• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,983 Views, 47 Comments

Crystal's Justice - unleashedtwilight

Crystal and Twilight are sent to a new world where everyone has different powers.

  • ...

A World of Heroes

“...After that, I went to my old school and even saw some of my old friends that I used to hang out with!”

“Doesn’t change the fact that you basically ignored me when I told you not to look into it anymore… You can be really stubborn, you know that?”

“Well nobody knows me better than me.” I said chuckling at… myself.

My name is Crystal Sparkle… and as you can see, I’m having a nice normal conversation… with myself at the mirror pool. I sometimes come out here when I just want some time with myself. And yes I realize how literal I’m making that look. But after everything that’s happened in my life so far, I honestly don’t know how to deal with it anymore… I have all my memories back, I explained to my friends in my world that I was still alive, and I even visited my birth moms grave… What is left for me to do? I can’t exactly live a normal life. Forgetting it isn’t going to help anything either… Princess Celestia already proved that after she erased all my bad memories only to end up remembering them through my dreams.

You all remember the message my Mom got… it was the message that brought us together in the first place.


My faithful student, Twilight. I ask that you please come to Canterlot immediately. I have an important task for you to take. This task will help us get a better understanding of species other than pony kind. Your teacher, Princess Celestia.


“Who’s there??” Twilight exclaimed listening closely to the noise... but it wasn’t just a noise. “Is somepony... crying...?” She said getting closer to the source of the crying. She then saw another being... but this one was different. It looked smaller than the other ones... a lot smaller. Is this a child...? “Um... hello?” She asked walking up to it. It just stared at Twilight and looked terrified. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.” I said trying to reassure the child.

“Hi...” the child said in a quiet tone. “Um... are you a real unicorn?” she asked Twilight.

Twilight just looked at her for a moment. “Yeah... I’m a unicorn.” Twilight said walking up to her. “I’m Twilight Sparkle... Forgive me for asking but... what are you?”

She looked into the eyes of the unicorn for a moment. “Um... I’m a person...”

“A what...?”

“You know... a human...?”

“Human… well... do you have a name?” she stared at Twilight with sorrow in her eyes and just shook her head. “You don’t have a name...? Why wouldn’t your parents give a you a name? Where are your parents?”

“My... parents...” she let out slowly starting to cry in front of Twilight.

“I’m sorry... I understand… But... if you don’t have parents, then how do you survive?”

“People see me and feel bad for me... they sometimes give me some food... but not all the time...” she sniffed. “But they don’t feel bad enough to give me a home...”

“I feel bad enough.” Twilight said looking at her.

“W-...what...?” she let out.

“How would you like to come with me? Have a home where you would be loved and taken care of?” Twilight said putting a hoof on her. “I could take care of you, and give you a better life.”

“You’d really do that for me…?”

“Of course I would…”


After that day, I got to meet all of Mom’s best friends, and even got to meet the cutie mark crusaders… I learned that they were still trying to get their cutie marks and that they also tried everything they could to do so… But I also learned that not everypony was happy about me being there at the time.


“Silver Spoon...” Diamond Tiara said looking at her friend. “I didn’t know they let animals come to school, did you?”

“Huh...?” Crystal let out.

“No Diamond Tiara, I didn’t... maybe she should go back to the pound where she came from.” the other pony said, which led to them both laughing.

“Hey!” Scootaloo spoke out. “Don’t talk to our friend like that!” she exclaimed. “She is not an animal!”

“Oh please...” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “From what I’ve heard, she can’t even get a cutie mark. That’s admittedly even lower than you three.”

“Stop it! She didn’t do anything to you, why are you being so mean to her??” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

“Oh, she’s not getting any special treatment. It’s how I always treat animals.”


"Maybe she shouldn't even come to school then!" Diamond yelled. "She doesn't fit in! She will never fit in!!”


But despite all that…


"Diamond Tiara!" Crystal exclaimed running to her.

"Huh?" Diamond Tiara said turning to Crystal. But in a split second, there was a bolt of lightning about to hit her... Crystal managed to save her and push her out of the way but...

"Aahhhhhh!!" Crystal exclaimed as the lightning bolt hit her instead.


Despite all that, I still wanted to be a good friend and save her… after I did save her, me and her actually became best friends.

. . .

