• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 1,200 Views, 66 Comments

The Hybrid - red reaper

His mother died because her people invade, his father was imprisoned because he love and he was left alone.

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Getting rid of the main 6 part three

Applejack woke up this morning, today was the hardest day for the farm, the apple harvest. Applejack and Big Mac decided to do a contest, the one who will harvest more apples in this harvest, will be called of the king or the queen of the apple family. The orange mare and the big red stallion were stretching their hooves as they tried to intimidate each other.

"Are ya' sure ya' wanna do this?" Applejack asked with a cocky smile as she was standing on her ground ready to harvest.

"Yup" Answered Big Mac with the same cocky smile. Both of them were ready to compete, Applebloom as the judge came to whistle the start of the competition. Both the equins were on place ready to kick the trees. The young pony whisteled and the competition begun. Applejack kicked the tree next to her with her backlegs and 300 apples fell behind her.

"Are ya' still sure, big bro" Applejack smirked as Big Mac kicked the tree behind and 400 apples fell behind him.

"Yup" replied Big Mac.

"Oh" Applejack smiled, happy for the challange, "It's on!"

After hours upon hours of kicking and collecting apples, Applejack and Applebloom returned home as Big Mac was behind them, walking proudly as he carried all of the apples they harvest.

"Next time little sister" Big Mac said as he pass them and went to the barn to put the apples in barrels. As the two sister returned to the house, they saw her grandmother sitted with two familiar guests. Next to Granny Smith there were twin stallions, yellow coated with red and white mane when the only thing to tell them apart is the mustache that grew on one of them.

"Flim and Flam?!" Applejack surprised to see them in her house "What are ya' two doing here?"

"Easy there" Flam said as he and his brother got up from their chairs and went towards to Applejack, "We are here to make a deal with the Apples" Flim took a bag of bits out of his hat and put it on the table. Applejack looked at the bits, her family could use the money, it would help them, but what the deal will cost her and her family.

"Very well" Applejack sighed "What you propose?"

Flim and Flam led Applejack to the Everfree forest. As the arrived inside the woods they stopped. "Why are we here?" Applejack asked with frustration in her voice, she knew she could not trust Flim and Flam.

"You see, Applejack" Flam started to talk "We decided to return to the apple business, and a new friend promised to help us for a price." A hooded figure jumped out of the woods landed behind Applejack. Applejack turned around and saw the figure, he was an unicorn stallion with his face hidden behind a white hood and cape. Applejack suddenly felt a sting and turned again to see Flim wih a syringe.

"Don't worry Apple, it won't kill you, but it will make you a little sleepy" Flim said and threw away the syrigne.

Applejack ran towards the woods, trying to escape, but it was harder and harder to keep walk and the orange mare fell and the last thing she saw was the hooded figure lighted his horn with green aura.

Twilight was in her room, with Spike as they doing a search about the disappearance of their friends. "Alright, Spike" Twilight took pins and put on a board the pictures of her friends, Sweetie belle, Suri Polomare and a hooded figure, "From what Sweetie belle told us, on the day of Rarity's disappearance, Suri Polomare and that hooded figure were there and-" Twilight stopped as she saw two unicorns outside her door, one was a purple mare with a purple mane and the other was a stallion with orange coat and orange mane and wore glassees and cape filled with stars. "Oh, Starlight, Sunburst what are you doing here?"

"We are worried about you" Starlight said and Sunburst nodded "You didn't slept for several days, you don't eat and you don't leaving the castle" Starlight got closer and hugged her.

"I'm sorry" Twilight freed herself from her friend's hug and returned to board "But our friends are in danger." Starlight and Sunburst left the room as a scroll came out of Spike's mouth, the scroll was full of dirt and it was seald by a symbol of a pony's skull with bat wings. This symbol gave Twilight chills, but she opened the scroll and read it at loud.

Hello Princess, I am aware that you looking for your friends. Do not worry for them, they are safe in our hooves, of course if you don't believe you can always come to check on them, come to the Everfree forest and your friends will be there with an old friend that returned from the dead.

Twilight dropped the scroll in terror. Who wrote it, how did he got her friends. Twilight ran down the staris and left the castle. She flew fast as she can to the Everfree forest, the sleepless nights will be over soon, soon enough this nightmare will be over. Twilight flew around the dark forest until she saw a tea table with two cups of tea and a hooded figure wearing a white cape with a hood and a pony skull shaped butten. The figure removed his hood and revealed a face split into two halves. The left half was belong to an unicorn, a stallion with black coat and white mane. The right half was belong to a changeling, a black and smooth skin with bug eye and wing with holes and a fang on his mouth.

"Hello Professor" The hybrid said in cold voice and a sinister smile as Twilight was shocked to see her old student, a student who believed to be dead, "Why are you shocked, did you believe I won't survive this long, after all Iv'e always survived alone."

"Chyrug" Twilight said with terror "You the one who kidnapped my friends, your friends for Celestia's sake!" Chyrug snapped at twilight and threw his tea at the mention Celestia as his right half transformed into a half spider

"She is not a god!" Chyrug returned into his normal form "You knew what she's done and yet you prefer to her as a god." Twilight sat infront of her former friend and student and she drank from the tea "Do you remember the day the truth was revealed" Chyrug asked and Twilight nodded "At that day Iv'e met someone who knew my mother, my new teacher." Out of the woods came a tall changeling with a green and rotten hair and green eyes.

"Chyrsalis" Twilight said with hatred in her voice, "It was you who corrupted this innocent boy."

"I corrupted no one" Chrysalis defend herself against Twilight's words "I gave the boy his right for vengeance." Suddenly Twilight felt dizzy and fell down.

"Good night Professor."