• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 1,983 Views, 47 Comments

Crystal's Justice - unleashedtwilight

Crystal and Twilight are sent to a new world where everyone has different powers.

  • ...

What It Takes To Be A Hero

It’s been a few years since I moved to Japan and began my hero journey with my friend, Izuku. On top of going to the gym with him and going out on jogs, I’ve also been keeping up with my school work and getting good grades. I’ve learned a lot about this world and how people even started developing quirks. The first incident of a quirk was in Qingqing City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing these quirks. Before long, the supernatural became totally normal. Dreams a reality… The world became a superhuman society, with about 80% of the population possessing some special ability. “The streets look like scenes from comic books.” I said out loud as I was writing in a book to Princess Celestia. “Cities swirled into chaos and confusion, but out of that chaos dawned the age of a new profession: The age of heroes.” I smiled writing that last sentence. “And when I finish the hero course, I’m gonna be one of those heroes…” I say before closing the book sighing. “I just hope that Izuku can be there with me…”

“Crystal! Breakfast is ready!” Mom called out from the kitchen.

“Coming Mom!” I exclaimed quickly coming out of the room. The lifestyle that we’ve had was a pretty big change for Mom. The first year was a little bit tough for her to get used to everything. Especially the technology. Eventually she was able to pick it up, and do everyday things like use a laptop, even a phone. Of course she didn’t use her hooves to work the two, she managed to learn how to use her magic to tap an individual key… to anyone else that wouldn’t be impressive, but I was honestly proud of her. “What’s for breakfast?” I asked sitting at the table.

“I made some pancakes for us this morning.” Mom said levitating a plate of pancakes in front of me on the table, also leaving a plate for herself.

“Yum!!” I smiled like little girl before digging in.

“By the way Crystal, after school today, do you think you could lend me a hand at the library? There’s a new shipment of books coming in and we could really use the extra help.”

“But… You can just levitate the books, can’t you?”

Mom just looked at me a little upset. “Can’t you just spend a little time with your mother?”

“Oh so that’s what this is really about.”

“Obviously that’s what this is about!” Mom exclaimed. “After you started going to that school, we’ve barely had any time to spend with each other!” I just sighed taking a sip from my juice. “Also, when am I going to meet this ‘Izuku’?” She asked which made me sputter my drink.

“You still want to meet him?”

“A boy that hangs out with my daughter since the first year, and still hasn’t been invited over. What do you even do?”



I giggled slowly pulling the blankets off Izuku’s bed. “Oh Izuku…” I smirked before pulling out an air horn, blaring it to wake him up as he let out a loud scream. “Rise and shine, twinkle toes!”

“C-Crystal, are you insane!? What did you do that for!?” Izuku shouted.

“Let’s go for a morning jog! It’ll be good for you!”

“How did you even get in my room??” Izuku asked with a freaked out expression.

“Your mom let me in.”

“Of course she did…” Izuku said hanging his head down.


“Nothing too weird.” I answered keeping that memory to myself.

“After school, I want to meet this boy.”

“Moooom!” I groaned.

“I mean it Crystal. No excuses this time.”

“Fiiine!” I said getting up from the table, quickly heading out the door. I was about to run to the school… however, in the opposite direction, I could see smoke. “Wonder what’s happening over there…” I said to myself before checking the time. “I should have a little time.” I smiled teleporting to the area where all the commotion was coming from. When I could get there, I could see that there was a giant villain just rampaging. I also saw a couple of Pro Heroes protecting the people around. Death Arms and Backdraft. “Does anyone know how this all started?”

“Turns out he was robbing some innocent bystander and got caught. So this is just him backed into a corner.” One man answered shaking his head.

“What a waste of a quirk…” I said before turning my head to see Izuku excitedly watching the action. “Hey Izuku!” I exclaimed levitating myself over to him.

“Huh? Crystal? What are you doing here? Isn’t the school the other way from your house?” Izuku asked as I landed next to him.

“Yeah but I saw the smoke from my place and I was curious so here I am!” I said before another hero came swooping in. “Whoa, who’s that?”

