• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 6,615 Views, 342 Comments

One Punch Mare - Komponist

Twilight forces Celestia to do a core part of her job again...

  • ...

Further Training…

Author's Note:

I want to thank all of you for all the likes and comments!
This success was really unexpected! :twilightsmile:

The dark side of the Moon was the ideal training ground.

...At least for this particular trainee.

No living being around to harm and zero possibility of being seen.
Aside from Luna, that is. She could have taken a look at any time if she knew what was going on, but considering how easily she gets upset when someone touches her stuff, Twilight decided not to tell her at all.

Speaking of which, Twilight was standing inside a magic bubble, which protected her from the extreme environment and suffocation by continuously recycling the air inside.
Celestia however, didn’t need such protection since she was, like Luna, naturally immune to the hazards of space. Oxygen was also not one of her needs. Still, no air meant no sound so the two ponies had to use a telepathic spell in order to speak.

The older Alicorn, acting on her past experience, had left her regalia at home. She didn’t want to burn through another set… literally. The trip itself had not been a problem either. Long Range Teleportation is an easy feat when you have two alicorns and only the emptiness of space between you and your destination.

The training has been going on for a few hours now, but the only achievement so far was that the lunar surface now had a lot more craters...

Twilight massaged her temples.
“Ugh! Okay, okay... one more time. And remember, Princess, only a wee bit of force! A WEE bit!”

“B-But that’s what I’ve been doing this whole time!”

Ignoring Celestia’s objections, Twilight magically launched another large moon rock towards her. Celestia closed her eyes and turned her head away.
She daintily swung her hoof and when it touched the impending rock, the piece of lunar rubble shot away from her…

…with about ten percent of the speed of light.

Immediately, it hit the surface somewhere far away, resulting in a nuclear blast, which in turn produced yet another large crater. Twilight wanted to let out a groan of frustration, but then she noticed something:
The craters that Celestia had produced varied in size to an extreme degree!
Some were 'just' about three hundred feet wide, while others were thrice the size of Canterlot.
Twilight pondered intensely about what the reason for such extreme fluctuations in power could be. If she found it, it would explain why some very strong enemies of Celestia got obliterated while some weaker enemies survived.

Maybe, she thought, it has to do with the lack of control…?

Twilight was rubbing her chin in thought.
“I might have an idea what the problem is.”

Celestia opened her eyes and looked at her with hope.

Twilight started to walk in circles to help gather her thoughts.
“Well, I’ve observed that every time you throw a punch, no matter how small, you close your eyes shut and avert your face.”

“Oh... um... that’s because I’m afraid about what I might see. And even if it’s just rocks: After a thousand years it has become a reflex.”

“Exactly! And since you avert your attention, you naturally have much less control over how much power you exert! That means if you start actually focusing on your punches, you should be able to keep your strength in check A LOT better!”

“But Twilight, even if I work off the reflex, I’m still afraid of the massacre that could happen in front of me!”

“Well, there won’t be any massacre, if you have control. And how do you get control? Through confidence!”

Using her magic, Twilight constructed a moon rock sculpture, faintly resembling Tirek.
Very VERY faintly… and after a moment of hesitation scribbled ‘Stinkhead’ on it with a hefty dose of satisfaction.

“Come on, Princess! Just punch this one with CONFIDENCE!”

The older alicorn was sceptical at first, but after thinking about what Twilight had said, she saw reason in the younger one’s argumentation. Hope sparked inside her.

Celestia ditched a chunk of her insecurity.
“You’re right, Twilight! I have faith in you, my former student and worthy current teacher!”

Flattered by the praise, Twilight blushed and snorted, waving a hoof dismissively.
“Oh youuuuu...! Tee hee hee! *snort-snort*”

Celestia turned towards the (fairly ugly) moon-rock-Tirek-sculpture and readied herself.

She took a deep breath…

(even though there was no air to suck in)

…and threw a confident punch at it.

This time, without closing her eyes or averting her face.


At Canterlot Castle.

With a yelp, Luna jerked up from her bed, her eyes wide.
She was confused, and looked behind her, down to her award-winning buttocks.
Rubbing it with a hoof, she asked her bottom:

“Why dost thou feel like a Manticore haveth bitten thee?”


When the blindingly bright flash had faded away, a gargantuan trench was visible in front of Celestia. From very far away, an observer might have thought, that someone had mistaken the Moon for a cookie and nibbled off a piece. Fortunately, it wasn’t visible from Equestria ...since about five percent of the Moon’s mass was gone and well on its way out of the Solar System.

Twilights mouth went agape, and were it not for the magic bubble, all the oxygen would have been violently sucked out of her lungs.

Celestia frowned.
Her eyes were big and watery and her under lip quivered.

Pouting, she looked over to her current teacher.
“Twilight, we have a problem! That’s one small slap for me, but one giant punch for the Moon’s behind...”

She sat down on a rock and rested her head on her hooves, pressing her cheeks up adorably.
“I really don’t know what to do… On one hoof, it would be unfair to keep burdening you with Equestria’s defense, but on the other… If I try defending it myself, I’ll spend most of my time on the ‘other throne’ again. And that’s still the best possible outcome! At worst, it could mean the end of the world!”

She hung her head low in desperation.
“There’s no bigger threat to Equestria than I and my incompetence.”

Twilight teleported Celestia into the bubble and lifted her face with a hoof to meet her eyes.
“Princess... please don’t say that. You’ve done so much good for Equestria without resorting to violence. You’re NOT incompetent! As for your combat skills… I’m certain we will achieve better results eventually. At least better than with your acting skills”
She tried to chuckle, failing miserably.

Oh Twilight... you are still young... You are putting me on a pedestal and you have so much confidence in me! Yet, I'm just a pony and there are things that are too much for me to handle. You'll have to learn to accept that...
I have put MY trust in you so many times... I was confident you would accomplish the tasks I gave you and you almost always prevailed. I’ve trusted in you and you in turn have trusted my judgement. It would be very unfair to NOT trust yours. Haven't you proven yourself to me time and time again?
Twilight... I believe in you!
And if you really believe in me that much...

Celestia’s mood shifted a bit.
“You really think so? You think I can do it?”

“Of course!”

Twilight gave Celestia a heartfelt hug and stroked the back of her head. Celestia smiled lightly, enjoying the contact. But then suddenly, worry crept onto her face.

“But what will I tell Luna?! When she finds out about the damage, she’ll spend months giving me the stink eye!”

Twilight, realizing the issue too, became wide eyed. Then she chuckled nervously.
“Well... um... hee hee... What Luna doesn’t know, doesn’t... make her mad?”
She grinned sheepishly.

Celestia jerked back.
“But Twilight! I can’t lie to my beloved sister!”

“Just... leave the talking to me, Princess. After all, I’m quite skilled at lying.”

“You are?”

“See? If I weren’t, you would have noticed!”

“You've lied to me in the past?”

“Very much so.”

“H-huh?! B-But why?!”



That night, when Luna raised the Moon, a strange sensation caused her to cock an eyebrow.
“Is it just me, or has it become lighter...?”

After a few seconds of contemplation she suddenly flung her forelegs into the air and cheered: