• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 3,765 Views, 72 Comments

This strange world - SwarmLordAbdonis

A group of friends are transported to Equestria! Now trapped in their new bodies they must try and find a way back home without upsetting any of the locals. Neither possibility seems likely.

  • ...

Pleasant talks

"For the third time it wasn't a fistfight!" Ash snapped at Jason, his temper getting to him. "You know that! All I did was try and block and defend myself from her hits! I didn't even throw a single punch!"

"And yet she still got a shot in. Kid's got a bit of an anger issue." The unicorn smirked. "Seriously though, how's the eye?"

The dragon sighed. "It's not as painful as it was a few minutes ago, thanks. Guess all and all things could have been much worse."

It had only been ten minutes since Ash had received his rather obvious black eye from the only other dragon in the school. The reason behind the attack? The dragon student known as Smolder had apparently heard about Ash's use of the word for friendship in 'dragonese' back during the party last night and had chosen right then and there in the classroom, in front of plenty other students to confront him about it, in the middle of his lesson. With her being a fiery hot headed dragon and Ash being Ash, the two got into a massive argument with Smolder snapping at him that there was no such word as 'cunt' which was the word Ash had used to describe dragon friendship. Sort of. The blue dragon on the other hand tried to justify that he was more experienced when it came to dragon culture compared to her and the two began to get into a shouting contest. Jack and Jason had found the entire conversation quite hilarious until things quickly became more physical. Two minutes of arguing was all it took before Smolder started throwing punches, and another thirty seconds before the remaining adult creatures were able to break it up.

"Ah gotta say, y'all dragons can be rather feisty at times. Suppose I should have expected that." Applejack spoke. "Still, I ain't ever seen Smolder act so aggressive to any-creature before, dragon or no dragon. You sure you're okay?"

"Oh yeah, totally. I can take a hit, believe me. Besides, we dragons are like that sometimes. Part of our culture and all."

"Well ah would prefer if you'd keep it outside the classroom, dragon culture or not, y hear? Last thing ah need is to fix up an entire classroom due to a minor scuffle."

"Yes miss, sorry." Ash apologised, feeling a bit like a child himself. Or as much a child could feel if they were being scolded by a talking horse.

"We all are." Jack spoke before becoming a little bitter. "Would have helped if that kid hadn't tried to set me on fire..."

"I'm sure that was an accident Jack." Jason pointed out. "You saw her reaction when she almost hit you."

"Well right now, me and my singed coat think differently." The yak countered showing the blackened fur on his right forearm. It was a small mark but certainly noticeable. Rather than go on about it he dropped his attitude and turned to Ash. "Sorry Ash. With my pig-headedness I didn't think to ask how you were doing, considering everything."

Ash rolled his good eye. "Look can we just drop it please? You know how I feel about being in fights so let's just leave it and move on."

Jack nodded and said nothing more. Applejack however voiced her own quick opinion.

"Funny. No offense but I always thought y'all dragons enjoyed that sorta thing."

The dragon huffed in amusement. "Yeah well, long story short I had a bit of an experience a few years ago that changed my mind on the subject."

"Oh. I see. Sorry."

"No need to apologise, you don't know the story behind it." Ash shrugged. "And honestly it's an experience I'm glad happened. Probably be in a bad place if I hadn't learned from it."

Before any-creature could say another word, the doors to the headmares office opened and out popped the purple alicorn herself. Her expression was rather neutral.

"Ash, if you could step into my office please? I think we have plenty to talk about." Was all she said before retreating back into the room, expecting the dragon to follow.

Ash merely stood up and handed the ice pack back to the orange earth pony. "Welp, time to face the music I guess." He muttered before striding into the room behind Twilight. The doors were then engulfed in a purple aura before they closed themselves. Now all they had to do was wait.

"If y'all will excuse me, I best be off too." Applejack spoke. "Would do some good to deal with Smolder n her actions. I reckon an apology to y'all would be a good punishment to start with."

"That would be much appreciated miss, thank you." Jack nodded before allowing the orange mare to trot back the way she came. Once she disappeared round the corner, Jack and Jason were alone once more.

"So..." Jason started. "Our group's been split in two and Ash has received a black eye, possibly about to be kicked out from the school, and it's not even the afternoon yet. Think the day's going to get any shitter as it goes on?"

Jack looked down to his pony friend. "You say that like there's a chance it won't."

Jason chuckled at the response. "Suppose you have me there. Still, it wouldn't hurt to think on a more positive note."

"Oh positive note? Like what?"

"Well we aren't out starving on the street like a bunch of homeless bums for one."