Izuku’s smile widened even more when he saw the new hero. “That’s Kamui Woods!” Izuku exclaimed. “He’s just starting out as a hero, but he’s really making a name for himself!”

I couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit. “You act like such a fanboy.” I said which made him blush a bit. “It’s cute honestly.”

“E-eh??” Izuku asked blushing harder.

I just laughed harder at his reaction. Looking at him, I could see he was holding a notebook. “Still making hero data, huh? What is that; your 20th notebook?”

“13th actually…” Izuku answered. “But you know I have to do this, Crystal! These notebooks are the things that’ll help me be a great hero!”

I just smiled at him. “You know, I still remember when you even put data about me in one of your notebooks.” When I said this he just kind of started sweating a bit.

“W-wait, you… saw that??”

“I didn’t say anything at first, but yeah.” I chuckled. “I’m not mad about it.”

“You’re… not?”

“Why would I be? We’re best friends, aren’t we?” I smirked holding my fist out to him. “And when we both graduate from UA, we’ll be heroes that everyone will remember!”

Izuku smiled brightly, bumping his fist to mine. “Yeah!” he exclaimed.

“Canyon Cannon!!” Without focusing on the fight, we suddenly saw a giant woman, go across the sky, kicking the villain down.

Izuku and I, as well as the rest of the people watching just watched in confusion at the new hero that just arrived. “Who… is that?” Izuku and I both asked at the same time. Though as we asked, a bunch of people with cameras cut in front of us, taking pictures of the new hero.

“Piece of cake for the world’s next hottest hero.” the giant woman said as she picked up the villain. “Hi there everyone, I’m Mt. Lady. And you don’t have to worry about this bum anymore.” As soon as she said that, even more people came with cameras.

“Perverts…” I groaned before looking at Izuku. “Ready to head to school, Izuku… huh?” I said looking at him write in his notebook. As he was writing, he was muttering to himself… again. “Izuku…” I said waving my hand in front of his face.

“Huh? What?” Izuku said getting back to reality.

“Ready to go?” I asked again, holding out my hand. “Come on, I’ll take us both there.”

“Oh, sure!” He smiled taking my hand. As soon as he did, I teleported the two of us in front of the school gate. As we walked in the school together, I just sighed a bit. “What’s wrong?”

“Hey, do you think you could come over today after school? We’ve never really got to hang out at my place, and my mom has been wanting to meet you.”

“Y-you… want me to go to your place??”

“If you don’t mind…”

“Of course I don’t mind!” Izuku smiled as we entered the class. Upon entering, the two of us just sat at our desks and went about the whole school day normally.


Later in the day…

“So…” Mr. Ogami started. “As third year students, it’s time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests but… why bother??” he said before chucking a stack of papers off his desk. “I know you all want to go to the hero track!” As he said this, almost every student in the class started using their quirk in excitement. I didn’t use mine because I didn’t want Izuku to feel bad. “Yes yes, you have some very impressive quirks, but no power usage allowed in school! Get ahold of yourselves.”

“Hey teach.” Katsuki said after the crowd settled. “Don’t lump me in with this bunch of losers. I’m the real deal, but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister.” He chuckled in his usual cocky attitude.

“You think you’re better than us Katsuki!?” One boy exclaimed as the entire rest of the class yelled in agreement.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you all on!” Katsuki responded.

“Huh…” Mr. Ogami started. “You’ve got impressive test results… Maybe you will get into UA High. Though, you’ll definitely have some competition.”

“The hell are you talking about? I’m the only one who should be attending UA.”

“Don’t forget, you aren’t the only one with an impressive quirk.” Mr. Ogami said. “We have another student that can literally use magic, remember?” He said which made Katsuki glare at me. I just blushed a little in embarrassment as I was signaled out. “Her test results were just as impressive, and she’s been talking about attending UA as well.”

“Hmph, as if she’ll do better than me in the entrance exams.” Katsuki said before jumping on top of his desk. “Unlike you, I aced all the mock tests!”

