• Published 18th Mar 2019
  • 1,093 Views, 8 Comments

Protector of Harmony: Rewrite - Aegis Spirit

A man shows up in Equestria after getting hit by lightning. Now must help the mane 6 to stop an evil from harming Equestria's inhabitants.

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Chapter 2: Hunted[Unedited]

I ran towards whoever needed help, along with my weapons. As the screaming grew closer, I recognized that it was from little girls, not only that, they sounded familiar. I had an idea who was screaming, but I needed to make sure it was them. The woods were dense, I had a hard time getting through. That didn’t stop me however, if I know someone is in need, I’ll be there to do whatever I can to help.

“Somepony help us!” I spotted who the voice belonged to, it was Apple Bloom. It wasn’t just her I saw, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell were with her as well. Only difference was that they were anthro versions of the ponies I know them as.

Apple Bloom’s fur bright yellow, and red colored main and tail, with a large pink bowtie on head, and had amber eyes. She wore a red t-shirt with a pink skirt.

Scootaloo’s fur was orange, had a messy mane and tail that was purple, and a pair of small wings, and had purple eyes. She had on a black leather jacket with wings on her back, with skinny black jeans.

Sweetie Bell’s fur was white, with a horn on her head and had blue eyes. She wore a short sleeve blue shirt with a white skirt.

I also noticed the cutie marks on their arms. They were all a shield, but Apple Bloom has an apple, Sweetie Bell had a harp note, and Scootaloo has a lighting bold in them. Huh, At least they’re the same in the show, besides them being anthro.

What came after sent a chill down my spine. The things chasing after them were a pair of wooden wolves with glowing green eyes. These were timberwolves. I remember they’re a creature that is completely made up of dead woods.

I needed to ambush those wolves because taking them head on was reckless. I pulled over my hoodie over so they would have a hard time seeing me the dark. With my bow staff ready, I hid behind a bush, waiting for an opening.

The girls passed me and the wolves were almost in his range. When they were, I jumped out of the bush and thrust my staff to the nearest timberwolf and sent it crashing against the other. I didn’t think I was strong enough to send them flying, maybe it was because of the I was a earth pony.The timberwolves ended up landing against a bark of a tree.

I turned around, and the Crusaders stopped and saw me. “Don’t stop, head towards the castle down this path!” I told them, figuring it was the safest place to be. The Crusaders nodded and did as told.

One of the timberwolves got back up got and leaped at me. Unfortunately for them, I adapted to my new body. I swung my staff from the right and knocked the wolf to the side. The other got up and pounced on me. I readied my staff and blocked the wolf, but fell on my back. The wolf was now on top of me, trying bit his head off. The first wolf got back up and made its way to the me. I shifted my leg and pushed the wolf on top me over and onto the other wolf. After getting back up, I readied to finish this fight.

“AHHH!” I heard the Crusaders scream, they must be in trouble. While I was distracted, one of the timberwolves clawed me on the right side of my lower rib cage. The other timberwolf went for the kill. I raised the tip of my staff and plunged it in the wolf's mouth. With that, I raised the timberwolf kabab and threw it against the other timberwolf.

Upon impact, the timberwolves broke into pieces and dissolve into dark green smoke. I quickly made my way to the Crusaders, though I can feel myself bleeding. Even so, I wasn’t one who would use pain as an excuse.

When I got there, the Crusaders were on top of my jeep near the bridge with another timberwolf trying to jump on it. “Hey, you want to harm them, you have to deal with me first!” I yelled, getting the timberwolf’s attention.

The Crusaders looked at me, and saw that I was bleeding through my cloths, unfortunately, the timberwolf also noticed as well. It focused on it’s new prey while the Crusaders chose to remain on the car scared. I had a plan for this timberwolf, something I learned from playing For Honor. I slowly walked over the edge of the cliff, waiting for the timberwolf to attack.

When the timberwolf was a few feet away away, it leaped at me. I raised my staff and braced for it. When the timber wolf jumped up, I lifted it up with the staff, putting my right back leg to support. I pushed the left side of my body up and the timberwolf tumbled off the cliff, plummeting to the bottom.

I felt the stinging pain on my rib increase. I had mentally suppressed it since I first got hit. I limped on the staff for support, placing my left hand on the wound. When I let go, I saw some blood on my hand.

“Mister, are ya alright?” Said a young texan accent. I turned and saw that Apple Bloom and the girls got down from my Jeep and walked over to me with concerned look on there faces. I was relieved they were safe.

“I’ll be fine, just need to get the first AID kit from my car” I said, I pulled out the first AID kit and was about to bandage myself up. That was until we heard something from the forest.

