• Published 18th Mar 2019
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Protector of Harmony: Rewrite - Aegis Spirit

A man shows up in Equestria after getting hit by lightning. Now must help the mane 6 to stop an evil from harming Equestria's inhabitants.

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Chapter 4: Raid on Ponyville[Unedited]

As I was getting near to Ponyville, I wondered what could possible be going on. Arriving in the town, I didn’t believe what I saw.

The diamond dogs were attacking Ponyville, but something was different about them. Their skins are black and have some sort of black fog coming out of them. Not only that, they each had on a obsidian like crystal around their collars. They were armed with slingshots, spears, and clubs.

I then noticed a blue unicorn mare get hit by a dark sphere and black crystals started forming, covering him completely. I remembers those crystals from the MLP Movie, it doesn’t kill a person, but keeps them cocooned.

I got out of the car with my tonfas and engaged the nearest diamond dog. The mutt I attack carried a spear with a sphere crystal tip, most likely the one that traps people in crystals. The diamond dog pointed his spear at me, ready to turn me to crystal. I on the other hand, deflected the attack with one my of my tonfas, while striking the dog in the face with the other. The shadowy dog flinched shook it’s head and ran towards punch me. I raised my left arm and blocked it, while throwing a strike at the dog’s jaw. Right before my tonfa made contact, a green aura glowed around my arm and into my tonfa. When the dog hit the ground unconscious, a shadowy black orb came out of his chest and vaporized.

“What was that?” I asked myself, looking at my hand which returned to normal.

“AHH.” I turned around and saw a familiar mare with moderate cerise being chased by one of the diamond dogs. I believe that was the anthro version of Cheerilee. Cheerilee tripped and fell to the ground. The Diamond Dog reached out it’s hand to grab her. I sprinted over and struck the dog in his jaw. Like before, that light green aura grew around my tonfa before impact. The dog fell and once again, a black orb came out of his chest and vaporized. I don’t know what this aura is, but it was helping me take down the diamond dogs.

I turned to Cheerilee and extended my hand.

“Are you all right?” I asked with a concerned face. Cheerilee hesitated at first, but grasped my hand after looking at the unconscious dog.

“Yes, thank you.” She told me as I helped her up.

“Can you get to safety.” I asked.

“Of course, but what are you going to do?” She she asked.

I removed the bandage covering my face, showing a claw like scab wound around my face. “I’m going to have a word to those mutts.”
3rd POV

On the other side of Ponyville, at the train station. The Ram was speaking to a shadowy minotaur “Iron Will made sure all the ponies on the train are rounded up Lord Arimaspi, along with some of the other pony nearby.”

Said Iron Will in a wicked smiling. “Good, my master will be pleased we have the element bearers and slaves.” Said Arimaspi.

“Creek.” Arimaspi heard a creek under the floor board. He was about to investigate it, but one of the Diamonds Dog came running to the two.

Boss, we have trouble. Some pony it beating up our guys with some green power around his arms.” Arimaspi stopped when the Diamond Dog said that.

“A green power? Hm..I don’t have time for this.” The goat mumbled. He turned to Iron Will and had an idea.

“Iron Will, take care of this while I take the prisoners back.” The minotaur nodded.

"Iron Will and some dogs will handle this creature.” He said and signaled some of the Diamond Dogs to follow.

When Iron Will and, Arimaspi was deep in thought with what the diamond dog told him. “If that green power is what I think it is, I’ll need to report this to master.” Said Arimaspi, walking away from Ponyville with the Diamond Dogs and prisoners. Little did he know, they missed a pony.
Aegis POV

“Nineteen.” I said, keeping track of the diamond dogs I’ve been taking down diamond dogs in the middle of Ponyville. I’ve been fighting them hard for a short while and I was surprised I wasn’t tired yet. Probably a earth pony thing. Another thing that made this easier was that their fighting skills were sloppy. I easily countered they’re attacks and moved around the plaza to keep myself from being surrounded.

There he is.” Said a Diamond dog. I turned to the source of the sound to see four diamond dogs and a shadowy minotaur in a white business suit. I recognized him as Iron Will, though it looked like he’s seen better days. The minotaur was at least a three heads taller than me and also has more muscle covered in a black fog.

I noticed two diamond dogs were carrying clubs, and one of them has a petrification spear, and the other had a slingshot.. “So your the the one who’s been causing trouble for my client. Well, Iron Will doesn’t like trouble.” Iron Will Said in an ominous voice.

“If you don’t like trouble, then you shouldn’t come looking for it.” I retorted, reaching for my phone and got a song ready. I’ve noticed from my fight from the Alpha Timberwolf that I fight better with music playing.

Grr, get him!” Ordered Iron Will. The diamond dogs charged and me prepared for a fight.

