• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 1,993 Views, 321 Comments

A Little Adventure in Alola - CommanderX5

With Twilight being able to successfully create a portal back to Alola, it's time for the ponies to escort the summoned pokemon back to their homeland. However, when one adventure ends, another begins, one that just might be their last.

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A Little Adventure in Alola - Epilogue

A Little Adventure in Alola



Libraries; there was something about them that Twilight just couldn’t resist. It didn’t matter if the library was her home, nor did it matter if it was built in another world. In fact, learning about Alolan and pokemon culture from books in Alola was like reading about a completely new and fresh topic, one begging to be researched and discovered.

After walking up the wooden stairs and ignoring the confused glances from nearby people, most likely assuming she was a pokemon, Twilight settled in front of a square table, climbing up onto a chair. With a dozen books in her levitation, she placed them on a single pile before picking ‘Legends of Guardians and Kings’ as her first.

It didn’t take long before she shot a warm smile to her reading companions, a cute and enthusiastic Lillie who shared her love for books. She was a human she could forgive for calling her adorable and rubbing her mane and behind her ears. As for hugs, she didn’t mind them, it was a pony thing after all.

The other reading companion however was a special case. A descendant of former kings that once allied themselves with the Tapu, Acerola. One princess to another, their discussions about legends intrigued her. In fact, the books Acerola recommended mentioned the existence of two specific pokemon, one called Lunala which represented the moon, and one called Solgaleo which represented the sun. I hope Luna and Celestia are enjoying the copies of the books I send them. I’m certain they would love to meet those two legendary pokemon. In fact, I could start my own research about them. Twilight chuckled. With the Aether Foundation once again free and the traitor dealt with, it was only a matter of time before the research about Ultra Space and those legendary pokemon would recommence.

“Have you made up your mind?” Lillie asked.

“About what?” Twilight asked, not taking her gaze from the book before her.

“About taking a temporary spot as Kukui’s assistant,” Lillie answered. “He did mention that you have what it takes to become a professor.”

“I’ll pass,” Twilight said nonchalantly. “I’m already a diplomat between Equestria and Alola, and there’s still so much I need to learn, not to mention all my other responsibilities in Equestria.”

“As professor's assistant, you’ll get access to research about Ultra Space and legendary pokemon.”

Twilight’s wings shot open in excitement as she pressed her muzzle against Lillie’s nose. “Say no more, I’m in!”

Hala laughed cheerfully, towering over the athletic pegasus as he stood on the rounded area while other residents seemed busy repairing their homes, carrying wooden planks and other tools around for patching holes. Aside from a few pokemon providing their assistance, Pinkie Pie and Applejack aided the repair crew with their strength and enthusiasm… and cupcakes; one couldn’t forget about those.

Rainbow Dash stomped. “I am serious. I want to become a pokemon trainer! I already have some coaching experience.”

“Well, you’ll need to wait until repairs are done before we can organize a proper ceremony. I’ll prepare some pokemon for you to choose from by then,” Hala explained before looking at the sea on the horizon from the higher ground. “You’ll have a rival though. Starlight is already preparing herself for the journey.”

“Sounds great. Nothing motivates me better than a good rival. Make sure there’s a ‘Flying’ type among the pokemon to pick. I need it to keep up with me whenever I go to perform at Wonderbolt shows,” Rainbow Dash said as she stood on her rear hooves, poking the kahuna’s large belly.

“You mean like Rowlet?” the kahuna asked, only to receive a firm head-shake.

“Rowlet? You mean that green owl with a bowtie that sleeps all day? No thanks.”

“Sounds like you met Ash’s Rowlet. I assure you, not all are like that, though it is worth mentioning that Rowlet’s final evolution replaces the ‘Flying’ type with ‘Ghost.’

Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin. “Hmm… a ghost pokemon. It sounds kind of cool, but losing the ability to fly is a bit of a deal breaker.”

“Well, you can always capture a flying pokemon after the ceremony,” Hala suggested as Rainbow Dash flew up and backflipped in mid-air.

