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Once Upon a Time in Stratusburg

It was a cool evening in Stratusburg, and the sun was beginning to set in the sky. Pegasi of all kinds went about their business on the ground and up in the clouds, flying and trotting about in excitement. In all, the day looked set to be one of wonder and fun.

Why am I telling you this, you might ask? Well, it sets the story up for one. For another, it provides a perfect opportunity to bring a certain somepony into the action. See that green pegasus stallion zooming down the street? That's me.

My name's Sky Stinger. Nice to meet you. I've lived in Stratusburg for all my life, and I don't intend to leave it either. Though that might be difficult with the Wonderbolt training I do these days...

Where was I? Ah, yes. I was flying down the street at speed. I love flying fast. The wind brushing past your ears and thundering through your fur really get your adrenalin racing. Flying at speed, with the world at your control, also needs split second reflexes, and up ahead was a cart that was blocking the road. Bringing my wings out to slow down, I soared upwards, banked up, rolled over, and then cleared it over the top of the cart, dropping down into my normal flight pattern.

They call that a flipping loop. Don't ask me why. I used to have real trouble with that maneuvre, but I don't know. As ponies shouted at me from the street, shouting phrases like 'show off' and 'darned Wonderbolt', I flew onwards, laughing, the sound being whipped clean out of my mouth as I hit top speed. I also hold the record for fastest flyer in Stratusburg. 250 feet per second, or 170.45 miles per hour. Confirmed! Although somepony erroneously described that as acceleration...

I keep digressing. My mind's pretty full. I imagine you want to know why I was flying so fast, huh? Well, it wasn't because I wanted to fly so quickly for fun (although I do do that. It's great fun to position high in the sky and then dive toward the ground. I'm still working on breaking the sound barrier, but I'll get there). I was running late for a date. I was supposed to meet her in the town square, at 7, but I had completely lost track of time and so had to fly fast to have any chance of getting there on time. I soared over more ponies and touched down upon a cloud, before jumping off, climbing high as I could, and diving vertically toward the town hall. My speed rocketed upwards as I dropped through the cloud layer, the ground rushing toward me at incredible speed as I smiled. I could pull this move off effortlessly. In my sleep. Seconds before I hit the ground, I spread my wings, pulled out of the dive, and soared along the ground with only inches to spare. A couple of ponies shook their hooves at me, but I didn't care. I'm a perfect flyer, and everypony knows it. Soaring though the air (he's a pretty cool dude, by the way) I set my wings to a Delta configuration, and climbed once more, before clearing an Immelmann turn and touching down in my favourite chair in my favourite cafe with two inches to spare. A perfect landing, dare I say, and relaxed in the chair. The waiter was looking at me.

"That was quick!" he said.

"I just dropped in," I smirked. Yes, I can be snarky with ponies, but that's just who I am. "My usual, please."

"Of course, sir," the waiter replied. "I must say, this is the first time you're early."

"Well, flying fast tends to get you places very quickly," I answered. "I just hope she's here soon. I do look forward to our dates."

A few seconds later, I heard a familiar voice. "Sorry I'm late Sky!"

The owner of the voice rounded the bend, and just seeing her was enough to reduce my heart to mush, as happened every single time I saw her.

A greenish grey coat, combined with a multi coloured green mane of so many colours, that seemed to float by itself, and the sweetest turquoise eyes that anypony could ever have or see. Vapour Trail, the love of my life.

Most ponies know us as the dynamic duo of the Wonderbolts. We know each other's flight skills like nopony else. If I start to bank right, she knows to bank left. If I roll one way, she rolls the other. Loops? Easy. Parallel or flying through the loop produced by the other? Simple as apple pie. Which reminds me, I must drop by the Apple farm someday and buy an apple pie. Even better, stop for lunch one day.

I spoke over to Vapour. "You're on time. I'm early." I touched the side of a glass with my hoof, and the waiter returned from earlier. "Vapour would like to order too."

"My usual, please," she told him.

"You two are so predictable," the waiter smiled. "That's two drinks, coming right up." As he trotted away, I focused all my attention of Vapour, looking through the candles sitting on our table.

"So, how was your day?" I asked her.

"Same as yours," she smiled back. "Training as usual, then some time to relax." She then looked down, and put her hoof on her muzzle. "A-choo!"

Did I mention she was voted best sneeze a few years ago? She has an adorable sneeze. I then addressed her. "There's something I'd like to do," I said.

"What's that?" she asked me, focusing her attention upon me again.

I paused, and then took out a small box. Seconds later, I opened it and showed it to her. She gasped when she looked at it. "That ring is so beautiful!"

My muzzle was covered in the widest grin I could muster. "Vapour Trail," I asked. "Will you marry me?"

There was a second's silence. Then suddenly I felt Vapour crash into me. "Yes! Yes, yes, and yes again! Sky, you've made me the happiest mare alive!"

I returned the hug as tight as I could. "You know how I feel about you, Vapour," I said gently. "Let's have the wedding as soon as we can."

"That's sounds fantast-" She suddenly stopped mid sentence, and held her forehead in one hoof. "Sugarcubes! Not again!"

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking at her concerned.

She glanced back to me. "Oh, it's nothing. Just randomly the word 'ma' flashed through my head. Probably nothing."

I nodded, but secretly I was worried. This wasn't the first time she had got one of those flashes. To be truthful, I wasn't free of them either...