• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 2,431 Views, 162 Comments

Dreamwalker Dash - Fluttercheer

Rainbow Dash wasn't completely serious when she suggested herself to become Princess Luna's successor as dreamwalker. Princess Luna, though, has different ideas. It's time for Rainbow Dash's training.

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Chapter 1: The Night Princess Makes A Visit


The stars twinkled in the sky and their tiny lights competed with the silvery moonshine for illuminating the cloud house beneath them. Of course the moon won and while the stars kept twinkling as if they were expressing their anger, the gentle celestial body cast its light into one particular window of the house.

Behind the window, Rainbow Dash was sitting on the edge of her bed. Or, rather, she was slumping. Her shoulders hanging deep, she fixated the moonlit floor from heavy-lidded eyes. Black rings accentuated them and made the picture of total exhaustion complete. A loud and infectious yawn left her mouth as she eventually reached for an alarm clock on the nightstand to her right.

It had been another typical day for Rainbow Dash. A workday split between teaching about friendship and loyalty and her Wonderbolts duties. Her muscles ached. They didn't hurt more than she was used to, but the pain brought with it the need for a good night's rest. Napping away the afternoon on a cloud was barely possible for her these days, which made it so much more important to use the nights for that purpose.

Rainbow Dash began setting her alarm. Seven o' clock, not a minute later. Nine long, relaxing hours of sleep and then it was time for a new day at Twilight's friendship school. She put the clock down. Another yawn left her, then she climbed into her bed and slipped under the blanket.

Rainbow Dash groaned comfortably. Turning to the left and away from the moon, she pressed the side of her face deep into the soft cloud cushion. The embrace of sleep was coming over her fast and she felt her mind drifting away. Eyes closed, Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep almost completely, as loud, thrusting knocks brought her back to the waking world.

The tired mare groaned and opened her eyes. “Who is knocking in the middle of the night?” she muttered.

Yawning again, she begrudgingly lifted her stiff and heavy body off the mattress. She made only slow progress with crawling out from under her blanket and leaving her bedroom and a second knock did nothing to increase her tempo. Drowsily, she dragged herself out into the corridor. Rainbow Dash barely found her way down the stairs and into the foyer of her huge cloud home without running into something. It knocked at the door again.

“YEAH, I'M COMING!” Rainbow Dash yelled. She didn't care about the volume of her voice, nopony was supposed to come for a visit that late! And if somepony did anyway, they deserved the tone, Dash decided.

She trudged to the door, now a noticeable pounding emerging from under her hooves where they hit the tiled stone floor of the foyer. Rainbow Dash reached for the doorknob. “Whoever is knocking there, it's better because of another crisis for Equestria or their life will become a crisis.” Pulling the door open, she shot the visitor who had dared to disturb her sleep a poisonous glare.

It was Princess Luna. Regal, imposing and not the slightest bit sheepish, she looked down at Rainbow Dash from cold and stern eyes.

“Princess Luna?” Rainbow Dash felt a little bit more awake immediately. Her glare faded. She rubbed the sleep out of one of her eyes. “So, it is another crisis for Equestria, right?” Dash asked as she was done, not realizing that Luna hadn't heard her words from a few seconds ago. “What's happening now?” Rainbow Dash stifled a yawn, trying to appear attentive.

Luna, though, was making sure that she had Rainbow Dash's fullest attention. A couple seconds passed before she proceeded to answer the question.

“Greetings, Rainbow Dash.” The alicorn smiled down at the tired mare friendly. “There is no crisis happening, don't worry. I am here for a different purpose tonight.”

“And what's this purpose?” Rainbow Dash followed up on the question with a strong yawn. No crisis for Equestria meant she should close the door, ignore the princess and slip back into her bed. Only politeness kept her from doing that.

“Yesterday, my sister and I have been sitting together to discuss how we can ensure that all of our duties will be in good hooves after our retirement. There are a lot of things Twilight Sparkle can take care of, but Celestia and I both agreed that we need a pony more suited than her to take over my work in the dreams of ponies. And I think you are the right pony for this job, Rainbow Dash.”

The yawn got stuck in Rainbow Dash's throat halfway through. She stared at the princess with an open mouth for a couple of seconds, before she finally closed it and answered.

“Me? Why would you want me for this job?”

Luna cocked her head. “Why?” she asked. “A few days ago, you were very eager to take on this responsibility, so I am surprised to see you reacting like this.”