"... I guess that's something." The yak shrugged.

"And we aren't human either."

Jack stared at Jason with a confused yet annoyed glare. "And how is that a positive in any way Jason?"

"Look at it this way. If we were human, every single creature around us would very likely be extremely sceptical or just outright fearful of us, at the least. Looking like this however we've managed to blend in without too much hassle."

Jack held his tongue. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Jason was right about that too. God only knows how differently things could have been if they hadn't been converted into the creatures they were now.

"Is there a reason you're bringing these up Jason, or are you just passing the time?"

Jason shrugged. "Passing the time really. Not like we have anything better to do while we wait to hear how screwed Ash is."

Jack was about to respond until he noticed something on the wall opposite them.

"Hey um... Jason?"


"Look at the picture on the wall there. You notice anything weird about it?"

The unicorn turned to where Jack was pointing too and noticed a framed picture showing the top half of... some strange creature he had yet to see in this world. From what the picture showed the thing had a claw for one hand and a paw for the other, two different antlers resting on the top of its head and its wings, while not only disproportionate to the size of its body consisted of a bats wing and a feathered wing each. It's face was somewhat ponyish with large white eyebrows and a small beard that stretched down from its chin. It also had bright red eyes as well as a single pointy tooth hanging down from its maw. Whatever it was supposed to be, Jason hoped that it wasn't something they would come across any time soon.

"Yeah, that thing certainly does look weird, no question there. What do you suppose it is?"

"No idea but that's not what I was getting at."


"Just look."

Jason carefully walked over to the picture and looked it over, unsure what he was supposed to be seeing. From what he could tell it was just a normal picture like any other.

"You going to fill me in what this is about or...?"

"I saw it out of the corner of my eye but I'm fairly certain that it blinked."

A laugh escaped Jason's throat. "Really Jack? A blinking picture? How much sleep did you get last night?"

"Oh I can do much more than blink my dear equine."

Jasons smile very quickly left his face. The portrait had just spoken to him.

"What in the fu-*HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK* -ING HELL!?" The unicorn exclaimed jumping back in shock as the thing somehow leaned out of the frame and blasted a small yet rather loud horn right in his face.

"Ah ah ah." It scolded with a wagging finger. "None of that language here, thank you very much! This is a school after all."

"What on earth are you supposed to be?" Jack managed to ask as he instinctively backed up from the strange creature.

"Oh of course, you're new here I almost forgot! Well my fine fellow former bipedals, allow me to introduce myself properly!" It responded with a mischievous and questionably evil smirk.

"Hold on! What do you mean fellow biped-"

A snap of the claws and all three of them disappeared in a flash of white light.


Once Mike had found a secluded spot away from every-ling else deep within the long twisted tunnels of the hive, he sat down and took a moment to think. It hadn't been long since he had decided to walk away from Thorax, Craig and every other changeling he had come across as he sought isolation. Even with his departure his anger still managed to bubble away inside of him, though now a lot of it was aimed at himself as he realised what he had gone and done. Walking around aimlessly to an unknown part of the hive wasn't exactly a smart idea. Especially when you were completely unfamiliar with the layout of it meaning he had just gone and gotten himself lost. Not that he cared all that much at the moment as the recent events of the play still swirled round inside of his head as well as his own recent actions.

"Well that was smart of me." He muttered angrily. "Just walk away like a grumpy five year old, oh very well done Mike. Way to set a good example..."

The changeling leaned back until his head was resting against the surprisingly soft and comfortable wall. Whatever the structure of the hive was made of it was unlike any building material the changeling knew existed. Kind of made sense what with being in another universe and whatnot. The secluded area he had found was dark and silent and apparently not too often used by any-ling from what he could see which only helped add to his own personal comfort zone. It was the perfect place for him to think and work on what to do next. It was rather unlikely that him storming off had won him any favour points, especially in front of the king. Probably some kind of apology would do the trick surely. Craig on the other hand...

"Fucking Craig." He spat bitterly, continuing to vent his frustration. "I told him I didn't want to come here didn't I? But oh, guess what? This place is part of a popular t.v. show so fuck it! I'll just drag my friend here and nerd out over how awesome this place looks! Fuck what Mike thinks, right?!"

Mike took a deep breath. Could he go five minutes without getting wound up over something so miniscule? Not that he had much time to reflect as he suddenly felt something. An unpleasant feeling that sat in the pit of his stomach that slowly grew cold, similar to what he felt yesterday during the surprise party, only now it felt worse. Perhaps it had something to do with sensing emotions? He then heard hoof steps approaching him. So much for being alone.

