• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 2,431 Views, 162 Comments

Dreamwalker Dash - Fluttercheer

Rainbow Dash wasn't completely serious when she suggested herself to become Princess Luna's successor as dreamwalker. Princess Luna, though, has different ideas. It's time for Rainbow Dash's training.

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Chapter 10: Death from the Sky


With swift agility, Rainbow Dash dove to the right as a ball of fire came down from the sky. She felt its heat for a second and sweat broke out on her body, then it soared past her. Rainbow Dash turned around and followed the meteorite with her eyes. A town lay below her and the meteorite aimed straight for it. Her heart sank, fully aware that she could do nothing to stop it.

It was early in the morning and the ponies of the town went about their business. A blue stallion at the edge of town just opened a window on the first floor of his house and stretched himself while taking a good sniff of the air. Rainbow Dash could see other ponies who did the same thing and her eyes flitted around between them.

Not far away from the center of the little town was a group of foals. They trotted towards a relatively large building. It had a playground next to it and a bell tower, though, Rainbow Dash wasn't sure if it was a school or a kindergarden. But the foals headed to the building, some of them wearing little, green sashes around their bodies. They chatted happily, with cute smiles on their faces. Some pegasi foals were flying through the air above the little crowd of young earth ponies and unicorns.

In the middle of the town were market stalls and the customers talked with the sellers and merchants or marvelled about their products. They praised their goods or hectically argued for a discount. One customer looked angry and heavily gestured at some fruits at a farmer's stall. It was a typical market scene, like it happened in all small towns of Equestria. Rainbow Dash shivered as she realized that this rural idyll would end forever very soon. The fact that it wasn't actually real changed nothing for her. It looked real and it felt real, so for her mind, it was real.

Nearby, a strong and bulky, brown earth pony stallion pulled a cart. It was filled with produce, Rainbow Dash could spot apples, pears, grapes, tomatoes, beans and many fruits and vegetables more. He seemed to be on the way to the stall with the angry, gesturing customer.

Several other ponies trotted around the town. Rainbow Dash imagined how they were on their way to work or maybe returned back home from a nightshift somewhere. Or maybe some of them were just using the nice weather for a morning trot. Her eyes caught a purple earth pony mare with sunglasses who was jogging at the edge of the town. The town was full of life. Life that, if she wasn't successful, would find a painful, burning end soon.

At the market, a younger filly who Rainbow Dash estimated to be four or five, reached for a red and white, spiral-shaped lollipop on a stall full of chocolate and sweets. The candy seller, an orange unicorn stallion with a red mane, raised a hoof to remind the filly that she has to pay first. His strict expression was softened by an understanding smile, though. The little unicorn was just about to start licking the lollipop, her appetite drowning out the reminder by the stallion, as a sound from above caught her attention and she turned around. Her mouth opened wide and her yellow eyes turned to pinpricks as she saw the fiery trail of death coming towards her. A second later, the face of the filly turned red and she started to cry and dropped the lollipop onto the ground.

Startled by the sudden reaction of fear, the candy seller followed the outstretched hoof of the filly that pointed at the sky after he asked her what's wrong. His own eyes turned to pinpricks then and his face became pale. Wasting no time, he grabbed the filly's hoof and pulled her along, attempting to flee from the approaching meteorite. Around them, more ponies took notice and a wild panic broke out.

A few other ponies pointed at the sky and shrieked in fear, causing the rest of them to look up. All the ponies at the market and the foals at the large building with the bell tower were staring at the sky now and saw the meteorite that came to destroy them. Horror and fear distorted their faces. More foals began to cry, some of them frozen in place from how scared they were, others beginning to run for their lives. A few of them fled into the large building, perhaps in the feeble hope that its sturdy walls would offer protection. Panic broke out all over the little town.

The only calm pony Rainbow Dash could spot was the jogging mare. She stood between two houses, watching the meteorite with a mix of fascination and fear. That mare thought of herself as safe and she was probably right. Rainbow Dash followed the meteorite's path with her eyes. From her position, she estimated it to go down near the town center. From the corner of her eyes, she could see a mint-green earth pony mare stand on her balcony, then rushing inside her house.

More ponies began to run and Rainbow Dash began to fly. The deadly ball of fire was flying fast, but outpacing a meteorite had to be possible if it meant to save the lives of approximately hundred ponies that formed the population of a countryside town. Young foals included.

Rainbow Dash gave her best. The meteorite was far ahead of her already. She cursed herself for having wasted so much time with observing the townsponies. Knowing the potential killcount of a town that faced an apocalyptic catastrophe was useless if she couldn't reduce it. A sonic rainboom was the only thing that could still help her to bring the mint-green mare to safety. But she was still in the process of preparing it, flying faster and faster, as the meteorite hit the mare's house. The house got pierced by it, then the meteorite exploded as it impacted on the ground and the walls of the house got blown away. Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip. She didn't see the mare leaving the house, but maybe she could seek shelter in a cellar that went down deep enough. As she was close to the house, though, Rainbow Dash had to admit that this hope had been in vain.

Rainbow Dash looked down at a deep crater, the scorched-black wooden walls of the house bordering it. It was a crater far deeper than an average pony who lives in a small town would build their cellar. Rainbow Dash landed in the crater and looked around. Above her loomed what was left of the cottage. A breeze made a piece of black wood come loose and it fell down next to her. Rainbow Dash couldn't see the body of the mare anywhere, but what she could see was that she was surrounded by ashes. Her head hanging low, Rainbow Dash dragged herself out of the crater and the ruins of the mare's home and landed next to the fountain on the town square. She sniffed and sighed. Deep inside, she was aware that everything was a dream and nothing more. But on the surface of her mind, the emotions were the same.

Rainbow Dash looked up at the sky. Her eyes found Hyper Sonic, who hovered above the houses in a high altitude. Her face showed satisfaction, the filly was clearly happy about it that she was able to think up another scenario that kept her occupied and helped her training. This was the only emotion in her face, though. Hyper Sonic was the master of her dream and she knew it. Rainbow Dash gulped.

Other ponies, ponies who were tougher than she was, would shrug everything off as just a dream scenario. Rainbow Dash had a softer core under her hard shell, though. She always felt empathy for other ponies and even though she knew that all of this was just a dream, the realism of her surroundings was more than enough to trigger her empathy. They were dream constructs, figments of imagination that acted sentient, but she had to save them. Rainbow Dash gave Hyper Sonic another look, then she turned around and looked at the sky, into the direction she had come from when she began to fly to attempt saving the mint-green mare. And she saw exactly what she expected. More meteorites were on their way. She had to act fast.

Around her, the panic continued in an untamed way. Ponies were running, she heard foals shrieking or crying for their parents. Stressed and unsure about who she should save first, Rainbow Dash's eyes darted around. She couldn't determine who the next meteorite aimed for yet. Next to her, the stallion who pulled the cart was running away fast. The cart was still attached to his body. In the next moment, Rainbow Dash could see that he stumbled as a small eruption went through his cart. He looked behind and scrunched his face in worries. One wheel of the carts was stuck in a road hole. The stallion pulled at the cart with all his might, several times, but in spite of all his muscles and his strength, it did not budge. Rainbow Dash cocked her head. It was weird. She could have sworn that the hole in the road hadn't been there a second ago. Rainbow Dash looked up at Hyper Sonic again, who smirked back. “Of course.....” she uttered, feeling enlightened, but in a dark way.

Rainbow Dash rushed at the stallion's side. Another look into the sky had confirmed her that the next meteorite was indeed aiming for the struggling stallion. He had given up trying to get the cart wheel free and was now in the process of slipping out of the harness that attached the cart to him. But even this was to no avail. The harness refused to go over his head, no matter how much he strained his neck. He was trapped.

“Sadistic,” it came over Rainbow Dash's lips as she tried to get the harness off herself. But like the stallion before, she failed. Rainbow Dash started sweating and another look into the sky made clear why. The ball of fire who came to claim another victim was almost here. In panic, Rainbow Dash pulled at the stuck wheel. She pulled with her hooves first, then used her wings, then stepped behind it and started to push. It finally moved an inch, but before she could push it over the hole's edge, it rolled back. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and sighed, exhausted and hopeless. She flapped her wings and flew away into a safe distance, just in time for the meteorite to hit the brown stallion with full force. His heavy, muscular body gave in to the celestial object immediately. He got knocked down without eliciting a scream and only a second later, his body got covered by a brightly burning fire whose flames shot up high into the air. All of which Rainbow Dash had to witness while she was flying backwards into safety.

