• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 1,990 Views, 321 Comments

A Little Adventure in Alola - CommanderX5

With Twilight being able to successfully create a portal back to Alola, it's time for the ponies to escort the summoned pokemon back to their homeland. However, when one adventure ends, another begins, one that just might be their last.

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Ch.7 - Reunion - Pt.1

A Little Adventure in Alola


Chapter 7
Reunion - Pt.1

<With the charred remains of the cursed Megamart now bathed in bright rays of the sun, the group of heroes walked back to the center of the town after achieving their glorious victory. Their boots, hooves and paws marched in sync as they each held their head high, looking…>

<What in the world are you doing?> asked Oshawott from his spot beside Starlight’s teal and purple tail. He looked at the Alolan Raichu resting in Ash’s embrace, whose head was perched against one arm with his rear legs on the other. Ace’s side was pressed into the trainer’s chest while his long tail unconsciously wrapped around Ash’s belly.

<What does it look like I’m doing? I’m narrating the return from our spectacular triumph,> Ace said with a roll of his eyes. <Honestly, I’m surprised you don’t know this already…>

Torracat, who walked by Ash’s side, raised an eyebrow. “That Mimikyu must’ve knocked a few screws loose.”

<Impossible to do when he didn’t have any to begin with,> Oshawott snickered.

Ace ignored the remarks and exclaimed, <Hey, I’m just trying to celebrate. We defeated a titanic Ultra Beast set on destroying the islands and life as we know it, Nica survived the battle after taking a serious beating, you all managed to save me and defeat that nasty Mimikyu, and best of all…>

He pointed ahead at Krookodile and Sceptile, who escorted the Team Rocket Members. Jessie cradled the Mimikyu to her chest in an unusual show of affection, careful to avoid the numerous burn marks scattered across the creature’s costume while Bewear followed behind at a distance, escorted by none other than Ninetails himself. <Not only are we getting the chance to reunite again, we also found the Ash Ketchum, and finally we’re going to lock those rocket guys in prison and get some well deserved food and sleep at the Pokemon Center. Things are finally looking up for us!>

Oshawott looked away from the Alolan Raichu and glanced at Nica. Her shoulders were trembling as she buried her face into Starlight’s neck, gently sobbing while her paws were wrapped around the mare’s neck. <Uhh… I-I’m not sure if everything is looking great. Nica seems a bit sad right now.>

“I can’t believe I was so mean!” Nica cried, Ninetales’ translating collar now stationed around her neck. She rubbed her cheek against Starlight’s mane as if seeking comfort in it.

“You, being too mean? Are you kidding? That word doesn't exist in your vocabulary. You’re the walking, overpowered incarnation of motherly kindness and mercy,” Starlight commented as her passenger tightened her hold on her neck with a single paw. The beastballs and pokeballs confiscated from Team Rocket lay safeguarded inside her saddlebag. “Now that I think about it, it really suits you.”

“But I was so mean!” She sobbed. “I just got so angry for what that Mimikyu did to my brother and for hurting Pikachu so many times. I got angry that those Team Rocket members had been trying to capture Pikachu and Ash’s pokemon. I got so angry that I wanted to hurt them, to make them miserable. I… I acted like a mean bully! I acted just like the people and pokemon I’ve dedicated my life to stopping… if not worse!”

“Seems Pikachu told you quite a lot about me and our adventures,” Ash commented. “Being angry just means that you care, and I appreciate it.”

“But I went too far. I was cruel! I don’t want to lose control of myself like that!” Nica shouted, rubbing her tear-stained eyes.

“Lose control, are you kidding?” Starlight raised an eyebrow. “When you were saving Equestria, you were forced to endure a lifetime of pain and suffering that you didn’t deserve, and even after all that you showed forgiveness and somehow managed to forgive. So this time, just this one time might I add, you get angry, it was for a perfectly justifiable reason. One we all back you up on.” She chuckled. “I wish I had even a tenth of your self-control. I seem to go into rage-mode for the silliest of reasons.”

