• Published 18th Mar 2019
  • 1,092 Views, 8 Comments

Protector of Harmony: Rewrite - Aegis Spirit

A man shows up in Equestria after getting hit by lightning. Now must help the mane 6 to stop an evil from harming Equestria's inhabitants.

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Chapter 6: Rage Unchained and Acceptance Reborn[Unedited]

Everyone, including Arimaspi was completely shocked at what I’ve become. I was breathing heavily and shaking every few seconds from the rage. I’ve been angry before, but it feels like I just want to attack and destroy everything around me, both friend and foe. My will is the only thing preventing me from going completely berserk.

“Wh...what did he do.” Asked Applejack.

“He sacrificed himself for us.” Said Rainbow Dash said staring at me.

Fluttershy turned to Twilight with a concerned look. “Twilight, is he ok?” She asked Twilight.

It took Twilight a moment to respond, staring at me “I...I’m not sure, I’ve never seen anything like that before.” She answered. I looked at them and they all had a look of fear.

Arimaspi grew a wicked smile. “Hahahaha, I didn’t think he was that stupid. I never imagine somepony would corrupt himself willingly, especially with more than one demonsite. Well, I’m sure master will be interested in him when he returns. As for you all.” Said Arimaspi, looking at his hostages.

“Since he absorbed all the remaining demonsites, master will have to figure out what to do with you.” Explained Arimaspi. They all tried to break the guards hold one more time, but to no avail.

“Take them away.” Arimaspi ordered. I wasn’t about to let my friends be taken and focused all my anger on one person. Someone that needs to be hurt. With my strength increased, I leaped at Arimaspi and clawed him across the chest. Everyone stopped the moment I landed.

Arimaspi checked his chest and sees that it was bleeding, then looked at me. I was on both of my feet and hands, like a savage beast.

“I...I don’t understand, your supposed to be under my command, uh, why isn’t this thing working.” Arimaspi said, holding onto the Alicorn Amulet. The goat looks around to see all the possessed diamond dogs.

“What are you just standing there for? Get him!” He ordered. All the possessed diamond dog charged at me, including the ones that were holding the ponies and Spike.

I turned toward the diamond dogs, and gave a demonic glare at them. They all stopped in absolute fear, and Arimaspi dropped his mouth open in disbelief. The ponies, no longer being held down, just watched in fear at what I’ve done.

I turned my sight on Arimaspi, who had an enraged look on his face. “You want something done right, you do it yourself.” He muttered to himself, as he prepared himself to charge.

I reached down to the side of my pocket on instinct and suddenly music started playing. I didn’t know why I did it, it was almost like my instinct has taken complete control over me.

Music-Monster by Skillet

Everyone didn’t know where the music was coming from, but Arimaspi just ignored it and charged.

I charged as well. When we were close to each other, Arimaspi Swiped his arm from his right, while I made a leap at his face with my claw pointing out.

The goat saw how close I was to his face and quickly smacked me out of the way, but not before I clawed Arimaspi’s left shoulder. Arimaspi hit the wall while I slid across the ground.

We turned to face each other and I charged again. Arimaspi noticed two large rock beside him and lifted one of them. I made another jump at the goat, only for Arimaspi to throw one of the rocks at my left fore leg. A large crack could be heard across the room from my leg breaking as I flipped over in mid air. The second rock was directed at my chest, but I instinctively brought my right arm in front and blocked it.

Unfortunately, it ended up exactly like my leg. I was pushed back from the impacted and tumbled on the ground. My leg and arm where broken from the rock. The pain was terrible, but my only thought was attacking Arimaspi

“AEGIS SPIRIT!” yelled everyone.

“Hahaha, even with eight corruption parasites in you, you stand no chance.” Arimaspi gloated. The ponies tried to rush over to over, but the possessed diamond dogs, got in their way. “Out of the way mutts!” Rainbow Dash demanded. The diamond dogs walked forward and surrounded the girls and Spike.

I noticed this and got even angrier, letting out a roar.

Rrrrraaaaa!” Everyone turned their attention to me. I could feel my broken arm and leg put itself back together. After that, I could feel something forming again on my back and arms. Six bone tubes came out of my back, with three on each side. My arms grew tubes out of them as well.

