• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,983 Views, 47 Comments

Crystal's Justice - unleashedtwilight

Crystal and Twilight are sent to a new world where everyone has different powers.

  • ...

Exchanging Secrets

“Wait a second. Hold on.” I started. “What do you mean inherit??”

“I mean exactly what it sounds like.” Toshinori answered. “I’m going to pass my quirk onto this young man!” He said proudly.

“But… what!?” Izuku asked.

“Yeah! What he said! I’ve never heard of someone passing on their quirks to someone else directly. I’ve seen people born with the same quirks as their parents but never like this!” I exclaimed.

Toshinori just looked at me and sighed. “Look kid… promise me you won’t go telling anyone about this. I was waiting for the boy to be alone to tell him this information, but… there’s something about you that’s different. Different than anyone I’ve ever met before… I can’t exactly put my finger on it.”

“Of course I promise. I already promised not to tell anyone about your body.”

“That goes the same for your family… nobody else can know.”

“Right… I won’t tell Mom either then.”

“Very good.” said before turning to Izuku. “Now then… there are some things I should tell you about my abilities. Journalists always try to guess that my quirk is super strength or some kind of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always make a joke and dodge the question. That’s because the world needs to think that their symbol of peace is just a natural born hero like anyone else… but I’m not. There’s nothing natural about my ability. I wasn’t born with this power, it was a sacred torch that was passed onto me from someone else!”

“Someone gave you this quirk…? N-no way…” Izuku let out.

“Yes way! And your next! I can give you my abilities!”

“...So that’s you meant.” I said getting Toshinori’s attention. “When we first met, you did say you were born quirkless… So you technically weren’t lying to me.”

“That’s correct.” Toshinori nodded.

“W-wait!” Izuku cut in. “Hold on, this is a lot to process! It’s true there’s a lot of debate about what your quirk actually is… Nobody’s ever figured it out! It’s one of the world’s greatest mysteries! People are constantly talking about it online!” Izuku exclaimed before going into a muttering tangent about how transferring or inheriting a quirk is just unheard of.

“Uhh… sounds like you’re overthinking this whole inheriting thing…” Toshinori started while Izuku continued muttering. “Stop nerding out!!” He shouted which snapped Izuku out of it. “You must adjust your reality and accept this new truth! I can transfer my quirk to someone else. And that’s just one facet of my secret ability. The true name of my power is One For All.”

“One… for… all…?” Izuku asked looking up at Toshinori.

“Yes. One person improves the power, then hands that power to another person. It continues to grow as it’s passed along. It’s this power that allows me to save those who are in need of a hero. That’s the truth behind my strength.”

“But why would you choose to give me a gift like that…?” Izuku asked. “What if I can’t live up to it?”

“I’ve been on a long hunt for a worthy successor. And then I watched you jump into action as the rest of us stood idly by. You may just be a quirkless fanboy, but you tried to save that kid! You acted like a hero.” Saying this made Izuku go into tears again. “Seriously!” Toshinori chuckled. “You’ve got to stop crying so much if you want my quirk!”

Honestly I can’t blame him… this is something he’s wanted his entire life: to have a quirk, and to be a hero.

Izuku wiped his tears and got to his face, giving Toshinori a look of confidence. “Alright, I’ll do it!”

Toshinori smirked. “No reluctance. That’s exactly how I figured you’d respond.” he said before examining Izuku closely.

For a moment he looked like he was thinking about something. “Is something wrong, Toshinori?” I asked.

“Yeah there is.” Toshinori said before looking at me. “How long have you known the boy?”

“Me? We’ve been best friends for a few years now… Ever since I came to Japan actually. He was the first friend I made in junior high.”

“Tell me, how physically fit is he?” Toshinori asked which confused Izuku a bit.

“Well before I started bringing him to the gym, he was practically a toothpick… no offense.” I said looking at Izuku.

“None taken…” Iziku answered still looking embarrassed.

“But after that, he has gotten a little stronger…”

“Only a little, huh?” Toshinori asked thinking again. “When’s the next day you’re free, young Midoriya?”

“I should be free in a couple of days… why?” Izuku asked.