“Now that’s an idea I can get behind,” she said before looking around. “Where is Starlight by the way?”

“She’s with Ace,” Hala answered as the pegasus now hovered in front of his face.

“With Ace, why?”

“To pick up a Pichu in advance. She was impressed by Nica so much that she wants to raise a Raichu of her own, and Ace offered to give her recommendations from his family. I asked her to bring the Pichu for the ceremony and not start her adventure before then.”

“Getting a Pichu, why didn’t I think of that?” Dash said as she slammed her hooves together. “Oh well, I’d rather not be unoriginal. I may catch a Pichu during my adventure while I pick up someone else. Litten would be cool. That flaming cat really impressed me.”

Hala slapped his hand against Dash’s back enthusiastically, forcing her to land on the ground. “Now that’s the enthusiasm I like to see in new trainers. I’ll be looking forward to our first battle.” He laughed again as Dash took his example.

With Rowlet once again snuggled into his trainer’s backpack, alongside a couple of translating collars and Lycanroc safely tucked away into its pokeball, Ash gave his farewells to the local ponies and headed for the portal.

Growing impatient, Pikachu jumped from his shoulder and ran ahead, hoping it wasn't too late yet. Despite being together with his trainer these past few days, he felt something was missing. He actually missed the enthusiastic Raichu, much more than he expected. He had already said goodbye to many pokemon and people in his life, yet Nica felt somewhat special. The past days had made him realize how much he wanted for them to travel together.

He had made his final decision and he was planning to go on with it.

With the help of ‘Quick Attack’ he charged towards the portal, jumping into it with great speed and force. Before he could press paws against the floor in attempt to slow down, he felt his head slam into something soft.

Whatever he struck held its ground, stopping his speed in span of three seconds. With his feets once again on the floor, he touched the fur ahead, finding the fluff to be familiar for some reason. He took a few steps back and looked up, quickly met with Nica’s smiling face, who didn’t seem bothered resisting the force of his attack with her strong rear legs and durable belly.

“Surprise!” Nica shouted as she waved her paws enthusiastically. “When Starlight told me Ash was coming soon, I came here to wait for you. There’s so much I want to tell you about.”

Pikachu smiled, overwhelmed with joy. If Nica was here and in one piece, it meant that the retake of the Aether Foundation must have been a success. Now was his perfect opportunity!

“To our surprise, Giovanni actually kept his word. He freed half of the hostages after we arrived at the foundation, and after many hours of battling, we broke the frontline and challenged Giovanni. We barely beat him, and then freed all the hostages!” She danced, spinning and hopping from one bronze paw to the other. Pikachu had to scurry back and duck just to avoid her swinging tail. “It was amazing! Not only did this battle feel incredibly personal, a big victory that we worked for all those years, but it also felt incredibly meaningful. It made me soooo happy to finally beat them!”

Nica’s jumps became even more intense, her head close to hitting the ceiling.

Pikachu opened his mouth, but didn’t get the chance to speak.

“We saved Alola, we did it!” Nica stopped her dance, grabbed Pikachu’s forepaws and looked him in the eyes. “Are you proud of me? Please tell me you’re proud.”

Pikachu closed his eyes, deciding to go for it. Standing on a single foot, he pushed himself towards Nica’s lips, delivering a kiss. After withdrawing his lips, he said, “I am proud Nica, but what’s more important, I love you.”

The Raichu remained speechless, caught off guard as she just stared back into Pikachu’s eyes, only now noticing his overpowering, affectionate aura.

Ace sat on his tail, levitating next to Starlight as he watched a group of Pichu, all trying to impress the arriving unicorn.

His ears perked and an odd feeling overcame his very being.

He levitated towards the edge of the snowy cliff, ignoring the snowflakes that fell onto his body as he stared at the large body of water.

“What’s wrong?” Starlight asked as one of the Pichu was now sitting next to her horn.

I felt… a disturbance in the force, Ace said telepathically to the unicorn. As if a sunken ship has just transformed into a submarine, only to emerge in all its glory, ready to explore the deepest parts of the endless sea.

