• Published 30th Mar 2019
  • 1,200 Views, 66 Comments

The Hybrid - red reaper

His mother died because her people invade, his father was imprisoned because he love and he was left alone.

  • ...

Truth reaveled

Chyrug ran to the orphanage after hearing this voice. The door was unlocked but No one was there. He went upstairs to the bedroom and took the scroll he got from Starlight and started to read it.

The trail of Spear Moonburn

the defenedant Spear Moonburn accused in act of treason against Equestria, the defendant had been found assisting a changeling and hid her in his house by two witnesses, the defendant was arrested in house with the changeling and their offspring, and had been arrested with the changeling.

The jury found Spear Moonburn guilty in treason.

By the power that was given to me by Princess Celestia herself, I sentence Spear Moonburn to spend the rest of his life ind the dungens and the changeling who answer to the name Chyra will be banished to the hives

"What?" Chyrug asked himself as tears start to leave his eyes "It's fake, it must be fake, maybe the Professor Sparkle will know, she must know." Chyrug ran outside and and went with the speed of the wind to Twilight's castle.

Twilight was on seventh dream when a knocking on the door echoed in the crystal castle. Twilight in frustration of getting out of her cozy bed in the middle of the night went downstairs and opened the door the see a frightened student.

"Chyrug?" Twilight asked as she let the pony-changeling inside "What are you doing here so late at night"

Chyrug breathed heavily as he gave Twilight the scroll with trembling hooves.

"Today Mrs Starlight gave me this, it was sent from canterlot." The scroll was taken by purple aura from Chyrug's hoof and the princess read it and she looked at him with sad eyes.

"It's fake right?" Chyrug asked with hopeful smile "It must be fake, it doesn't make any sense."

Twilight put down the scroll and led Chyrug to the kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink?" Twilight asked as she went to the fridge.

"Professor please, just tell me, I have to know."

Twilight took a sad sigh and sitted next to the boy. "The scroll, what it's says.. Its true."

"What?" Chyrug had hard time to breath, a mix of happiness, fear and anger was filled inside of him.

"You see Chyrug, after I became the princess of friendship, my mentor and friend, princess Celestia told me a story. She told me a story about a royal guard who broke the law because of love, what other ponies saw as weird, he didn't. That guard was Spear Moonburn, your father. For a year your father hid a changeling rafugee in his house, that changeling is your mother."

Chyrug listen to the story of his parents with tears on his eyes.

"Month after your birth, Celestia was informed by Moonburn's parents about their child working with the changeling. Celestia, worried for her people, arrested your father, he killed himself after a year, the thought of losing you and your mother was too much for him."

Chyrug didn't know what to say, all this time.

"I know it is hard for you, but if I'll take you to Celestia-"

"So what?!!" Chyrug shouted in rage "So she can kill, banish me?! 15 years I was left to live as a freak, being outcast. 15 years was wasted for finding a cure for something that wasn't even a curse! and you knew!!?" green light was igniting from Chyrug's horn, a green aura coverd him. "Celestia robbed my life and threw it away, and hid the truth from me, the truth I deserve!" A ray of green light came out of his horn and blasted Twilight to the other side of the kitchen, knocking her out.

"Professor I'm so-" Chyrug felt weird, his half side, his changeling black skin transformed into purple his black bug eye become purple and his bug wing become an alicorn wing. One side of him was normal, black coat and white mane, and now his other side looks like princess Twilight.

Chyrug in panic took a hooded cloack and wore it to hide himself, now when Equestria will hear what happened he will be hunted. Then he remembered the voice When you'll find, I will meet you at the everfree forest

Chyrug entered the dark forest filled with sinister eyes and howling. As he walked down the forest his body returned to his normal self, his half purple fur return to half black skin, his purple eye returned to be bug's eye and the alicorn's wing return to be a bug's wing.

"Hello" Chyrug shouted "I know the truth!"

"Good" The voice said behind and when Chyrug turned arouned, he saw the source of the voice. It was tall changeling with green and rotten hair, with sinister smile, it was Queen Chrysalis. As Chyrug backed away in fear of the sinister queen, she got closer to him and the sinister smile turned friendly.

"Hush my child, I will not harm you" Chrysalis said in soft tone. Chyrug felt kind of safety as he could trust her.

"You the one who sended the scroll" Chyrug said as he got closer to her and pulled back his hood revealing half face of a changeling and half face of a stallion.

"Indeed" Chrysalis said with a smile as she looked with interest "When your mother came to me after what happened I told her I would try to do everything to bring you. When I was in canterlot disguised as princess Cadance, I took this letter and waited to the right time. Your mother died in the invasion trying to free your father."

Chyrug cried in silence as Chrysalis hugged him.

"Hush, hush," Chrysalis grew a sininster smile behind the boy's back "I called you here to help you to get your revenge, I will teach you and together we will take Equestria. Celestia will pay for the life she stole from us!"

Chyrug bowed before Chrysalis "I accept your offer, teach me our people's way and together we will get our revenge."

Satisfied with her new apprentice's answer, Queen Chrysalis laughed maniacly into the night, all the howls stopped to the sound of the changeling queen's laugh and the yellow eyes disappeared.