“I want you meet me at Dagoba Municipal Beach Park… be there bright and early in the morning.” Toshinori said turning away. “Until then…”

“Wait.” I said making Toshinori stop moving.

“What’s up?”

“Do you think… you and Izuku could join my mom and I for dinner?” I asked.

“Huh?” Izuku asked. “But I thought that--”

“This is important Izuku… I have to tell you something that I’ve been wanting to tell you since we first met.” I said before turning to Toshinori. “And I want to tell you because it’s only fair… you did pretty much explain the truth about your quirk when you didn’t have to.” Toshinori just looked at me confused. “Please, this is actually really important…”

Toshinori just sighed. “Very well… I can’t transform into my muscle form anymore today anyways.”

“Thank you so much…” I smiled.

“I guess I’ll just message my mom then…” Izuku said before taking out his phone, texting his mother. When he finished he put his phone away. “Alright, I let her know…”

“Alright, now both of you take my hand.” I said holding my hand out. Without delay, Izuku did so but Toshinori looked at me a little confused. “What is it?”

“What are you even doing?” Toshinori asked.

“I’m gonna teleport us there with my quirk.” I answered. Toshinori just looked at me more curiously before taking the same hand. When both were holding on, I placed a free finger on my head and quickly teleported the three of us to my front door. “And here we are!”

“It’s that simple for you to get around!?” Toshinori exclaimed as blood spurted out of his mouth.

“I couldn’t always teleport like this, I had to study a lot before I could use all the spells my mom can. It also takes a lot of concentration.”

“Kid, your quirk is seriously something else, you know that?” Toshinori said.

I just looked to the side. “Yeah well, that’s what we’re here to talk about…”


Not answering him, I just unlocked the door to the room and led the two inside. “Hello??” I called out.

“It’s about time you showed up!!” Yelled an angry mother walking in from the kitchen. “I thought I asked you for help this morni--”

Izuku just looked a little freaked out at the first sight of my mother while Toshinori let out a calm “Yo.”

“Uh… w-wait, I know you… you’re the nice man that helped Crystal and I find her new school a few years ago, right?” Mom asked.

“That would be me…” Toshinori answered rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

Mom then turned to Izuku. “And… who might you be?”

“I-I’m Izuku Midoriya… it’s nice to meet you, ma’am.” Izuku answered.

Mom’s eyes quickly widened as she smiled. “Oh my gosh! You’re Izuku??” She asked. “I’ve been wanting to meet you for so long. Crystal always talks about you!”

“Mom…!” I exclaimed blushing embarrassed.

“Are you joining us for dinner tonight?” Mom asked.

“W-well that’s what Crystal said…”

Mom just looked over at me. “You know, you could’ve called and warned me.”

“Sorry Mom, this was kind of last minute…” I answered.

“By the way…” Mom whispered. “Why exactly is he here too?” she asked, referring to Toshinori.

“Because there’s something important I have to tell both of them… Izuku because we’ve been friends for years and Toshinori because he trusted me with a very important secret…” I whispered back.

“What kind of secret…?”

“I can’t say… I promised him I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“You can’t even tell your own mother…?”

“Trust me Mom, it’s for a good reason.”

“Okay and just what were you going to tell them?” She asked.

I looked to the side for a moment. “The truth about us?...”

“WHAT!?” Mom shouted drawing the attention of the other two. “Eheheh… can you excuse us for just a minute?” Mom asked the two before dragging me into another room, soundproofing it with her magic. “Are you out of your mind!?”

“Look Mom, I promise we can trust them! I know they won’t tell a single person about us or Equestria!”

“You are too honest, Crystal! Celestia wanted us to do this in secret, not tell people about it!”

“Please Mom…! I promise that only they will know!”

Mom just groaned holding her head. “Just them…”

“Thank you…”



“You have to tell me what their secret was about.”

“But Mom--!”

“I won’t tell anyone about it! I won’t even tell them or bring it up!”

I just sighed. “Toshinori is actually All Might…”

“W-wha… HUH!?” Mom asked. “That scrawny looking man is ALL MIGHT!?”

“You can’t tell him that I told you, okay!? I would get in serious trouble!”

