked, to be accepted and popular, yet it was all for nothing.> Mimikyu screeched as Nica flinched in response. <Why do those Pikachu get all that love while we are feared. I’ll… I’ll destroy them all!>

<That’s your reason?> Nica’s ears drooped. <Do you… do you envy them so much?> She narrowed her eyes. <Even so, you can’t just unleash your frustration on Pikachu, especially my hero. If you want to be liked, you need to earn others’ trust,> she pointed at the Rocket members, <rather than ally yourself with criminals.>

<Hero this, hero that, why do you call Ash’s Pikachu a hero?> Mimikyu screeched in frustration as a dark aura escaped from his costume.

<Because I admire him,> Nica said as her words seemed to cause Mimikyu’s rear eye to twitch. She held a forepaw to her chest and spoke calmly, <Ash faced many great dangers over the years. Together with his Pikachu, he kept the world and many pokemon safe while facing the odds. Legendary pokemon, criminals, catastrophes. They faced them head on and saved lives. I’ll forever respect and admire that.>

Mimikyu slid to the side, slowly rounding his opponent. <So that’s your reason? With your skill and power, you could achieve even more. Seeing how you call that inferior pokemon a hero makes me sick.>

<Hey!> Nica stomped. <He’s not inferior. He’s superior.> She pointed at herself. <Together with my trainer we worked restlessly to make the world a safer place and save lives. Yet, despite being weaker, Pikachu alongside his trainer achieved so much more. Ash’s Pikachu is far better than me.>

Mimikyu jumped and unleashed ‘Wood Hammer’, slamming it against the floor in frustration, causing everyone to become wary of its movements. <This is unbelievable! How can a superior Raichu think of her pre-evolution as superior!> Mimikyu started making quick circles around Nica, who maintained a defensive stance. <I fought that Pikachu many times, beating him up over and over, but he always got away. Now stronger than ever, I can barely keep up with you. Stop caring about what he achieved, stop thinking you’re worse! I can't stand it.>

Nica shook her head. <I won’t. All those years I’ve been doing my best, trying to be as helpful as I can and make as good use of my power as I can. Ever since I heard of Ash’s achievements, I have been working tirelessly to be as good as his Pikachu partner, to be as good as the hero that inspired me to be better, but no matter how much I wish I could be as good, I know I’ll never achieve it.>

<And doesn’t that make you jealous?> Mimikyu asked, now staring at Nica face to face.

<Jealous, why would I be jealous?>

Mimikyu slapped his shadowy hand against his fake face. <Don’t you feel angry that you work so hard, yet the weaker Pikachu succeeds. Don’t you feel angry that he got to face all those challenges and dangers while you couldn’t? I don’t believe that someone with your skills and willpower wouldn’t keep the world safe if that pesky Pikachu didn’t get in the way.>

Nica took a step back.

<Also, don’t you think how unfair it is that there’s a whole ‘Pikachu Valley’ dedicated to hundreds of Pikachu and how popular they are in Alola, yet you can barely find any Alolan Raichu. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same in other regions.>

<What’s your point?> Nica asked impatiently, which seemed to frustrate her opponent.

<My point is that everyone loves Pikachu and almost no one evolves them. As long as you are that cursed yellow pokemon, everyone gathers to pet and praise you, but the moment you evolve, all the celebrity treatment is gone.> He screeched. <Surely you noticed it after you used the ‘Thunderstone’. I would even bet that other Pikachu didn’t look kindly to you when you became a Raichu.>

Nica stood up on her two feet and rubbed her arm nervously. <Well… I would be lying if I said that after becoming a Raichu, not many called me cute or wanted to pet me anymore. And when I visited ‘Pikachu Valley’ during our vacation, I felt like an outcast as everyone kept giving me the cold shoulder.>

<See… see!>

Nica narrowed her eyes. <So you seriously believe that just because humans don’t like to evolve their Pikachu and like Raichu less, it is a reason for me to get jealous and angry? I don’t care about any of that.>


Nica walked forward with firm steps, reducing the distance from her opponent. <I admit: I was disappointed in myself that I can’t accomplish as much as my hero, and the feeling that I didn’t do enough while being so powerful and skilled made me depressed, but you know what’s funny?>

Mimikyu tilted his head backward.

<Ash’s Pikachu himself helped me. While I saw him as a superior hero worthy of praise, he viewed me as a superior pokemon. We respected and admired each other, we saw each other in a great light. Thanks to him I finally took the first step in dealing with my inferiority complex and I think I helped him in turn.> She smiled warmly. <I bet that if you gave him a chance, you two could become friends, and he would help you get the love, fame and affection you so desire.>

Mimikyu’s costume turned red as smoke started escaping from under it. <I… friends with that Pikachu. Are you out of your mind? I’ll never be friends with that yellow furball.>

Nica sighed in disappointment while lowering her paws. She looked at the Mimikyu in pity. <You know, I feel sorry for you.> She stretched her paw, gently rubbing the top of Mimikyu’s head. <While I became too humble for my own good and felt that nothing I ever did would be good enough, you became a prisoner of your hate and jealousy. It will only hurt you, harassing a pokemon that probably indirectly saved your life.>

Ash stopped listening to the exchange as he called towards the Rocket members. “Hey, Meowth. What are they talking about?”

