• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 6,615 Views, 342 Comments

One Punch Mare - Komponist

Twilight forces Celestia to do a core part of her job again...

  • ...

Please Don’t Fear Me

Celestia glided down to the ground and placed herself on a spot surrounded by the staring, silent crowd.

Not even the wind blew.

“Oh dear...” Celestia quietly said to herself.

Attempting a memory-spell would have been futile, considering the sheer number of individuals present.

She rubbed her foreleg. Her ears were dropped and worry was all over her face.
“My loyal subjects... what you just had to witness... might seem scary... and I assure you it is. But... please don’t forget that it’s still me!”

No reaction.

Celestia gulped.
“Look, my little ponies... You know I love you all and that I would never harm you!
I... I just want to protect you! Even though... I’m not good at doing it in a harmless way. I’m very sorry about that!”

She looked nervously at all the staring faces, fearing the worst.
“Please believe me! I would NEVER harm you!”

Tears started to run down her cheeks.
“No matter how much you might hate me... No matter how inadequate I might seem to you as a ruler... Please at least believe me that I love you!”

Her composure was all but shattered.
“And please... Please don’t fear me!”

Celestia couldn’t talk anymore. Otherwise her words would have drowned in sobs.


The crowd exploded in cheer!

Celestia stared at them in shock and looked around confused. There was not a single face NOT rejoicing.
A wave of overly excited ponies washed over her and shortly after she was lifted up and carried on many hooves. They threw her into the air and caught her again and again while chanting:

among other cries.

“W-What?!” the puzzled alicorn asked.

She was put down on the ground and the crowd made way for a bunch of foals, looking at her with big, sparkling eyes. Before Celestia could utter even a word, she was stormed by the little foals, resulting in a cuddle puddle.

Dangling on her neck was the foal whose lollipop was stolen.
“You’re SO COOL! Much cooler than those meanie-Dragons!”

The child had a new lollipop in its hoof already and offered it to the Princess.
“It’s for you!”

Even though Celestia’s brain was one of the most capable in the realm (and beyond), it currently underperformed quite a bit. Instinctively, she daintily took the offered piece of candy in her magic, as if it were a rose.
“Uuuuh... Thank you... little one.”

She regained a bit of mental focus and cocking an eyebrow, she looked and asked around.
“A-Aren’t you afraid?”

An old mare came forth.
“Why should we, dear? You’ve always been protecting us. For as long as I’ve lived, at least.”

“But... I acted in rage...”

A young stallion came up beside Celestia.
“Don’t worry, Princess. We know how cool-headed you usually are. You know, you’ve always been cool, but now you’re even COOLER!”

The crowd cheered.


Celestia cautiously allowed herself, to accept reality. At least for a bit...

Even though her eyes were still showing insecurity, she smiled lightly.
“Okay... If you really want to.”

Her belly grumbled and she grimaced.

“But first... excuse me for an hour or so...!”


The following week was free of agony, for once.

Actually... No, it wasn’t...

Celestia still had a terrible time on the toilet, but this time at least, since she didn’t feel all too guilty about those Dragons, it was only one week of constipation. And more importantly, this time there was something to be happy about! Her subjects LOVED her, despite being a walking doomsday device (that was how she saw herself, at least… and she wasn’t entirely wrong… ).
The Ponies of Equestria had always loved their Princess, but after Celestia’s display of dragon-bone-crushing power, instead of being loved less, her popularity EXPLODED.

The revenue from Celestia-merchandise grew tenfold, filling charity coffers at an unprecedented scale!
Stage plays were being performed, glorifying her victory over the Dragon-bullies.
Novels were written, over-dramatizing the events.
There was even a comic series with her as a superhero who beats up baddies, although it was placed in an alternate universe where Celestia is much less nice and thus kicks more plot.

For the diarch, the only important part was how relieved she felt. Never had she expected her subjects to accept her fearsome nature. Whenever she made a public appearance (the few times she was outside of the bathroom), she had to hold back tears of joy, seeing not just acceptance, but overwhelming adoration, often shown in form of flower bouquets.

The only concern she had was, how Luna would cope with all this. After all, the Princess of the Night’s jealousy was LEGENDARY (there’s even a holiday about that).
Thankfully, when (carefully) asked, Luna didn’t seem very bothered.

