• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 6,619 Views, 342 Comments

One Punch Mare - Komponist

Twilight forces Celestia to do a core part of her job again...

  • ...

Do you think I’m weak?

Nighttime had fallen over Canterlot not long ago and the city was already shining with a myriad of little lights.

Doughnut Joe would never close his shop just because it was dark. This time of the day was probably the best for business since all the depressed but well-paying customers, who just want to drown their sorrows in dough and sugar, do not show up at daytime when their families are around.

Of course, this wasn’t without risk because customers who feel bad and are high on sugar can be aggravated by the smallest of things. Fortunately, he had recently hired an assistant who was surprisingly skilled at dealing with difficult guests. Right now she was throwing out a tall, bulky stallion who had a few doughnuts too much. And by throwing out I mean literally throwing him out.

“If you can’t behave, bring some insulin next time, Sugar-Junkie!” the awfully strong, purple mare shouted at the troublemaker after she had hauled him into a dumpster outside the shop.

She straightened her creased apron and returned into the shop.
“Seriously, Joe… How have you survived this long without me?”

Doughnut Joe shrugged.
“Well… A few years ago, it was enough threatening them with: ‘I’ll tell the Princess’.
But in recent times, after certain incidents… those jerks only laughed and said that since she couldn’t even defend herself how was she gonna defend me! …It really wasn’t easy doing business before I hired you.”

He looked at her.
“By the way, I’m still wondering, why you, with your strength and military experience, haven’t applied to the Royal Guard corps yet? Wouldn’t that suit you better, Fizzlepop?”

Fizzlepop Berrytwist, formerly known as Tempest Shadow, let out a sigh.
“Yes, I’d prefer a position like that, but I doubt my chances are very high after my actions towards the Princesses.”

“Well, considering how easily you defeated them, they could probably really use your help!”

Fizzlepop’s eyebrows went up and she stared at Joe.
Easily?! You think it was easy?”
She shook her head.
“Civilians really don’t know anything about combat tactics…”
She stepped closer to Joe.
“Let me ask you something: Why do you think the Storm King invaded Equestria?”

Joe was a little bit intimidated by the towering mare.
“Uh… He wanted the Princesses’ power?”

“And why do you think, he has not invaded much sooner?”

“Uh… Because… he didn’t know about Equestria… before you told him?”

Fizzlepop (or let’s just call her ‘Tempest’ from now on, since it sounds way cooler) glared at him.
Doughnut Joe immediately regretted his answer.

Gladly, Tempest didn’t punch, kick or electrocute him on the spot and simply continued talking instead.
“No, that’s not the case. He knew about Equestria. The whole world knows who moves the heavens! But no matter how dimwitted he was, even the Storm King knew that an attack against Princess Celestia would be suicide. Unless he had a secret weapon…”

“The… petrifying orbs?”

“Exactly. It took him decades to obtain them. And he wouldn’t have accomplished even that without my help. Now, as for the attack on Canterlot itself…
Taking out the Princesses first, was absolutely imperative! If I had failed at neutralizing them quickly, me and the rest of the Storm Army would have been toast! I may not have shown it back then, but I was very relieved, once Celestia was a statue. Although, I’ve always wondered…”

“About what?”

“…Why Celestia didn’t do anything at the time. She shouted something to her sister, true, but that was it. She didn’t dodge, put up a force field around her or launch a counter attack (lucky for me, that one). It’s almost… as if she explicitly did not want to fight. But what reasons could she have had…?”

“Maybe… she never was that strong after all?”

“No… since my accident...”
She lifted a hoof towards her horn subconsciously, but stopped when she noticed it.
“...I somehow can feel raw power when I’m close to it. And...”
Her gaze went away and worry was visible in her eyes.
“To be perfectly honest… I have never felt anything more terrifying than her.”

Although very subtly, Tempest shuddered at the thought.

A very bright light suddenly shone into the shop. Doughnut Joe, blinded by it, put his hooves before his eyes.
“GAH! For the love of minty sprinkles! What’s going on out there?!”

Tempest, also covering her eyes, made her way out of the shop, grunting.
The bright light was already dimming a bit, allowing her to see again. Canterlot Plaza, on whose edge Joe’s shop was located, was as usual full of ponies although they were all cowering, startled by the sudden luminosity.

Tempest was finally able to make out the source of said light. It was descending from the sky, visibly slowing down, until it landed on the top of the plaza’s central fountain. Once it touched the water in the uppermost marble bowl, a huge cloud of steam hissed into the air. The large nebulous body of vapor looked spooky with the light glowing from within. After a few seconds the light went out almost entirely.