“Unlike me? What the hell are you talking about? I took them too, and passed them no problem.” I said before smirking. “You sure you won’t end up being the sidekick?”

The class just chuckled when I said that to Katsuki. “You wanna say that to my face!?!?” Katsuki exclaimed as his hands started exploding.

“Oh yeah, Midoriya. Didn’t you want to get into UA too?” Mr. Ogami asked which made Bakugo freeze up in front of me and Izuku duck his head down.

Literally almost everyone in class started laughing their asses off at the idea of Izuku even attempting to try out for the exams. “There’s no way he’ll get into that school without a quirk!”

In response Izuku quickly got up out of his chair. “A-actually they got rid of that rule! Who knows? I could be the first one to--”

But before Izuku even got to finish his sentence, Katsuki angrilly charged at Izuku with his quirk… or at least tried to until I stopped him by levitating him off the ground and away from Izuku. “Damn it, put me down!!” Katsuki yelled at me before I did as he asked. “It’s bad enough that you’re gonna try out, but now this quirkless loser is too!?” he shouted before storming up to Izuku. “Listen up Deku, you’re even worse than these damn rejects you worthless wannabe!! You really think that UA would take either of you when they could have the best!?”

“What the hell is wrong with you, Katsuki!? This isn’t a competition! We just want to be heroes!” I shouted back.

“Shut the hell up, bitch!!” Katsuki yellout out. “You’re no better than he is!! All you’re doing is handing him empty promises that’ll never happen! You’re basically dragging a dead horse along with you!!”

“That’s not true! I know he can be a hero!”

“He’d get killed in the exams!!” Katsuki retorted. “Do you really want him to embarrass this crappy school even more for failing so hard!?”

“That’s enough! All of you!” Mr. Ogami exclaimed.

The class seemed to calm down a bit and normalize again… the rest of the of the class went by no problem… but Izuku just quietly wrote in his notebook, not even looking at anyone.

After class was over, Katsuki walked up to Izuku’s desk again. When he got there, he took Izuku’s notebook that he was writing in. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing Deku, but we’re not done.”

“Whatchu got; his diary?” One of the other boys asked before Katsuki showed the friend. “Huh? Don’t tell me you’re still making notes on how to be a hero.” The two friends just laughed. “That’s so pathetic!”

“U-uh real funny guys.” Izuku laughed nervously. “J-just give it back.” Before I could even react and get the notebook back for Izuku, Katsuki punched the notebook with his quirk, making Izuku freak out. As Katsuki threw it out the window, I just used my magic, to catch the notebook. Izuku smiled at me and sighed in relief. “Thank you so much Crystal…”

“Tch…” Katsuki scoffed. “The two of you are pathetic.”

“You’re just a jerk.” I retorted. “Izuku has done nothing to make you hate him the way you do.”

“Just hearing this nerd spout on about heroes is enough.” Katsuki responded. “...Most heroes show potential early on. People just look at them and know that they’re destined for greatness. When I’m the only student from this garbage junior high to get into UA, people will start talking to me like that. They’ll realize I’m legit; the next big thing. That’s not ego talking, I’m just that good.” Katsuki said with a cocky smile.

“Really? Because that sure sounds like a lot of ego to me.” I responded.

Bakugo just looked at me without a change of expression in his face. “Look Crystal. I’ve seen your quirk and even I admit I think you can go far… but not with that quirkless wannabe dangling by your leg like a defenseless puppy. My advice? Drop the nerd and focus on a realistic dream. Because the day Deku gets into UA High is the day All Might loses… which is usually never.”

I just looked back at him angrily. “Over my dead body. I would never abandon Izuku.”

“Hmph… suit yourself.” Katsuki said before turning to Izuku again with a fake smile on face before placing a hand on Izuku’s shoulder. “As for you, nerd… don’t even think of applying. Or else.” After that, Katsuki let go, heading for the door. I can’t take this anymore… how can Izuku let him talk to him this way!? I thought to myself while gritting my teeth. Right before Katsuki actually left, he stopped at the door. “You know if you actually wanna be a hero that badly, there might actually be another way. Just pray that you’ll be born again with a quirk in your next life… Then take a swan dive off the roof of the building.” THAT’S IT!!! After hearing Katsuki say this, my body started surging and my eyes went totally blank. “What the hell…!?”