I didn’t know it yet, but my mother and I were going to be part of our own adventure… one outside of Equestria. And I’m not talking about my world… I’m talking about a brand new world that none of us knew about.


One Year later…

I got up out of bed to do my usual weekend routine. Fed Cocoa, my dog. Had my own breakfast. Practice spells with Mom. Then helped her clean around the library. It was honestly a pretty normal day compared to most days that we’ve had.

“Crystal, do you think you could go down to Sweet Apple Acres, and pick up some apples for us?” Mom asked.

“Hm? How come?” I asked back. “We didn’t run out already, did we?”

“It involves a spell you’ll be learning.”

I just looked at her excitedly. “You’re teaching me a new spell??”

“Uh-huh.” Mom said smiling. “Bring those apples over, and I’ll explain what you have to do.”

“You got it!” I exclaimed before placing a finger on my head, teleporting near Sweet Apple Acres. Walking close to the barn, I saw Applebloom and Applejack stomping on apples in a barrel. “Hey girls!”

“Hey there sugarcube!” Applejack said with a greeting smile. “What brings you to the farm?”

“Mom was wondering if we could get some apples from you… if you don’t mind.”

“Didn’t I just get y’all a fresh batch a few days ago?”

“Yeah but she said it’s for a spell…” I answered.

“What?? Apples are for eatin’, not magic mumbo jumbo!” Applejack retorted. “If you want to use apples for magic, you can go around the trees and look for the not so fresh lookin’ kind.”

“Thanks Applejack!” I exclaimed grabbing a bucket, heading to the apple orchard. Entering the orchard I definitely could see a bunch of apples that didn’t look so fresh on the ground. I just went around and put as much apples as I could into the bucket. When I was done, I levitated the bucket and quickly started making my way back to the barn, seeing Applejack and Applebloom still stomping away. “What are you two doing anyways?”

“Gettin’ ready for cider season of course!” Applebloom answered happily.

“Heh… Mom still won’t even let me touch cider after what happened last time.”

“I think Twilight’s bein’ a little too paranoid.” Applejack said rolling her eyes. “I mean honestly, what harm can one jug of cider do?”

“Plus I’m not even a pony!” I exclaimed agreeing with her.

“Yeah! You gotta tell Twilight that you’re a grown mare!” Applebloom exclaimed.

“But I’m not a--”

“You know what I mean, smarty pants.” Applebloom said.

I just chuckled taking the bucket with me, on my way out. “See you later!” I shouted heading back to the library. On my way, I passed by a bunch of ponies and waved… I did so until I got slammed into by another pony, dropping all the apples on the ground. “Oooww…” I groaned holding my chest. I looked ahead to see that it was Mom that bumped into me, who was now in a daze while holding a scroll. “Mom?? I was on my way back! What’s wrong??”

“Crystal, we have to go to Canterlot immediately. Princess Celestia summoned us for an important task!” Mom exclaimed after regaining her composure. Not questioning her, I just nodded and hopped onto her back. She carried me with her to the train station.


Celestia’s Castle…

Running as fast as her hooves could carry her, Mom was quickly making her way toward celestia’s throne room. She had passed a bunch of royal guards without even batting an eye or saying a word to them. When we got to the room, we could see that Celestia had been waiting for us. “I’m happy that you two were able to come in such a hurry.”

“What was the emergency that you needed both of us for?” Mom asked.

“Well it's not really an emergency… it’s more that we made an impressive discovery!” Celestia answered.

“Huh?” Mom and I asked at the same time.

“Technically it was I who made the discovery.” A voice said from behind us. We quickly saw that the voice belonged to Princesa Luna. “You see, after discovering Crystal’s ability perform magical acts as a human, I was a little bit curious to see if there were any other worlds with humans like you.”

“And to my surprise, she did find a very interesting world… one where humans having different abilities are a thing of common nature… While not all of them are magical, some of them are powerful.”

I just widened my eyes in interest. “You mean like super powers!?”

“Well in their world, they actually have a name for these abilities… they call them quirks.” Luna answered. “If you’re willing to, we’d like the two of you to do a more in depth study on this world…”

“You mean you want the two of us to visit another new world!?” Mom asked.

“There is just one other thing about that world however…” Luna said, continuing. “In that world, these humans with quirks use them for either good, or bad purposes… There are heroes and there are villains.”

“What!?” Twilight exclaimed. “But why does Crystal have to come along if it’s so dangerous!?”

“Crystal will be attending the schools there to help us get a better understanding of how being a hero even works in that world. We normally would ask you Twilight, but you may be a little too old for the school Crystal will attend.”

“Wait you want me to switch schools? With one that’s in a different world!?” I asked starting to get nervous.

“You will record your notes into this book.” Celestia said handing me a book. “Just like the one Sunset Shimmer has, with this book you’ll be able to keep in contact with us.” She said before placing a hoof on me. “You are a smart girl Crystal, and we know you will be perfectly capable of handling this task.”

“Can we go back to what I said about this place being dangerous??” Twilight asked still freaked out.

“There is no need to fear… we will be sending you to the safest part of that world.” Celestia said stepping up. “We looked into it and saw that one area of the world only had a 6% crime rate… drastically lower than the rest of it.”

“That… doesn’t sound too bad.” Twilight huffed a little relieved.

“There is one issue about this area however…” Celestia said.

“What kind of issue is that?”

Luna smiled and giggled a bit before looking at Mom. “あなたは新しい言語を学ぶ必要があるでしょう。 (Anata wa atarashī gengo o manabu hitsuyō ga arudeshou.)” Luna said.

HUH??” Mom and I both asked totally lost.

This time Luna just burst out laughing. “I said, you’re going to need to learn a new language… which is the language I just spoke: Japanese.”

“We have to learn japanese!?” I exclaimed.

“Well… not learn exactly. There’s a simple spell we can cast on you so that you’ll know the language with no issue.” Luna said.

“Whew… that’s a relief.” Mom said.

“That’s so cool! I didn’t know it was that simple for a pony to learn a new language!” I exclaimed. “This is so exciting! When do we get started??”

Princess Luna chuckled before casting a spell on Mom and I. “You’ll get started right away.” Luna said in a japanese language… only this time we could understand her!

“これは今までで最高のものです!(Kore wa ima made de saikō no monodesu!)” I shouted in full japanese.

“Uh… come again?” Celestia asked chuckling.

“This is the best thing ever!” I shouted in english.


In Japan, a few years ago…

“Mom, hurry!” a small boy exclaimed to his mother while she was washing the dishes. “Come on, Mom! It’s computer time!!”

The mother just giggled at her hyperactive child. “Is it that time already?” She asked jokingly, leading the boy to the computer room.

When she got in, she casually started up the PC. The small boy just grunted in impatience. “Faster! Let’s go!”

“Jeez… I think you’ve added 10,000 views to this one yourself, Izuku.” The mother said starting up the video on the computer while Izuku was waving his head back and forth. “I don’t know why you like it. I think it’s scary.”

Izuku just kept a wide smile on his face, holding onto an action figure as the video played. The video he was watching was a disaster footage from a long time ago. But it was also the debut of the greatest hero that the world has ever known.

“Who is he? Some guy has already saved 100 people at least and it hasn’t even been 10 minutes!” One man in the video said. “This is… this is crazy! I can’t believe it!” Suddenly a figure in the video could be seen, carrying multiple people with him. Izuku just watched intently at the hero as he showed his face. As the man approached, he let out a proud, fearless laugh.

“Look! He’s got more!” Said another man in the video.

“Fear not citizens!!” the muscular hero in red, white, blue, and gold exclaimed. “Help has arrived!!” He said which made Izuku’s face smile brighter. The video went full focus on the hero’s face as he smiled brightly. “Because I am here!!”

Izuku just kept watching intently as he raised his action figure into the air. “He’s the coolest in the universe!” Izuku shouted. “And once I get my quirk, I’m gonna be a hero just like him!” With that, the boy let out a hardy laugh, attempting to imitate the hero on the screen…

Though in Izuku’s mother’s mind, something didn’t sit right with her…


“Sorry kid, it’s not gonna happen.”

Those words alone were enough to make Izuku go into complete shock and shatter him, causing him to literally drop his action figure onto the ground at the doctor’s office. “Oh dear… so you really think there’s something wrong then? Most of the other kindergartners in his class have begun to show signs already.” Izuku’s mom said keeping her hand on Izuku.

“My records say you’re a fourth generation quirk user…” The doctor said. “What powers do you and the boy’s father have?”