“He wasn’t fully transformed!” Said Arimaspi in surprise. Everyone was shocked to my new appearance.

"Rrrrraaaa!" I lets out another roar, this time, massive amounts of air came out of all the tubes, blowing away all the dust behind him.

Arimaspi snapped out of his shock and prepared to charge again. Suddenly, huge amounts of air came out of my tubes and I was propelled at Arimaspi’s head like a living rocket.

Before the goat could react, I grabbed his horns and thrusted my knee in Arimaspi’s muzzle. Arimaspi lost his balance from the hit and leaned back. I fired my tubes again, slamming Arimaspi’s head into the ground full force.

Arimaspi was pinned to the ground as I started pummeling him multiple times with the increased force from the air coming out of my tubes in my arms.

Rrrrraaaaa!” I let out a roar before driving both my arms at the goat’s face, slightly burying him into the ground.

The song ended when Arimaspi was knocked unconscious from final blow. I slowly got up from him and turned my gaze on the ponies and Spike. They all huddle together, preparing for what I’ll do.

“Um...Aegis Spirit.” Said Fluttershy, behind everyone else in fear.

I walked over to the ponies with prepared to harm them, but stopped halfway. I used all my will power to hold myself back. I hold my head with fell down onto my knees. I slowly lifted my head up and looked at Everyone else.

L...Leave.” I said in a crooked voice. Everyone’s eyes opened wide when I talked, they probably assumed I couldn’t talk because of what I became.

“Huh?” Asked Twilight in disbelief.

Leave…please…I can’t hold it back much longer.” I said, glancing over at the possessed diamond dogs, who moved away from the exit.

“What about you, we can’t possibly leave you like this.” Starlight Said.

I looked down at the ground. “Please, don’t risk yourselves for a monster like me.” I told them. I looked up at them, but this time, my eyes were crying. I was begging them to leave before I lose control. If I harmed an innocent person, I would never forgive myself, not again.

“Don’t say that!” Said a young cowgirl’s voice.

We all turned to the source of the voice, and everyone else gasped. It was Apple Bloom, along with Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo. Big Mac and Rover came up behind them.

Rarity looked at the Crusaders sternly. “What in Celestia’s name are you three here!?” She asked in disbelief.

“Well, after we made sure Granny Smith was ok, we came here to help.” Apple Bloom explained.

Applejack sighed looking down. Rover walked up behind them. “We heard roaring from the surface and the little ponies came running.” Said rover.

Applejack looked towards Big Mac. “They got by before you could stop them?” She said to Big Mac.

“Yup.” He was his only response.

The Crusaders, Big Mac and Rover looked towards me in worry, while I was still on my knees.

Scootaloo spoke up. “But what happened to Aegis.” She asked. Before Twilight could speak, Pinkie interrupted.

“That big mean goat tried to turn us like that, but Aegis got in the way, and beat him up.” She said.

Twilight followed her up. “Yes, but Aegis is still somewhat in control, and we have to help him.” She said.

I could feel myself losing control of again, like my anger was trying to break out. “No, you all need to leave. Please, I don’t want to hurt anyone out of rage. My anger does nothing but harm those around me.” I told them crying.

Sweetie Bell turned to me. “No, you helped us when we needed it most, now it’s our turn.” She said in conviction.

“That’s right, you saved us from the alpha timberwolf last night, even when you were hurt.” Said Scootaloo. Everyone looked at the Crusaders in shock. I left out the part that the last timberwolf was an alpha.

“We heard you save Miss. Cheerilee when that diamond dog went after her.” Said Sweetie Bell.

“And you turned all the ponies back to normal, including ma big brother and big sister.” Said Apple Bloom, looking at Applejack and Big Mac.

“Yeah, you even took a hit protecting Fluttershy, that makes you anything but a monster.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Indeed, you put our need before your own dear.” Said Rarity

“We don’t know why you think your a monster Aegis, but we can help you.” Said Starlight.

“Right, a real monster would never care for others like that you Aegis. Anypony can be angry Aegis, it’s a part of who we are. Just because you feel anger doesn’t mean your a bad pony.” Said Twilight.

Apple Bloom then spoke up one more time. “That’s right Aegis. Your not a monster Aegis, your a hero.”