“Take what you just said back right now!!!” I yelled.

“H-hey man… Maybe you should just--” the boy next to Katsuki said before Katsuki cut him off, looking at me dead on.

“Make me.” Katsuki said with a smirk on his face, getting ready to fight back.

Without another word, I was just about lunge myself at Katsuki… only to be held back when Izuku grabbed my hand. “Don’t… it’s okay.” Izuku said calmly.

“But Izuku--!” I exclaimed.

Katsuki just chuckled before walking out again. “See what I mean? He’ll just drag you down with him.”

Izuku gripped my arm tighter as I gritted my teeth. Finally my eyes went back to normal and he just let go. “Why do you let him talk to you that way!? Don’t you feel angry?? Even a little bit??”

“I already told you, Crystal… Ka-chan and I used to be best friends before he got his quirk. Sure he treats me this way now, and I do get upset... but I’m still happy for him for having such an amazing quirk.”

I just sighed. “You really have the patience of a saint, you know that?”

“Honestly, I have you to thank for that…”


“You’re one of the reasons being around Ka-chan can even be so bearable… You give me more confidence than he can ever take away from me... You always give me hope that I’ll be a hero, and that’s enough to keep me going!”

I just smiled at him softly. “Heroes together...”

Izuku then looked at me confused. “By the way, what was that just now?? I don’t think I’ve ever seen yours eyes do that before!’

I just looked to the side and sighed. “It usually only happens when I get really angry… and I mean totally lose it. The way Bakugo talked to you just then really hit me.’

“I could tell… and I really appreciate you looking out for me like that.”

“Why don’t we get a bite to eat to get our mind off today, huh? It’ll be relaxing.”

“Thanks but Mom probably already has dinner waiting at home… Actually do you wanna join us for dinner before we head to your place?”

“Uh… what’s for dinner?” I asked. “I usually don’t eat meat and I think Mom would be upset with me if I started.”

Izuku blinked at me. “You’ve never had meat?”

“Not once… Mom and I are basically vegetarian.”

“Well I’m sure my mom has something at home you can eat.”

I just smiled at him before nodding. “Okay.” I said before holding my hand out. “Wanna teleport?”

“Uhh… don’t you remember the last time you did that?” Izuku asked.


In the kitchen at Izuku’s house, Izuku’s mom was humming while washing the dishes. When suddenly I teleported in from behind her. “Hello!” I smiled waving… only to see the poor woman yelp in fear before dropping the plate she was washing onto the ground. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed picking up the broken pieces.

“N-no no! It’s perfectly fine!” Mrs. Midoriya stammered. “Izuku! Your friend is here!” she shouted.


“Eheh…” I blushed a little in embarrassment. “Oh yeah… so walking then?”


“...And then she actually threw a party just for ringing the school bell for 5 minutes!” I said to Izuku making us both laugh.

“You’re friends back home sound like a lot of fun to hang out with.” Izuku said as we started entering a tunnel. “Hey, what are the people with quirks like back in America?” I kinda just stopped moving, not really sure how to answer that. “Huh? What’s the matter?”

“Izuku… we’ve been best friends for a few years now so… There’s something I have to tell you.” Izuku just looked at me confused but also a little worried. “I’m not--”

Suddenly without warning, a mass of green slime started coming out of the manhole and surrounded us. “Well isn’t this my lucky day? I get a pick of which one of you get to be my skin suit… How about you, boy??” the creature said before grabbing me and tossing me to the side.

“Crystal!!” Izuku shouted before getting grabbed himself.

Only seconds did it take for the villain to almost completely cover Izuku as he screamed in agony with the villain covering his mouth. “IZUKU!!” I screamed.

