• Published 7th May 2019
  • 585 Views, 10 Comments

Taco Night - Xx soul sorrow xX

Micro Chips goes to study at Rainbow's house and it's taco night

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day at Equestria Community College. That was the school all the kiddies in Ponyville go to once they're of the Teenage Age but after high school. The sun was shining and the clouds were in the blue sky. Inside the building the teacher Ms Florence Surhthers trotted in and was like "ok kids good morning"

"Good morning"

It was geometry class.

One boy named micro chips, he was usually good student because hes smart and a nerd boy. he's purple. The kind of kid to raise his hand at every question and get it right every single time the teacher called him. But now he was day dreaming about gradation since he just got his her car, he got a brand new Delorean. He got it for his 20th birthday which was a few days ago. Does it time travel? Idk... ;) Can't wait to find out though lol

Microchip was thought about it, he couldn't wait for going home and take a spin in his new car. He planning on going to Smanders Tech school in Missouri. It was a college where you learn to make computers or something. But he went to Equestria community for a couple years to save tuition money

Micro chips got smacked out of his daydream by someone smacking him hard on the shoulder. Micro chips said OOF like minecraft. He turned to look and said "ouch why did you do that?"

It was none other than rainbow dash. "OMg" she said. "Micro chips I need your help figuring out the volume of cylinders" she said with a desparate look.

"Ugh rainbow it's not even that hard. Why did you hit me"

Rainbow got annoyed she was like "I had to get your attention, I know you're thinking about that delorean you got"


"So anyway can you help me study???"

micro chip gave it a thought

"idk rainbow I was wanting to work on my scale replica of the city of London :/" he said

"Pleeeeeease micro you're like the smartest kid here" said Rainbow with a plead. "I use to have twilight help me but she's busy with her dissertation lately."

Micro chips gave it a thought again, but he groaned and said "ugh okay I'll help you..."

Rainbow screech like a girly girl even though she tomboy. she hug microchips big and said "Omg thank you I owe ya one"

"Sure rainbow dash...."

"So where do you want to go to study?? Do you wanna come over to my house? it's taco night" said rainbow

"Yeah sure that works" said micro chips.

"ok it's a date then" said rainbow and laughed like a flirt. even though she wasn't because micro chips knew rainbow was lesbian.

After school Micro Chips texted his mom to tell him he's going to study at Rainbow's.

"Ok" said his mom. His mom was happy because Micro Chips was an introverted boy and he didn't like to interact with other ponies usually. He didn't go to friends' houses much.

Micro chip grabbed his messenger bag from his backpack and put his school supplies in it. Most kids had a backpack but not micro chips. He's kind of a hipster boy like that.

Microchips got startled when Rainbow spooked him. She sneaked up on him and made a scary noise. Micro chip jumped. Rainbow Dash laugh and micro chip said "Ugh Rainbow please stop"

"I would but it's just so fun" said rainbow with a smirk.

Micro chips sigh and they walk outside.

Usually Micro Chips just walked home cause his house wasn't that far away, plus the exercise was good for him. Except Rainbow Dash lived in Clouddale where only pegasus could go, so they had to take a bus today. It was flying bus like in the movie Sky High.

When they got to Rainbow house, it was really big. Micro Chips saw it and said "wow". Rainbow take out her house key and go inside. Microchip looked around at the high ceilings. It was like you could even fly inside the house.

The duo went up the stairs to Rainbow's room and rainbow pulled over a beanbag chair so Micro chip could sit at her desk with her. They took out their study stuff and got to it.

After a while of studying, Rainbow dash finally got the formula down. She had micro chips look over her homework and check her answers. He was surprised that she got most of em right and was like "wow"

Finally Micro chips sighed with relief and said "Okay, good, I checked everything and explained what you did wrong, we're done, now I can go home..."

Rainbow look at him with confusion. "What do you mean? We haven't even had dinner yet"

Micro chips groaned. "I forgot about dinner..." he sighed. "I really want to go home..."

"Come on, stay a while" said Rainbow with a sad face. "We haven't even had dinner???"

Micro chips sighed again.

"Come on man you gotta have dinner"

"Okay fine, but after dinner I want to go right home." He was itching to get back to his model but he was real hungry after all that math.

Rainbow was sad but she was happy that he decided to stay. "Come on you have to have dinner " she said.

Just then, Rainbow's dad knocked lightly on the door.

"Hey Rainbow, you got a friend over?" he said in a voice

"Yeah dad, it's just Micro Chips. He's helping me study."

Rainbow's dad pushed open the door and looked at the two ponies. He said "Alright, I've got the stuff for tacos so I'm gonna start cooking. I'll let you guys know when food's ready."

"Okay!" said Rainbow in a cheerful voice. Her dad closed the door and Micro Chips heard him trot off to the kitchen.

