• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 3,771 Views, 72 Comments

This strange world - SwarmLordAbdonis

A group of friends are transported to Equestria! Now trapped in their new bodies they must try and find a way back home without upsetting any of the locals. Neither possibility seems likely.

  • ...

What, no alcohol?

The group confidently approached the doors of the school and halted right outside them. There was no doubt about it, the next couple hours were going to be... interesting to say the least. God only knew what was on the other side of the door waiting for them to enter. Craig took a deep breath. They were all about to meet a probably large group of sentient ponies. Something nobody in the history of humankind has ever done or experienced before.

'Yeah, no pressure there...' The griffon thought what a hint of bitterness.

"So... do we knock or...?" Ash hinted, unsure of whether they were meant to merely stroll on in like they owned the place or simply wait to be invited in.

"I guess so... maybe?" Jason responded, also unsure.

Jack decided to boldly make the first move, carefully pushing past the others and gently knocking on the door three times with his hoof. They waited for a short amount of time until after what felt like minutes, the doors opened automatically. The collection of creatures were introduced to three long and empty corridors. One that led to the right, one to the left and the other straight ahead. The cobblestone floor was partially covered with long purple carpets that ran down the length of each corridor as did tall and thin stone pillars. It was safe to say that it was unlike any school they had seen before. Yet despite the incredible design, the thing that caught everyone's attention was the silence and lack of life.

"Um... are we in the right place?" Mike questioned.

"Why, do you know another school of friendship nearby?" Ash taunted.

"Great. Which direction do we even go?" Jason asked.

Jack spoke up next. "Maybe we shoul-"

"And please don't say split up! We're in My Little Pony, not fucking Scooby Doo."

"I vote straight down the middle. That seems the simplest route." Craig suggested. Everyone else slowly agreed and headed forwards slowly. A couple of them were preoccupied with looking behind them every few moments, certain that something may try sneaking up on them.

"You don't suppose that this is a trap, do you?" Jason asked Craig.

"I don't see why it would be, we haven't exactly done anything wrong. Still, where is everyone?"

The five continued to travel down the long thin hallway, currently viewing the artwork or busts positioned on or next to the walls. Most of the art they passed featured the painted images of the creatures they had all become, including the headshot of a pink fierce dragon and a changeling holding some kind of staff. Just as well that it was a bright sunny day outside because viewing these paintings at night would have been so much creepier. Eventually they managed to reach a large room capable of holding perhaps more than two hundred people. On each side of the room was a single row made up of tables that ran along the room, covered in purple cloth, lighter than that of the carpet. On them were the sort of things you would expect at a party. Punch bowls, sweets and sandwiches on trays, red plastic cups and fizzy pop of some kind. It was enough food to feed them all fifty times over. And yet Ash still managed to find something to complain about.

"What, no alcohol?"

"It's a school Ash, not a pub." Mike sighed at his friend's lack of enthusiasm. "Well on the bright side it looks like we're in the right place."

"It does, but where is-"


Before Craig had the chance to finish, several dozen ponies had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, pulling themselves out from where they had been hiding. Under the tables, through the large door at the other end of the room, there were even some flying right above them. The sudden reveal of them all, combined with the combined shout was enough to trigger swears from most of the group. Swears that should never be used in a school. Thankfully the ponies were too loud to actually hear any of them.

"-Oh, okay then never mind..." The griffon finished, surprised that he hadn't seen this coming. Again. What he did see coming now however was a familiar pink pony bouncing their way as most of the ponies surrounding them began to get the party started and enjoy themselves.

"Surprise!" She almost squealed with her bubbly smile, halting in front of them only for her momentum to continue moving herself forwards, causing her to balance herself on her front two hooves for a short second before tilting back and landing on all four hooves. "I hope you didn't mind waiting so long for your party but I've never really planned all that many parties for a whole group of ponies before, or rather a group made up of a pony, griffon, changeling, yak and dragon before. It's nice to meet all of you! It's great to make new friends! Of course, it's always great to meet new friends! Especially if they're in a group like you guys, then you already know that they're probably super best friends, kind of like me and my friends, and..."

The pink pony seemed to drone on and on and on without the slightest hint of running out of things to say. Or running out of breath either as she didn't seem to stop to take a gulp of oxygen. Jason instinctively mouthed the words 'What the fuck' as the rest tried either look put on a polite but forced smile or quickly lost interest of what she was going to say. Thankfully, Craig gently cut her off.

"Oh no, we didn't mind the wait at all, thank you so much for throwing this whole party just for us!" He smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for throwing it in a school too, like any 'normal sensible' being would." Ash added, causing the mare to laugh.

"Oh, you're welcome! Oh! I never even introduced myself!" She giggled before holding out her hoof! "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Ponyvilles official Party Planner, Shindig Expert and Box Social preparerator!"

"Offical party planner? The hel-" Craig tossed a quick glare at Mike, clearly warning him to watch his tongue. "-The heck does that work?" The question caused the pink pony to giggle again as well as release a small snort.