“I-I won’t but… what!?” Maybe it won’t be as bad if I don’t tell Mom about how his quirk works… after all, this secret is big enough. I thought to myself. “A-alright… let’s just head back then…” With that, Mom stopped soundproofing the room and walked back to where the two were waiting. “S-so… since this was kind of last minute, I’ll be preparing some more food… It shouldn’t take too long, please make yourselves at home.” Mom said before walking to the kitchen.

“She seems nice...” Izuku stated rubbing the back of his head. “But when you told me that she was a pony… I didn’t know how literal you were being.”

“Yup, she’s an actual pony…” I responded chuckling nervously.

“So what exactly did you want to talk about with us?” Toshinori asked sitting at the couch.

“You sit too Izuku…” I sighed sitting in the seat across from them. “Izuku, I know I told you that I was from America…”

“Right…?” Izuku asked.

“When I told you that, I was only being half honest with you… I was born in America… but not the America you know. It’s an America in a different world.”

Saying this surprised both Toshi and Izuku. “A different world?” Toshinori asked. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I mean exactly as I say… My mom and I are from a different world…” I answer. “But it goes much further than that… In the world I was born in, quirks don’t exist.”

Saying this, Izuku’s face went into complete shock. “B-but… that’s impossible! How do you explain your quirk then??”

“My magic isn’t a quirk… it’s just… magic.” I answered. “And it’s not something I was born with either… so I guess in a way, you can say I was born quirkless too.”

“N-no way…” Izuku let out.

“The only difference is… I wasn’t given a choice to have this magic.”

“W-what do you mean…?” Izuku asked.

“I mean it was forced on me…”

“W-what?? Who would do something like that??”

“...My father.” I answered. At this point, all I got were shocked and speechless expressions coming from both of them. In their silence, I explained everything my father did when I was only a little girl… I told them that he was killed afterward, but I didn’t tell them who did it.

“Your own father killed your mother and experimented on you…!?” Toshinori exclaimed.

“Yeah… eventually, I learned to accept it as part of me and live with it… after all, this magic is going to be with me for the rest of my life…”

“So then… wait a second…” Toshinori said. “If your father killed your mother, then who’s that??” he asked referring to Twilight.

“That’s my mother who adopted me… she found me in my world and brought me into her world.”

“H-her world!?” Izuku exclaimed. “I-I thought All Might’s quirk was a lot to process… but this is insane!”

“In her world… or… our world now, unicorns who use magic are common. There are unicorns with magic, pegasi that fly, earth ponies that have more strength than unicorns and pegasi, and Alicorns that can both use magic and fly… but there are only a few Alicorns, and those who are, are princesses.”

“P-p-princesses!? You mean your mother is a--!?” Izuku let out.

“Yup… she’s one of the princesses.”

“Holy crap kid… I can see why you two would want to keep that secret.” Toshinori said wide eyed.

“S-so wait a second… If you’re her daughter then doesn’t that make you…” Izuku started. I just looked to the side and nodded knowing what he was about to say. “I-I’ve been best friends with a princess and I didn’t even know…!?”

“Okay!” Mom exclaimed coming into the room with a plate of burgers. “I made made us some veggie--” Mom paused when she saw Izuku’s freaked out expression while looking at her. “...Guessing you told them already?” Mom asked as she put the plate down on the dining room table.

“Well I told them a few things…” I said. “I just didn’t tell them everything yet.”

“Honestly with what you already told us, it seems a little far fetched…” Toshinori said.

“Why don’t we eat first and then we can explain everything, okay?” Mom said putting condiments and buns down on the table.

“Huh?” Izuku asked. “I… thought you said you didn’t eat meat.” Izuku said looking at me.

“Oh, this isn’t meat. These are veggie burgers.” I answered. “They look and taste just like real burgers though.”

“Of course I wouldn’t know that because I don’t know what a real burger tastes like…” Mom said.

“Would be a little concerning if you did, Mom.” I chuckled a bit. Everyone just sat down at the table, made their plates and ate silently. Izuku and Toshinori were most likely still processing what I already told them. After everyone was done, Mom took everyone’s plates and put them in the sink before coming back over to us. “Where was I…?” I asked myself.

“Uh… you were talking about your world… With what you told us, is it just full of ponies??” Izuku asked.

“Well in Equestria it is…” Mom answered. “There are places outside of Equestria that exist other creatures…”

“What about human beings?” Toshinori asked.

“Nope… Crystal is the only human in that entire world.” Mom answered.

“Honestly, I’m still having trouble believing a lot of this…” Toshinori said rubbing the temples of his head.

“Well…” I started before turning to Mom. “We could always prove it to them…”

Mom just gave me a stern look. “Please warn her first…”

“Eheh… right.” I blushed pulling out my book.

“Warn who about what?” Izuku asked.

“We’re going on a quick little trip.” I smirked starting to write in the book. When I was finished, I closed the book and waited.

The two of them just looked at me awkwardly. “Uhhh… what are you--” Toshinori started but quickly stopped as soon as my book started glowing and vibrating.

I just opened the book to read the message I just got back. “Alright, we got the OK!” I said with a smile.

“H-huh!?” Izuku exclaimed. “I thought that was just a diary…!”

“Think of it more like a magic diary that writes back to you.” I answered chuckling a bit.

“So wait, where are we even going??” Toshi asked.

I quickly hop onto Mom’s back in response. “Just take my hands, and you’ll see!”

Izuku and Toshinori looked at each other in confusion before they each grabbed a hand. With that, Mom started activating her spell. After only a few moments, the four of us were teleported right into Celestia’s throne room. Right away we were greeted by the two royal sisters who were waiting for us. “聖なるがらくた彼らは背が高いです! (Seinaru garakuta karera wa segatakaidesu!)” Izuku exclaimed.

“Uh… hang on.” Celestia said before casting a spell on both Izuku and Toshinori. “There we go.”

“Huh…? What did you just do?” Izuku asked in english. “W-wait how do I know english!?”

“It’s just a simple language spell…” Celestia answered. “Makes things easier for everyone.”

“A simple spell can just teach a person a new language!?” Toshinori exclaimed. “You know, I actually had to study a lot to learn english…” He said with a slight groan. “Alright so… where are we?”

“Specifically, Canterlot.” I answered in english. “Which is in Equestria.”

“W-wait you mean we’re on a completely different world right now!?!?” Izuku exclaimed. “You teleported us that far!?”

“I hope this isn’t too much for you two…” Mom started in english as well. “Celestia, Luna, I’d like you to meet Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori.”

Toshinori just looked out the window to see multiple ponies walking about, going about their day. “It’s literally a land full of ponies.” Toshinori stated. “I feel like I’m in a cartoon for little girls or something…”

“Well this land of ponies is where I lived before I came to Japan.” I said hopping off Mom’s back.

Celestia just walked up to Izuku and Toshinori. “It is an honor to meet two beings from a hero’s world… from Crystal’s reports it certainly does sound amazing. Though it is a little upsetting that the origin of these quirks are still unknown.”

“You… report to her??” Izuku asked me.

“Well that’s the main reason my mom and I were sent there in the first place; to learn about a new world.” I answered. “And at first, that’s why I registered in that school.”

“At first…?”

“Crystal has actually taken a major interest in becoming a hero in that world. She tells me that a young boy named Izuku was one of the people that inspired her to be one.” Celestia said which surprised Izuku even more.

“Wait… really?” Izuku asked me.

“Yeah… When I was first told that I had a chance to be a hero, I didn’t really know if I wanted to be one.” I answered.

“I had no idea…”

“By the way…” Celestia spoke up. “Forgive me for not introducing myself properly… my name is Princess Celestia.”

“And I am her younger sister, Princess Luna.” Luna added.

“M-more princesses…” Izuku let out.

I just giggled a bit. “So, is it believable now?” I asked looking at Toshinori.

“I don’t know.” Toshinori answered. “For all I know, I could be on something.” he joked. “In all seriousness though… I think we get the idea. I don’t think the two of us should be sticking around for too long though.”

“Oh…” Luna said in a sort of upset tone. “We were kind of hoping that we could get some more information from you two.”

“I doubt we can tell you more than what you already know.” Toshi responded.

“W-well… there are facts that you two don’t know about Equestria.” I stammered a bit. “For example: did you know that pegasi control the weather?”