“Saved Equestria? Suffering? You have to tell me what happened,” Ash demanded, receiving a nod of agreement from Raichu in his arms.

“Oh boy. Better prepare yourself because this is one heck of a story,” Starlight began as Nica’s eyes snapped open in alarm. “Nica actually wasn’t summoned against her will, but volunteered to…” The unicorn failed to finish, finding her mouth clamped shut as the Raichu’s black portion of her tail wrapped around her mouth, keeping it firmly shut.

“Don’t tell him, please,” Nica pleaded before climbing on top of Starlight’s head, now looking at the unicorn from an upside-down position. She used her most powerful weapon to buy the unicorn’s silence. Her puppy dog eyes.

Ash ran closer. “It sounds like you did some amazing things and had a great adventure. Why not share it?”

“B-because… because I didn’t do anything exciting or super important. I mean, helping saving the nation was important, but n-not when compared to your deeds,” Nica mumbled as she wiped a leftover tear from her face, her depression now replaced with panic. “And I was mostly helping. It was more of a team effort. Without you guys, I wouldn’t have gotten anything done.”

Starlight levitated the tail away from her muzzle and chuckled. “Sorry Ash, my friend here is too humble for her own good. She has worked hard and done a lot of… helping... but she wants to keep it to herself.”

Ash moved his hand, gently patting the Raichu on the head. “I’ve seen what you’re capable off.” He glanced at her numb forepaw. “I can imagine what this… helping… was all about.”

<You have no idea,> Ace commented.

Ash looked down, giving his pokemon his full attention. “Litten? Sorry, Torracat. You need to tell me about your training. To get from ‘Ember’ to ‘Fire Blast’ in a week, I’m impressed.”

The pokemon smiled proudly, purring for a moment before pointing at the pokemon further ahead. “What can I say, Ninetales is a great teacher. He provoked me so I fought and trained harder, he allowed me to use him as a moving target to practice on, he upgraded my ‘Ember’ to ‘Flamethrower’ by showing me an example, and in the morning he helped me unleash ‘Fire Blast.’ I couldn’t ask for a better mentor… n-no offense...”

Ash looked at the proud pokemon. “Thank you, thank you for helping Torracat so much. I’m in your debt.”

<I am one of Astra’s most experienced pokemon, a well trained elite. It is only natural that my teachings bring results and cover for your inadequate training methods and Litten’s lack of experience,> Ninetales said, only to receive a scolding glare from Nica.

Alolan Raichu’s ears flashed as he telepathically translated for Ash, though skipping on the last part.

“Trained elite, huh? After seeing Nica in action and the results of your teaching, I want to meet Astra more and more.” His eyes sparkled with excitement as he held his clenched fists in front of his chest before pumping them up into the sky. “We can work together to deal with Team Rocket and have a great battle afterwards. There’s so much I can learn from her… Well… after hitting the Pokemon Center that is.”

Ninetales narrowed his eyes and huffed, looking between Torracat and his trainer. <Ash, make no mistake. I still haven’t fulfilled my promise yet. I said I would teach your pokemon ‘Fire Blitz’ and I won’t rest until I do. It is a matter of honor for my word is at stake if I fail to do so.> The smaller pokemon smiled at his words as he sped up in order to catch up, though Ninetales was unaware. <My trainer’s ally has an Arcanine that can…> He paused as Torracat jumped onto his back, giving him a hug while nuzzling his neck. <H-hey…. Stop that!> He blushed. <This is embarrassing...>

“Torracat really likes you. You two look like best buddies now,” Ash commented.

“We are. He acts tough, but he really cares. He’s really great once you get to know him.” Torracat grinned, “A real big softie basically.”

Ninetales looked at the pokemon on his back in annoyance, rolling his eyes. <If you have to embarrass someone, why not hug Nica or Ace. They love this kind of stuff.>

<We do!> Ace said as he balanced himself on Ash’s hands, spreading his forepaws. <Come here Torracat, give Papa Ace a hug.>

The cat-like pokemon shot the Alolan Raichu a raspberry. “Hug you, no way you crazy water-lover!”