As Rainbow Dash averted her gaze from the fire and fell onto the farmer's market stall, her eyes saw something unexpected. Undeterred by all the panic around them and the apocalyptic menace that came down from the sky, the customer and the farmer were still bickering and arguing. The customer, a male unicorn, gestured at the produce furiously, while the farmer was wearing an apologetic, patient face and occasionally lifted a fruit or vegetable to hold them in front of his customer. Rainbow Dash could see stress glimmering in his eyes, though. She had no idea what the two were talking about exactly, the screams and the loud clopping of hooves drowned out their voices, but her empathy for the unicorn quickly weakened as she watched the scene unfold. The farmer began cowering down in fear as he tried to reason with his customer. But a pony was a pony. She had to save both of them.

Rainbow Dash knew they were next, without looking at the sky. She flew over to them fast and landed next to the yelling customer. “Hey, how about you go and flee, like the rest of the town?” she questioned their behavior. Her own voice was filled with stress. “Really, how can you not notice what's going on here? Your town is the target of a gigantic meteorite shower!”

None of them reacted. They kept talking and arguing and the customer continued his bickering without even looking at her. Only the farmer gave her a glance, but it was like the meaning of her words didn't reach him. Rainbow Dash stared at them, her eyes bulging.

“HELLO?!” she yelled now. “You two are about to die! Aren't your lives more important than discussing the quality standard of fruits and vegetables?!”

Nothing. No response and not even a look anymore. Rainbow Dash groaned. She grabbed the customer's ear and brought her mouth close to it. “YOU. ARE. DYING! A METEORITE WILL BURN YOU ALIVE ANY MOMENT!”

The angry customer yanked his head to the side, freeing his ear from her grasp, and continued. Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed in frustration. She jumped over the table of the stall, knocking down some fruits in the process, and directed her attention at the farmer. She pulled at him from behind and slowly got him to move away from the stall, his tail clenched between her teeth. Rainbow Dash felt that he fought her attempt to rescue her, but she was stronger than him and so she just kept pulling him out of the danger zone. Her eyes fell on the angry customer, who gestured the farmer to come back, but he still did not move away from the stall. There was nothing she could do for him.

For the farmer, though, her intervention didn't come too early. Just far away enough that Rainbow Dash estimated they were out of the explosion radius now, his stall got pierced by the next fireball. The impact of the meteorite flung the fruits and vegetables to all sides, some of them cooked by the sudden heat, and a banana landed in the mouth of the impossible to please customer, finally forcing him to be quiet. His pupils shrunk, then he had enough time to look angrily down at the fruit, before the wave of fire engulfed him and he collapsed, screaming loudly.

The farmer's eyes widened in terror and he ripped his tail out of Rainbow Dash's mouth. “My products!” he shouted in despair and ran for his stall.

“Wait, what are you doing?!” Rainbow Dash shouted after him, spitting out some orange hairs. But it was too late. The farmer jumped into the flames and disappeared behind the wall of fire.

Rainbow Dash stood there, dejected, and watched. A thought rose up in her mind, but she pushed it away. “Gotta try harder,” she mumbled and turned for the next target. The meteorite that should hit it was not far away anymore.

Rainbow Dash looked at the house of the blue stallion, who she had spotted as the first pony of the little town. His house stood at the edges of the town, but now the meteorites were aiming to crash down even there. The stallion was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't at the window anymore. She couldn't spot him at any of the other windows, either. The door was closed and Rainbow Dash crashed into it and burst together with the door into the little house. The stallion looked up startled, standing next to a hatch in the floor that had been covered by a rug. “What are you doing in my house?” he asked. “You should better leave and get yourself to safety!”

Rainbow Dash facehoofed. “You are the one who should bring yourself to safety! I am the rescuer here!”

The stallion looked confused, but did not respond. He turned away from Rainbow Dash and reached for the hatch. Using one of his wings, he pulled it open. “I'll be safe down there,” he said, climbing inside. “You should leave the town as fast as you can and go back where you came from.”

“No, you won't!” Rainbow Dash shot back. She ran for the hatch and tried to grab the stallion and pull him out, but the hatch closed before she could reach him. She heard a clicking sound from below it. Rainbow Dash thrust her hoof against the wood of the hatch, knocking loudly. “Come out! This is all just a dream, but I still need to save you!”

“If it's just a dream, then nothing can hurt me,” the faint voice of the stallion answered.