All I could do was freeze when they said those things about me. I slowly formed a sincere smile on his face, feeling the rage subside. They were right, even when I made mistakes by letting my anger out, it was just a part of me, not what I am. I’ve been keeping everyone away from me to protect them, but the only one that still ended up hurt was myself. By believing I was nothing more than just a beast that needed to be locked away, I ignored some of the best parts of me.

“Hahaha, don’t be ridicules.” Said a voice behind me. We looked at the voice and it was Arimaspi with his face severely bruised.

“You think you can turn him back with such…pathetic words. Please, the demonsite gets it’s power from the host’s darkest emotions. Emotions creatures try to keep inside, but can never get rid of. With eight of them inside him, he is nothing more than a loose beast!” He yelled.

I’ll admit he’s partially right about me, but he wrong about one thing. I slowly stood up and faced Arimaspi. “You’re right Arimaspi, my anger will always be in me.” I said, everyone looked at me. “But your mistaken about one thing Arimaspi.” I added.

“Oh and what’s that?” The goat asked curiously.

That there’s something else in me. Something I neglected to keep my rage in check. Something far stronger than my rage.” I said.

At that moment, the bones surrounding my body started to crack, and the green aura seeped out. The demonsites started to come out of my body. Everyone looked at me in shock.

My will to help and protect others, no matter what!” I yelled. The green aura bursts around my body. The crystals absorb the aura, but they quickly start to overload and shattered to pieces.

A bright light surrounded me and temporally blinded everyone else. When the light faded away, everyone looked at me in shock.

I was no longer covered by darkness, but in a knight like armor instead. The armor was green that completely covered me, while my clothed hoody was grey. My helmet was of medieval knight design with two dark brown glowing visors. On the chest of my armor was my cutie mark. My gauntlet had extra armor that looked like wolves head. My right one was white, while my left was black.

(Looks something like this, I do not own the image.)

I turned around and looked at everyone. “Everypony, Thank you all for believing in me.” He said to them. Everyone was in awe by my sudden change, all except the diamond dogs, and Arimaspi.

Arimaspi looked liked he’s just seen a ghost, but then put on an enraged expression.

“Where did get that armor!?” He said grudgingly. The large humanoid goat then charged at the me. I turned toward him and raised my left palm up on instinct.

“WHERE DID YOU GET THAT ARMOR!” He yelled in rage. Suddenly, the mouth of my wolf gauntlet opened up, and a strong wind blast came out of it.

Arimaspi was stopped in his tracks from the wind, barely standing his ground. I raises his right hand with the wolf gauntlet mouth closed and air started get absorbed into my gauntlet. The air stopped getting absorbed in my left arm.

Arimaspi looked up and I thrusted my right hand in the air. A wind blast three times stronger than the first, sending Arimaspi crashing through the wall. Everyone just looked with their mouths opened as I overpower the mad goat with my ability.

The diamond dogs snapped out of their shock and charged at me. My right hand started to grow green. I charged my gauntlets, and sent out another blast. The green aura flowed with the wind. At least one third of the diamond dogs were blown away. The others tried to get me into a pincer attack. I blasted my arms to the ground and flew upward above them. I charged both my gauntlets and unleashed an air blast at the remaining diamond dogs. They were all sent backward from the impact. The demonsites in each of the diamond dogs flowed out of their chests and vanished.

The diamond dogs reverted back to normal and Rover ran over to two of them. Unlike before, all the diamond dogs regained consciousness after a few seconds.

“Fido! Spot!” Yelled Rover dog pilling on them. Everyone else came up to me.

“Aegis, that was awesome!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

“Dear, where in Equestria did you get that armor, the design it’s…it's...fabulous.” Rarity said in excitement.

"Yeah, you look like a super hero." Said Pinkie Pie.

“Not only that, how did you use magic?” Twilight asked questionably.

I looked down through my visor at his armor. “I don’t know, but for some reason, it feels familiar to me, almost like second nature to me.” I explained.

Suddenly, we heard rocks crumbling from the hole Arimaspi was in. We turn their attention to the hole to see Arimaspi getting up. The goat looks at us in anger.

“I didn’t think I’ll have to use the power my master gave me.” He said holding onto the Alicorn Amulet. “Through the corrupt sin that lurks in all beings hearts, grant me the power of Greed!” Arimaspi chanted.