Music- In this legacy by Monte Are I

The first diamond dog tried to smash my head with it’s club, but the I ducked and round house kick the diamond dog’s rib caged. In my early fight, When I side kicked a diamond dog, the green aura covered my leg as well.

The same thing happened when my leg connected. The dog held it’s side and I struck him in the chest with my tonfa. The strike sent the dog on his back and I refocused my attention on the others. The second diamond dog leaped at me with the spear, but I lowered myself under him while he was in the air and upper cut the dog in his stomach.

The diamond tumbled and became unconscious from the impact. The third diamond dog swung his club at a vertical angle over my head. I side stepped to the left and spun my tonfa to hit the diamond dog in the head.

The fourth one however aimed the sling shot at me and fired. The orb headed straight towards me fast, I didn’t have time dodge and I raised my right tonfa to block it. When it hit, obsidian crystals started to form around my arm and tonfa; it was spreading. I was worried that this was the end, feeling my arm go num. Iron Will and the diamond dog smiled at their victory.

Suddenly, the green aura leaking out of the crystal around my arm, causing it to crack. After a few seconds, the crystal shattered, and my arm and tonfa returned to normal. I moved my arm around to see that it was completely fine, at this point nothing surprises me, well maybe except Pinkie Pie or Discord.

I looked at the diamond dog and Iron Will mouth opened in shock. I took this chance to rush the diamond dog. The dog snapped out of it and shot another orb at me. I saw it coming and threw one of my tonfa’s at it to intercept, it got covered in stone.

I managed got close enough the thrust my arms to and struck the dog’s jaw. The diamond dog fell on his back unconscious.

I turned around when I heard the sound of rumbling. It was Iron Will charging at me. I plunged to the left to dodge Iron Will’s horns. I got back up to see Iron Will swinging his arm to the side. I raised my arms up at the last second and braced for it, but was sent flying across the street. I dropped my last tonfa and ended up landing on a table at a restaurant.

I set myself up and looked around, feeling the impact on my back. I noticed a stallion in a suit hiding under one of the tables. I assumed he was the waiter. I also noticed the red table tops and had an idea.

“Mind if I borrow this?” I asked, holding onto the red table top.

The waiter shook his head no.

I grabbed the top and made my way to a nearby building. Iron Will got on all fours, ready to charge again. I stopped at a wall and unfold the red table top in front of him.

I prepared myself like bull fighter against Iron Will. The corrupted minotaur charged at me at full speed. I waited to the last second, then threw the table top in Iron Will’s face and plunged to the right.

Blinded, Iron Will kept charging and broke through the brick wall, followed by multiple sounds of glass breaking. “Ouch, that got to hurt.” I said, as I looking at the hole.

Iron Will got out holding on to his injured head. I took this chance and closed the distance. Like before on the last diamond dog, I performed a hanuman, bringing both my green aura fist under Iron Will’s jaws. Some black orbs started to come off, there was black fog coming out of the minotaur. I followed up with a right flying knee strike on the minotaur’s jaw, then bringing down my elbow on Iron Will’s head. Iron Will stumble a bit and fell on his back from the hit. After a moment, a large black orb to come out of Iron Will’s chest.

The song ended and I kneeled over to check Iron Will’s pulse, thankfully it was still there. I turned around and saw no other diamond dogs around. “I guess they retreated.” I said to himself.

My eyes caught something on the ground, one of those petrification sphere. I picked it up and wonder what were those shadows in the diamond dogs and Iron Will body. Not only that, why do I have an ability to purge them from the bodies of the diamond dogs.

Instead of answers, I found only more questions. While looking at my arms, I felt pain all over my arms. I pulled up my sleeves to see multiple bruises on them. I put the petrification sphere in my pocket and pulled my sleeves back down, feeling the wound.

That's when I noticed something else. My hands were also shaking, not out of fear, but out of anger I felt from those diamond dogs attack the civilians. I held my hands together, thankful that I didn’t go out of control in my fight with the diamond dogs and Iron Will.

I took a glance at the hole Iron Will made, and saw that it was a window shop. “Uh...Oops.” I said to myself and turned around, hoping I don’t have to pay for that.

I picked up my tonfas during the fight and the one that was stoned returned to normal when I touched it. I decided to look for the any of the Ponyville residents to make sure they’re alright.

As I was walking around Ponyville, I took note of the structure of the buildings, they were identical in the show, being made out of wood and brick. I later, I stumbled across what looked like Sugarcube Corner, the bakery Pinkie Pie works at. The door suddenly opened up to show a familiar orange pegasus. “Aegis, your alright!” Scootaloo yelled.

I was surprise to see her here. I know I dropped the Crusaders of at Sweet Apple Acres. "Scootaloo, what are you doing here? I asked.