“Don’t get any closer kid! Take one more step and I’ll snap his neck!” The villain exclaimed, keeping his hold on Izuku. All Izuku could do was try to grab onto the villain… but to no avail. “Grab all you want. My body is made of fluid. I didn’t know he was in the city. I gotta get outta here fast before he tracks me down. As for you kid, get lost! You’ll love longer!”

I could only look up in fear of my friend struggling for his life. D-damn it…! If he didn’t have Izuku like that, I could use my magic to freeze the villain and break him free, but if I do it now, it’ll only freeze Izuku too! What the hell do I do!? With tears in my eyes there was only one thing I could even process. “Please, someone help!!!”

Suddenly, as if my call had been answered, I could hear the sound of the manhole cover being launched out of place. When I turned to see what it was, I… I couldn’t believe my eyes…!

“Have no fear you are safe…” said a muscular looking man, getting to his feet. “Now that I am here, that is!” Out of panic, the villain went to strike at All Might. He simply ducked and lunged at the villain with his fist clenched at an incredible speed! “TEXAS… SMAAAAAASH!!” All Might yelled as he punched. The punch alone was enough to send a gale of massive force to the villain, enough to completely break him apart and free Izuku!

“Izuku…!” I yelled running over to his unconscious body, catching him with my magic before he fell. After, I just looked over at All Might. Who just kept a proud smile plastered on his face. Holy crap…. did that really just happen!? “Thank you so much All Might!!” I exclaimed smiling brightly. God, his smile is contagious!

“Hm.” All Might said before pulling out a soda bottle. “Mind giving me a hand locking that villain away?”

“Is… that safe?”

“Ha ha ha ha!” All Might let out. “I assure you he’s no danger now!”

I just smiled before slowly putting Izuku down. “S-sure, I’ll help you out!”

After a little while, I was able to get every bit of the villain using my magic into the soda bottle. It turns out that the villain in question actually attacked in the city earlier, and All Might was tracking him through the sewers. I told All Might about Izuku and how he was a big fan of him, and All Might was kind enough to sign his hero notebook. “Thank you for your assistance young lady!” All Might exclaimed before walking over to Izuku. “Now, about this young man…” he said before lightly slapping Izuku on the face multiple times. “Hey! Wake up! Hey!” Eventually Izuku finally did regain consciousness as he looked at the person who was slapping him. “Thought we lost you there!” Izuku’s face froze into a freaked out expression before screaming and backing up. I couldn’t help but snicker at the sight of him fanboying. “Well, looks like you’re moving around alright! Sorry about that back there! I didn’t mean to get you caught up in my justicing! Usually I pay attention to keeping bystanders safe, but it turns out the city’s sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate!” All Might exclaimed letting out another hardy laugh. “Anyway! You two were a big help! Thank you!”

“Wait, two.” Izuku said before looking over at me. “C-Crystal!! Thank All Might that you’re safe!!”

“That I’m safe?? Thank All Might that you’re safe! I couldn’t even use my quirk to help you because he was using you as a hostage!” I exclaimed before hugging Izuku, causing him to blush intensely.

“And thanks to your assistance, I captured the evildoer!” All Might exclaimed showing the captured slime villain.

Izuku could only stare in awe at his childhood hero. “H-holy crap I gotta get an autograph! I know I got a pen around here somewhere!” Izuku said before finding a pen and grabbing his notebook. “Please sign my notebook!” He exclaimed opening the notebook…. only to find that it was already signed. “HE ALREADY SIGNED IT!!”

“HA HA HA HA! Your friend here told me you might ask for that, so I took the liberty of signing it already!” All Might proudly said.

With that, Izuku quickly wrapped his arms around me with tears in his eyes. “Thank you so much Crystal! You’re the best friend a person could ever have! A saint!”

“C-calm down, Izuku! I can’t breathe!” I exclaimed.

“S-sorry!” He exclaimed before quickly letting go.

“Welp! I’ve got to get this guy down to the police so they can take care of him!” All Might announced. “Stay out of trouble you two! See you around!”

“It was an honor to meet you All Might!” I exclaimed.

“W-wait… you’re leaving already?” Izuku asked.