“You and your love for water and ships. I can hardly believe you’re not a water pokemon but an electric one,” Starlight teased.

Ace ignored the comment, staring at the horizon with happiness filling his heart. He couldn’t explain it, but something beautiful had just happened.

“You… love me?” Nica asked, only to receive a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I do!”

Nica held her forepaws together very close to her belly. “Are you sure? Wouldn’t you want to find a more attractive Pikachu instead?”


Nica pointed at herself. “You don’t mind that I’m a Raichu?”


“But… but what if our trainers go separate ways?” Nica asked.

“After what I told Ash about Astra, I can assure you, he’ll stick to her like a glue,” Pikachu said encouragingly.

Nica bit her bottom lip before smiling sheepishly. “I can imagine. Astra will be a bit angry though.”

“Come on, we can make it work,” Pikachu said as he walked closer and peacefully rested the side of his head on Nica’s white belly. “I understand she’s shy about it, but we shouldn’t beat around the bush.”

Nica rubbed her chin for a moment while embracing Pikachu with one forepaw. “Well... I have an idea how to make it work, but I’m not sure if Astra will go along with it. It will take a bit of convincing.”

“So we’ll convince her,” Pikachu said before spotting some sort of box wrapped in a yellow thunder-decorated ribbon. “What’s that?”

“Oh, a present for you.” Nica released her hero before approaching the box with a cheerful trot. “While we were preparing our attack on Aether Foundation to retake it, I found something I thought may be of use to you in the storage at the bunker. It was salvaged from the old base that Astra’s parents ran, but it works perfectly fine.”

Pikachu leaped forward before untying the present, quickly opening the box. He stretched his paws, gritting his teeth as he pulled out the metallic object. It seemed to fit onto a human’s arm while having some sort of hole in it. He presented it to the Raichu as his forepaws trembled due to its weight. “What is it for?”

“It was a device used to study evolutions.” Nica pointed at the hole. “You basically need to put an evolution stone in here, then press the button and touch the pokemon you want to evolve.”

“And?” Pikachu asked, tilting his head to the side.

Nica pointed at another button. While the other one was green, this one appeared to be blue. “Once you press the other button, you can touch the pokemon that this device evolved in order to de-evolve it. Thanks to this device, the scientists were able to evolve and de-evolve one pokemon countless times, and evolution would time out after a day or two anyway. They could observe changes caused by evolution as many times as they wanted. Pity that all the data was stolen or deleted in the end.”

Pikachu placed the device on the floor with a metallic thud, giving his little paws some rest. “And this can help me… wait… you don’t mean.”

Nica grinned. “Yes! With this device, you can evolve into a Raichu whenever you want.” She waved her forepaws in excitement. “You can use it before an important battle or before a dangerous adventure involving powerful legendary pokemon. You can see how much evolution affects you and get used to it. You can even develop a different fighting style for your long tail and switch in between. And most importantly, I can teach you all my best moves and you still can stay as a Pikachu. Everyone wins!”

Pikachu poked at the device, then looked at Nica. I swear, it is impossible to be bored with her around. She never fails to surprise me. With a quick jump, he wrapped his forepaws around Nica’s neck as he nuzzled her nose with his own, whose longer flexible tail took the shape of a heart.

“I knew you would like it, and I can’t believe you really returned my feelings. I… I can’t describe how happy I am!” She wrapped her forepaws and tail around Pikachu and closed her eyes as tears of joy began to well up.

“Not returning those feelings would have been the biggest mistake of my life,” Pikachu responded as he pressed his forepaws against Nica’s belly, withdrawing his head in order to nuzzle her nose with his own. “Now all that’s left is to tell Astra about your idea. Whatever it is, I have faith it will work.”

“I hope so! Now that I know you love me, I would hate if anything got in between us. It would break my… no… our hearts,” Nica said as she opened her watering eyes, taking a moment to calm herself. “All there’s left is hope Astra will approve of my idea. I wonder how she’ll react.”