“Nothing too special…” Izuku’s mother answered. “I can float small objects towards me and my husband breathes fire…” she said slowly inching the figure that fell onto the floor into her hand with her quirk. “They’re useful enough I suppose.”

“Izuku should’ve already manifested one of these quirks or a combination of both, but after viewing his x-rays, I don’t think he’s going to.” The doctor continued. “You see when super powers first began appearing, there were many research studies conducted, and doctors discovered a link between the bones in a person’s foot, and their likelihood of developing a quirk… People with powers only have one joint in their pinky toes. Their bodies have evolved into a more streamlined version of the human form.” He said before pointing out Izuku’s x-ray. “You can see here that Izuku has two joints in his pinkie… like roughly 20% of the population these days. Based on the research that’s available, it’s safe to say your son isn’t going to develop a quirk.”


The car ride back home was silent. Neither Izuku or his mother said anything to each other after just hearing the devastating news about not being able to manifest a quirk. When they got back to the house, Izuku just quietly walked back to the computer room, to watch the same video again. After a while, Izuku’s mother walked in the room to check on him. “See that mom…?” Izuku asked as the video played again. “There’s always a smile on his face no matter how bad things get…” Izuku’s mother just slowly approached the boy who’s dreams had just been shattered only moments ago. “Even when things seem impossible he never gives up.” he said with his voice trembling before turning to face her mother. His mother could only start to cry herself at the sight of her son in so much despair. “Do you think… I can be a hero too…?” Izuku asked trembling, trying to keep a smile on his face which was overshadowed by the tears in his eyes.

Izuku’s mother didn’t have a proper response… she just slowly approached the boy and hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry Izuku…! I wish things were different…!” she cried.

But based on Izuku’s reaction, it looked like the answer only made him feel worse. His entire world was crumbling and he had no idea how to cope with it… But what he didn’t know was that eventually his fate would be intertwined with another.


Present day in Japan…

After getting everything ready, Princess Celestia sent us on our way to the new world.

It was seriously overwhelming. “Whoa…” I started as I looked around. “This place is huge!” I shouted in the japanese language.

“So weird speaking in japanese…” Mom admitted, “But I will admit, I have to agree… this place kind of blows your world out of the water when it comes to these buildings… I still don’t get why Princess Celestia thought I wouldn’t need to be changed into a human though. I thought it would make more sense to blend in.”

“Uh… I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” I said pointing out the person who looked like an anthropomorphic wolf.

“Whoa… I guess a quirk can really be anything, huh?” Mom said before taking out the scroll. “Alright, so I guess the first thing we should do is register you for the school here… Princess Celestia told us that the school in this town is called Aldera Junior High… but I have no idea where that would be.”

“Maybe we can ask for directions.” I suggested looking around. I quickly walked to the closest person nearby. “Excuse me?”

“Hm…?” A deep sounding voice for someone so scrawny looking said. “What can I help you with?”

“Well, my mom and I are new to Japan and we were wondering if you could tell us where Aldera is?” I asked in a polite attitude.

“Aldera Junior High? Yeah sure, I can show you where that is kid. It’s not too far from here.”

“Great!” I shouted looking back to Mom. “Mom! This nice guy said he’s going to take us to the school!”

“Hm?” Mom said taking a good look at the scrawny looking man with blonde hair. “Oh, thank you so much sir! We really appreciate it.”

“Anytime.” the new person said leading us to the direction of the middle school. On his way, he looked back at the two of us… specifically at my mom. “Don’t think I’ve seen a quirk like yours before… what do you call it?”

“Uhh… I’m an alicorn.” Mom answered.


“Yeah, a unicorn with wings.” Mom continued. “I’m able to fly and use magic.”

“A magic unicorn with wings… now I’ve definitely seen it all.” He said with a light laugh. “What about you, kiddo?” he asked looking at me.

“Um… I can use magic like my mom can…” I answered before levitating myself up a bit.

“Huh… you can use that magic to make yourself fly huh? You don’t see too many people with quirks that help them do that.”

“Not just that, it’s also good for doing spells.”

“Spells? Like… spellbook spells?”

“Well kind of…” Twilight answered. “The major difference being we don’t need spellbooks constantly.”

“I’m still learning… but I’m trying to be able to use magic more like my mom can.”

“Well you certainly have the potential to become a pro hero in the future.”

“A… hero?” I asked dropping back down to the ground and stopped. The man I was following stopped as well.