“Of course he has to leave Izuku, he’s a pro hero!” I said.

“Exactly!” All Might said giving me a thumbs up. All Might was just stretching in front of us, as if he was getting ready to sprint off. “Now stand back… I’m taking off!” Or… fly off?

But to my surprise, right before All Might took off into the air, Izuku grabbed onto All Might’s leg. “W-what the--!? Izuku!!” I shouted using my magic to levitate myself high up in the air, trying to catch up with the two… But they were going really fast. Just how fast is All Might!? I thought to myself. Eventually I lost sight of the two and spent a few minutes in the air trying to locate them. “Izuku…!” I called out. Suddenly from down below I could see a puff of smoke on one of the buildings. “What the… what’s going on down there?” Right as I asked, I could hear Izuku’s scream coming from the same spot. “Izuku??” I said to myself before teleporting myself in front of him. When I did, his face was frozen in a freaked out expression. “What the hell is wrong with you!? You had me worried sick!!” I yelled but no answer. “Hello? What’s got you freaked out??” Instead of answering, Izuku shakily pointed behind me. “Huh…?” I asked slowly looking behind me… only to find a scrawny blonde man in front of me. “What the…” I said walking up to the man. “Wait… Toshinori...??” I asked.

“You knew All Might before today!?” Izuku shouted at me… Wait.

“Wait what!?!?” I shouted. “T-that… YOU were All Might!?”

“That’s just it! I DON’T KNOW!!” Izuku shouted.

“Tch…” Toshinori said. “I can assure you that I am All--” He said right before blood started coming out of his mouth which caused Izuku ro scream again.

“Oh my god! Do you need a doctor!?” I shouted.

“That’s kind of you to offer, but that won’t be necessary.” Toshinori said wiping his mouth.

“Th-this is impossible!!” Izuku shouted not calming down in the slightest.

A-Am I missing something here!? How can All Might who’s incredibly buff looking… suddenly turn this scrawny!?

“Th-this isn’t real… there’s no way…!” Izuku let out. “All Might’s a giant of a man who saves everyone… He defeats all obstacles and wins the day with a fearless smile!”

Toshinori just sighed. “There’s plenty of fear behind that smile…” He said before slowly sitting down. “I’m counting on the two of you to keep your mouths shut… Don’t go talking about this online or telling your friends…” he said before lifting his shirt up, revealing a giant wound on his stomach which caught the both of us off guard. “Pretty gross, right? I got this in a big fight five years back. My respiratory system’s basically destroyed… and I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have pretty much worn me out. And it can’t be fixed. Right now I can only do hero work for about three hours a day… The rest of the time, this is what I look like.”

I couldn’t even say anything… I was completely stunned. All I could do was listen.

“N-no way…” Izuku let out. “Five years ago? So does that mean it was the fight with Toxic Chainsaw?”

“Wow you know your stuff…” Toshinori said slightly impressed. “But no, the punk may have landed some hits, but he couldn’t bring me down. Most of the world has never heard about this fight… I did everything I could to keep it under wraps.” he said before looking up at us. “I’m supposed to be the guy that’s always smiling right? I’m the symbol of peace… People everywhere have to think I’m never afraid. But honestly, I smile to hide the fear inside. It’s just a brave face I put on when the pressure is high. This job isn’t easy.” He said before giving Izuku specifically a serious look. “Pro heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can’t be beaten without powers. So to answer your question kid, no I honestly don’t think you can become a hero without a quirk.”

Those words alone were enough to make Izuku and I go into complete shock. All the hope that he even had was completely wiped away. “W-what…” I let out. “N-no… how could you say that…?”

“I’m not just saying it, Crystal. It’s the truth.” Toshinori said getting to his feet. “If you want to help people young man, there are plenty of other ways to do it. You could become a police officer. You’d get crap because heroes catch most of the villains, but it’s a fine profession.” He said walking to the door. “It’s not bad to have a dream… just make sure your dreams are attainable… realistic, understand?” Those were his final words before leaving.