“Sir,” Emily said as she walked into a spacious room, one with walls covered by maps of every region. Each was worn from time, with important little scribbles of crucial locations littered among them. The table in the middle also had a few maps next to a ream of paper filled with notes. Only a few days ago, she visited this ‘War Room’ as Astra was planning their attack on Giovanni. What could be so important to call her in again? “Is something happening, another emergency?”

“Nothing of the sort,” Astra said as she drew a line on the map, creating a patch between the starting point and the destination which ran through multiple gyms.

Upon closer inspection, Emily read a nearby note, one filled with data about… Ash’s pokemon, a big list of every single pokemon he had caught in the past three to four years. “Sir… what are you planning?”

Astra raised her head, now addressing her subordinate. “What does it look like? I am preparing a foolproof plan for how to help Ash win the closest tournament and beat the Elite Four.”

She paused, pointing at map of Alola. “I heard that Kukui planned on making a league in Alola, and I plan to share my wisdom and expertise to improve it, but there’s a big risk it won’t be taken seriously.”

“Meaning?” Emily asked.

“This league is new and just like with Orange Islands, it may not reach the standards of other leagues. With a lack of the powerful Elite Four to test trainer’s skills or no high standards to participate, the trainers that compete could be seen as nothing more than a joke. Every member of the Elite Four is many times stronger than a Champion of the Orange Islands, which is why it isn’t taken as seriously.”

“And you’re afraid that Alola League will not be taken seriously due to low standards and no powerful trainers to test if someone is worthy of the champion title?” Emily asked, receiving a nod of confirmation.

“Precisely. But even if becoming the Alolan Champion won’t be officially acknowledged, it will still be a good warm up. There’s one specific league where he may achieve victory and grow so much stronger.” She grabbed a list of Ash’s pokemon, examining it. “His method of replacing nearly his whole team with each region is extremely flawed considering his goal. If he wants to even participate in the Supreme Tournament, he must focus on training his best pokemon and helping them master their skills.”

“Seems like a tall order, considering that the Supreme Tournament will take place in a year and a half. Ash will have only have two chances to defeat the Elite Four and to become champion, or else he’ll need to wait five years for another opportunity,” Emily commented, receiving a panicked glance from her boss. “Or just one if the freshly made league in Alola won’t be officially acknowledged. Just like you said, It may share Orange Island’s fate if the Elite Four won’t prove it to be extremely strong.”

“Exactly, which is why I need to put in extra effort. If he wants to even have a chance to become the Pokemon Master, he must win the Supreme Tournament first,” Astra explained. “I shall accompany him to oversee his growth personally while Nica will do her best to keep Pikachu and his other pokemon in great shape. Failure is not an option!”

Emily looked around, taking a moment to consider what Astra had told her. She raised an eyebrow and said, “Sir, with all due respect, but do you realize what you’re doing?” With Astra’s attention on her, she continued, “You’re literally training a pokemon trainer to, forgive my language, kick your own ass and steal your title.”

“Yes, and your point is?” Astra asked with a clueless stare.

“N-nothing, Sir. I’ll provide any assistance you wish of me,” Emily said, deciding to play along. One thing was certain. From what she learned about Ash thus far, ironically, the only one who could help him become a Pokemon Master was the Pokemon Master herself. She could only hope he was up to the task.

Author's Note:

I would like to inform you all that aside form this epilogue, I have written a side-story called "Chu and the Storm" that takes place a few months in the future. Basically Nica and Pikachu visiting Equestria for Friendship Celebration and getting involved into "Storm King's" invasion.

Since this series hasn't been doing well, I think it is best time to end it, and aside this epilogue, this one-shot side-story will close this series for good (hopefully on a cool and enjoyable note).

As always, I am looking forward to your feedback. What you thought of "A little Adventure in Alola" and specifically this epilogue. Is this ending satisfying and what you enjoyed about it?

Also, I encourage you to check this one-shot sidestory. We put a lot of efforts into it and if you liked "Nica/Pikachu's relationship/shipping, I guarantee that it will be most enjoyable read.

Link - Chu and the Storm

Comments ( 22 )

I for one would be interested in a story about Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer as new pokemon trainers, and/or Twilight as Kukui's assistant. (Heck, Twilight could be the "professor" to the other two.) I do agree that the Nica stories have run their course, but you could still write about other parts of the 'verse.


I for one would be interested in a story about Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer as new pokemon trainers, and/or Twilight as Kukui's assistant. (Heck, Twilight could be the "professor" to the other two.) I do agree that the Nica stories have run their course, but you could still write about other parts of the 'verse.

Sorry, but I usually write whatever I fell inspired about. For example, this series started because I wanted to give birth to NIca, allowing Raichu and show this pokemon from a better light while also creating an adorable hard-working overly-humble character. I succeded. While the sequels didn't perform as well, it was still enjoyable to allow NIca and Pikachu meet and learn from each other.

Now with those goals accomplished, I can focus on my other stories. I still have tiny Twilight to write about, and also Fluttershy as pureblood vampony is a long overdo and should be finished already. I also need to finish Silver Spoon's story and I also got inspired to write story about young multi-tailed (non-pokemon) fox alongside RatedPonystar... so yeah.

However, if someone else would like to write about Starlight and Rainbow Dash having their jorney through Alola and Twilight being Kykui's assistant, I'll be more than happy to encourage it. I can even give some tips and pointers to whoever would be courageous enough to write it. As for Dash and Starlight's pokemon, if you'll read the one-side story "Chu and the Storm" that takes place a few months after this story (and close up this series), you'll learn what are their first pokemon, giving you a mental picture how their adventure was going thus far. (And maybe upvote and leave feedback on it. I don't want this one-shot sidestory to end up as failure, especially as it is meant to a proper "the end" to Nica's jorney.

Rainbow Dash needs a Turtwig so bad. Just for the Tank reference. Then again I can see Fluttershy getting a Chansey to help her do all the caring she does. Now I wonder how Astra will whip Ash into shap and prove he has the chops to be the best that ever was?

still feels like there's more story to be told here
and it shouldn't matter the ratings, write because you like it, not because it gets good ratings

Wow, what a series. I mean, what can I say, i am honestly at a loss for words about this! Just, while i am sad to see this series go, i am happy that you left the story on a high note, and even though you probably didn't mean to, I noticed that you left a lot of potential for sequels, whether or not their pony related is a different matter entirely. Like, you have Rainbow and Starlight, you got Ash and Astra, heck, their is even potential for a Professor Twilight fic. But either way, I am glad to have read this story, and I hope to see more from you soon... also, I wasn't kidding when I said I was at a loss for words, this took me like 10 minutes to write.


Rainbow Dash needs a Turtwig so bad. Just for the Tank reference.

Well, he'll get a normal/flying type and water type (which evolves into fairy/water). I suppose getting Grass type (that can evolve into Grass/ground) would be a nice addition to the team. He would need to travel to another region to get it though, and his current adventure is in Alola.


still feels like there's more story to be told here

That's why I uploaded "Chu and the Storm."
Check it up to see what happens a few months later. A result of Nica/Pikachu's relationship.

and it shouldn't matter the ratings, write because you like it, not because it gets good ratings

That's what I try to do, though I won't deny that rating (upvotes and downvotes) either motivates or discourage me significantly. After all, even if I write whenever something inspires me, there's not much point to write a story others won't enjoy. In any case, I need to focus on my other stories. There are some that I negleted for too long.

if it's to focus on other stories, say so
and it's not like you can't come back to this series and add more later

Well, the was a great ending for the good story.
I must that through the course of this story yout action part improved significantly.
Also I would wait for any type of story from you in future. Good luck!


Pity that all the dada was stolen or deleted in the end.”

Rip the dada... :scootangel:

Liked the series and story, too bad it's finished... Hope to see soon your next work

it would take 10,000 supercomputers calculating for 1,000,000 years to describe how satisfied i am with this chapter

Sad to see it end but thank you for the journey! I like the evolved machine!


