• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 2,431 Views, 162 Comments

Dreamwalker Dash - Fluttercheer

Rainbow Dash wasn't completely serious when she suggested herself to become Princess Luna's successor as dreamwalker. Princess Luna, though, has different ideas. It's time for Rainbow Dash's training.

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Chapter 12: The Wrong Filly


Rainbow Dash was sitting in the bedroom of her cloud house and peered out the window at the moon and the stars. She yawned and her lids were lowered, covering about half of her eyes. A milky vision made it necessary to occasionally reach up and rub her eyes so that she could maintain a proper sight of what was in front of her. In her lap rested an opened Daring Do book and on her nightstand stood a steaming mug of coffee, only half full anymore, next to a large pot. Her alarm clock showed exactly midnight. It had been a day filled with intense Wonderbolts training, but Rainbow Dash refused to go to sleep.

The tired mare reached for her mug and gulped down the coffee in it. She grabbed the pot, refilled, took a sip and then returned her attention to the novel. But concentrating enough to read was hard.

Ever since waking up at morning, Rainbow Dash's thoughts circled around the events of last night. Being a dreamwalker was fun. But it was also exhausting and might just force her to reveal details from her life so embarrassing that she would kill to keep them a secret. And she wasn't able to find an answer on the nagging question whether she should continue her dreamwalker training or not. So, now, she was trying to stay awake as long as possible, to escape the decision she couldn't make.

Rainbow Dash did her best to keep reading, but the words blurred in front of her eyes and her mind had bigger and bigger problems to follow the plot. A few times, she wondered why she suddenly stared at a black wall, only to realize that she had closed her eyes without noticing it. As the desire to lie down on her pillow just for a few minutes became dangerously close to actually making that mistake, Rainbow Dash shook her head, hit her cheeks with both hooves and gulped down the entirety of her mug of coffee at once. She forced herself to continue reading. Sentence by sentence, her eyes flitted over the page in a quick tempo. Halfway through one sentence, a roaring noise from behind her suddenly interrupted her flow. It sounded like something was tearing apart her entire house.

Rainbow Dash dropped the book in shock and tossed her head around to see what it was. In this moment, her bedroom wall along with the door collapsed. Behind the cloudy debris, after the dust had settled, Rainbow Dash's fearful eyes fell upon a huge alligator. The scales on his back were of a dark, green color and yellow spikes were sticking out of them, its underside was of a softer, green color. Narrow, blue eyes glistened at Rainbow Dash and its mouth was full of razor-sharp, yellow teeth. The beast opened its mouth fully and roared, causing a wave of stinking, hot air to blast over Rainbow Dash. Her mane got blown back by the disgusting, foul wind. Rainbow Dash had to suppress the urge to retch as the beast suddenly ran towards her at a frightening speed. She jumped up, ready to fly out, as the alligator suddenly stopped right in front of her bed. Rainbow Dash kept standing on alert, wings flared out, and stared into the eyes of the beast.

On top of the alligator's head, two small, goldenrod hooves appeared and Hyper Sonic pulled herself up the head. She sat down on the head of the alligator and gave Rainbow Dash a teasing, smug look, head raised high, like she was sitting on a throne.

“You?!” Rainbow Dash burst out. “How did you get into my house? Where does this alligator come from? And why do you let him destroy everything?” The questions shot out of Rainbow Dash's mouth.

Hyper Sonic did not respond. Her lips curled up and she lowered her head slightly. A dark shade appeared on her eyes and she gave Rainbow Dash a penetrating look.

Rainbow Dash's pupils constricted. Gulping, she did a step back. She couldn't explain what she was feeling all of a sudden, but a deep, primal fear was filling her heart as the filly stared at her like this. “Hyper Sonic?” she asked, her voice a weak whisper now.

To her left, the still intact wall of her bedroom flickered and a dark, purple portal appeared. Luna stepped out of it and entered Rainbow Dash's bedroom. The dark shade on Hyper Sonic's eyes disappeared and the filly presented Rainbow Dash with a more genuine smile. Underneath her, the alligator dissipated and she dropped onto the floor. Luna stepped closer and presented Rainbow Dash with a smile of her own, although hers was a lot more calming in nature.

“Fear not, Rainbow Dash, you are merely dreaming. Your house is intact and this alligator has never been real,” she explained the mare to take her fears away.