"Rainbowww How long is it gonna take for the tacos to be ready?"

"It won't be that long," Rainbow replied. "But if you want something to do until dinner, you can look over my paper for economics..."

"Oh can I spell check?"

Rainbow chuckle "yeah I suck at spelling"

Rainbow handed it to him and they got to work again.

After Micro Chips had gone through Rainbow's paper and made grammar edits, and they were going over the big edit suggestions, Rainbow's dad peeked into the room again. "Hey kids, dinner's ready" he said. "Cool" said Rainbow.

The two ponies stood up and Rainbow showed Micro Chips to the kitchen since he hadn't been in her house before.

Rainbow's house had a small table with only two seats in the kitchen, so Rainbow's Dad pulled over another chair for Micro Chisp. There was stuff on the tables like papers and a football and dishes, but he shove it off so Micro Chips can sit there.

The them ate the tacos with the TV playing in the other room. Rainbow Dash was right, the tacos were realllllllll good. Micro Chips went and ate a third whole serving. Rainbow's dad was like "hAHA yeah I made a lot so we'd have leftovers" so he was fine with misco eating a bunch.

They ate for a little bit and it was quiet except for the TV. Then Rainbow's dad started talking.

"So, Rainbow, how was school today?"

"It was good. I wrote the rough draft for my economics paper. Micro Chips was just helping me edit it."

"Haha cool" said dad

Rainbow's dad smiled at Micro Chips.

After dinner, Rainbow Dash left so Micro Chips was like "uh do you need help cleaning up???"

"Sure, thanks for the help," he replied.

Their dishwasher was busted so Micro Chips and Rainbow's dad worked on scrubbing the dishes.

"So, you're in Rainbow's class at school?"

Micro Chips coughed like a awkward boy. "Um, yeah, we have the same geometry class"

The dad grinned at him in friendship or something. "Well, thanks for coming over here to help her study. My Rainbow is a smart girl, but she's not always quick to get those math concepts. We didn't even do half the stuff I see her working on back when I was a kid, so it's not like I can help her" he said with a laugh

Micro Chips muttered and scrubbed a dish.

After the dishes got washed Micro Chips was like "Well, I guess I'd better get going," he said. "Thanks for the dinner Rainbow's Dad"

Rainbow's dad smiled. "My name is actually Bow Hothoof but you can call me that if you want, Haha"

Micro Chips got real embarassed so he just said "uh okay" and ran off to grab him stuff

Micro Chips ran fast into Rainbow Dash's room and did a BIG sigh. Rainbow Dash was reading because she's a secret bookworm. She saw him do it

"Lol hey are you leaving??"

"Yeah just grabbing my stuff"

"Cool ok"

Micro Chips grabbed his textbooks and put em in his bag and grabb it on his shoulders with a grunt.

"Uhhh thanks for the help?" said Rainbow. she was awkward because she's not used to asking for help

"Uh no problem" said micro chip. Rainbow hug him and he left.

Micro Chips walked into the living room and Bow Hothoot was like "hey"

Rainbow walk outside to the living room to grab a cup of ice tea. she grab it from the pitcher and saw a site she couldn't believe. Her dad kissing Micro Chips a goodbye kiss???????
Rainbow gasp loud and was like "HEY WHAT ARE HAPPENEING HERE"
Micro chips start crying and ran away into the night
Bow was like "no my love :("
Rainbow got real mad real fast. She got fire hair like twilight when she get angry in that one episode. She was like "Ugh dad what have I told you about dating my classmates, this is like the fifth time"
Bow hothoof started crying like "I'm just so sad since your mom left me"
Rainbow Did Not want to HEAR IT. She went to her room and slam the door loud.
Bow got really sad, he lost his old love and his daughter didn't approve of his new love??? It was really sad. Bow cried big in the night.

That night Bow Hothoof learned a lesson, that sometimes you can't be with your love because it makes other people angry or feel bad. Rainbow got mad at him for dating her friend so now he's just a lonely man. sad but true....

Comments ( 10 )

The teeth in that cover art make me uncomfortable.

I think you forgot the Horror tag.

The cover art is legitimately the scariest fucking thing I've seen in quite some time.

That image thoroughly disturbs me

Ignore the haters. I love that cover art.



sorry every1 like i said in the descriptin i know its not that great but my little sister draw it and she just really wanted me to use it for my story :unsuresweetie:

This is so fricking funny. I'm crying and I've been laughing for the past five minutes; thank you for entertaining me.

Edit: Can I have your permission to write my own version of this story?

Author Interviewer

I think your sister did a good did a job.

Today I have learned that dinner is the most important dinner of the day, and now I shall study it.

Also what a surprise? :O

uuhH oh sorry i forgote about my paswod for this account for a few months sorry about the late replys but yeah you can do it :) show me when ur done lol yeah!


By the way, this story is what slice of life means

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