Ace tilted his head to the side. <You’re still going on about that?>

<Water lover?> Oshawott asked, only for Ace to jump on his tail and levitate over as he picked Oshawott up with his paws. <Hey, put me down!>

Ace’s rear legs trembled, struggling to keep him balanced as his body was far from healed, yet his enthusiasm kept him going. <I love surfing on water, exploring it and befriending water pokemon. I know ‘Surf’ and can create some crazy combos with water and electricity. Let’s surf together, I can show you some neat tricks.>

Oshawott huffed, pulling his head back. <Geez, did you plan that?>

Nica wrapped her tail around Ace’s belly, pulling him and Oshawott onto Starlight’s back. “No surfing until you recover, brother.”

<Fiiine Mooom,> Ace responded while rolling his eyes. He glanced at his sister’s injuries, which now much surpassed the results of Mimikyu’s torture.

Ash held a hand over his head and chuckled. “Everyone is getting along so well. It’s really refreshing after all the hardship we’ve had to face in the past three days. It makes me really happy.” With Ace no longer in his hold, he looked at the other Raichu and pointed at his shoulder. ”Hey, Nica, do you want a ride?”

Nica’s eyes became wide and a large, toothy smile slowly grew on her lips. With a cheerful “Yay” she jumped, taking the spot that in the past was reserved mostly for none other than the heroic Pikachu. Her guilt was gone in an instant as she nuzzled Ash’s cheek.

“You’re one friendly Raichu, you know that?” Ash asked as he laughed cheerfully, only for the heavy pokemon on his shoulder to join in.

“I have heard that many times.”

James groaned. “Why do they have to be all happy while we’re going to prison? It was supposed to be our big time to shine.”

Meowth murmured. “Goodbye luxury and prestige. Our boss won’t trust us ever again after this failure.”

Jessie kicked the Meowth in annoyance. “So we failed, big deal. Team Rocket is conquering Alola as we speak. The boss will free us and we’ll get another opportunity to prove our worth to him. I am sure of that.”

Everyone’s attention focused on an explosion in the distance, and then another. The noise of battle started to rage from the deeper part of the town.

“See, it must be our boss sieging this city. Victory to Team Rocket!”

Ash narrowed his eyes before sprinting forward, running down the street with a bruised Nica on his shoulder, her expression similar to his.

Starlight galloped right behind with Oshawott and Ace on her back.

Ninetales and Torracat followed, quickly catching up with the unicorn.

Sceptile grabbed James, carrying him over his shoulder.

Jessie yelped when Krookodile did the exact same with her.

Meowth and Mimikyu ended up in the hands of Infernape while Bewear followed, not far behind.

Ash felt sweat fall down his forehead as he tried to close the gap between him and the ongoing battle. “Lillie, Lana, please be safe.” He grit his teeth, speeding up even more.

After finally running to the edge of the town which bordered with the forest, he dropped to his knees, desperately trying to catch his breath while giving his tired legs a rest. He and the Raichu observed the scenery ahead.

“Stop right there!”

“This is a restricted area. No civilians are allowed to pass this point for their own safety.”

Ash looked up at the cops, noticing a blockade in distance. Two dark skinned officers approached him, both having a mustache. They wore standard uniforms, with a dark blue shirt tucked in a pair of black slacks. Each had bulky mud-stained boots and a matching cap, while their belts each adorned a pair of pokeballs and a holster for some sort of weapon. Four large, muscular pokemon with four arms were stationed behind them.

“Calm down, officers. I recognize him,” Officer Jenny said as she approached from the side, accompanied by the local deep-in-thought gumshoos and Herdier, an adorable tan dog-like pokemon with a blue overcoat and pale tufts of fur puffed out on its face. “His name is Ash Ketchum. Professor Kukui and Kahunas Hala and Olivia recommended him to aid us in defending this city. He’s clear to pass.”

“Thank you,” Ash said, looking at the officer with a serious expression as plumes of smoke wafted into the sky. “Are the beasts invading the town? What’s going on?”

