• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 1,200 Views, 66 Comments

The Hybrid - red reaper

His mother died because her people invade, his father was imprisoned because he love and he was left alone.

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The revolution: Pegasus

Everypony heard about what happened to Applejack by the unicorns and from that moment nothing was the same. There was a tension between the earth ponies and the unicorns that was so cold the air started to give chills when the two groups around. The Pegasi must choose their side at the war that will come. Spitfire invited all the citiznes of Cloudstale to discuss what to do. Most of the pegasi noble leaders and warriors were there: Flash Magnus and Somnabmula from the Pillers, The Wonderbolts and the workers of the rainbow factory.

"We cannot start a new war" Flash started the conversation "One time the three races had been in war and it's ended bad."

Somnabula agreed with her companion "The best option is to try and stop this madness before is too late."

"And give ourselves into the unicorn's illusion of superiority?" Soarin objected "Never! I was there when Filthy Rich reminded us what the unicorns did and can do. They can use magic to come here and kill us all if they want to."

"He is right" Spitfire added "The head of the EEA is a uniconorn, the richest are unicorns and the king of the crystal empire is a unicorn, if they want, they can declare war on us anytime!"

"And what about the earth ponies?" Bulk asked in rage.

"Im afraid they decided to fight us as well" a feminine voice behind Spitfire said. Everyone turned around to see a blue mare pegasus with red bloody wounds and and rainbow colored mane stained with blood. Everyone was shocked at that sight. Spitfire and Soarin flew to help their Wonderbolt friend. Rainbow Dash lumped towards her pegasus friends. "I have been with Scootaloo this morning, earth ponies came and attacked us, I tried to stop them but they were armed with weapons. I barely escaped.. but.. Scootaloo" Rainbow Dash started to cry as Spitfire and Soarin comfort her.

"Take us to where they attacked you" Spitfire said.

All of Cloudsdale citizens followed Rainbow dash to the everfree forest. What they saw was disturbing. A tree and a filly pegasus corpse was hanged on it. The body was orange with small wings and the mane was purple, the cutie mark was a shield with a lightning bolt on it. The body was pale and the stomach was filled with stabbing wounds and a letter was pinned to the chest by a knife. Rainbow Dash fell to her knees in agony as Spitfire took the letter and read it
Every pegasus who will land in Ponyville will suffer the same fate

"It is war then" Flash Mangus said with sadness in his eyes.

Starlight was at the castle with Spike. It has been three weeks since Twilight disappeared. As Starlight was doing a search with a model of the everfree forest, marking x on every spot she think Twilight could be, the doors were opened and a lavender alicorn with purple mane came in. Starlight was shocked and happy to see her friend so much she ran to hug her, without asking what happened or where she had been. As Twilight hugged her, her purple eyes changed to green and back to purple again.