“Grrrr.” All of us heard a growl from the forest. “Wha...what was that?” Sweetie Bell asked, absolutely petrified. I put the first Aid in back into my backpack and readied my staff. The girls got behind me, waiting for what ever came out.

The trees started to shift and we heard steps coming towards us. Whatever was coming, it was big. “Girls get to the other side of the bridge.” I told them, knowing it would be safer on the other side.

“Okay.” said Apple Bloom. The Crusaders did as told, and made their way across the bridge. I stayed at the bridge entrance, he needed to know what I’m up against. What came out was a timberwolf, but this wasn’t like the other I fought. This was almost twice the size of the others, and looked way older than them.

(I do not own the image)

“What is that?” I asked out loud. I don’t remember this thing in the show.

“ALPHA TIMBERWOLF!” Yelled the Crusaders. The alpha made a howl that can be heard through out the Everfree Forest.

“Oh crud.” I mumbled to himself.

The Alpha sprinted sprinted forward. I turned around and headed towards the other side. I knew fighting that thing will be a one way fight. I reached the end of the bridge and turned around to see it stopped. Figures the bridge couldn’t handle the Alpha’s weight, but I was surprised it to realize that. I thought it was just another animal. Obviously I was wrong.

“Ha, what’s wrong sticks, afraid of bridges.” Taunted Scootaloo, seeing that we were safe. The Alpha growled and turned back toward the forest.

“I’m glad we’re safe.” Said Sweetie Bell, feeling relieved. I on the other hand, kept my guard up. That predator gave up way too easily.

“Thank you again for the rescue, um…” Said Apple Bloom, looking up at me. I took my eyes off the woods and looked at the the Crusaders.

Should tell them my human name, or my oc name. If I tell them my human name, they may be start asking questions and think I’m crazy or something. “My name is Aegis, Aegis Spirit.” I told them. I can tell them the truth later, at least until we get out of the forest.

“Nice to meet you Aegis, and where did you fight like that?” Asked Scootaloo.

I was about to answer, but stopped when my instinct told me something bad was going to happen. Last time this happened and people ignored me, I got stuck in a blizzard. I turned around and noticed the trees were shifting again, only faster than than before.

“Don’t tell me.” I mumbled to myself, fearing of what’s about to happen.

“What’s wrong.” Apple Bloom said, noticing my concern.

“Get to the castle.” said I, still watching the forest.

“Huh.” The Crusaders responded, not knowing what I meant. I turned to the Crusaders,

“Run to the castle NOW!” I yelled and we ran.

Just when I said that, the Alpha came out of the forest, sprinting full on. When it reached the edge, it leaped through air. It jumped about ten feet in the air, and barely reached the other side. The Alpha spotted us running to the castle gates and the it gave chase.

We were halfway to the castle entrance, but I knew the Alpha would get us before we make it. Making a decision, I stopped and readied for the fight of my life. I didn’t care if I was wounded, I just needs to hold the Alpha off long enough for the Crusaders to find safety.

The Alpha leaped at me, but I was ready for it. I dodged to the right, while thrusting the staff into the Alpha’s eye. The Alpha roared and backed up a little when it landed. I got back into a fighting stance, ready for the next attack.

The Crusaders made it to the castle entrance and turned around. They noticed that I stopped to face the Alpha Timberwolf. “Are ya crazy, get over here.” Yelled Apple Bloom.

“I can’t, the moment I try to run, it’ll tear us to bits. Just find someplace it can’t get to you.” I told them, knowing he may not get out of this fight alive.

The Alpha growled and turned towards it’s prey. I instantly noticed the eye I stabbed started putting itself together. That’s when I remembered that timberwolves can but themselves back together unless they’re dealt too much damage. The problem here is that I don’t think I have the force to break one almost two third the size of my car.

“But...” Said Sweetie Bell, who looked like she was about to cry, along with the others.

The Alpha made another attempt to snap at me, but I plunged to the right, barely dodging the attack. I rolled over and looked at the Crusaders, “GO!” I yelled, telling them that it was my final decision.

The Crusaders hesitated at first, but went inside the castle. I refocused my attention on the Alpha. The beast raised it’s left palm, bringing it down on me. I dodge to right, while striking the side of it. Unfortunately, it didn’t do enough damage as I would have liked, only cracked the Alpha's wood.

The Alpha sped to the right and raised it’s right paw to strike me. I raised my spear horizontally to block it, but I was sent flying across court yard. My back landed against a broken off wall. Luckily I still had my backpack on to soften the blow.

I went on my knees from the landing. Unfortunately, I dropped my staff when he hit the boulder, and the Alpha took advantage of it. I looked up and saw the Alpha making a jump at me. I quickly got on my feet and rolled underneath the Alpha. The Alpha’s head met the boulder head on, and was stunned.