“They are... but the situation is under control,” the officer reassured him. “Around ten minutes ago a… pony, arrived in this city. She was levitating many strong pokemon with… magic… at least that is what she told us. We didn’t get to question her though. Apparently, Ultra Beasts have been chasing after two pokemon trainers from the beach side. The pony and pokemon she brought aided the trainer and they are now pushing back against the invasion.”

One of the officers spoke up. “The trainers introduced themselves as Astra and Emily and asked us to keep civilians away from this area. We were hesitant at first as it is our duty to keep the city safe, but when we saw those pokemon in action. Well… we figured she could handle it without our help.”

The other officer nodded in agreement.

“Astra, Emily, Twilight!” Nica shouted, confusing the cops who stared at her in disbelief. She gave Ash a confident glance and added, “Twilight is a princess and she took care of me when I arrived in Equestria. She must’ve opened the portal and brought other pokemon to aid us.” She smiled. “If Astra and Emily reunited with the rest of their team, than this town just became the safest and most defended place in the whole world.”

Starlight, accompanied by Ninetales and Torracat, caught up before grinning. She turned around, addressing the captured rocket members. “‘Go ‘Team Rocket’ you said? Well, you’re about to see your precious organization have its flank kicked. Multiple times!”

<I couldn’t have said it better myself,> Ninetales commented.

“Who are those people?’ Officer Jenny asked.

Nica pointed her left forepaw at the prisoners of war. “Those meanies are members of Team Rocket who captured and tortured my brother. They used him as a hostage to lure us into a trap and then tried to capture me.”

Officer Jenny blinked in confusion, clearly not used to testimonies made by a pokemon, yet one look at the bruises and bloody stains covering the Raichu’s body, and then a glance at the Alolan Raichu perched atop the pony’s back was enough proof for now.

Nica climbed futherup, now speaking over Ash’s head while supporting herself with her hind legs. “What’s more, those people have been relentlessly hunting Ash Ketchum, trying to steal his pokemon and his Pikachu for years, and I can only imagine what other crimes they have commited in between. I demand that they are locked in prison for no less than fifty years! Their pokemon are to be confiscated and their uniforms searched diligently for any device that would aid them in escaping!”

She tapped her forepaw nervously against Ash’s head, leaving the officers speechless. “They need to be kept under heavy supervision and separated from any outside help, especially Mimikyu. He’s very skilled in combat and very dangerous. Don’t underestimate them or else they’ll escape from under your noses.”

Officer Jenny smiled sheepishly while her subordinates followed her example. “We… we’ll take your advice into account.” She gestured for the two officers to move in. “Take them to the police station and guard them, take two Machamp with you, but leave the other two here. I may need them to safeguard the street.”

The officers saluted before cuffing the Rocket members while Machamp took away the Meowth and Mimikyu, escorting them deeper into the city.

Now free from their guarding duty, Ash’s pokemon approached their trainer, ignoring the aches and pains that came from the previous battle. The powerful strikes from Kartana didn’t seem to be healing anytime soon.

Nica returned to her previous spot on Ash’s shoulder, frowning. “If Astra were here, she would convince you to take those criminals way more seriously,” she muttered to herself.

Ash just stared in silence, still overwhelmed by Nica’s initiative. For a pokemon, she sure is very smart and can think for herself. Even during the battle with Mimikyu she didn’t rely too much on my support, not to mention she knows how to write. Her trainer must’ve put a lot of effort into raising her.

With officers removing the blockade and letting him pass, Ash walked forward, saving his strength. The noises of battle seemed to have been replaced with silence.

As he reached the edge of the town with Starlight by his side and his pokemon guarding him, he spotted two familiar figures, who immediately recognized him and ran over. “Lillie, Lana?” He blinked, his attention on the Alolan Vulpix and Popplio. “You got your pokemon back!”

“We did!” Lillie said as she hopped in happiness, holding her dear Snowy like a baby, nuzzling her affectionately. “Oh, how I have missed her, my cute little baby, my little fluffy puff.” She stopped cuddling her pokemon as her attention shifted to Starlight. “Twilight Sparkle brought our pokemon with her, and you must be the Starlight she mentioned.”