“Wait, flying ponies can just change the weather to whatever they want??” Izuku asked.

“That’s very interesting, but I insist you send us back home.” Toshinori said in a more serious tone. “Look Crystal, I get why you showed us this place.” he said before placing a hand on my shoulder. “But you really don’t need to stress over it that much.”

“I just… wanted to make it up to you.” I said in response.

“And I get that. You’re a kind hearted person.” I just smiled a bit when he said that. He then turned to my mom. “If you don’t mind your majesty, I’d like for us to be sent back home.”

Just as Mom was about to answer, a mail pony walked in. “I got a letter for Princess Twilight.”

“Uhhh… what?” Mom asked. “How is that possible? I just got here.” She said taking the letter, opening it. But as soon as she did…

“TWILIGHT!!” Shouted a hyperactive pink pony, jumping out of the envelope itself, hugging onto Mom tightly. “I missed you so much!!”

“Pinkie!!” I exclaimed running up to her, joining in on the hug.

“Crystal!!” Pinkie shouted squeezing us both in a tight hug. “Are you a hero yet?? Can I throw you a superhero party!?”

I just laughed a bit. “Not yet, Pinkie Pie.”

“Awwwww!” Pinkie pouted before looking over at Izuku and Toshinori… who both shared confused expressions.

“Did that pink pony just pop out of an envelope!?” Izuku exclaimed. “How is that even possible!?”

Pinkie suddenly let out a loud over dramatic gasp as she ran up to the two. “Oh my gosh! New human friends!!” she exclaimed before taking Toshinori’s hand in her hooves, shaking it rapidly. “You two have to come to Ponyville so I can throw you a big party! You gotta meet the rest of our friends too! There’s Rainbow Dash, Rarity, her sister Sweetie Belle, Applejack, her sister Applebloom, Fluttershy--!”

“H-hey! Take it easy!” Toshinori exclaimed as blood sputtered from his mouth which caused Pinkie to stop with the other ponies showing a look of concern.

“Oh my goodness!” Mom exclaimed. “Are you alright??”

“I’m fine, I just need to--”

“I know! I’ll bring you to a doctor!” Pinkie exclaimed, before zooming off with Toshinori.

“Well… this is unexpected.” Mom let out.

“Does she just ignore the laws of physics?? How does she do all that!?” Izuku exclaimed.

The only thing I could do was laugh. “It’s just Pinkie Pie.”

“...That’s not an explanation.” Izuku mused.


At Ponyville Hospital…

“I told you I don’t need to be looked at!” Toshinori exclaimed getting dragged in by the pink pony.

“Nopony who spits blood like that is okay! You need a doctor!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Toshinori just groaned practically giving up at this point. “What exactly can ponies do if they do see the problem? I’m human.”

“A lot of things! This hospital saved Crystal’s life once!”

“What?” Toshinori asked a little surprised. “Saved her life how?”

“Have you ever been struck by lightning before?” Pinkie asked which actually shocked Toshinori.

“That kid was struck by lightning!?”

“Yup… I don’t really remember how they helped her so fast, but I’m sure that whatever they did, they can do it for you too!”

“Look… Pinkie Pie, was it? This injury happened five years ago. I think it’s a little bit too late for any other treatment.”

“You’ll never know if we don’t try!”

After a few minutes, nurse Redheart came into the room. “How can I help… you?” She asked looking confused at Toshinori.

“We have a medical emergency!” Pinkie exclaimed which caused Toshinori to face palm. “This person needs treatment immediately!” Toshi just groaned even more.

“Uh… goodness, I wasn’t expecting another human.” Nurse Redheart said. “What seems to be the problem?”

“Blood came out of his mouth! We don’t know why it happened!”

“That isn’t exactly true, I do know what caused it… but I really doubt anyone here can make a difference.” he said before lifting his shirt. “What does your experience in medical school say about this?”

Nurse Redheart looked stunned at the wound. “W-what… happened?”

“Five years ago I got into a fight. The guy I fought caused this and that’s all you really need to know.”

“W-well… do you think you could give me a light summary of your injury and the treatment you’ve already had for it?” Toshinori just sighed explaining all the procedures he went through for his recovery. All the surgeries. “Goodness… for you to be able to handle so many procedures is just amazing… It’s a wonder how you’re even able to walk.”