Izuku… I thought to myself looking his broken expression. “Izuku listen to me… What he said is not true. You can still be a hero, it’s not impossible!!” I tried talking to him, but with no response. “Please Izuku…!” However, when I tried to get a word into him, there was an explosion that could be heard from the city. “H-huh…?”

Izuku seemily snapped out of it after hearing the explosion. “A villain…!” He exclaimed starting to run for the door. “I wonder which hero will…!” He said before stopping again. Letting out a deep sigh, he just walked slowly.

“W-what? What were you gonna say??” I asked hoping that he was okay.

“Nothing…” Izuku responded sadly heading down. “Ka-chan was right about me… I’ll never be a hero… Even All Might said it… a hero needs a quirk…”

I just looked at him angrily before smacking him across the face, catching him off guard. “Listen to yourself! Just because one man told you that you can’t be a hero, suddenly it’s the end of the world!?”

“But it wasn’t just one man!” Izuku shouted. “You know that…” He said looking down.

“So just like that, you're going to give up?!” I exclaimed before grabbing his shoulders with both hands. “Look at me Izuku, do you consider me a liar?”


“Do you think I’m the type of person who would ever lie to you!?”

“N-no… You’ve never lied to me… from the day we first met, you’ve been totally honest with me.”

“The day we first met, I told you that you could be a hero… I told you the both of us would do it together. I promised you! Do you think that was a lie!?”

“B-but… what can I do?” Izuku asked.

“The two of us will find that answer together… because I’m not giving up on you!”

Izuku just looked at me with his sorrowful eyes, trembling as I held onto his shoulders. “E-even after what All Might said… you still really believe I can be a hero like him…?”

“I do.” I said. Izuku just looked at me with tears in his eyes. “Do you trust me?”

“Y-yeah… I trust you!” Izuku shouted.

I just smiled at him. “I can’t hear you!”

“I trust you!!”

“What are you gonna be??”

“A hero!”

“What are we gonna be??” I asked holding my fist up.

“We’ll be heroes together!!” He shouted, pounding my fist hard.

“Now let’s go see heroes in action, and you better take more notes!”

“Yes ma’am!!” Izuku shouted.

With a smile on my face, I took Izuku’s hand and teleported near the site of the attack. Izuku quickly got over to the crowd, and looked at the scene of fire surrounding the area and the villain that was attacking. Right away his face fell. “Wait! That’s the guy who attacked us!”

“What…?? But All--...he was stuffed away inside of a soda bottle! How did he get out??” I asked.

“He must’ve dropped the bottle in the air… It might’ve happened when I was holding onto his leg… t-that means… this is my fault…”

“Why aren’t the heroes doing anything?”

“It looks like they met their match… plus the villain captured a kid. Things aren’t looking good for him.”

“Wait seriously?” I asked. “How long have they been in there??”

“Dunno… honestly I can’t imagine how scary that must be right now.” One bystander answered. “But if something doesn’t happen soon, then that kid is toast.”

“Wait I’m confused, wasn’t that the villain All Might was chasing earlier today?” Another bystander asked.

“Wait, All Might!?!? Where is he?? Why hasn’t he showed up to help the heroes??”

Trying to get a closer look at the boy, it was hard to make out who it was… but I thought I could see blonde hair in that giant mess. “W-wait a second… is that…?” Suddenly as the kid opened his eyes, I could see… Izuku running toward them!! “IZUKU!! What are you doing!?!?”

“Don’t you idiot! Stop, you’re gonna get yourself killed!!”

Despite that yell, Izuku kept running. Nothing was stopping him. The next thing I saw was him throwing his backpack at the villain, before running up to him, clawing at him to try and save Katsuki. Why is he risking his life for


"Diamond Tiara!" Crystal exclaimed running to her.

"Huh?" Diamond Tiara said turning to Crystal. But in a split second, there was a bolt of lightning about to hit her... Crystal managed to save her and push her out of the way but...

"Aahhhhhh!!" Crystal exclaimed as the lightning bolt hit her instead.


“Ka-chan…! I couldn’t just stand there and watch you die!!”