“I am, nice to meet you,” Starlight said, only for her head to be rubbed by the enthusiastic girl.

“You’re sooo cute. Do all ponies look as cute as you?” Lillie gushed, receiving no response as the unicorn simply rolled her eyes.

Lana spoke up, holding Popplio in a similar manner. “I see you rescued Ace, though he seems beaten up, same with Nica. You two really need to hit the Pokemon Center.”

“Oh, I’ll get Ace to the Pokemon Center, but not before I reunite with Astra and find Pikachu,” Nica declared as she looked at her numb forepaw, trying to move it. She winced in pain as it moved a little, already showing signs of recovery.

“I played a bit of a role in making it,” Starlight said, raising her head proudly, only to receive a cheek-scratch from Lillie. “I don’t know if I should enjoy it, or feel offended right now.”

<Just roll with it. Ear scratches and cuddling are great,> Ace commented, repeating himself with help of his telekinesis.

“What about Astra and Emily? How are they holding up?” Ash asked, feeling his heartbeat at a quick pace in his chest.

“They’re holding the line really well,” Lana commented.

“The beasts are outnumbered and outmatched.” Lillie looked at Starlight. “By the way, there was a pony with bandaged wing with them. I think it is something you should know.”

Starlight nodded. “Rainbow Dash. Was her wing injured? Commanding pokemon and battling pokemon is a dangerous business. Still super fun though.”

Lillie looked at Ash and showed him the most cheerful smile she could muster. “Also, I have great news that will make you happy. I noticed a Pikachu on one of the trainer’s shoulders. I believe it is yours.”

Ash gasped before smiling widely, so did Nica on his shoulder. With his heartbeat even faster and excitement rushing through his every bone, he ran forward, bypassing the girls as he finally reached the crossroads.

He stopped upon seeing a sight to behold: On one side a forest with a few staggered Ultra Beasts covered in burns and bruises while a substantial number of trees were smashed to pieces.

On the other side was a line of buildings. Some homes and infrastructure seemed to have received significant damage, like holes in walls or cracks in the asphalt, though luckily no house was set ablaze. Each house was empty as well, with the populace seemingly having ran for their lives.

He spotted two trainers, one with orange hair wearing armor and armed with shield and sword with a familiar Pikachu on her shoulder.

On the frontline on the damaged road in between the town and the forest stood a massive Hariyama, who took a defensive stance. Venusaur stood tall by his side with a dark Umbreon balanced atop the large flower.

Starmie and Scizor flanked the beasts from the right while using trees as a cover.

Lucario and Gliscor flanked the beasts from the left while balancing on a branch of a tree.

Blissey and Audino, known for their numerous appearances in Pokemon Centers stood by the trainer’s side protectively while the egg-like pokemon graced the injured trainer and pokemon with her life-energy. Audino had its hands spread aside, like a bodyguard ready to defend.

A siren-like pokemon Primarina kept his full attention on a man in a suit and his two companions, who stood on the verge between the forest and the beach in distance. He had difficulty telling who accompanied the majestic pokemon due to their small size, but he could tell he wasn’t alone.

Much to Ash’s disappointment, Lycanroc and Rowlet were nowhere to be seen, but the view of Pikachu alone proved enough to fill his heart with joy.

Not wasting a moment, he and his companions ran towards the trainers, yet before he could catch their attention, he caught rancid mutterings from the Team Rocket boss.

“So those incompetent fools failed after all. I didn’t expect much from them, but I hoped that at the very least their Mimikyu would be able to accomplish the mission,” Giovanni said as both Astra and Emily glanced at Ash.

“We told you they couldn’t be trusted,” Cassidy said.

“To be fair, that Mimikyu seemed to have potential. Pity he didn’t succeed in capturing Nica,” Butch said.

Rainbow Dash looked at Ash and commented, “So you’re the big shot I heard about. You don’t look nearly as cool as I imagined you.”

Pikachu and Nica looked at each other, so did Ash and Astra, yet no one dared to say a word.