“I'm..... dreaming?” Rainbow Dash asked. Her mouth fell open and she stared at Luna and Hyper Sonic in a baffled manner.

“Indeed. You avoided sleep for a long time this night and Hyper Sonic was getting very impatient. Her assistance in your dreamwalker training is not needed at the moment, but she insisted to join your dreams again and she could hardly wait for you to finally fall asleep. You have to forgive her this little prank she played to get your attention.”

“Little” was not the word that came to Rainbow Dash's mind after this startling intrusion. But she slowly began to calm down. Her heart was already beating slower. “I fell asleep?”

“Yes. You were trying hard to stay awake, but eventually, sleep succeeded and you fell into a slumber during reading your book, Rainbow Dash. You rest lying on your side in your bed now, with the book still in your lap.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “I didn't notice.”

Luna nodded. “Instantly slipping into a dream while falling to sleep when being deprived of it is very common. I can sense your concern, Rainbow Dash, you are conflicted between becoming a dreamwalker and accepting all the challenges and sacrifices that come with being one and giving away your new dream powers and every fun aspect of dreamwalking again.”

“Yeah, exactly,” Rainbow Dash snarled. “And that little show just now didn't make it any easier!” She huffed and glared at Hyper Sonic, who made another smug face in response.

“Maybe,” Luna spoke. “But tonight, your help is needed. A filly you care greatly for goes through dire troubles. It's important for you to be in her dream tonight.” As she had ended her sentence, Rainbow Dash's cloud house disappeared and all three of them stood in the dream realm. Another second later, Rainbow Dash found herself on a beach.

The waves of the ocean lapped against the sand, washing away some of it and bringing in new sand at the same time. Rainbow Dash turned around. Behind her, where the beach ended, was a large jungle. Exotic trees greeted her and her eyes couldn't pierce through the thick foliage to see what was behind. It was like another ocean, an ocean of green plants and towering tree giants.

“Is she in there?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Luna shook her head, standing next to Hyper Sonic. She lifted a hoof and pointed it into the other direction, at the ocean.
Rainbow Dash turned around again. She scanned the beach, until her eyes found who she was looking for. The identity of the filly was no surprise for her.

To her left and further in the distance, near a cliff that interrupted the beach, sat Scootaloo and stared out into the ocean. She was completely motionless, her forehooves placed firmly in front of herself, her tail wrapped around her hindlegs. Rainbow Dash couldn't see her face and Scootaloo didn't show any inclination to turn around at her. At this distance, Rainbow Dash figured, she probably didn't even notice her, so she decided to come closer.

As she was only a few steps away anymore, Scootaloo finally stirred. She turned her head around at Rainbow Dash and lifted her right foreleg, a sad frown on her face. “So you finally came into one of my dreams,” her voice rasped. A sadness like Rainbow Dash had only heard it in Scootaloo's darkest moments was ringing in it, with a hint of tears and a trace of accusation. Scootaloo looked away again and returned into her former pose, continuing to stare into the ocean.

Rainbow Dash crossed the last little distance between them. “Scoots?” she asked, now standing right behind her. A frown was on her face, too, now. “What's wrong? Luna said you are in trouble.”

“Am I?” Scootaloo asked, in the same tone as before, but slightly cynical now. “I am not in trouble. I am just staring at the ocean.” She paused for a moment. “Its waves are gentle.”

“Gentle?” The answer confused Rainbow Dash and she stepped at Scootaloo's side. “What's wrong, Scoots?” she asked again, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

Scootaloo shook it off. “What's wrong?” she repeated the question. “What is wrong?”

“Well, what is it?” Rainbow Dash asked again, now with more urgency. The behavior of her little sister unnerved her. “What is wrong, Scootaloo?”

“No, you don't understand.....” Scootaloo replied. She moved around now and looked at her. “I'm asking you. What is wrong, Rainbow Dash?”

An eerie feeling befell Rainbow Dash. “I..... What? What do you mean, Scoots?”

Scootaloo kept owing her a clear answer, but she turned to the jungle now and pointed with a hoof into the direction of Luna and Hyper Sonic. “What is with her?” she asked. She put her hoof down again and, without looking at Rainbow Dash, flapped her wings and flew away. On top of the cliff, she landed and sat down again. Scootaloo watched the ocean again from her new vantage point. A few tears fell out of her eyes. She let them drop onto the rock under her, then her eyes were dry again.