“Dreams can hurt you!” Rainbow Dash corrected him while she pounded against the hatch, hoping it would crack open. “Luna says dreams can hurt you!”

“Princess Luna? Well, then she should better be the one who comes and rescues me, I bet she is more competent than you are!”

“It doesn't matter how competent I am!” Rainbow Dash shouted, pounding incessantly. “You aren't even real, but I am the one who is tasked with rescuing you and I'm not going to watch how you die in here!”

“Not real? What are you even talking about?!” The voice of the stallion rose with his anger. “You are crazy, finally get out of my house!”

Rainbow Dash ignored the demand and kept going, but the hatch did not open. As the roaring sound of the approaching meteorite entered her ears, Rainbow Dash knew that it was too late. She left the house, ears hanging low, and braced herself for the impact. The meteorite hit fast and hard. Rainbow Dash stared down another crater, reaching far into the depths of the earth. She stared for a few seconds, wings shaking, then she forced herself to turn away and looked for the jogging mare.

She found her in some meters distance. The meteorites were coming down in quicker succession now and the mare was a constant target. She was running but, unlike the other ponies, dodged the meteorites with ease. Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief. She had nothing to do here. Having verified that the mare could take care of herself, Rainbow Dash Dash turned again and searched for the candy seller and the young filly. The situation wasn't as relaxed for the two of them.

The filly was running ahead now. Her tiny, pink hooves carried her faster than the candy seller's hooves did. He panted and had trouble to keep pace with the youthful pony. The meteorites were hitting the ground left and right of them, some coming dangerously close to the duo. As Rainbow Dash started flying, she had to witness how the candy seller got maimed by one of the deadly projectiles. She flew faster, eyes focused on the filly, who was hit by the shock wave and flung away. The filly drifted helplessly over the ground, wailing from pain as her skin got cut open by small rocks and the soil itself. She laid still after the shock wave had worn off and Rainbow Dash already feared the worst, but then she got up on her hooves and ran again, trickles of blood running down her legs. Fearful, the filly climbed up a nearby tree, perhaps hoping for protection by the thick branches. But while she still climbed, more meteorites shook the ground around her and the combined energy of the new shock waves blasted her off the tree. Rainbow Dash had to watch helplessly as her head hit a large rock and cracked open. She stopped flying and hovered on the spot, biting her lip as she looked at the outcome of the horrific accident.

“It can't be..... Why do I keep failing to save these ponies? What's going on?!” She forced herself to look away and flew back to the jogging earth pony mare. The mare was still dodging the meteorites, but more of them came down now and they came down in a faster tempo. The mare was sweating and gritted her teeth. Her sunglasses were gone, revealing green eyes that looked hectically around. And before Rainbow Dash could reach her, she too was hit. One of her attempts of dodging failed and she became the center of a massive explosion. Rainbow Dash shielded her eyes from the burning brightness. As she looked down again, all she could see was the black, burnt skeleton of the mare. She was lying on the side and her mouth was wide open. Her legs were bent like she was still running.

Only one target was left anymore now. Rainbow Dash couldn't see any more ponies running for safety and most of the houses were black ruins now. The town was littered with corpses and black skeletons. Reminders of her failure. But she knew where ponies hid, one group of foals left that she could save.....

Rainbow Dash flew straight for the large building with the bell tower, having to dodge meteorites herself now. She landed in front of the door and inside. The foals in the building gasped and turned around. “Close the door!” one filly hissed in fear.

Rainbow Dash did not listen. She ignored the filly and came towards her, then grabbed her hoof with haste. “Come with me!” she spoke nervously, almost snapping at the filly.

“Ow, you hurt me!” the filly complained and pulled back her hoof. Instantly, many young eyes rested on Rainbow Dash. They all frowned.

Rainbow Dash breathed out sharply. She turned around and glared at the foals. The filly she had just tried to drag out of the building was starting to say something, but then closed her mouth and looked at Rainbow Dash in fear.The reason for that was apparent in Rainbow Dash's eyes; they radiated impatience, nervousness and anger. She came a step closer to the foals, huffing.

“I'm only going to explain this once,” she said. “All of you are going to follow me outside, if you want to or not.” She did another step forward, her movement sharp and quick.

The foals retreated further, gasping in fear.