He just looked at me silently for a moment. “Did you have any other plans for the future?”

“Well… no, I didn’t really think about it… but, a hero?”

“Don’t let your chance slip past your fingers kid… you’re lucky to even have the opportunity to try.”

“What about you?” I asked. “What’s your quirk?”

The man just looked ahead and sighed as he started walking. “I was born quirkless.”

“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that.” I responded following him again.

“Honestly it’s your choice to make. Not like I can force you to become a hero.”

I just walked silently in thought as I followed him to the school. Me? An actual hero?

Before long, we finally stopped in front of a large building. “Well, this is your stop.”

“Thank you so much Mr…” Mom started. “Oh, I’m sorry, we never got your name did we? I’m Twilight Sparkle and this is my daughter, Crystal.”

“You can call me Toshinori.” he said waving us off as he headed on his way.

“Thank you Toshinori!” I exclaimed as he walked away.

After walking into the school, we made our way to the main office. Registration didn’t take so long… it was the part where we had to make up information about us that upset me a little bit. I always hate lying. After registration was finished, the principal handed me a school uniform, some books and shook my hand, welcoming me to the new school. Starting tomorrow, I would be attending as a first year student in Aldera Junior High. Of course during that whole process, what Toshinori told me was still on my mind. a hero… I repeated in my head. “Oh yeah… hey Mom? What are you going to do while I’m at school?”

“Oh, I’ll probably do my own research about this world outside of school… going to try and get as much information to Princess Celestia as I can.”

“And what are we going to do about where to live here?”

“We aren’t living here… We’ll leave here at night and come back every morning.”

“That seems like a lot of work for nothing. maybe we should just find a place to stay.”

“And with what money, Crystal?” Mom asked. “Celestia gave us some foreign money to spend here. At most it would be good for one month rent.”

“Well… maybe you could try getting a job here.” I suggested. “We did pass by that library on the way here. Why don’t you try working there?”

“You want me to get a job as a librarian…?” Mom asked. “Is that your idea?”

“W-well I just thought that--”

“Because that sounds perfect! I can make money for the two of us and probably learn more about this place at the same time!” Mom said with a beaming smile.

“And I’ll learn all I can about the school while you work!”


A few hours later…

Thankfully, it looks like Mom was able to get the job at the library. Like me, she’s going to start tomorrow. Though I think Mom’s passion for books helped her get the job in the long run. She impressed the owner of the store so much when she used her magic “quirk” to re-sort every single book in the library. Even all the manga. After cleaning around in the library, Mom took the time to even read some of the books there... After that, we managed to find a nice little apartment to stay in. We ended up just getting a single bed apartment to save money since we were used to sleeping in the same bed already in Equestria. Plus the place was close enough to the school so I wouldn’t get lost. There wasn’t that much right now. There was a couch, an old looking T.V. that the previous people who lived here left behind. And the kitchen was kind of a mess. Mom and I actually spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up the place so it at least looked a little better. After that was all done, I went into the bathroom to try out my school uniform. To my surprise it actually fit perfectly!

“The outfit looks great on you.” Mom said looking at me.

“It feels great.”

“Tomorrow is going to be another first day of school for you… are you excited?” Mom asked smiling a bit.

“Kind of… I’m mostly nervous honestly.” I responded rubbing the back of my head.

“Well you are going to be learning a lot of new and different information than you’re used to.”

“Yeah… I’ve never been to Japan in my world, but I’m guessing their schools have a lot of higher standards than my old school did.”

“Well you were always a smart student in Cheerilee’s class. I think you’ll do just fine.” Mom said pausing for second. “Hey Crystal… about what that guy Toshinori said earlier…”

“You mean about being a hero…?” I asked. “What about it?”

“Well, have you considered it?” Mom asked. “I talked to the owner of the library about it abit… and they think that the hero course might be good for not only you, but for the both of us as well… financially especially.”

“But do you really think I could do it…?”

“It’s worth a try… after all, there are hero schools that help people learn how to use their quirk better… maybe it’ll help you too.”

I just looked down and sighed as I changed into my pajamas. “I’ll think about, Mom.” I said hopping into bed.

Mom just hopped into bed with my before placing a wing over me. “Goodnight Crystal.”