Rainbow Dash followed her and landed on the cliff, as well. “Scootaloo?” she asked, coming closer once more. “Why are you so upset?”

Scootaloo turned her head to the side, eyes looking down on the rock under her. “Why did you choose her, not me?” she hissed.

“Her?” Rainbow Dash tilted her head. She looked at Scootaloo for a few moments, pondering her words. Then her face cleared up. She turned around, stepped at the side of the cliff and looked all the way over to the jungle, where Hyper Sonic and Luna still stood, watching her from the distance. “You mean Hyper Sonic? That's who you're talking about?”

“Really smart,” Scootaloo sniffed. “That took you so long to figure out.” Her voice had become more tear-filled. She didn't show Rainbow Dash her face.

Rainbow Dash turned back at Scootaloo and her ears lowered. “Scootaloo, I..... I didn't choose her. I didn't choose Hyper Sonic. Luna did.”

“Yeah?” Scootaloo looked to the side again. Tears glistened in her eyes. “What's the difference? You never even suggested me, did you?” She turned her head back at the ocean and cried in silence.

Rainbow Dash stood frozen as she watched Scootaloo's body rock and tremble. She couldn't deny that it was the truth. It were Luna's words, that Scootaloo doesn't have what Hyper Sonic has. But she had believed those words, had listened to them. Luna knew what's the best for her training. And she didn't question her decision. Especially not after learning about Hyper Sonic's abilities. She had never suggested Scootaloo. She had never even asked Luna if Scootaloo could at least join and watch her training in some nights. Guilt spread out in Rainbow Dash's heart.

“Why not me?” it came from Scootaloo, sobbing now. “We are so close..... You became my big sister..... Why couldn't I be your assistant?”

“Scootaloo..... I..... I couldn't. I couldn't make this decision. Luna..... She said that I need Hyper Sonic's abilities. It was forced on me. I couldn't decide this.....” Rainbow Dash looked at her little sister, helplessly. There wasn't much she could say. The accusation was anything but unfounded, but the damage was done now.

“Luna..... Luna..... Always Luna..... What about you, Rainbow Dash? Why didn't you invite me? Did Princess Luna say no?”

Rainbow Dash looked down. “She..... She didn't.”

“Because you didn't ask her if I could come..... right?” Scootaloo's voice became more hissing again.

Another twinge of guilt constricted Rainbow Dash's heart as she listened to Scootaloo saying exactly the same things that had been in her own thoughts a moment ago. “I'm sorry,” she whispered.

“Why not?” Scootaloo asked, now sobbing again. “Is it because of her abilities?”

Silence from Rainbow Dash.

“Is she better than I am?”

There was no right answer on this question Rainbow Dash could think of.

“Is it because she can fly and I don't?”

Rainbow Dash yanked up her head. “No!” she shouted. “You know that doesn't matter!”

“It does not?” Scootaloo shot back. “Does it matter that I can't fly? She can fly..... Maybe that's why you never invited me to watch your training.”

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth and watched Scootaloo with a strained look on her face as the cold words washed over her.

“That's why.....” Scootaloo continued. “That's why you never invite me, because she can fly and I can't!”

“Don't say something so ridiculous!” it finally snapped out of Rainbow Dash. “That you aren't able to fly doesn't matter, it never mattered to me!”

Another sob came from Scootaloo. “You only care about Hyper Sonic and your dreamwalking anymore and you have forgotten about me.” Then there was silence. Her tear-filled eyes focused on the ocean waves.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, inhaling sharply. She breathed out again, before she carefully approached Scootaloo.

“Listen, Scootaloo..... Luna said that Hyper Sonic is a natural-born lucid dreamer. She can make things appear in dreams like nopony else can. That's why Luna chose her as my assistant. And it's true, I am impressed by her abilities, the lucid-dreaming, her bravery..... but not because she can fly.”

Scootaloo looked to the side again, not fully showing her face. “You know I can do lucid-dreaming, too, when Princess Luna comes into one of my dreams.....” She closed her eyes. Her body glowed white for a moment, then her wings had grown four times the size of her body. “But I'm not as good at it as she is.....”

“That's okay, Scootaloo. You can't fly, you can't fight as well as she can and you aren't as good at lucid-dreaming as Hyper Sonic is.” She stepped at Scootaloo's side again and, before Scootaloo could protest, lifted Scootaloo's chin and made her look at her. “But you have your own great abilities. You know how to help a pony with a cutie mark problem. And I bet Hyper Sonic couldn't do stunts on a scooter like you can.”