“Worry not, Sister! Some ponies had been calling you ‘weak’ and ‘incompetent’ over the last few years. It’s good, that you’ve finally showed them!” she said.

“Oh, and by the way: Do you have any idea, why the Moon has been feeling lighter lately? I thought, I had become stronger, but...

Sister...? Sister?!”

Celestia was nowhere to be seen.


The Princess of the Sun had retired for the day (a bit hastily though, since she’s just avoided an interrogation she just could not win). After she stopped panting, she exhaled in relief and walked over to the window. It was dark already and the countless lights of Canterlot were illuminating the city.

Some of the lights, constellations rather, were forming advertisement for the upcoming movie: ‘Punch of the Princess; The Beginning’. Celestia hadn’t approved a cinematic universe based on her, but nevertheless, it reminded her, that she didn’t had to worry anymore about being seen as a monster.
The Princess was at ease, even though the problems with her digestive system were far from solved.

She smiled and for a split second...

...she allowed a tiny spark of pride to thrive in her heart.


“Who is there?!” Celestia asked, looking around alarmed. There was nopony to be seen.

“I didn’t think, you’d feed me so soon again. Last time, I had to wait fifty years, until I got some delicious self pride again!”

Celestia recognized that voice and she knew now that it was coming from within her.

“Over here...”

Celestia could hear the voice coming from her left. She turned around and faced the mirror.
Her reflection was replaced by her greatest foe: Daybreaker.

“You must admit... Finally exerting our true power and being cheered for it is... mildly flattering! …Although it was just a tiny fraction.”

She grinned widely, showing her razor-sharp teeth.
“Unlike you, however, I wouldn’t mind being called a ‘monster’. To be honest, I would never cease reminding them of it!”

She laughed in delight.

Celestia glared at the mare in the mirror.
“Well, good thing you showed up! It reminds me of never feeding you the slightest bit of pride again. I’ll be humbler from now on. You will remain buried in my mind, just like all those centuries before.”

“Let me tell you something that will not be buried in your mind: Are you aware that your little ponies love your power... and not you? They’ve always had! You’re only as good to them as the perks they get from you!”

It stung.

“T-That may be the case, but... I don’t need to be adored! I live to serve and protect them!”

Daybreaker smirked.
“Is that so...?”

“I wasted enough time with you! Begone!”

“Oh… Puh-lease don’t reject me like that! I’m a part of you after all.”

“Sadly, yes! And now back to the depths with you, or else…!”

Daybreaker sighed and shook her head.
“Do you really think, that after our last bout in Starlight’s dream, I would show up if there were the slightest chance of your victory?”


The reflection disappeared and suddenly, a great pain took hold of Celestia’s heart. She fell to the floor and rolled around in agony.

A white glowing mist emerged from her chest and once it fully left her, Celestia lay limp. The mist formed the shape of a tall, slender mare and became denser and denser. Celestia, whose now slightly less colorful mane had stopped flowing, lifted her tired head as much as she could to look at the thing being born in front of her.

With a flash of light, the process was over...

Standing there was a naked mare who resembled Celestia almost entirely. Only her eyes, teeth and Cutie Mark were those of a demon. Her mane and tail were missing, but with a sudden hissing sound, flames ignited on her head and behind, taking the place of hair.

“Aaaaaah... it feels good to be alive!”

Celestia, although weak, stared at her in horror.
“How did you...?”

Daybreaker leaned down onto her.
“It was a spell that I’ve been slowly preparing for a thousand years! Over the centuries, I collected every little grain of pride I could get. And with you, it was REALLY hard getting enough. But now...”

She put a hoof under Celestia’s chin.
“...it was that little moment of self-doubt, that let me take over. You know how it is with pride: A mind is prone to it when it’s feeling inferior. It’ll jump at every opportunity to feel good about itself!”

She looked deep into Celestia’s eyes.
“I’ve always told you how powerful you are. And now all that power is MINE, while there’s NOTHING left for you. Finally, you won’t have to be afraid of being seen as a monster or only being loved for your power, because you’re like everypony else.”

She came so close that their noses were touching. Her grin was fiendish and her eyes half lidded.
“Isn’t it just... peachy?”

She jerked up and laughed.

Instantly reaching the speed of sound, she shot through the ceiling, leaving a glowing hole, and into the night sky.

Celestia looked after her in terror.

“It’s all my fault...”