Well, the was a great ending for the good story.
I must that through the course of this story yout action part improved significantly.
Also I would wait for any type of story from you in future. Good luck!

You do know that this isn't the ending. The sequel "Chu and the Storm" is the final ending for this series. You should check it out if you haven't yet.

Thanks, that was nice for you to say. On a side-note, did you read "Chu and the Storm" as well, or not yet?

Fixed, lol.


Sad to see it end but thank you for the journey! I like the evolved machine!

That evolving machine will allow Pikachu to turn into Raichu for short ammount of time, a perfect gift considering that it allow Pikachu to experience how it feels to be a Raichu without becoming one permanently. Not only it will allow Pikachu to turn into Raichu during dangeorus situations so he can protect everyone better, but it will also make Nica happy since she'll be able to share her fencing techniques. It is basically have a cake and eat it too.

I have not read 'Chu and the Storm' yet, but I am planning on it once I finish with the current fanfic I'm reading


You do know that this isn't the ending. The sequel "Chu and the Storm" is the final ending for this series. You should check it out if you haven't yet.

I know but I think it would more epilogue than ending.

While not the definitive end, this is quite the wrap up for this trilogy of stories set around my new favorite Raichu, Nica. This was a really fun read after my initial issues with the previous story. The action in this story was absolutely thrilling and it kept me guessing on what was gonna happen next. The fight with the giant ultra beast, the survival brawl against Giovanni (which loved the cameo by mah boy Guzma). And the characters felt so on point between Rainbow, Starlight, and Twilight too. Rainbow and Butch's interactions were absolutely hilarious too, especially with how desperate he was to have her on his team since she would actually say his name right. And the interactions between Ash and Nica were very cool and seeing the mash-up some of my faves of Ash's pokemon.

I suppose my only real negatives (which are totally nitpicky all things considered) were I didn't fully believe Pikachu wanting to be a raichu when talking with Astra. That kinda felt a little weird and out of character. I can't really explain why, could just be my bias, but I just didn't fully believe it. And the other is in the very last chapter with Astra deciding to help Ash and pointing out the flaws in his strategy. That one isn't really a flaw of the story just more of something I disagree with in how Ash works. I personally see that his goal to be a Pokemon Master is not exactly the same as Astra's based on how he acts and what the Master actually is as a title. I think Ash sees the Master title as being one who can be friends with any all Pokemon and command their respect (which is not something we've seen of Astra but that could just be the lack of focus outside of her central story arc but I digress) which doesn't jive well with Astra's position and fits more in line why he replaces his team every region (outside of the obvious marketing reasons).

But all in all, I really enjoyed this story and the entire series as a whole. I'm glad I took the time to read them all and that I got to interact so much with the author because the reviews I left. This story is infinitely memorable to me and before I end off this review, these stories inspire me to make a little purchase: cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/459904855629365269/667177202730795048/20200115_192059.jpg

Got a Nica and Ace of my own! Yeah I know the kanto Raichu is smaller, but it's hard to find larger plushies of Raichu. Anyway, I love this series of stories and I hope that someday, the adventures of Nica continue in one way or another.

I think vikavolt would be a good none legendary Pokemon for dash, legendary though latios/latias would be perfect for her

Since this series hasn't been doing well, I think it is best time to end it, and aside this epilogue, this one-shot side-story will close this series for good (hopefully on a cool and enjoyable note).


Thank you for the great storys you wrote. I liked them alot.

It's interesting looking back on this story, knowing what we do now about Pikachu having the Gigantimax ability. Meaning that even if they used a thunderstone on him, he wouldn't have evolved unless given the antidote to G-maxing. Pokemon lore is so crazy.

Estoy bastante complacido con la historia me lo he pasado genial aunque me quedan dudas con respecto que paso con Astra y Ash, se hicieron amigos, se volvieron maestro y estudiante, Astra lo siguió evitando o finalmente pudo dejar de lado su admiración y finalmente conocerlo por lo que es?, no leo aún chu and the storm pero cuando tenga tiempo me asegurare de darle un vistazo. Fuera de eso, muy buena historia!

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