I got back up and drew out his tonfas from my backpack. I held them like a hammer. I figured could do more damage hitting the Alpha with a hammer.

The Alpha turned around and attacked me with it’s jaws. I barley dodged to the right, and brought my tonfa down on it’s side. Thanks to the force of it, I managed to break a good chunk of wood off the Alpha, but I knew it would only be a matter of time before it’s put back together.

The Alpha however, was not phased by this, and quickly swung it’s right paw at me. I brought up my tonfas up to block the attack. What I didn’t expect was the Alpha swiftly jump to the left, during the attack.

I tried to dodge it, but the Alpha struck my left arm. I looked at my arm and noticed blood dripping out of it. The Alpha stepped back a little with some of the wood floating towards it. The fight was getting worse, I starting to tire out and the Alpha was getting smarter.

I took this moment to glance towards the castle. “Sorry girls, I won’t be able to delay it much longer.” I Said, knowing I wasn’t go last the night. He next glanced at the night sky, thinking of my family, “Everyone, I’m sorry.” I moaned, wondering the pain my family must be going through without me in their lives.

The Alpha finished repairing itself and snarled at me. He looked over at the beast, ready to fight. I held both my tonfas in my left hand, while reaching for his phone to pick out a song, because I figured, ‘If I’m going to die, might as well as listen to some music.’ “If you think I’ll go down easy, think again.” I told it, while tapping on one of my favorite song for the fight. I was at least going to make the Alpha work for it’s meal.

Music - The Last Fight by Bullet For My Valentine

The Alpha and I charged each other. The Alpha swiped it’s paw at my legs. I jumped over it, and hammered the Alpha in the nose. It attempted to bite me, but I countered it with pounding it in it’s lower jaw. It then attempted to bodyslam me, but I rolled on my back to avoid the attack. I got back up, and charged it again.

The Alpha made another attempt to snap at me. I quickly moved to the left, striking the Alpha’s head, but the Alpha managed to scrape the left side of my stomach. It didn’t stop me, I still had some fight left. I slid beside it, striking the Alphas’s frontal joint leg and breaking it off. I tried continuing the attack, but the Alpha swung it’s tail to my face. I ducked under it at the last second, but the Alpha kicked me in the face with it’s back paw. He was sent to a couple inch in the air, tumbling on the ground, and losing my tonfas landed away from him. I yelled in pain, feeling the gash on my face, and it hurt like hell.

The song ended, and the wolf started repairing itself again. I looked back up, but the blood from my wound covered my left eye. I tried to stand back up, but my muscles wouldn’t listen to me. The Alpha finished repairing itself again, and made it’s way to claim it’s meal. I took out my knife for one last act of defiance.

“AEGIS!” yelled a tomboyish voice. The Alpha and I looked over to the castle entrance, seeing Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

I was beyond shocked, I just risked myself to make sure they were safe. ‘Why did they come back’ I thought, trying to think of a reason. I also noticed Sweetie Bell wasn’t among them.

All the Alpha saw was more prey. The Alpha looked at me once more, but decided to chase the girls before they could get away again.

“AHH!” Screamed the girls, running back inside.

“NO!” I yelled, hoping against hope I could stop the beast before it reaches the girls. Instinctively, I reached out with my right hand, praying I could stop it from hurting the girls.

What happened next was something I wasn’t expect. A aura of green light formed around my arm and created a dark emerald green gauntlet. It looked like it had a After that, a blast of air bursted out of my palm like a cannon, heading straight towards the Alpha at the entrance. The Alpha noticed it, but couldn’t do anything in time. When the blast hit, the Alpha was sent flying in two large pieces, tumbling across the castle yawn.

The glove glowed and faded into the air. I looked at my hand, seeing that it was back to normal. “What was that.” I said to himself, having no idea what happened. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came out, and saw what was left of the Alpha Timberwolf.

“Wow.” Said Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They turned seeing me on the ground, and ran over by his side.

“Are you okay Aegis, and how did you do that?” Asked Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, whatever you did, it was awesome!” Exclaimed Scootaloo.

I looked at the Crusaders without an answer. “I honestly don’t know, I’ve never done that before. Anyway, where’s your friend?” I said, carefully making sure I didn’t mention that I know of them when they haven’t introduced themselves.

“Sweetie Bell? She’s inside waiting for us.” Answered Apple Bloom. I was going to ask them why they came back, even though I probably wouldn’t like the answer. but my instinct started warning my again. I looked at the Alpha Timberwolf’s remain’s, and didn’t like what I saw.

It started putting itself back together again. The girls also notice it and gasped. “We need to get back inside, we have a plan.” Said AppleBloom pointing at the door.

"A plan?” I asked, wondering what it was.

“Yeah, it’s why we came back to get you.” Said Scootaloo.