“Goodnight mom…”


The next morning…

When morning came, I quickly got out of bed, got dressed into my school uniform, and grabbed my books. Rather than having breakfast, I kind of just skipped it and ran out the door, not wanting to be late for my first day… or at least I tried to run out until I was stopped at the door by my mom’s magic. “Where are you going in such a hurry?’ Mom asked.

“I’m going to school!”

“Not until you have breakfast!” Mom exclaimed levitating me to the table, where there was toast, orange juice, and an apple already prepared.

I just groaned a bit eating as fast as I could. When I was finished, I grabbed my books again, kissed mom on the cheek, and quickly ran out. “Love you, Mom!” I shouted before closing the door. Not wanting to be late, I just used my ‘quirk’ to levitate my body and head to school a lot faster. Eventually when I got to the front gate, I stopped levitating myself and just walked through the front door. Upon entering, I could see that there were still students talking to each other. While some of them looked normal, most of them looked different from regular people; rock hands, stretchy limbs-- stretchy eyes!? How can quirks be this weird?? I asked myself internally as I walked through the halls. Trying not to bring any attention to myself, I just quickly picked up the pace as I was headed to my assigned classroom. “Should be around here somewhere…” I said to myself looking around the halls. However, as I was more focused looking for the classroom, I wasn’t completely focused on what was right in front of me. Without warning, I bumped into another student, causing us both to fall, while other students laughed. “Ugh… sorry about that…” I said looking at the other student who fell down with me. It looked like a boy with green messy hair and freckles. He didn’t say anything. He just looked at me nervously like he was in danger or something. After getting back to my feet, I grabbed his hand and helped him up as well. “You okay? I’m sorry I bumped into you like that.”

After seeing my face it looked like he calmed down a bit. “Wait, I don’t think I’ve seen you here before…” the timid sounding boy said looking at me.

“I’m actually new here… I transferred from a different school in… America.”

“Whoa, you came all the way from America?? That’s Amazing…”

“I’m Crystal Sparkle… I’m sorry again for bumping into you like that.”

“I’m Izuku Midoriya.” he said with an honest smile. “And don’t worry. I’m not hurt or anything.” He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his head.

“Actually do you think you could help me? I’m looking for my classroom…” I said showing him a note that was given to me.

“Hey, that’s my class!” Izuku said. “I’m actually heading over there right now, I can take you.”

“Thank you so much Izuku!” I smiled following the boy… who looked like he went back to being nervous again but while keeping a smile on his face.

Eventually we got to the classroom, and Izuku quickly sat at his desk. Okay then… I thought to myself as I walked up to the teacher. “Hello, I’m the new student that just transferred here.”

“Oh right… the new student from America, right?” The teacher asked. “I’m Mr. Ogami. When everyone else comes in, you can introduce yourself to the class and tell us a little about yourself.”

I just nodded and sat in one of the seats. But in the corner of my eye I could see Izuku getting freaked out and shaking his head at me. “What is it?”

“Hey buddy.” said another voice that was slowly approaching. It was a blonde haired boy with red eyes who already looked angry at me. He was also accompanied by two other boys. “You’re in my seat.”

“O-oh…” I stammered a bit quickly getting up. “Sorry, about that. I’m new here and I don’t really know which seat is free.”

The blonde boy just gave off small smirk as he looked at me. “A newbie, huh? I guess I can let you off this time. Name’s Katsuki Bakugo, and I’m gonna be the next number 1 pro hero. Don’t you ever forget that.”

“Eheh… right…” I said trying to be polite. “I’m Crystal Sparkle. I’m still thinking about wanting to be a hero or not…”

“Well what’s your quirk?”

“Um… magic.” I answered.

“Magic? What kind of quirk is that?”

“Katsuki.” Mr. Ogami said cutting Katsuki off. “It’s her first day. Let her get the chance to introduce herself to everyone when they all get here first.”

“Hmph, whatever.” Katsuki said with a shrug. “If you’re looking for a seat, there’s one by the quirkless wonder over there.” He chuckled pointing at Izuku, which caused him to duck his head down in embarrassment.

“He doesn’t have a quirk…?” I asked.

“About the only kid in this school who doesn’t.” Katsuki said. “It’s kind of pathetic, isn’t it?”

“Huh? How does him not having a quirk make him pathetic?”

“It’s pathetic because he still talks about wanting to be a hero… despite not having a quirk. People like us who actually have quirks actually have a decent shot at being a pro hero… or in most of this classes case, a bunch of sidekicks.”