"Great, now what"? The bug-horse groaned with a lack of amusement as he turned his head to see who was coming his way. It wasn't hard to recognise the yellow nuisance now mere feet away just standing there staring at his slumped form.

"Oh it's you." He deadpanned. "Let me guess. Thorax or Craig asked you to find and bring me back didn't they? Look just tell them I'll be back in a few minutes alright? Just need to take a minute to be alone and think." Mike paused for a second. "Also if you could return after telling them that and lead me back up there, that would be great cause right now I have no idea where the fuck I am." He chuckled a little at his own stupidity hoping to ease the obvious tension.

Firefly didn't react to his words however. Other than the sad face she had upon arriving she didn't move nor did she follow Mikes request. A moment passed and she merely dropped the lower half of her body to the ground and adopted a sitting position, eyes still on the unreformed changeling. Mike merely watched with an eyebrow raised waiting for the yellow ling to explain herself.

"You are upset." She spoke quietly.

"Figure that out all on your own did you?" Mike scoffed. The yellow changeling continued.

"It is rare for another changeling to feel this way since Thorax became our leader. Perhaps it would help to talk of it?"

The unreformed changeling readjusted himself. "Not really much to talk about. I overreacted, simple as that. Everyone going on about change just got to me and I needed a moment away from it all, simple as."

"Our talk of change upsets you?" Firefly cocked her head.

Mike took a second to think of how to explain himself. "Sort of. I mean, I may have been annoyed about it at first, but I'll admit it that little Q and A session at the end? The answers I got were not what I expected or wanted to hear. I mean, let me explain it from my point of view on what I gathered from it. Before your king became well... the king, ponies hated the way you looked right? Just seeing your form would bring back bad memories of the uh... damn it what was it called...? The Canterlot invasion! So when Thorax eventually did take charge, you all changed into what you are now and the ponies begun to accept you. But the thing I can't help but wonder is this. Say everything that has happened up to this point for the changelings has happened, the invasion, overthrowing of the former queen, all that but with only one main difference. All of you still look like I do. Would everyone still accept you or would they still carry that hate for you, hm?"

Firefly took a moment to ponder on what Mike was asking. A minute passed before she provided her answer.

"They would likely still resent our kind, yes. I agree with your logic. But we ourselves did not look upon our forms with joy either. Our metamorphosis was a proud moment in our history that we all accepted, other than a small group that felt the old ways were better."

"And what happened to those changelings?" Mike dared to ask despite having a good idea on what the answer was.

"King Thorax convinced them to that sharing love was a better idea rather than take it from ponies."

Mike slowly nodded but was no less unamused. "Look, I'll try to get to the point of what I'm trying to get at. I've no problem with you lot changing. Fuck, change into another species even, I don't care! Me however, I like who and what I am. Why should I change because someone else wants me to? I'm not going through that shit a second time."

"Second time?"

The unreformed changeling paused for a moment as Firefly repeated his words back to him. He then let out a small hollow laugh. "Yeah, long story. Let's just say I've kinda been down this path once before at a young... stupid age."

"Oh..." Was all Firefly responded with. "I see. May I ask what happened?"

Mike took in a deep breath. The yellow changeling felt a colder sensation growing inside of her.

"No, you can't." He responded coldly. "I'll give you some advise though that I learned back then though." Mike looked at Firefly with a very serious glare. "Never, and I mean never let someone bully you into thinking you are nothing because of how you look."

Firefly very slowly nodded, feeling like she should say something. Clearly she had hit a personal point. "I'm sorry. I did not wish to remind-"

"It's fine. You didn't know, did you?" Mike cut her off as he pulled himself back onto all fours. "Besides like I said, I overreacted. Still want to tear Craig a new one for bringing me here but the rest of you? Forget about it." The changeling then looked at his own front hooves and inspected them.

"Kind of makes me wonder if I turned into this fucking thing for a reason..." He spoke quietly deep in thought.

"Sorry? I didn't catch that."

Mike said nothing in response, instead just stared at his hooves for a moment more before looking up at Firefly. "Right then, shall we head back? If everyone's as worried as you were then we'd best return as soon as we can."

Firefly blinked. "... Uh, yes! Of course! Come, let us go." She agreed before also standing up and leading the black changeling back to the top floor. There were many questions she wanted to ask, but now wasn't the time. Perhaps she could try later if she got the chance and if her fellow changeling was in a better mood. Hopefully...

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas!

I'm back home for a month so here's hoping for one more chapter before I'm gone once more