“Okay lets go.” I said, even though I wasn’t happy they risked their lives for me, but I couldn’t blame them, since I would have done the same.

The Alpha Timberwolf was bringing it’s pieces together slowly, but would just be a matter of time before it attacks again. I was thinking I should try to finish it off, but I was too injured try. So I figure I would see what the Crusaders had in mind.

We went inside the ruined castle and took a passageway, but I was having some difficulty walking. I was covering my eye wound with my left hand, while my other hand covered my stomach.

“How far to Sweetie Bell?” I asked weakly, because of my blood lost.

“We’re almost there.” Said Scootaloo, but I could see she and Apple Bloom were worried, seeing to blood slowly drip from my body.

We turned a corner and saw Sweetie Bell waiting for us down the hall. “There you guy’s are, I was worried about…OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OK!” She asked, looking at my injuries. I could feel the pain I have from my wounds.

“For now, but what’s this plan you all have?” I asked, not sure what could be used to stop that beast.

“There’s a trap door underneath you and the trigger is right next to me. We can trap the Alpha Timberwolf with it. We found it by accident, luckily Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were in front of me when I stepped on it. I also heard it from my sister when she and Fluttershy fell in it one time.” Sweetie Bell explained.

I was impress, I forgot that the old castle had trap doors, but then I recalled that Rarity and Fluttershy got out when Fluttershy pulled a handle through a hole. “If you heard it from your sister, how did she get out. If so, wouldn’t the Timberwolf get out the same way.” I asked, pretending ignorance.

“Don’t worry, my sister told me that there was a hole you put your hand through on one of the walls. It’s about the size of your arm, so I think the Alpha Timberwolf is too big to put it’s paw through.” She responded.

I look down at the trigger panel, this was probably the best plan they have at the moment, even if it’s the only plan we have. “Yup, now all we have to do is lure it towards us.” Said Apple Bloom, trying to think of a way.

I already came up of a way for it to follow us. “I already know of a way. It’s a predator, it’ll follow the trail of blood I left behind.” I said, but noticed the Crusaders frowned. Not because of the beast, but of how much blood I lost.

Just as I said that, a growl came from the end of the hallway. We turned around and saw that the Alpha caught to us sooner than expected. “Girls, slowly back away, I’ll trigger the trap.” I said, making sure the Alpha doesn’t get close to them. The girls nodded and stepped back.

I walked over towards the trigger, setting my right foot next to it and readied my knife, making it think I was going to fight it. The Alpha sprinted towards us at high speed. I had to time it just right, too soon and it’ll stop, too late and I’m dog food. When the Alpha reached the trap floor, I stepped on the trigger. The floor underneath the Alpha, and it fell in.

I was about to release the trigger, but the Alpha’s head quickly came out of the opening, grabbing my jeans and pulling me. I landed on my back, dropping my knife and was dragged in. The trap floor closed behind me and I ended up on the Alpha’s back.

“Aegis!” Yelled the Crusaders.

It became a rodeo in the trap room. The Alpha was trying to get me off it’s back by jumping and slamming me against the ceiling. I held on for dear life, even though I could feel my wounds widening.

Right before my back hit the ceiling again, the trap floor opened up again, and I let go. I crashed on the floor barley conscious. The Alpha didn’t realize the trap floor opened again, and before it try to jump out, the floor closed again.

“We did it. We trapped the Alpha.” Scootaloo exclaimed in triumph.

“Yeah now we just have to...” Sweetie Bell was about to finish when she noticed me lying on the floor.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders ran by my side to to if I was alright. They could tell he was still breathing, but was loosing a lot of blood. “What do we do?” Asked Scootaloo, worried about my injuries. I tried to talk, but I could barely stay awake.

They thought for a moment until Apple Bloom remembered something.“The first AID in his back pack.” She said. The unzipped his backpack and brought out the first AID. I heard what they were saying, but my mind started fading to black.

Third Person

Meanwhile in a dark cave. “Is everything ready ready” Asked a shadowy figure with a demonic voice.

“Yes master, everything is prepared for our attack.” Answered a huge, single eye goat in black armor.

The dark figure grew a sinister smile, “Good, but remember, if you fail I will not hesitate putting you back in the grave I found you in.”

The goat gulped and nodded. “Of course master, the corrupted diamond dogs, corrupted minotaur and I will head out momentarily.” The figure turned it’s red gaze on his diamond dogs.

“Make sure that you do while I go pay a visit to an…old acquaintance.” The ram left to join his minions. He started fading into nothingness, but stopped when he sensed a faint wave of magical power. “Strange, what was that power, it felt familiar. Hm, it doesn’t matter.” The shadow began to fade. “This time, that knight will know true despair for what’s he done all those years ago.”