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Here Comes the...

As there is undoubtedly somepony out there who is wanting to know what the attire arrangements for this occasion were, I shall no take great pains to divulge them to you. I was suitably attired for the happy occasion, wearing a dark grey suit, with holes cut in the side that allowed for my wings to pop through, which almost reached the bottom of my forelegs, and opened up where the collar sat around my shoulders and neck. In addition, my upper sleeves were slightly puffed out, and and extended onto the back part, with a pair of fabric strands running around to the front of my chest, forming a nice red seal in the front. My hind legs had armour plating attached to them, and the bottom of the suit on my back legs was complemented with black boots that covered my hooves entirely. It looked good, but it was incredibly uncomfortable, I can tell you! My tail still hung free from my rear, completely unobstructed and just hanging there, really. I probably looked magnificent, but I felt utterly ridiculous, like that 'princess of flying' nonsense I keep getting ribbed about by Spitfire. I really must ask her to stop. It's getting annoying.

Where was I? Ah, yes. Several of the groomsponys had no appeared from the dressing room, some of them in painfully obvious states of inebriation as they assembled at the front of the cathedral. Why did Stratusburg need a cathedral? I have no idea. It's not a massive place! But, Soarin's face constantly shifted between varying tones of embarrassment and fury. "I told them to sober up!" he snapped. "Now they'll spoil everything!"

"Assuming my nerves don't do the job for them," I thought. "Just leave them be," I told him. "And, if you have to, stick them out back. That usually worked for my older brother."

"What one of your older brothers?"

"I don't know! I get them all mixed up!"

Soarin' nodded. "Time to get this lot in order." He trotted off to try and figure out how to get these cadets into line, whilst I noticed people were busy arriving and taking their seats in the pews, which must have been awkward as they aren't massively ergonomic! The entirety of Stratusburg and beyond had seemingly turned out for the occasion. Looking over, I saw the Mayor of Stratusburg, the entire town council, former Wonderbolts, a multitude of other people, my parents, my siblings, my aunts, my uncles, my friends and not so close friends, and even all but one of the Elements of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle, who had helped with those flight maneuvres I had had so much trouble with back at Flight Camp, had set aside the usual pomp and cricumstance that most of the Princesses favoured and had squirelled herself away on one of the back pews. The other Elements were scattered about, and the Apples were getting the catering set up and ready to go. We sure had a lot of hungry mouths to feed afterwards, I can tell you! Fluttershy had assembled a chorus of animals, and suddenly the entire building fell silent as I saw the doors at the other end of the cathedral open, letting the glorious lights of day into the otherwise somewhat dark space (stained glass windows are not conducive to letting natural light in), and in she stepped.

Vapour Trail.

And can I say she looked absolutely STUNNING, like drop dead gorgeous. Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Coco Pommel had worked an absolute wonder, managing to do what I thought was impossible; make the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria look even more stunning than I had thought possible. I shall attempt to describe the angelic vision I saw, to the best of my ability, but will probably be unable to do it justice.

Her mane was done up in her usual, angelic way, and a golden crown was nestled in amongst her mane (or was it a tiara? I'm never sure). Her eyes glowed in the light, although her face was not done up in any way, letting her natural beauty shine through. Around her neck was a golden choker, and she wore a dress unlike any I've ever seen. The bodice was dark blue, and the sleeves which took up her forelegs (apart from the bottom of her hooves), although two holes were cut in the sides to give space for her wings. The skirt extended over, and covered completely, her hind legs and tail, and a white collar surrounded her neck, only accentuating her face and how stunning it was.

I know, I sound like a soppy romantic. But that was, put simply, at that moment, destined to become the happiest day of my life.

Until it started happening again. She was almost to the front, with the chorus of dawn or otherwise just stopping singing, when the flashes flared up, in far worse intensity than ever before. All the bits and pieces began to slam together in my mind, everything seeming to stop working as my brain overloaded. Then it stopped. I recognised where I was, this was the exchange of vows. Hopefully nothing would go wrong. Oh, curse you, cruel fate. Just as I was about to start speaking, I couldn't form a single word. I have no clue what it looked like to the outsiders, but I faintly recall crashing into something as my brain overheated and the last pieces of the puzzle finally clicked into place.

Looking about in a complete panic and seeing everypony stare at me in a combination of shock, bewilderment, concern, and terror, I finally noticed Vapour looking into my eyes. "Sky?" she asked. "W- what's going on?"

It was then I knew I couldn't stay there any longer. My legs quivering and my wings unable to keep still, I went for it. I brushed past her and galloped into the aisle, heading for the still open doors and rushing out into the street, not hearing the voice calling after me.

Author's Note:

This is what Sky Stinger and Vapour Trail look like.