“Well what do you think? Do you think you can do something for me?” Toshi asked not expecting much.

“I’m not going to lie to you… with something this extreme, plus it having happened over five years ago… it would be a very slow recovery. I can bring you in monthly to put you through a healing session and see where we go from there but--”

“Wait, are you freaking serious?? You mean to tell me you can actually treat this!?” toshinori exclaimed in shock.

“I can try to…” Nurse Redheart smiled a bit. “I’m not a miracle pony but I do try my best.”

“Miss, this is a miracle if you can actually help me!” Toshinori said with a smile on his face.

“Well why don’t you have a seat and we can start our first session then?” Nurse Redheart asked before turning to Pinkie. “I can handle it from here Pinkie Pie. You can go ahead and wait outside.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie beamed before hopping away into the waiting room.

“What a wacky girl…” Toshinori chuckled. “She only knew me for a few minutes and she’s already going out of her way to help me.”

“Oh that’s just how Pinkie Pie is…” Nurse Redheart said, leading Toshinori to a different room.

“You know her too, then?”

“Oh everypony in Ponyville knows Pinkie. She makes friends with practically everypony!” Nurse Redheart giggled before starting her healing session on Toshinori’s wound with her magic. “By the way, for the records, could I get your name?”

“Oh right, it’s Toshinori Yagi.” he answered.


About a half hour later after Mom, Izuku, and I teleported to Ponyville, we made our way to the hospital to find Pinkie was already in the waiting room. “Pinkie! Why did you run off with him like that!?” I exclaimed.

“How could you not want to help him!? You saw the blood coming from his mouth! That wasn’t normal!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Pinkie, Toshinori has never been to our world until today!” Mom exclaimed. “Do you really think that he would be okay getting dragged around like that!?”

“But he seems happy now!” Pinkie exclaimed back. “Especially after Nurse Redheart said she could help his wound.”

“Wait, seriously??” Izuku asked.

“Yup! She said something about coming monthly, but that shouldn’t be a problem, right?” Pinkie asked before turning to Mom. “That way you and Crystal can actually visit us more!”

“I… guess that isn’t a problem if Toshinori is okay with it…” Mom said rubbing the back of her head. “How is he doing in there anyways?”

“He’s going through his first treatment right now!” Pinkie answered. “It’s been about 30 minutes or so already.”

“W-well…” Izuku started. “If they can actually help him, that’s great news!”


“W-what was that!?” Mom exclaimed before running into the hospital room.

“W-wait! Mom, I don’t think that’s a good idea!” I exclaimed running after her with Izuku.

Upon entering the room, the first thing we saw was a freaked out Nurse Redheart on the floor and Toshinori in his muscle form going over to help her up. “Sorry about that… I just wasn’t expecting your magic to work that well! I feel like I could even stay in this form for a few more hours!”

Mom just looked up at All Might… she shared the exact same expression that Nurse Redheart had. “S-Sweet… Celestia…!” Mom exclaimed.

“Hm?” All Might asked looking over at the three of us… followed by Pinkie Pie who hopped onto Mom’s back to get a better look.

“I-is that… you… T-Toshinori…?” Mom asked still freaked out.

All Might just coughed into his hand a bit. “Well… I wasn’t expecting you to find out like this.”

“Y-you’re… really All Might…!” she exclaimed.

“What is going on here…!?” Nurse Redheart exclaimed.

“W-well…” Izuku stammered. “You see Miss, the two of us came from a different world… one where 80% of the world have superpowers.”

“S-superpowers…? Like a comic book hero!?!?” Nurse exclaimed.

“Basically…” Izuku answered. “Do you think you could keep this secret…? I mean… I doubt this information will cause any harm in a different world but just to be safe.”

“I… I guess so.” She said before turning back to All Might. “W-will you still be checking in every month M-Mr. Yagi…?”

“Of course!” All Might exclaimed with a thumbs up. “I haven’t felt this great in ages! Ha Ha Ha Ha ha!”

Now can we have a party??” Pinkie asked looking into All Might’s eyes.