"Wellllllllll… it all started when I was but an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny Pinkie winkie Pie! You see, I used to work on a rock farm and..."

Mike cursed himself, as did everyone else as she started up once again. At this rate the party would be over by the time they finished talking! By the time she finished, Ash had nearly fallen asleep standing up she had taken so long. Eventually she caught them off guard as she asked a question of her own.

"...And that's how I got my cutie mark! Say, yours looks fun! How did you get it?"

Jason was quick enough to snap out of his stupor. Everyone else did too hearing the green unicorns voice, or rather any voice that didn't come from Pinkie.

"Cutie... mark?" Jason quizzically asked.

"Yeah, you know! Your special talent! Like mine represents how good I am at throwing parties!" She showed her cutie mark to them which seemed to be a trio of balloons tattooed on her flank. Jason, not knowing this drew a blank as he had never actually checked, thanks to Craig not pointing out yet ANOTHER important detail. He was going to give the griffon some shit later after this party.

"Uh... it's a long story..." He quickly fabricated, not daring to look back at his mark and cause suspicion, plus there was no way in hell he was going to ask any of his friends to check out his ass! He needed to switch the topic quickly. Thankfully, one such ingenious idea came to him right away. "So, uh... Speaking of cutie marks, Ash here told me that he was interested in pony culture."

Ash upon hearing his name managed to snap back to the world of the living. "Huh? What was that?" Jason continued on.
"Yeah, he said he wanted to know about the uh... the history of Ponyville! In detail! I don't suppose you'd be okay to..."
Pinkie gasped excitedly. "I'd love too!" She beamed and stared at Ash, who wasn't entirely sure what was happening thanks to his lack of listening.

"What is... Why is she looking at me like that?"

"Okay, so... have fun Ash, bye!" Jason darted off, happy to be anywhere away from the mare. The others sensing the same opportunity backed out, making up their own excuses.

"I'm going to go grab some punch real quick!"

"Hey, are those lollipops over there? Those are my fav!"

"I also need to go. Good luck Ash."

Before Ash could object, Pinkie Pie had started up once again and his friends had already buggered off. Being unable to escape her wrath, all the dragon could do was grin and bear while one malicious thought surfaced in his head.

"Jason, you are so FUCKING dead!"


Craig couldn't help but chuckle at Ash's misfortune as he walked away. In truth he wouldn't have minded listening to Pinkie, or anypony really, go over the history of Ponyville. It would have been likely that he would have learned a couple of new things too that the creators hadn't mentioned in the show. Still, at least Ash would suffer for a bit. Served him right for nearly dozing off too. He and Rainbow Dash would probably get along well. Then again if he remembered later he could always ask the pink mare later.

Holding that thought, he made his way over to the nearest punch bowl and poured himself a cup. He took a small sip and tasted the contents. It was rather fruity and sugary, almost too much so. It put him off a bit but at least it would parch his thirst for now. He looked around to see if he could spot the others. Despite what they had discussed before the party, he genuinely hoped that they would have a good time while they were here. Unfortunately he could only see Ash still listening to Pinkie Pie. Funnily enough, he seemed to be talking back as well! That brought a smile on the griffons beak.
That reminded him, maybe he should try and start up a few conversations himself instead of just standing there like a complete loner. This party was thrown for him and the lads after all.

Oddly enough, that's when someone spoke up right next to him.

"So, you're the one this party's for huh? Well, that and the rest of your friends."

Craig turned to his right and looked slightly up. He locked eyes with a young blue griffon flying just above him. Probably the only other Griffon for miles around, Craig realised. He believed he now understood why Pinkie had thrown the party at the school of friendship. Not exactly easy being the only one of your kind in a town full of ponies, he would think anyway.

"Yep. Barely been a day and already they're throwing a party for us. Not bad." He joked, trying to loosen up a bit and give off a sense of griffon attitude. "Name's Craig."

"Craig? Never heard of a griffon named Craig before." The blue griffon smirked.

"Guess that'll make it easier to remember who I am then."

"Good point. Name's Gallus."

"Nice to meet you. You study here?"

"Eh study, goof off, whatever passes the time."

"Yeah, school's boring. Heck, I barely survived it myself."

"Really? Where'd you go? Cause there ain't exactly all that many schools in Griffonstone. Or much of anything else really..."

"Oh uh... I went to the um... flight school in Cloudsdale."

"Oh cool! So you know Gilda then?"

"We were... in different classes, so not all that well, no."

"Huh. Well in that case, you're probably a good flyer then, right?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Heh. You know you kinda remind me of one of my professors. She went to Flight school, as she mentions time to time whenever she's telling one of her stories."

"She wouldn't happen to have a rainbow mane does she?"

"She does actually, yeah! You know her?"

"Kind of hard to forget one of Equestrias biggest heroes."

Craig continued to chat and talk with Gallus for quite a while longer. Neither of the pair seemed to run out of things to say. Unfortunatley on the other side of the room, a particular changeling wasn't in as chatty a position.


