• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 3,771 Views, 72 Comments

This strange world - SwarmLordAbdonis

A group of friends are transported to Equestria! Now trapped in their new bodies they must try and find a way back home without upsetting any of the locals. Neither possibility seems likely.

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Can't we just find a security guard and kick her a** out? Hopefully permanently?

"Are you absolutely sure about that?"

"Yes Craig, I'm sure!" Jack repeated his answer for what was now the fifth time. "There's only one yak-"

"Other than yourself." Mike interrupted.

"Other than myself, thank you Mike, that resides in this place! I think it's safe to say that it was this Yona character that you mentioned."

Craig cringed at the obvious yet unfortunate reply. Like Mike, the only other member of his species at the school had come into contact with the hairy bovine. A young female yak who went by the name of Yona. If she had noticed that Jack was also unfamiliar with usual yak customs and traditions, it could result in yet another member of royalty sticking their nose where it clearly was not wanted or needed.

"Aw for the love of... Alright, so what did she say? Anything that might possibly lead to the same situation that we're in with Mike right now?"

Jack shook his head carefully. "Uh... Can't really say. All she did was ask my name and where I came from."

"Okay, and you said... what exactly?" The griffon pressed.

"That my name was Jack and... I come from London?"

"Anything else?"

"No, she was surprisingly blunt, simple and talked in third person for some odd reason." Jack pondered for a moment on his last statement.

"Yeah, yaks do that. And before you ask, no I don't know why! Maybe they think it makes them sound more important or something."

Mike decided to step in and give his own opinion. "Look guys, whichever way we spin this doesn't matter so we may as well just face the truth. Right now there's very little that can be done about it. The best we can do is weather the storm if it hits."

Craig reluctantly nodded after giving the idea some thought. "Mike has a point. If we try anything now, it might seem suspicious and make matters worse. Besides, perhaps it would be best to deal with our current situation at hand..."
As if on cue, a knocking sound came from the other sound of the door.

"Would it be alright to come in yet? We need to return to the hive before the end of the day and we really should be on our way." Came Firefly's voice, slightly muffled and concerned.

"Yeah yeah, be right out." Craig called back in a less than enthusiastic and caring tone.

Ever since Jack had returned to Mikes room and let Craig know about his run in with Yona, the griffon had asked Firefly if she could step out into the hallway for a couple of minutes while they hold a private conversation. That had been ten minutes ago and the guys had only just gotten off the yak subject. Now they had to move onto what to do with the unwanted bug horse. Mike was quick to share his thoughts and ideas.

"You know, she DID sneak through my window. That means she's technically trespassing. Can't we just find a security guard or something and get her ass kicked out? Hopefully permanently?"

While Craig did not agree with the blunt and needlessly aggressive idea, he soon managed to give a small smile. Mike had just unwillingly handed him a possible solution to a previous problem brought up by Jack on financial gain.

"Well now that you mention it Mike, security is rather lacking around here. I mean, how long ago was it that a little filly was trying to drain magic from the whole of Equestria from the basement of this very building? Sounds to me like a few extra hooves could be rather beneficial."

Jack snorted in amusement, catching on to what his friend was suggesting. "You think that the headteacher is just going to allow several random creatures that just recently showed up to just be given jobs that probably don't even exist or need to exist at this facility? How are you going to manage that?"

"By doing what I do best. Pointing out the key points of why this building needs security and how 'several random creatures' can enforce safety."

"Even though none of us have ever had a job in security before?" Mike pointed out. Though it didn't dampen the griffons smile.

"You let me worry about that. I'll inform Twilight about it before we set off out."

"Set out? To the library?" The changeling questioned cautiously.

"Nope. To the hive."

"Whoa whoa whoa! I'm sorry, we're doing what now?" Mike blurted out, clearly not as enthusiastic on the idea.

"We need to settle this matter with these changelings as soon as we can and if we don't go, that might make them more suspicious and create further problems." Craig reasoned. Mike couldn't find himself able to argue against his logic.

"Fucking hell. So what now, myself and whatshername just take a road trip to fuck knows where and just roll with whatever shit rolls my way?" The changeling ranted, throwing a hoof up in the air for emphasis.

"Nope. I'll be coming along too." Craig smiled as Mike paused and tossed him a look.

"Why are you coming? Don't they only want me?"

"You may look like a changeling Mike, but how much so you actually know about them? You're going to need help, even from someone with limited knowledge."

Mike grumbled under his breath. "Okay fine. I guess we don't have any other choice in the matter do we?"

"If we did we'd be at the library. Look on the bright side, maybe it'll be fun."

"For you! I'm just going to be harassed by giant bugs for the whole day!"

"Well chances are that many of them haven't seen a griffon either so I'll be in the same boat."

"Oh well ain't that just peachy?" The sarcasm dripped from Mikes fangs.

Ignoring his friends tone, Craig walked on over to the door and opened it up for Firefly. The moment she realised the thin piece of rectangular wood had opened up for her she immediately went from anxious to relieved. The poor bug horse had probably been expecting for the door to never open up for her. Though if Mike had his way it probably wouldn't have.
"Ah, excellent!" She smiled. "Have you reached a conclusion?"

"We have." Craig nodded. "Mike and myself would be happy to come along to the hive, right Mike?"

Mike sighed. "Yeah... Fucking ecstatic…"

"Oh! That is very pleasing to hear! Though... may I ask why you wish to come along?" Firefly puzzled. She had expected to return with Mike only.

"Mike asked if I could. You've probably noticed that he isn't too joyful about going somewhere alone with a complete stranger, no offense, so I agreed to go with him to make things easier. I hope you don't mind."

Firefly nodded. "Very well then. I'm sure that King Thorax won't mind. Are you ready to get underway?"

"I'll need to inform the headmare first. She did help set up our party and offer us accommodation so I imagine that she'll want to hear about this first so we haven't just flown the coop."

Firefly nodded. "Understood. But then we must be underway."

"Uh... so what about me? What should I do?" Jack asked, clearly no longer a part of the conversation.

"Take Jason and Ash to the library and stick to the plan. We've wasted enough time as it is and this distraction isn't helping." Craig responded, not caring if Firefly took any offense to being considered a distraction. "We'll be back as soon as we can."

"Are you sure about that?" Mike butted in. "I mean unless this place is just a hop skip and a jump away, we're going to be away for quite some time."

"Maybe not."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see. Come on, let's get going." Was all Craig said before leading the way back through the long hallway. As they passed the doors to the dorms, one opened up to reveal a tired-looking blue dragon. He gave a quick yawn and rub of his left eye before noticing a couple of his friends walking past his room with a strange alien-looking pony. Ash opened his mouth to speak.

"Uh, did I miss something? Who's that?" He pointed to Firefly.

"I don't want to talk about it." Mike droned clearly unhappy, not even bothering to look at Ash as he walked on past him.
"Jack will fill you in." Craig spoke next, leaving the dragon and Yak to have a nice and long, if not complicated chat.

It took several twist and turns and a lot of asking for directions but the group was eventually able to arrive at the doors of the Headmares office. Craig gave a gentle knock, hoping that Twilight would be in. His wish was granted and they heard her voice granting them entry. Craig quickly asked Firefly if she could wait outside once again, to which surprisingly she agreed to. Mike was curious to ask why the griffon wanted her to wait outside but didn't question the decision. If anything he was pleased that she was going to be separate from him, even if it was just behind a sturdier door.

As the two creatures entered, they noticed that Twilight was at her desk on the far side of the room. She looked to be dealing with what looked like dozens, if not hundreds of forms that probably related around school business. As they made their way forwards they took a glance around the room. It looked a lot more like a section of a library than a headmares office. There was even a set of stairs on the right side of the room that travelled up to a second floor. Safe to say it looked nothing like a headmasters office back on earth but it did take up an excessive amount of space. Still, this was a princess as well as a headmare so perhaps that came into play as well. Once Craig and Mike were close enough, she broke her gaze from her latest group of papers and offered them a smile.

"Ah, Craig and Mike! I hope your rooms were suitable enough for you?" She smiled kindly.

"They were, thank you." Craig responded a little quickly. Whether it was from wanting to speed things along or was worried that Mike would make any form of complaint, no-one knew or thankfully noticed. "We were actually hoping to have a quick talk about a couple of things. I mean since you were kind enough to offer us accommodation, I think it's only fair that we repay that kindness if you would be willing to hear us out."

Twilight chuckled a little. "You don't have to do that. It was my pleasure!"

"Please, we all insist. It's only fair after all."

"Yeah, it's the least we can do." Mike weighed in.

Twilight thought about their offer for a moment. A few extra hooves sounded very helpful. Plus she had to admit she was greatly curious about how such a group of unique and different creatures had become such good friends! She had thought that her school had been the first to achieve such a remarkable step in the history of friendship, but now with the strong possibility of an older group made up of different creatures filled her mind with limitless questions and no answers. How did they meet? How did they cope? Was this friendship tested to its limits like she had sometimes with her own group of friends and what challenges did they face upon forming this bond? These and so many questions couldn't go unanswered! The more she thought about it the easier it was to accept their offer. Though despite this beacon of knowledge at her hooves she managed to maintain her composure and replied in a calm, yet slightly excited voice.

"Well if you really mean it... I may have a couple of requests."

"Oh... well, we'd be happy to hear what you have to offer Headmare." Craig stumbled a little, having expected for the young alicorn to dig deeper into what they had to lay down on the table. It seemed that a role of janitor or security were for the moment tossed aside.

"As the princess of friendship, spreading the magic of love and companionship is one of my many valued duties. One that I enjoy and find most rewarding too. I believe that you and your friends could help me with that here, at the school of friendship."

Craig and Mike tossed each other glances.

"Sure. What have you got in mind Princess?" Mike asked.

"How would each of you feel about giving lectures in classes? Say something like, twice a week?"

"Lectures?" Craig puzzled.

"You'd be happily compensated of course." Twilight added quickly with a slight break in composure. "All you'd need to do is explain from each of your perspectives on how you became friends and how it affected you all before and after your bond developed."

"That seems... surprisingly vague and simple." The changeling replied.

Twilight nodded and tried to explain. "I know it doesn't sound like a big deal to you two, but the truth is... very few groups like yours exist, pardon me for saying. Until the school of friendship opened, nopony thought that a griffon, a changeling, a pony, yak, hippogriff or dragon would be capable of becoming such a close group of friends! Now we know of two groups. A group of students here, and yours! Uh, minus the hippogriff of course." Twilight smiled sheepishly. "I believe that if you were happily willing to share your experiences, it may allow other creatures to open up more to all the other cultures and creatures that live within this great land of ours! Of course, the choice is yours to make if you would like to take me up upon it."

Craig gave the idea some thought of his own. Mike on the other hand was comfortable either way, though that may have had something to do with being forcibly dragged to a changeling hive being more on his list of priorities. A few seconds was all it took before Craig gave his answer.

"I'll need to let the rest of the guys know about this before I can give a definite answer Princess, if that's alright. But from me personally, I would be happy to help spread the magic of friendship."

Mike nodded, also signalling that he was onboard with this sudden job assignment. The alicorn was practically bursting with glee at the answer.

"That's amazing! Thank you two so much! You don't know how much this means to me or my students!"

"Of course Princess, it's our pleasure. However before we can check with the rest of our friends, there is one other matter that we need to discuss."

"Well I'd be happy to help in any way I can."

Craig smiled and turned to the door on the far side of the room.

"Firefly, you can come in now!" He called out. The addressed changeling entered at once and reached the desk in record time. The sudden appearance of the random changeling caught the princess offguard for a second until Craig continued.
"Would you be able to teleport us just outside the changeling hive please? Seems that there's a slight emergency involving Mike here, I'm sure you understand."