All Might just looked at her and laughed a bit. “Well, I suppose I owe you for your kindness! Very well!”

“Wahoo!!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Meet me at the castle in 10 minutes!” Pinkie just pulled out a party cannon out of her mane, jumped into it and got launched out of the Hospital.

“Castle?” Izuku asked.

“Uhh… just follow us.” I said leading the two other humans out of the hospital. I just pointed over in the distance. “See that? That’s where we’re going.”

“T-that’s a castle!?” Izuku exclaimed. “I’ve never seen anything like it!”

“It’s where Pinkie is probably decorating by now.” Mom said giggling a bit. “I’m sure our other friends will be there too.”

“But… she said 10 minutes… she couldn’t possibly…” Izuku said before I placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Try not to question… trust me, both my mom and I have and it only led to even more confusion.” I said as we started walking toward the castle. “You haven’t even see her Pinkie sense yet.”

“Pinkie sense…?”


“...And now for whatever reason, whenever her tail twitches, a flowerpot falls on my head!” Mom exclaimed as we walked through the castle.

“Are… you sure this pony doesn’t actually have a quirk?” Izuku asked in confusion from the story.

“I can only imagine the amount of chaos someone like her could bring if they were a hero… or a villain.” Toshinori said who had reverted back to his normal form.

After a few minutes of walking, we made our way to the throne room… with ten ponies and a purple dragon already waiting for us. ”Crystal!!” five of them shouted before running up to me… tackling me to the ground while the others were greeting Mom excitedly.

“Really hurts…!” I groaned as I was dog piled.

“Whoops!” Applebloom said as the rest of them got off. “Sorry bout that.”

“How have you been??” Sweetie Belle asked first. “You’ve… gotten taller.”

I just laughed a bit. “Yeah, so did all of you!”

“Are you on vacation?? Are you going to be staying in Equestria for a bit??” Scootaloo asked.

“Unfortunately I’m just here for tonight… I still have a lot to do in that other world.” I answered. “But I gotta tell you, a lot of crazy stuff happened today.”

“What else is new?” Diamond Tiara said chuckling. “Sheesh, can’t you have a normal day for once?” Diamond Tiara asked smiling a bit.

“A lot of stuff happened while you were gone as well.” Silver Spoon added. “For starters, these three finally got their cutie marks.”

“Huh?” I asked quickly looking at their flanks, all three of them having a shield with a different mark in the center. “Whoa… the all look identical! What do they mean??”

“It means that we’ll keep bein’ cutie mark crusaders by helpin’ other ponies get their cutie marks!” Applebloom exclaimed.

“That sounds awesome!” I shouted happily group hugging the three. “Now all of us have cutie marks!”

“Uh…” Izuku said cutting in nervously. “Hi there…”

“Is that another person!?” Scootaloo exclaimed as the others followed to meet him.

“Everypony, this is my best friend in Japan, Izuku Midoriya.” I said introducing him. “Izuku, these are my best friends since I was a little girl: Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon!”

“It’s… nice to meet all of you.” Izuku said with a bow.

Diamond Tiara just looked at Izuku questioningly. “So he’s your best friend in… Japan?” She asked.

“Yup!” I responded. “We’re gonna be heroes together!”

“How often do you two usually hang out together?”

“Uh… pretty much all the time after school.”

“Uh… what are you doing, Diamond Tiara?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Huh?” Diamond Tiara asked turning to Sweetie Belle. “Oh, nothing! Nothing at all.”

“...Right.” Sweetie Belle mused before turning to Izuku. “Well it’s nice to meet you Izuku.”

“Same!” Scootaloo added. “Hey! What kind of power do you have??”

“Wait, you already know about that??” Izuku asked.

“Princess Celestia keeps us up to date since Crystal’s our friend.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Well… I kind of don’t have a quirk… y-yet I mean.” Izuku answered.

“What about that guy that came with you?” Scootaloo asked pointing at Toshinori… who was having a conversation with Mom, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike… Spike showing him one of his comic books.

“W-well…” Izuku stammered a bit.

“He was born quirkless too.” I answered for Izuku.

“Aw man…” Scootaloo pouted a bit. “You brought two people from a superhero world and none of them have powers??”