When Mike had left Ash on his own, he honestly had no idea what to do next. Despite what Craig had said about his species he was still receiving looks of discomfort from any pony that came within a short distance of him. Part of him wanted to wander up to them and go 'it's because I'm black, isn't it' as a joke, but that would probably end up making things worse. Thankfully not all too many ponies stared at the changeling but enough for him to decide he'd be better off keeping to himself. Spying the nearest row of chairs, he trotted on over and parked his keister on one of the many wooden pieces of furnature provided and chose to observe rather than mingle like the rest of his friends were probably doing. There was no point in denying it, this party looked pretty tame compared to most parties he had been to. Similar to a kids party rather than a crazy or even sophisticated one. In fact, he was certain that a bunch of ponies were playing pin the tail on the donkey not too far away from his location. He wasn't sure if something so simple and harmless in a world of quadrupedal equines was considered racist. Despite their friendly faces, his welcoming wasn't exactly warm.

"Um... excuse me?" A shallow timid voice spoke up. The changeling turned his head and noticed some other manner of creature staring up at him with shy eyes. Eyes that were blue and without pupils, much like his own. The little being had blue chitin and some sort to red husk clinging on her back. Her tail resembled something similar to a dragonfly's wing. Despite the odd appearance, Mike's face softened a little realising that this strange being was a kid. Or rather it looked young enough to be one. Still, he seemed to speak his next few words with a bit of an unintentional authorative tone.

"Yes, can I help you?"

His slightly harsh voice did not go unnoticed as the little creature flinched. Still, she managed to continue on. "My names Ocellus. I'm a student here and... would like to welcome you to the school of friendship?"

She didn't sound exactly too sure of the words that came out of her mouth herself as she stammered a little, yet it didn't stop her from raising her hoof up in order to shake the changelings hoof. Mike met her halfway and gently shook her hoof.

"Pleasure to meet you Ocellus. I'm Mike." He introduced himself, trying to sound as polite and as non-threatening as he could. It was enough to calm her down a little as she managed a smile.

"Mike? I don't think I've heard of a changeling called Mike before." She tilted her head.

"And I've never heard anyone named Ocellus before. Guess we're both learning something today."

Mike chuckled a little at his own comment and went back to the party, expecting the little... whatever she was would head off. She seemed a little... afraid in his opinion. Something that made him feel a little bit cold inside. Literally too as it felt like ice was beginning to form in his stomach. It made him feel a little uneasy. There was also the fact that Ocellus was still right there at his feet, hardly moving from the spot were he had first noticed her. It was only when she spoke up a second time he realised this.

"Can I ask you something?"

Mike did his best not to sigh. Right now he really preferred to be alone yet this little girl did not seem to get the hint. But she was after all just that, a little girl so Mike couldn't bring himself to be too annoyed. Especially since she had already given him a warmer welcome than most others so far. He supposed that he could at least humour her for a bit longer. Then he'd need to move on and see who he could persuade to give him and the others to give them a room for the night.

"Sure. What's on your mind?"

She hesitated again. "Why... why do you still look like that?" She almost whispered out, as though worried she would anger him. Instead it was his turn to tilt his head to the side.

"Come again?"

"Well... it's just that... I thought that every changeling had reformed, but... you're still..." She found it difficult to carry on when Mikes face slowly shifted to friendly to unamused.

"So, what you mean to say is my appearance frightens you?" Not surprising. He had been receiving looks ever since he came to this place. Ocellus said nothing but looked down ashamed. That was clearly a yes. Seemed that he would need to teach her a lesson.

"Listen, Ocellus was it?" she nodded her head. "Yes, I may not be the most pleasant individual to look at. Yes, I seem frightening and dangerous close up. But that's all on the outside. Do you know what lies in here?" He tapped his chest with his hoof. "My emotions. I can laugh, I can cry, feel anger, sadness and love like any other being here. Do you know what I feel when everybody looks at me because I'm different? I feel hurt. I've only been here a day and already and I can see in everyone's eyes that they've judged me on appearance rather than what makes me me. That alone can turn so-called monsters like me into victims and so-called victims into monsters. Fear can turn into anger so very easily."

Truthfully, Mike did not believe that these ponies had it in them to become violent towards him. At least not without reason. He had just made up most of that speech up as he went along but a part of him was glad to have said it all. And again, it didn't hurt when they seemed wary of him. If anything it just annoyed him a little. Still, maybe this little one will be able to take an important lesson to heart and teach the rude bastards a lesson they sorely needed.

Ocellus absorbed the information given to her. By the end of Mikes talk she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt.

"I'm sorry... I didn't meant. to..." The puppy dog she gave the changeling was almost enough to melt his heart. Almost. But it did make him smile once more.

"It's alright. As long as you take to heart what I said, there's nothing to be sorry for."

Mike watched as Ocellus smiled back and, to his surprise decided to sit next to him. She soon decided to change the subject to something a little more uplifting.

"So, how did you and your friends meet?"

Mike shook his head. Now that was an interesting story. Guess having a little bit of company wouldn't be all that bad after all.