Just as I was about to run in and help Izuku, there was a gust of wind that flew past everyone… When the smoke cleared, I could see All Might with him!

“DETROIT… SMAAAAAASH!!” Was all I could hear, coming from All Might as the villain disintegrated again. The power behind the force alone was enough to change the weather from sunny to rain…

“H-how can one man be that powerful…?” I asked myself wide-eyed.

As everyone cheered for All Might, I just ran in to get to Izuku who seemed to be in shock. Before anyone got the chance to scold him for what he did, I quickly teleported him away from everyone. “C-Crystal…?” Izuku asked as I helped him get to his feet.

“Okay, as cool as that was, that was insanely stupid and reckless!” I shouted.

“I know… Im so—…” Izuku said before getting cut off by me hugging him tightly.

“Please just be more careful next time you crazy hero…”


“Are you sure you’re still okay to come over after everything that happened?” Izuku asked as we walked together.

“I don’t mind… after all, I’m sure you could use the company.”

“Thanks…” Izuku smiled slightly.

“How are you feeling though…? You’re not hurt or anything, right?”

“I’ll be fine.” Izuku nodded. “I’m just looking forward to a relaxing night after all that.”

“Deku!” a familiar voice yelled out as they ran up to us… of course it came from Katsuki.

“Ka-chan…?” Izuku asked.

“What does he want…?”

Katsuki stopped running, panting hard. “Listen. I would never ask for a weakling like you to help me! Don’t think you can look down on me!! Got that!? I was fine by myself!! You’re just a quirkless failure who won’t even cut it as a cop! You didn't help me! You did nothing! Don’t forget it!” He yelled before quickly turning around, leaving us confused. “I don’t owe you anything!!”

“What an ungrateful jerk…” I said.

“Honestly that was kind of weird, even for Ka-chan…” Izuku asded. “But he is right though… it’s not like what I did actually did anything.”

“At least you tried to do something… Heck, you actually reminded me of--”

“I AM HERE!!” Yelled out All Might as he shot in front of us.

“A-All Might!?” Izuku exclaimed.

“Great, just who we needed to see…” I mused. “What could you possibly want? Don’t you have interviews or something?”

“Ha Ha Ha!” All Might laughed. “I fight for justice! Not the media! Because I, I am All Migh--!!” he yelled before turning scrawny again, spewing blood from his mouth which made Izuku scream again.

“Young man… I came here to thank you… and also to discuss your question from earlier.” He said which surprised me a bit. “If you hadn’t told me about your life, if you hadn’t run into that fight, I would’ve been just a worthless bystander who was watching from the crowd. So thanks.”

“N-no!” Izuku spoke out. “It was my fault he was there to begin with! I got in the way of your hard work… I wasted your energy and… not to mention your time.”

“I’m not done.” All Might added. “You told me that you didn’t have a power. So when I saw this timid quirkless boy try to save a life, it inspired me to act too. There are stories about every hero. How they became great. Most have one thing in common… their bodies moved before they had a chance to think, almost on their own.” Looking over at Izuku, I could tell that him hard hard… but in a good way this time… But he wasn't the only one who felt it… I know that feeling too. “And today, that’s what happened to you.” He said which made Izuku go into tears. “Young man… you too can become a hero!”

After that, Izuku looked at me and smiled with tears in his eyes. “I guess you really were telling the truth…”

“You still doubted me??” I asked jokingly before he hugged me again.

“I deem you worthy of my power, young man! My quirk is yours to inherit.” Toshinori said.

“Inherit…?” both of us asked totally confused.

Author's Note:

I realize that most of the chapter is almost exactly the first two episodes. But let's be honest, they way Izuku gets his quirk can't be changed. The one major difference being Crystal is giving Izuku more confidence than he would have and he doesn't cry as much. I was honestly debating whether I should have the slime villain try to take Crystal's body or Izuku's... but then I remembered how funny it was when All Might slapped Izuku awake, so I decided to keep that the same. I promise in the next chapters, there will be major differences. Until then, this is UnleashedTwilight signing off.