“Well, yeah.” Rainbow Dash screwed up her face. “But I wasn't completely serious about this. I mean, of course it would be awesome to see the dreams of other ponies. Especially if they dream about me.” She grinned.

“But there's already other stuff I have to take care of. I'm a full-time member of the Wonderbolts and have to be fit for training every day. And I have my classes at Twilight's school. Sorry, but I can't fit becoming a dreamwalker into all of this.” Her head got lowered slightly and a flash of regret appeared in her eyes. It stayed for a few seconds, before she gave the princess a quizzical look. “And my reaction from a few days ago isn't the only reason why you made me this offer, is it?” she followed up her rejection with a question.

“No, of course not!” Princess Luna laughed. “I have observed you, Rainbow Dash. In the years since my return from the moon and since I was freed of Nightmare Moon's control, I have learned that you have quite the reputation among foals all over Equestria.”

“And?” Rainbow Dash interrupted, not understanding the princess' point.

“And I think this will be very helpful for my dreamwalking duties.” Luna smirked. “I help all ponies of Equestria with their nightmares and the afflictions that cause them. But I encounter most of these nightmares in the minds of foals, for it is the young ones who often deal with the most severe of struggles. These foals trust me as their guardian and I need a successor whom they will trust just as much.”

Luna stepped forward and put a hoof on Rainbow Dash's chest, in a solemn manner. “You, Rainbow Dash, carry a name that is known all over Equestria. The foals of Ponyville already admired you before you became a Wonderbolt and since then, this admiration has become extended to foals who live in every corner of the kingdom. They look up to you and this will create the necessary foundation to earn their trust as their new dream guardian.”

Rainbow Dash's face had become lit up more and more during the explanation by the princess. She looked down at her hoof, then back into her face. “Yeah, you're right. I think they would trust me, but I don't think that I can do this.”

The new rejection resulted in more surprise getting built up on Luna's face. “And why not?” she asked. “I have seen you, Rainbow Dash, you handle foals very well. The young ones like you for more than just your flight skills and career.”

Rainbow Dash rubbed over the backside of her head. “Maybe, but..... I just don't think I can handle more duties than I already have. If I'm dreamwalking at night, between being a Wonderbolt and Twilight's school, I won't be fit enough to do any of my other jobs.”

The surprise in Luna's face vanished as her mind finally comprehended the reason for Rainbow Dash's reservation.

“Can you see it now?” Rainbow Dash removed Luna's hoof from her chest. “There's no way I can do this. I'd like to, I really do. But I can't sleep during the day like you do. I worked hard to be a flier for the Wonderbolts and I won't give this up.” Her eyes became stern.

“I understand, Rainbow Dash. And I do not expect from you to give up any duties that you enjoy. But allow me to put your worries to rest.” She gave Rainbow Dash a reassuring smile.

“See, when I enter other ponies' dreams, it is something I have to do while being awake. But for you, there is a different possibility, one that allows your body to rest because you will dreamwalk in your sleep.”

“Okay, I admit, that does sound awesome.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “But how would I do this? I'm not an alicorn and neither a unicorn. I don't have a horn to cast magic with.” She tapped on her rainbow mane while looking at the princess in a puzzled manner.

Princess Luna chuckled. “You won't need any of this, Rainbow Dash. It's not going to work completely without magic, but I have something else in mind for you.” She put a hoof on the pegasus' chest again. “Would you join me in Canterlot tonight? I even promise that you will get enough sleep.”

Rainbow Dash followed the gesture with her eyes, then looked up again. “Can't you tell me about it here?”

Luna closed her eyes and shook her head in a slow tempo. “I am afraid this is not possible,” she said while opening her eyes again. “The knowledge I have for you has been abused in the past. It is better not to risk talking about it in public.” Her voice had become deeper and her face dark.

Rainbow Dash looked around. The moon still shone brightly and the sky around her cloud house was empty, except for a few stray clouds. There definitely was no pony in earshot. She looked back at Luna. “That bad, huh?”

Luna nodded, wordlessly.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Fine, I'll come and check it out. But no promises yet.” She turned away from Luna and closed the door of her home, then stepped outside fully.

“Promises are not needed. I will show you what I have to offer and then you can decide.”

Rainbow Dash and Luna took off together and flew towards Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Finally, my first story for Season 9! It feels good to finally be able to write a story for a new season in time again. And I feel just the same as I felt when I started writing "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" three years ago!
I feel that this story is going to be great!