“After you left us at Sweet Apple Acres, we ran straight here to see what happened. When we got here, We ran into Cheerilee and had us take shelter with her and some other ponies in the shop.” She explained.

“Well, are you all alright?” I asked. Scootaloo frowned when I asked. “Most of us, but... Apple Bloom’s brother.” She trailed off.

I didn’t like this one bit. I made my way through the door to see what troubled Scootaloo. What I saw stunned me, it was Big Macintosh turned to stone. Next to the statue was Apple Bloom and what looked like Big Mac’s girlfriend Sugar Belle weeping over him. Sugar Belle’s mane is moderate magenta, with a pare cerise coat. I looked around and saw several other petrified ponies, each with others morning for them.

“While you were fighting the diamond dogs and getting their attention, Bulk Biceps has been carrying stoned ponies he could find here. Sugar Belle said Big Mac threw himself to protected her, but got turned to stone.” Scootaloo explained.

I felt terrible, I wished there was some way I could help. The green aura started to glow around my hands again. That’s when I remembered the green aura returned my arm to normal when it started to turn to stone. I decided to try something and walked over to the stoned Big Mac. I placed my hand on Big Mac’s shoulder, hope it could free him. Sugar Belle and Apple Bloom looked up with tears in their eyes. Everyone looked over to see my hand glowing.

After a short moment, the green aura started to spread around the stone’s body. After a few seconds, the stone started crumbling, revealing Big Mac perfectly intact. His fur was red with orange mane, and green eyes. he was about a head taller than me wearing blue jeans and a striped button down shirt. The stallion stumbled and I held him up. “Are you alright?” I asked.

Big Mac shook his head and looked at me with a tired look. “Yup.” He simply replied, regaining his balance.

Apple Bloom and Sugar Belle got up and tackled Big Mac to the ground with tears of joy. “Oh Big Mac, I thought I lost you!” Said Sugar Belle crying. Big Mac smiled and returned the hug

I smiled and turned towards the rest of the stone ponies. “My name’s Aegis Spirit, if you’ll let me, I can help free those ponies.” I said pointing at the stone ponies. I looked around to see that the ponies were still nervous around me, probably because they’ve never seen me or my ability before.

That was until Cheerilee step up. “It’s okay everypony, Aegis Spirit saved me from one of those diamond dogs.” She assured everyone.

“That’s right, he even risked his life to save us from a timberwolf attack last night.” Sweetie Bell added. The ponies relaxed and I walked over to the nearest petrified pony.

After returning the petrified ponies to normal, some I recognized as Dr. Hooves and Mayor Mare, I started to feel somewhat weak, like my muscles wouldn't listen. I wondered if it was because I was using my ability some much. I sat on one of the bakery chairs, while the ponies were checking on their freed friends.

“Um, excuse me.” I heard a female voice. I turned his head and it was one of the ponies I freed. Her coat is pale, light grayish magenta, moderate purple eyes, has moderate violet with light purple highlights in her mane. She was wearing a purple dress.

“Thank you for turning us back to normal, but why did you help us?” She asked.

I smiled and looked at her in eyes and simply. “Of course, it’s the right thing to do. I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing while those around me are hurting.” The other ponies listened in and were happy with my answer.

I took a look around and figured this couldn’t be all the ponies that were attacked. I got up and looked towards a huge stallion who I assumed was Bulk Bicep. He had a light gray coat, vivid red eyes, and a light amber mane, wearing a sport shirt and shorts. Who also looks like he took too many steroids.

“Bulk Biceps, I assume?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Bulk Biceps answered with an energetic response.

“I’m about to head back out to see if any other ponies got turned to stone. Was there any areas of the town you didn’t get to?” I asked.

Bulk Biceps thought for a moment and answered, “Yeah, the only area I didn’t check was the train station, it was the first place they attacked. I’ll show you where it is.” Bulk Bicep said. I nodded and we headed to the door.

That was until Big Mac spoke up. “I’m coming with y’all.” He said. I turned around to see Big Mac walking over. “Ma sister and her friends were at the train station this morning. Apple Bloom, I want you and your friends go to the farm and check on Granny Smith.” He said looking at Apple Bloom.

“But, we want to help too.” She said, gesturing to her friends behind her. If they were like anything in the show, they would probably come even if Big Mac said no. Then an idea came to my mind about Sweet Apple Acres. I knelt down to the Crusaders height. “Crusaders, I have a mission for you.” I said to them.

“Really?” They said in unison.

“Yeah, we don’t know if the diamond dogs only attacked Ponyville, so I need you three to recon Sweet Apple Acres to check the situation. Because you three are small, you would have an easier time sneaking there. Do you except the mission.” I said to them.

“Arn’t you just trying to keep us from danger?” Asked Sweetie Bell suspiciously.