Ninetales growled, unleashing ‘Flamethrower’ at Giovanni as Rhyperior jumped to his trainer’s defense, scattering the flames with a grunt.

Primarina spread his fins and sang from bottom of his lungs, bombarding the large rock/ground type pokemon with ‘Sparkling Aria,’ before knocking the big pokemon off his feet.

Ninetales jumped onto the roof, taking a sniping position to aid the formation that his trainer created, Torracat immediately joining his side.

“That’s enough!” Giovanni shouted, catching everyone’s attention. “Astra Longshot, daughter of Guardian Penny Longshot and General Jeremy Longshot. I want to offer you a deal.”

“A deal? Whatever it is, I refuse!” Astra responded with a firm shake of her hand while Emily’s armor and weapons now covered her body, her own destroyed and abandoned.

“Trust me Astra, it is an offer you can’t refuse,” Giovanni said as he took his hands out from his pockets, his expression serious and commanding. “Team Rocket is at the peak of its power and with your pokemon once again by your side, so is your organization. I want for us to settle this once and for all.”

Astra grit her teeth, taking a moment before taking a deep calming breath. “I’m listening.”

“I shall return to the Aether Foundation where Team Rocket will make its last stand. I expect that you and your fellow Guardians will prepare and attack us. Both sides will fight to the very end. Either Team Rocket will prevail and unleash the beasts on the world, or you’ll ruin us once and for all. All or nothing. Victory or defeat.” Giovanni glanced at Ash. “And if any Kahuna, Tapu, or any trainer that’s wasn’t part of your Guardians will try to approach the Aether Foundation, we’ll start executing our hostages, including Lusamine and her son Gladion.”

Lillie clenched her fists and yelled. “Don’t you dare hurt my brother and mother!” Her Vulpix growled, still in her arms.

Ash glared at the enemy leader with growing anger. What’s with Team Rocket threatening to kill hostages. This is getting out of hand.

“And what guarantee do I have that you won’t use the hostages against me? Why should I even let you go instead of just capturing you here and now and ending this?” Astra asked as she gestured at her pokemon. “You know we could rush you and prevent your retreat.”

“Do that, and all the hostages in the Aether Foundation will be executed,” Giovanni warned. “While I understand that you don’t want to trust me, as I would do the exact same if I were in your shoes, I can give you my word that hostages won’t be harmed if you do as I say. I may hate you, but I still respect you… unfortunately.”

He spread his hands, gesturing at his surroundings. “Here in Alola nearly ten years ago my assassins eliminated your parents while I ruined the Guardians. It is only fitting that this is where I’ll settle the score with their daughter and what's left of that organization. Will you have your vengeance, or will I triumph and spread Team Rocket’s influence with the help of the Ultra Beasts? I don’t care about anything else.”

“Release half of the hostages and I’ll comply,” Astra demanded. “Do it and you’ll have your final battle.”

Giovanni smirked. “This is the part I like about you. You know what you want and know how to achieve it. If you’ll come to my fortress with only your men, no tricks or disguised trainers, in return I will free Lusamine and half of the workers. Her son Gladion and the rest of the staff you’ll need to free yourself by defeating me.” He chuckled. “We are both born leaders. Let’s see which one will come out on top. I am looking forward to our deciding encounter.”

“I accept those terms, but don’t think you can hide from me behind your Ultra Beast. Without your titan, you can’t easily recruit more of them to blindly serve you. Once you’re defeated, no beast will respect or listen to you and your men anymore.”

“Hey!” Lillie shouted and stomped as her cheeks looked like balloons from annoyance. “You can’t use my family as bargaining chip!” She placed her hand on her chest. “Why can only Astra come when it is my family that you’re holding hostage?”

“I suppose I can allow the daughter of Miss Lusamine to fight my troops, but don’t cry to me when your untrained Vulpix dies in the crossfire. My men will not show you any mercy just because you’re a child.” Giovanni recalled his beasts and then turned his back to the female trainer. “See you at the Aether Foundation, Astra Longshot, and bring your best. I shall finish what I started ten years ago.