Applebloom just shoved Scootaloo in response. “Don’t be mean!”

“N-no, really it’s fine. I don’t mind.” Izuku said smiling awkwardly.

For a while during the party, we all spent most of the time talking about everything that happened before coming back to Equestria… not including All Might’s secret and his quirk of course. Toshinori was getting acquainted with Mom’s friends too. We enjoyed drinks, sweets and just had a lot of fun. While most of us danced to the music that was playing, Toshinori just kind of waited. Guess he isn’t much of a dancer. After about an hour of partying, the four of us decided it was a good idea to head back to Japan since it was already getting late.

“It was nice seeing you all again.” Mom said smiling. “It’s nice to just relax and have fun with you girls after all the time we’ve been in Japan.”

“Don’t you think you could visit us more often?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well we are going to be going to Equestria every month… for some personal reasons.” Mom answered. “But I promise we will come by all the time when we do.” she said before Toshinori. “I really hope you enjoyed yourself “

“Honestly… not having to worry about a villain attacking. It was refreshing.” Toshinori said smiling a bit. “I honestly did enjoy myself. Thank you.”

Izuku just looked at Toshinori smiling a bit. “You ready to go back?” I asked, snapping him out of it.

“Yeah.” Izuku said smiling, turning to the rest of my friends. “It was an honor to meet all of you!”

“Come back and visit us whenever you want, Izuku!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Don’t be strangers!” Applebloom added.

“You two better be awesome heroes by the time you get back!” Scootaloo added as well.

Diamond Tiara just looked at Izuku for a moment before turning to me. “I hope you come visit us more often…”

The five of us all shared a group hug. “I promise to come back.” I said before joining with Izuku, Mom, and Toshinori.


“Huh?” Mom asked looking over to see it was Spike that yelled that. “What’s the matter Spike?”

“I know you wanted me to watch over the place while you were gone… but don’t you think I could come with you this time??” Spike asked pleadingly.

“If you need somepony to look after the castle, we’ll be around.” Applejack said smiling.

“Plus the poor dear has been saying how much he’s missed you.” Rarity added which made Spike blush a bit.

“Well… if you all don’t mind.” Mom said.

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow said. “How hard can it be to watch over one castle??”

Toshinori just chuckled a bit. “You really have some dependable friends, your majesty.” he said.

“You know, you don’t have to keep calling me that.” Mom said smiling a bit. “You can just call me Twilight… after all, I’m not a princess in Japan.” She said before turning to Spike. “Alright, hop on.” She chuckled.

Spike happily hopped onto Mom’s back. With that, the three of us placed a hand on Mom and we were all teleported back into our home in Japan. “Huh… so this is where you two were staying?” Spike asked looking around. “It’s kinda small.”

“I think it’s just enough room for us, Spike.” Mom said before turning to Toshinori. “So I guess we’ll be seeing you in a month then?” Mom asked, speaking in japanese again.

“I’ll be here.” Toshinori said, nodding in response before turning to Izuku. “I still expect to see you at the beach young Midoriya.”

“Right!” Izuku said nodding. “You can count on me!” With that, Toshinori was the first to leave. Izuku just looked at me. “I guess both of us have secrets on each other now…” Izuku said rubbing the back of his head.

“Yup… and it’s these secrets that’ll make us even closer friends.” I smiled holding my fist out.

“...And be the next number 1 heroes.” Izuku smiled bumping my fist with his. After that, Izuku headed out himself, starting to walk home.

I just sighed laying on the couch exhausted. “What a day…”

“Uh…” Spike asked.

“Hm?” I said turning to Spike.

“What in Equestria were you all saying?” Spike asked scratching his head.

“...Oh right.” Mom responded in english. “Uh… that was Japanese Spike. Celestia cast a spell on us so that we knew the language.”

“Oh, well that makes sense… could you use the spell on me too then?”

“Uhh… small problem with that.” Mom said smiling sheepishly. “Princess Celestia never told me how to use that spell… so you’re gonna have to learn it the normal way…”


Author's Note:

And just like I promised, something completely different! Now Izuku and Crystal share a secret that brings the two even closer as friends than before! :twilightsmile: I do hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did put a bit of thought into it.