“Maybe, but did any of you actually check on Granny Smith, before you came here?” I asked them, hoping they would go.

They were about to argue but gasped in realization. “We need check on Granny!” Yelled Apple Bloom. “Lets get my scooter and wagon, we’ll get there faster.” Scootaloo said as the ran out of the shop.

I turned around to see Big Mac and Bulk Bicep smiling. “Good job partner.” Said Big Mac. I nodded and gestured Bulk Bicep to lead the way.

Big Mac, Bulk Biceps, and I made our way to the train station. Bulk Biceps took the lead guiding us to the train station. As we were walking, I couldn’t help but wonder where the other diamond dogs were. I didn’t like it, the fact that we didn’t run into a single diamond dogs after my fight with Iron Will left a bad feeling.

We entered the plaza and both stallions saw the unconscious diamond dogs in the street. “Wow Aegis, ya must be strong for ya to fight this many diamond dogs by ya self.” Big Mac said in amazement.

I just shrugged. “Not really, I just took on one at a time, that fight the minotaur hurt though.” I said rubbing I arms.

Bulk Biceps turned towards me and looked like he wanted to ask me something, until we spotted a pony coming towards us. Who came running was a mare with a green mint coat coat, pale, gold eyes, with a light grayish mane with white highlights, and a horn on her head. She was wearing a green shirt and blue pants. I believed she was Lyra. She got on her knees gasping for air. “Ponies...taken...goat...” She said between breaths in panic.

Knowing how to call someone down when they're panicking, I slowly walked up to her and kneeled down, putting my right hand on her shoulder. “Miss, I’d like you to take a breath, count to five, and exhale. Can you do that?” I ask, in an attempt to calm her down.

She took a breath and held it for five seconds before exhaling. “Feeling better?” I asked.

“Yes, but the ponies at the train station, including my best friend, were all ponynapped by the diamond dogs and a huge goat.” She said as she broke in tears. We gasped at the news, I realized that was the reason why we haven’t encountered any more diamond dogs, it because they got what they came for. It hurt seeing someone they care about get taken, so I did something about it, even if I end up regretting it later.

“Can you tell me your name miss?” I asked playing ignorant again.

“L...Lyra” She responded with tears still coming out.

“Lyra, I’m going make you a promise. I’m going to rescue your friends, and everypony the diamond dogs took.” I said. Lyra’s tears slowed down when I made that promise.

“Re...Really?” She asked.

“Of course. Bulk Biceps, can you take Lyra to the bakery? Also, have somepony send word to the Rulers about this.” I said, helping Lyra up. I said rulers because I wasn't sure if Princess Celestia and Luna were still in charge of Equestria.

“Yeah!” Bulk Bicep exclaimed as he and Lyra walked back towards Sugarcube Corner, leaving me and Big Mac to themselves.

Big Mac turned to me and spoke up, “Aegis, I’m coming with ya, and nothing ya say is gonna stop me from saving ma sister.” He said with a stern look.

I simple nodded and said. “Of course Big Mac, I have a little sister too, so I understand. Beside, I don’t know the way to the diamond dog’s den.” I said to him. Then we noticed one of the unconscious diamond dogs starting to move. His fur was brown and was wearing a brown jacket with shorts.

Both of us walked over to him and prepared to attack. The diamond dog slowly opened his eyes and looked at Big Mac and I. “Oh my jaw. Oh, it wasn’t a dream.” The dog said looking us.

I knelt down on the ground. “Okay diamond dog, your going to tell us who you are, why you and your pack attacked this town, and where your took the captive ponies.” I said with a furious look, while Big Mac was cracking his knuckles. A couple sweat slid down the diamond dogs face and gulped.

“M...My name is Rover, and we couldn’t stop ourselves.” He answered. Couldn’t stop themselves, did it had something to do with the black orb that came out of their chests when I knocked some of them out.

“Rover, tell me everything that happened.” I demanded.

“We were talking business with minotaur about trading diamonds. Suddenly, a giant one eye goat came crashing through and held out a scary orb. Next thing we know, black balls came out of it and went in our chests. I know what I was doing, but I couldn’t stop it. It was like something was controlling our instincts and body. We didn’t want to make ponies slaves, especially what happened with the pony Rarity.”

I wasn’t completely sure with the one eye goat part, but I did believe the part with Rarity complaining. If there's I’ve learned, never underestimate a lady’s complaint. “Ok Rover, if you want to make up for what happened, help us rescue the ponies, and I’ll try to help the diamond dogs.” I said offering his hand.

The Rover hesitated for a moment, but nodded and took my hand. I helped the diamond dog up. Big Mac didn’t completely trust Rover, but he wanted to rescue his sister, and we may need Rover’s help. “Come on. I know a way we can get there quicker.” I said gesturing them to follow.