“There he goes with the ego again…” the boy next to Katsuki said, shaking his head.

“Oh yeah? And you wanna take me on to prove otherwise?” Katsuki asked in a cocky attitude as small explosions could be seen coming from his hands.

“Alright, settle down.” Mr. Ogami said. “You all know the rules about using quirks in class.” As the impending fight was stopped from happening, I just went ahead and sat next to Izuku.

“So I guess that’s it then…” Izuku said with a tone of despair. “Now you know the truth about me and just see me as a quirkless loser, huh…?”

I just looked at him for a moment. Something felt weird… it was like I felt this way before…


“Oh, she’s not getting any special treatment. It’s how I always treat animals.”


"Maybe she shouldn't even come to school then! She doesn't fit in! She will never fit in!!”


...It’s because I’ve been in the same situation as him… People bullying him just because he was different… acting like he didn’t belong with them. I know how hard it is to be bullied that way… what it’s like. It hurts.

“No Izuku, I don’t think you’re a loser.”

“H-huh…?” Izuku asked looking at me with tears in his eyes.

At least when I was being bullied, I had friends who were there to help me… But it just looks like he’s alone. He needs a friend who will always be there for him.

“If you want to be a hero, then why can’t you? It shouldn’t matter if you have a quirk or not.” I said smiling at him. “I think you have as much of a chance as anyone else at this school to be a hero.”

“E-even a hero like All Might…?” Izuku asked choking on his words a bit.

“Who’s All Might?” I asked.

When I asked this, Izuku actually looked surprised. “You don’t know who All Might is…?” Izuku asked. “He’s the number 1 hero who always beats the villain and rescues people with a smile on his face. He’s the greatest hero alive, and someday I want to be a hero just like him! Do you really think I have a chance??”

I just smiled at Izuku and nodded. “I do.”

Izuku looked at me and started crying even harder. “Y-you’re the first person w-who’s actually said that to me…”

“Why are you even bringing his hopes up?” Katsuki asked from his desk. “Nothing Deku does will ever make him a hero, and everyone knows it.” Saying this made Izuku just lower his head again.

I was about to say something back, but all the other students finally arrived. “Alright class, please take your seats.” Mr. Ogami announced. Anyone who wasn’t already sitting sat down. “We have a new student who transferred here from America. That’s your cue to come up missy.” I just slowly got up out of the desk I was sitting at, walking up to the front of the class. “Why don’t you tell us all your name and a little about yourself.”

I just looked at Izuku before looking at the rest of the class, smiling. “My name is Crystal Sparkle. I’m from America and my quirk is magic.” After saying that, I got a few interested glances.

“Interesting.” Mr. Ogami started. “Now usually we don’t allow quirk use in class… like you probably heard earlier. But just this once, why don’t you demonstrate this quirk for the class.”

“Demonstrate it?” I asked.

“If it isn’t dangerous.” I just looked back at the class again. After taking a deep breath, I started using my magic to levitate myself in front of everyone. Most of the students looked at me sort of in awe at my ‘quirk’. Looking at the book on my desk, I pointed my finger at it, shooting a beam at it that caused it to fall off. I then lowered myself onto the ground, placed a finger on my head and teleported to the other side of the class. Mr. Ogami looked at me in shock. “Goodness… that certainly is a versatile quirk, isn’t it?”

“And I’m still learning different spells.” I said walking back to the front of the class.

“Do you know what you plan to do for your future, young lady? You definitely have a variety of choices with that quirk.”

I just smiled looking at Izuku. He sort of just looked at me confused. “I’m going to be a hero. And I’m going to do it with my new friend!”

Mr. Ogami just chuckled. “Yup, and another reason why I think we should throw those aptitude tests away.”

Izuku just looked at me, smiling with tears in his eyes. Meanwhile, Katsuki Bakugo was just looking at me with contempt.

There was no going back anymore. I’ve made my decision and I’m sticking to it. Izuku and I are gonna be heroes together. Today marks the first day of our long journey.

Author's Note:

Whew... a long first chapter but I finally started it! :twilightsmile: I do hope you enjoy this crossover. I have put a lot of thought into it.

In the next chapter, there will be a time skip to basically where the show starts. until then this is UnleashedTwilight signing off.