The Alicorn Amulet grew dark orange and an aura surrounded Arimaspi. When it faded, Arimaspi’s armor and fur turned dark orange, a dark orange aura flows out of his eye. “Haha, lets see how your Soul Armor handles against the power of Greed, PONY!” Arimaspi yelled.

We were shocked by Arimaspi’s new appearance. The diamond dogs got ready with ferociousness in their eyes.

“Alright boys, let show this goat what happens when you try to tame the diamond dogs.” Said Rover to the rest of the diamond dogs. All of the diamond dogs rushed to attack Arimaspi, while I charged my gauntlet.

The mad goat only grew a sinister smile. He raised his right hand up and chunks of the ground suddenly lifted themselves up under the diamond dogs. They were pushed up form the ground and became trapped in the ceiling.

Arimaspi looked at me and the others, and chunks of debris of rubble were thrown at us. We attempted to dodge the rocks. I was able to deflect most of the rock with my air blast, and was able to dodge them, but everyone else was caught and pinned against the wall, the rocks covered most of their bodies. Twilight tried to use her magic, but pieces of rocks completely covered her horn, my guess surpassing her magic. The same with Rarity, and Starlight Glimmer, while Rainbow Dashes wings were covered in rubble.

“Let them go, Arimaspi!” I yelled as I charged my gauntlets. Arimaspi simply scoffed at me and swung his left arm.

Rocks came of wall and headed straight towards me. I both thrusted both my arms forward and blasted myself out of the way.

When I landed and glanced to the rocks that were thrown, and noticed metal minerals in the rocks as granite fell off. That’s when I realized what Arimaspi’s ability was.

“It’s not the rocks your manipulating, it’s the metal inside them. You can control magnetism.” I said. “Clever figuring it out, but it won’t stop me from crushing you.” Said Arimaspi with a mad grin.

I sent a blast of air at Arimaspi, but the goat lifted his arm and a floating metal wall covered in dirt rose from the ground. The wall blocked the blast, but I noticed Arimaspi got pushed back. He was using magnetism for both offense and defense purposes. I looked at my gauntlets and wondered how much compresses air it can hold.

I glanced over at everyone else trapped. Luckily, their arms are still free. “Everypony, cover your ears, I have an idea.” I told them. They all covered their ears as told.

I started absorbing the air surrounding me and compress it in my right arm.

Arimaspi took notice of this, and multiple pieces of metal headed towards me. I dodged to left, but Arimaspi caused the ground to lift under me. I jumped off it right before I made contact to the ceiling.

Arimaspi magnetized the metal pieces to move after me while I was in the air. I used the air in my left gauntlet to blast myself out of the way, while still absorbing air in my right one. I managed to dodge the metals and blasted myself towards Arimaspi.

“Let’s see how you magnetism handles the wind...” I said descending down. Arimaspi clapped his hands together, and multiple metal shards came out from the walls in the cavern. I used the last of the air in my left gauntlet to blast downward and landed in front of Arimaspi. The goat quick brought the magnetized metals shards in front of him, creating a floating shield between him and me. “Going MACH 1!” I yelled.

With that, I punched the shield upward, sending out a concentrated hurricane in front of Arimaspi. A large booming sound could be heard across the tunnels with the sound barrier breaking. The shield was pushed against Arimaspi and he was sent flying against the wall. While this was happening, massive amounts of the green aura in me flowed out of my arm and made it’s way into Arimaspi’s amulet, causing the crystal in the middle to crack.

3rd POV

Meanwhile on the surface, the freed ponies were waiting for the everyone to return. They notice a platoon the Royal guards coming. Unlike the other guards, the one leading them was a pegasus with a light orange coat wearing grey armor. When they arrived, said guard came up to them.

“I’m Commander Flash Magnus. Is this everypony that was captured?” Asked Flash Magnus.

Bon Bon walked up to the Commander. “Almost, but Princess Twilight and her friends are still down there.” She told him. Flash Magnus turned around to his troops. “A third of you stay here, the rest will...huh?” Flash Magnus stopped talking the when he felt the ground shaking under his hooves.

Suddenly the ground erupted near them. They saw rubble being blown away from the ground and heard screaming from Arimaspi being blasted off toward the sky and disappeared.