Before the pokemon could refuse, James asked, “I’m curious as well. They have been at it for a while.”

Meowth rolled his eyes. “Fine. Nica was curious why Mimikyu hates Pikachu so much. He told her that he’s jealous of him and all other Pikachu who are very popular in Alola, or something like that.” He pointed at the Raichu. “From what I understand, Nica is… kind of a fan. She admires the same Pikachu we tried to catch all those years.”

“Admires?” Ash asked, giving the long-tailed pokemon a curious glance.

“Mimikyu asked why Nica wasn’t jealous of her hero, or why she’s not jealous that everyone likes Pikachu a lot more than Raichu and stuff. Nica just said that she suffered from an inferiority complex and felt depressed, but Pikachu helped her get over her issues and that she feels sorry for Mimikyu that he’s a prisoner of his hate and jealousy.”

“So that’s why he’s so determined to fight Pikachu. Now it all makes sense,” James commented.

Ash looked at Nica. “You… you really felt that way?”

Nica looked at Ash and nodded hesitantly. So much for my talk with Mimikyu remaining between us. Good thing no one mentioned that I’m a partner of the Pokemon Master. Nothing good would come out of that.

<You know what, screw what Giovanni said,> Mimikyu said as he slapped Nica’s paw away before poking her white belly with a shadowy finger. <In a battle against Pikachu, can you win easily?>

Nica nodded. <I can… but our fight wouldn’t be fair because…> she failed to finish.

<You are far superior than that Pikachu, which means that if I defeat you, by default I can defeat that pesky Pikachu by a mile.>


Mimikyu retreated towards Meowth before whispering into his ears.

Meowth grinned before looking at Jessie. “He wants to attack with our Z-move.”

Jessie’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, right, I almost forgot about it. We can turn this around!”

Nica watched as not just Jessie, but the trio of Team Rocket started to perform their ritual dance, charging Mimikyu with power for one powerful attack. For a Totem Pokemon to use a Z-move? Is that even a thing?

“Nica, be ready to evade,” Ash suggested while shaking his head, his voice commanding and filled with panic. “I saw your speed. You’re faster and more agile than my Pikachu. I know you can evade it.”

Meowth moved his finger in a ‘no… no…’ gesture. “Oh, there’s where you are wrong. If Nica moves even an inch, Mimikyu will hit Ace with that Z-move instead.”

“What?” Ash asked before quickly grabbing Ace into his embrace while Oshawott took a defensive stance in front of them. “I knew you guys would play dirty.”

Nica looked over her shoulder at her brother in Ash’s embrace. She gave them a warm smile. <Don’t worry, I got this.> Her words did little to calm Ash, yet Oshawott understood what she said and calmed down.

Feeling raging anger, she stood on the tips of her rear paws and spread her forepaws as her grey metallic tail returned to normal. She narrowed her eyes while giving Mimikyu an angered glare. Her pity, her compassion, gone, she no longer felt sorry for the excuse of ghost/fairy pokemon. <Give me your best shot!> she shouted. You already wasted a lot of your power during our battle, and I struggled for years during my merciless trainings. If you think I’ll go down easily, you have something else coming.

“You… you can’t just do what they say. We can still…” Ash said as he tried to run towards her, only to stop as Nica sent bolts of electricity through the floor in his direction.

<Just trust me, Ash, everything will be fine.>

Ace looked at his sister in understanding and trust, relaying her message to Ash with his telepathy.

Ash nodded. “Alright, I’ll trust you, but I don’t like it one bit.”

Nica focused her full attention on the charging Mimikyu as the Rocket members finally finished their ritual. She looked up, watching as Totem Mimikyu jumped into air and spread its costume, which suddenly became even larger than before. She could see his real form as it descended at her, a view she was familiar with as she allowed the Mimikyu from Astra’s team to jump onto her head for a honest hug.

Not showing a single sign of fear, she stood strong as the costume enveloped her, covering her in total darkness. Ghostly noises and a sinister laugh followed before her body became a punching bag for merciless blows. Slashes, claws, thorns and all kind of nightmares lashed against her body as if trying to tear her to pieces, an ongoing pain that wasn't ending anytime soon.

Author's Note:

And here we have it folks, Nica going all out during a pokemon battle. Even Totem Mimikyu had trouble landing a hit on her when she holds nothing back.

Also, unlike Astra who specialized in long-term strategies and training but was unable to bring Nica's full potential during battle, Ash actually proved quite suited to command her and help NIca make best use of her abilities.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Did you enjoy the battle? What do you think of synh between Ash and Nica? Do you think that Nica could do great under Ash's command if they traveled together? And also, did I overdo Nica's agility as Mimikyu in the show landed hits on Pikachu quite easily? Or did you find the fight satisfying?

As always, I am looking forward to your feedback. As for the fight, the deciding conclusion will take place in part 5. I won't drag it more than that. Cheers.