Scootaloo lowered her eyes, refusing to look at Rainbow Dash.

“You are still amazing, Scootaloo. That never changed for me. I.....” Rainbow Dash bit her lip. “..... probably got a little carried away with Hyper Sonic and the things she can do..... But that doesn't mean I forgot about you, Scoots. You're still amazing to me.”

Scootaloo kept looking to the side. Only after a few seconds, she looked into Rainbow Dash's face, but maintained an expression of insecurity. “Really?”

“Of course, squirt. I always believed in you.” Rainbow Dash gave her protégé a smile and her certified face of awesomeness.


“A 120% promise!”

There was still a frown on Scootaloo's face. “So, can I watch your dreamwalker training from now on? At least some of your training sessions?”

“All of them!” Rainbow Dash guaranteed her. “And if Luna says no, I'll make her say yes!”

“And only I and nopony else?”

Now some nervousness returned onto Rainbow Dash's face. “I can't exactly tell Hyper Sonic to leave..... She's already used to it and it wouldn't be fair to exclude her now. But there's room for both of you in the dream realm!” Rainbow Dash started to smile again.

“Fine.....” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. She frowned a little longer while getting accustomed to the idea, then her face became brighter. Her mouth formed a smile and her eyes started to sparkle. Rainbow Dash removed her hoof from under Scootaloo's chin and gave her biggest fan and little sister a noogie. Scootaloo responded with a hug and squeezed Rainbow Dash tightly.

“I see this crisis has been averted,” Luna's voice suddenly rang into their ears. The night princess landed next to them.

Hyper Sonic was at her side and watched the two of them with a smile. As Scootaloo opened her eyes again and saw the other filly, her initial reaction was a frown, but it dissolved as she recalled Rainbow Dash's words of reassurance. She didn't give Hyper Sonic a smile, however.

“This was very much needed,” Luna concluded what happened since they arrived in Scootaloo's dream.

“Yeah, but why?” Rainbow Dash asked. Her and Scootaloo had released their embrace by now and looked at the night princess together. “It wasn't just because to give me and Scootaloo a chance to fix this, right?

“You are right, Rainbow Dash. There was something more to it. I already noticed your sudden doubts about becoming Equestria's new dreamwalker last night. And I hoped, if you see how much your dreamwalker training means to Scootaloo, you will change your mind. And it was also a good lesson, for there are many foals with very similar problems.”

“I did change my mind, kind of,” Rainbow announced. “Still don't feel good about it that some foals will learn embarrassing secrets about me when I help them with their nightmares, though. That willl turn me into their laughing stock.” Rainbow Dash cringed at the thought.

“I can see that very clearly. But will it really be a problem?” Luna challenged her worries. “What about Scootaloo? Do you believe she will think lower of you for knowing a few embarrassing things about yourself?”

Scootaloo shook her head, demonstratively.

“Scoots already knows everything there is to know,” Rainbow Dash clarified.

“And has this diminished her admiration for you?”

“No..... I guess not,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“And what about Hyper Sonic? Do you think she will laugh about you for learning something you feel embarrassed about?” She gave Hyper Sonic a prompting glance.

“Nothing has changed,” Hyper Sonic confirmed. “You are still as awesome as you always were.”

Rainbow Dash's face softened somewhat. “What about your sister? Isn't she laughing about me now?”

Hyper Sonic shook her head. “No. Gooseberry even praised you before we went to sleep today and said that your method already makes her feel better.”

“See?” Luna picked up where Hyper Sonic left off. “The admiration that the foals of Equestria feel for you is strong, Rainbow Dash. If anything, the help you give them will increase that admiration.”

Rainbow Dash looked over the encouraging smiles that Scootaloo and Hyper Sonic gave her. She sighed. “Fine..... I won't quit.”

Scootaloo at her side began to cheer, jumping up and down, then gave her another hug. Hyper Sonic flashed a grin at her.

“Very good,” Luna expressed her relief over the decision in a regal and composed way. “There are a lot of foals who await your guidance, Rainbow Dash, and we will visit many of them in the nights that lie ahead.”

“I am prepared,” Rainbow Dash said. Her eyes radiated confidence now.

Author's Note:

Not everything is as it seems in this chapter.