“That's not a request, it's a demand,” Rainbow Dash added. With her desire to save them and her fear of failing again, she did not realize how her demeanor looked for the foals. “It's scary outside, but it's not safer in here.” The thunderous roar of dozens of meteorites that destroyed the rest of the town now underlined her words. “And that's why you will come with me now. All of you. I won't say it again.” She came towards them again, not stopping anymore this time. “I am going to fly you outside now and if I have to do it with force.”

Some of the foals gulped, others just kept staring in fear. Finally, one of them found the courage to speak up. “I-It's safe in here,” a colt at the front stammered. “W-We don't need to go outside. Our s-school has strong walls.”

“NONSENSE!” Rainbow Dash yelled, still coming closer.

The foals started to whimper and huddled closer to each other. A few of them began outright crying because of the scary mare in front of them.

“All of you talk nonsense!” Rainbow Dash continued. “I've seen what these things do, your ridiculous school won't save you!”

The foals did not move anymore. Frozen in fear, they looked at Rainbow Dash. As she had reached them, she grabbed the filly's hoof again, demonstratively. She did it as sharp as before, but the filly did not pull back anymore. “All of you will follow me outside now.” As she pulled at the filly's hoof, though, the filly still did not move. And neither did any of the other foals make any attempts at leaving the building. They kept sitting in place and stared at her, wordlessly.

Rainbow Dash prepared another speech, but before she could begin to talk, a shock wave knocked her down right in front of the gathered foals. One of the meteorites had hit the entrance of the schoolhouse. A fire broke out behind Rainbow Dash and as she was back on her four hooves and checked the damage, it became clear there was no way out here anymore. Rainbow Dash stared at a wall of fire.

“Is there a backdoor?” Rainbow Dash asked the foals, turning around at them.

The foals shook their heads. “No, we're not leaving,” the filly, whose hoof she had just been holding a moment ago, said. Her voice was shivering, but conviction to stay was ringing in it.

“I don't have time for this.....” Rainbow Dash growled. “BACKDOOR OR NOT?” she bellowed at the foals.

An answer was not needed anymore. Another meteorite hit the school and destroyed the rooms at the backside of the building. Walls of fire were in front of them and behind them now. And the fire quickly spread to the sides of the building, igniting the rest of it. Soon, Rainbow Dash and the foals were completely surrounded by fire. Even the roof truss was burning. Orange sparks rained down on them. The air smelled hot.

Rainbow Dash's head shot around, as she looked for something that could still save them. There was nothing. “I told you..... I told you..... I told you that it isn't safe in here.....” her nervous voice rang out.

The foals did not respond anymore. All of them were crying now, without restraint. They hugged each other. Some of the younger foals were hiding their faces in the manes of the older foals. There were twelve foals trapped in the school with Rainbow Dash, colts and fillies, and they formed one large, weeping bundle now. There was no rescue for them in sight, no way to get out of the building and nothing to extinguish the fire with. The staccato of meteorite impacts outside had stopped, but now this didn't matter anymore. The foals were going to die.

The only rescue arrived for Rainbow Dash herself. All of a sudden, as the flames came dangerously close to her tail, Rainbow Dash found herself surrounded by a midnight-blue sphere. It was her sign that it was over, that her newest training scenario had ended. Yet, for some reason, neither the foals, nor the building around her disappeared. She was still there, as the flames came closer and closer. “That's going too far now.....” Rainbow Dash trembled.

The flames eventually passed Rainbow Dash inside the magic sphere and reached the foals. Like before, Rainbow Dash could only watch, but it was far more horrible this time. The foals retreated away from the flames, fighting for every last inch that wasn't burning. Then they reached the fire at the other side and had to stop. It was only a minute later, that the flames began to reach for their manes and tails. They set ablaze and, huddled up and hugging each other for the last comfort they would ever get in their lives, the fire dug deeply into their bodies. Rainbow Dash wanted to look away, but her guilt made her watch. She failed and so she deserved to see this. The skin of the foals peeled off from the heat, their manes and tails became eaten by the flames and the flesh of their young bodies turned brown. For five minutes, Rainbow Dash watched the whole process and listened to the agonized screams of the foals, then it was over and she could only stare at twelve little, black skeletons anymore. Twelve skeletons that were hugging each other. The sight filled Rainbow Dash's heart with fear.