Once the steam started to clear, it revealed a figure:
A tall, slender mare, with white coat and fire for hair, awfully closely resembling…

“Princess Celestia?! Did she just hear me or something?” Tempest said to herself, staring with bewilderment. Such an entrance was definitely not the Princess’ style.

At that point, most of the other ponies also noticed the mare on the fountain who in their opinion could only be their beloved Princess, although with an apparently newfound taste for Heavy Metal.

After their confusion cleared a bit, the next thing that all the stallions (and some mares) noticed, was…


It was worth every nosebleed that night.

The alleged Princess of the Sun lay down on the marble bowl and stretched herself seductively. She then swung up elegantly so that after one swift motion she was sitting upright on her well-nourished bottom, legs crossed, dangling playfully down the bowl’s edge.

She smiled warmly at her ‘subjects’.
“Greetings, my little ponies! There’s something I’d like to inquire. Would you be so kind as to help me solve this little conundrum?”

One stallion, who was covering his nose with a quickly reddening handkerchief, dared to come forth.
“Of course, Princess! What is it?”

“First question: Do you love me?”

“OF COURSE! How could we not?!”

“Uh huh… I see. And second question: Do you think I’m weak?”

A bit startled by the question, everypony hesitated answering before one mare found the courage.
“No, your Majesty! You’ve beaten up four huge and scary Dragons just two weeks ago!”

“Oh, I certainly remember that! I was there too, you know.”

Confused looks.

Daybreaker’s smile became dangerously small.
“And… How about the time before I dealt with those Dragons in front of your very eyes? Hm? Don’t worry, you can be honest with me.”

Most of the ponies raised an eyebrow. To them the answer to the last question was also ‘No’. They’ve never seen their Princess as weak. The one time she got defeated and the few times she got kidnapped, had perfectly reasonable explanations.

But some of the ponies had a different view. They had in fact been questioning Celestia’s power and competence over the last few years due to said events and now, being asked directly about it by the ruler herself, they were averting their faces in embarrassment.

This did not go unnoticed for Daybreaker; she had been looking out for this explicitly. To her, it was all she needed as confirmation.

The alicorn frowned.
“Hm… I see. There are some of you who dared to think I’m weak, isn't that so?”

She gracefully flared her huge wings and daintily ascended a few feet into the air.
Looking at the ponies below, she sighed.
“Seems I will have to make sure that nopony forgets my strength ever again.”

She started glowing again, but this time, radiating a lot more heat into all directions.
Many ponies screamed in fear of being singed.

Fortunately, before anypony could get seriously injured, a lightning bolt hit Daybreaker.
It wasn’t able to hurt her in the slightest, but it managed to avert her attention and thus, made her stop radiating the deadly heat.

Daybreaker turned to the attacker.
“Oh, it’s you! We still have a score to settle, Tempest!”


A little earlier, right after Daybreaker had left Celestia’s chamber.

With all the strength she had left, Celestia tried to stand up. She had to stop Daybreaker even if it cost her her life!

But sadly, it wasn’t enough.

She didn’t even have the strength to call for help.

“So… I am useless, after all...”

She lay there for a few seconds, but before she could drown in desperation and self-pity, something in her soul started to boil. Images of all her ponies, all her friends, all her family and what cruel fate awaited them all if Daybreaker was left unchecked flashed through her mind.
Her heartbeat got faster and anger grew in her. It grew and grew and grew… and gave birth to a resolve so strong it could have been forged in the Sun’s core itself.

She clenched her teeth violently. Her thoughts raced with lightning speed to find a solution.

And then it came!

She remembered something that could change the grim situation. With a sudden jolt, she swung her body around, so that she was lying on her belly. Ignoring the pain and exhaustion, she crawled towards one of the room’s walls, desperate to reach it. Once she did, she pressed a seemingly insignificant spot on the wall, opening a previously obscured secret compartment.

A door was revealed, small but sturdy. A hidden safe. The princess dialed the combination on a side panel and pulled the latch open, which was no small task given her current condition.

Then, with the last ounces of strength she had left…

…she hauled the hidden piece of triple-chocolate emergency cake into her mouth.

After a few seconds of munching, Celestia jumped from the floor, standing upright with newfound strength and roared manly… er… marely. She could have sworn that there was a certain sailorman’s theme song ringing in her ear, but there was no time to ponder such things.

The power-boost was still not near enough to defeat Daybreaker, but at least there was hope now.