“Um sir, what that a large goat blasting off?” Asked one of the guards.


Back underground, I stood in front of the tunnel I blasted through. The magnetic metals holding everyone lost their charge and fell down releasing them.

I turned around and my armor dissipate into the air. “Are you all alright?” I asked them.

“I think so, beside the humming in our ears, we’re fine.” Said Twilight. The diamond dogs had it worse with they’re enhanced hearing. Despite this, they were no longer in danger

I grew a smile on his face, but felt extremely weak after unleashing that large blast on Arimaspi. “Sorry about that, it was the onl....” I didn’t finished as my consciousness started to fade and fell down.

I felt someone catch me before I hit the ground. “Oh my gosh, is he alright?” Fluttershy.

“He’s just asleep, but we need to get him out of here.” Twilight said. “Then let hurry.” I heard Rainbow said..

“Princess Twilight, are you down there?” Someone yelled from the surface. “Yes, we’re coming out.” Twilight yelled back. After that, I completely lost consciousness.
3rd POV

Hours later, on a mountain on the Badlands. Arimaspi climbed out of a crater bleeding. He started grinning in anger at what the armored pony did to him.

“That cursed pony, the next time I see him, I’ll...” Arimaspi didn’t finish as a dark shadow interrupted him.

Arimaspi.” Said a demonic voice.

Arimaspi’s anger turned to horror as he slowly turns around. “Ma...Master!” Yelled Arimaspi. The shadow began closing in the the terrified goat.

Tell me, where are the ponies you were supposed to corrupt?” The shadow asked in anger.

“Wa...wait, please master, I can explain!” The Shadow reached inside of Arimaspi’s chest. He started pulling out what looks like a astral version of Arimaspi, his soul.

Please, I am very interested in your excuse.” Said the Shadow he slowly pulls.

“It was the pony, a pony immune to the demonsites!” Arimaspi pleaded.

The shadow stopped pulling out Arimaspi’s soul, but still held onto it. “Go on.” The shadow said squinting it’s crimson eyes.

“I was about to corrupt the ponies, but the other one took in all the remaining demonsites.” Arimaspi began explaining.

The pony absorbed all the demonsites by choice?” Asked the shadow in surprise.

“Yes, but he resisted the amulets influence.” Answered Arimaspi.

What was the pony’s form from his sin?” Asked the shadow.

“The form of his sin is like that of a raging beast with bone armor.” Said Arimaspi.

The shadow sighs, knowing why it didn’t work. “Then it wouldn’t have work on him, the amulet you have can only control those whose heart are corrupted by the sin of greed. It’s why I sent you to the diamond dogs. What happened next?” Said the shadow.

“After beating me to a pulp, the ponies somehow managed talk their friend out his anger, and he destroyed the demonsites in him. Not only that, he used Soul Armor.” Arimaspi explained further.

The moment he said however, the area darkened in shadows, as the crimson in the shadow’s eyes grew redder. “WHAT?! Impossible, the power of creating Soul Armor was lost long ago. How could a mere pony possess such a thing?” The shadow yelled in rage.

Arimaspi panicked, seeing his master enraged. “I don’t know master, I tried to use the power of the Alicorn Amulet you gave me, but I was overwhelmed, and the amulet was damaged.” Arimaspi said holding out the broken amulet.

The shadow looked at the amulet in question. “The power of a soul armor couldn’t damage the Alicorn Amulet. Unless...” The shadow stopped talking and looked at Arimaspi.

Very well Arimaspi, you can keep you life, for now.” The shadow said, releasing Arimaspi’s soul.

“Thank you master, but what do we do now?” Arimaspi asked in gratefulness, but mostly fear. The shadow looked toward the distance of the mountains.

Find Ahuizotl, tell him to prepare the harvester. I know of another way into this world. Oh, and don’t forget about the curse I placed in you and him.” The shadow explained.

Arimaspi nodded and began walking way until the shadow stopped him. “One more thing Arimaspi, what is the name of the pony?” Asked the shadow.

“I heard the ponies call him Aegis Spirit.” Answered Arimaspi walking off. “Hm, Aegis Spirit.” Muttered the shadow as he fades away.

Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by SharpDevastator deleted Mar 19th, 2019

what is the pairing

hay do more chapters:heart:

More good

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