Finally, the building around her disappeared. The sphere of magic dissipated and Rainbow Dash found herself floating in a black void. Only the skeletons remained. Their eye holes seemed to Rainbow Dash like they were staring at her, even though the foals had their faces turned at each other in their final moments. Behind the foals, Luna suddenly manifested in the void. A second later, Hyper Sonic appeared at her side. Rainbow Dash looked at them. Her eyes were filled with tears now. “Why?” she asked.

Luna closed her eyes for a moment, then she looked straight into Rainbow Dash's face. “You have not failed, Rainbow Dash,” her dark, majestic voice washed over the pegasus mare.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked, weakly. The question was a mere whimper. “But I did..... You saw everything.”

“What happened today was nothing but a demonstration,” Luna continued. “There was no way for you to succeed. Hyper Sonic here has made sure of it.” The filly at her side looked at Rainbow Dash with a sad frown, but stayed where she was.

“Not succeeding?” Rainbow Dash whimpered a response. “But..... how? Why? Why all this?”

Luna and Hyper Sonic came floating closer. “In dreams, you will sometimes see things that you cannot change. Once you have learned everything and become a dreamwalker as experienced as I am, you will be able to alter dreams, to let things appear or vanish, and you will resolve many situations before they escalate. But there will be moments when your intervention does not come soon enough or when a situation repeats itself. The subconscious mind of the foals and ponies you will guard has just as much power as you will have at the end of your training.”

Realization dawned on Rainbow Dash's face, but she did not say anything. Hyper Sonic floated at her side. Her face was stern and, just as wordlessly, she wrapped Rainbow Dash up in a hug. The shivers she felt going through Rainbow Dash's body confirmed Hyper Sonic that it was needed.

“Some things cannot be changed, Rainbow Dash, no matter how hard we try. Every dreamwalker needs to learn how to cope with seeing events they cannot stop. It is the most important lesson for a new dreamwalker.” Luna's eyes seemed to become misty for a moment, but through her tears, Rainbow Dash was not sure if they really did or if it was just her obstructed vision. She wiped her tears away to see more clearly.

“For tonight, we are done,” Luna concluded.

Rainbow Dash nodded. Unlike last night, she had no problems with giving her agreement.

“You have received five important lessons over the last week, Rainbow Dash. Not everything can be learned in dream scenarios like those you experienced and more lessons will follow, but I think you are ready for the next step now.”

“The next step?” Rainbow Dash asked, feeling slightly wary.

“In the coming night, you will assist your first foal with a dream. It will be something easy to start, don't worry.” Luna's lips curled up and she turned at Hyper Sonic. “Our lucid dreamer already knows. Her little sister agreed to help, as well. She is not a big fan like Hyper Sonic, but the offer of helping Equestria's new dreamwalker excited her still.”

Rainbow Dash wasn't sure what to feel. “Will it be relaxing?” was all she could say.

“Compared with tonight's scenario, how could it not?” Luna chuckled, before she became serious again. “But, yes, for it is going to be your first time, it will be something light to gain practice. The filly we are going to visit is not known for troublesome nightmares.”

“Okay. I guess that's a relief,” Rainbow Dash replied, slightly sarcastic.

Luna nodded. “The night is almost over. You and Hyper Sonic have to get ready for your day and I will get ready for a day of sleep. We can discuss any questions you might have once we meet here again.”

Rainbow Dash gave her a nod in return, silently agreeing. A second later, she disappeared and Luna and Hyper Sonic stayed behind alone.

Hyper Sonic turned at Luna. The frown was still in her face. “Is she going to be okay?”

“I assure you, young Hyper Sonic. I have chosen Rainbow Dash because of her mental strength, among other things. The horrors a dreamwalker can witness in others' dreams willl not affect her much.”

“Horrors like today?” Hyper Sonic's frown became a little deeper.

“Yes. And many, much more horrible things,” Luna explained in a dark tone, before her voice switched to a more upbeat one again. “But this is nothing you should be concerned about, young Hyper Sonic. Becoming a dreamwalker is not your path in life. Be content with the abilities you already possess.” Her voice became darker again. “Asking for too much easily leads to misery and pain. Now, excuse me. The sun is rising and it is time for me to sleep. Farewell.” Without awaiting a response, Luna disappeared.

Hyper Sonic, now alone in her dream, scrunched her face and pondered the response she had been given. She thought about it until she woke up.

Author's Note: