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She Loves You (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah)

As I say, I soon realised what I did that morning was one of the most stupid things I could have done in that moment, and indeed ever did, but you have to understand that I was so angry and full of pain inside that I couldn't think straight. Anger controlled my emotions, and my emotions told me to cut off all ties with this clearly nuts pony who didn't want to go back, for some reason I couldn't understand.

A few weeks went by. The rain poured for days over Stratusburg as the weather ponies were doing a water dump over the region, and as we were in the mountains, we usually got the short straw when it came to weather events such as this. But everypony knew what the rain also symbolised. For my actions, I was actively shunned in public and nopony wanted anything to do with me, instead staying away. Many, I noticed, comforted Vapour in what they claimed must be an extremely distressing moment. I, for one, didn't talk to her. If they wouldn't understand my pain and what I was suffering through, Vapour certainly wouldn't. Or whoever Vapour was. It was all so confusing at that time, and my head was in a complete jumble over what was true or not.

I had heard of a unicorn who lived in Ponyville who was obsessed with my world and was desperately trying to find a way to get to my world. This was almost the same as what I was doing, as I tried any trick that I thought would work, that would break the barriers between dimensions and get me home. But nothing worked. I tried thundering through the cloud bank. I tried breaking the sound barrier. I even experimented with flying into objects that would boost my speed, like tornadoes. But nothing worked. It seemed as if fate was determined to ensure I never found my way back, and it was driving me to the brink of insanity. I was getting tired of not getting anywhere, and as such I was loosing the will to keep going from day to day, as it simply seemed like a waste of time.

I no longer lived with my parents. They were disgusted over how I had acted at the wedding, and refused to talk to me. Oh well. They had no clue what I was going through. I suffered dreadfully, and nopony cared.

One day, I sat on my crummy bed in my crummy apartment. We'd had a new home lined up after we got married, but for obvious reason that had been put on hold (the estate agent, thankfully, was willing to reserve it for us until the matter was resolved). I looked out as the rain dripped down the windows and the wind howled around the shutters like ghosts in the dark. I glanced without interest at the walls, when suddenly I heard a voice.

"Why are you so down?" they said. I looked to my left, and suddenly saw four men, wearing matching suits with matching hairstyles. A drumkit had appeared in there, and three of them held guitars.

"What?" I asked. "What are the Beatles doing here?"

"We're just projections of your mind," John said.

"But we're here to cheer you up," Paul added.

"What is there to be cheerful about?" I asked them, on the verge of despair. "My life is a joke, and I've lost everything!"

Ringo was the next to speak. "Sky," he said, "life often doesn't go the way we expect. But if we give up now, who knows what wonders tomorrow will bring?"

"If you try," George smiled, "you may not achieve your goal. If you don't try, you will not achieve your goal."

"How can I fix what I did?" I asked them, suddenly warming to the idea of talking to a band of whom two members were no longer alive. "Vapour hates me for what I did?"

"No she doesn't!" John interrupted. His Liverpudlian accent would have been almost comical were it not for the circumstances. "We've seen her earlier, and she's just as much of a wreck as you are. So we played a song to help her pull herself together, and we're going to do the same for you."

They raised their instruments, ready.

"1, 2, 3, 4!"

"She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

"You think you've lost your love,
Well, I saw her yesterday-ay;
It's you she's thinking of
And she told me what to say-ay;

"She says she loves you
And you know that can't be bad.
Yes, she loves you;
And you know you should be glad!

"She said you hurt her so
She almost lost her mind;
But now she says she knows
You're not the hurtin' kind;

"She says she loves you
And you know that can't be bad
Yes, she loves you
And you know you should be glad, ooh!
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!
With a love like that
You know you should be glad!

"You know it's up to you
I think it's only fair;
Pride can hurt you, too
Apologize to her!

"Because she loves you
And you know that can't be bad
Yes, she loves you
And you know you should be glad, ooh
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!

"With a love like that
You know you should be glad!
With a love like that
You know you should be glad!
With a love like that
You know you should be glad!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

When they had finished playing, I looked about the apartment, and they were gone. My mind was struck by a brainwave. The song had given me a peculiar sense of clarity. I did love Vapour Trail. So I had to go and find her, and make this right."

Out in the heavy rain, I galloped through the streets of Stratusburg, slipping on tiles and paving stones as I did so. I skidded around a corner, and there she was, galloping as well.

"Vapour!" I called.

"Sky!" she called back. We collided and crashed into each others forehooves.

My eyes were wet, and not because somepony was cutting onions nearby. "I am so, so, sorry," I said, tears streaming down my face. "I know you probably won't, but do you forgive me for what I did?"

I got my answer not through words, but through Vapour's lips touching with mine. It was an absolutely beautiful moment, and it is one I shall never forget in my life. She broke first, and smiled into my eyes. "I will never cease to love you, no matter what happens," she said, as the sky cleared and the sun broke down into the town below.

"That's this lot done!" called Rainbow Dash, temporarily attached to rain duty. "See you next month!"

It was just then I noticed a strange figure moving in an alleyway. I pointed with my hoof. "See that?"

Vapour nodded. "They look like trouble."

Author's Note: