Comments ( 37 )

I never knew I needed this. This is the best.

Please write more! This is pretty good so far!

Came for the title image stayed for ythe title imgae
and for the sheila

Let’s see where this goes Hopefully not every chapter is in a bar or him being completely sloshed

Maybe a house party or a wedding still shit face though


Oh mah God, I got his approval folks! Am I famous yet?! I'm kidding somewhat. Thanks bruv!

This looks promising, let's see where itll go, hopefully updates are constant.


Updates can come as early as tomorrow and or as late one year from now, so... as frequently as I can lmao

I'm kidding, I'll update as often as I can


Either way, it'll be a shit-show as with most of my projects

As soon as I read the second paragraph I was all 'yup this guy is Australian'.

The Aussie stories tend to be the more interesting. A lack of self preservation, mixed with a healthy dose of crazy and criminal ancestry? What's not to love?

[He finishes with a soft chuckle. He places a hand atop her bangs, just beneath her stetson, and ruffles them up. Applejack's face sports a small blush after the initial contact, her white coloured freckles turning tinges of pink. ]

Should this perhaps say, "I finished..." and "I placed... and ruffled..."?


Edit: Would've never found it if you hadn't pointed it out! I fixed up what I could find and rewrote it in the first person. Thanks for calling me out on that :twilightsmile:

side note to self, day drinking isn't a good thing. makes you cockier than usual, thinking you make no mistakes. you awful, awful man.

Read later, i have sooo much unreading story now...

A short 'un, but I can see the Aussie's got a walkabout ahead of 'em that you'll be planning for

Am I in a trailer?

Caravan, mate, not trailer.


I've got me a mistake to fix. Thanks for pointing it out, lad!

Not fixing the chapter title though, "So, a Man Walks into a Caravan, Right?" sounds off, in my honest opinion.

You mean VB? Victoria Bitters?
I would commeent on how it's piss, but at least you didn’t try to plug Foster's as an Australian beer. It might be marketed as such, but you'll never find a self-respecting 'Strayan that actually drinks the shit.
Also, you're going to need to plug Bundy Rum at some point sooner or later.


Christ almighty, Foster's is shit. But nah, BeeVee is just Black Velvet. Had to have some sort of lame joke in at the end, there. It's a Canadian Whiskey, pretty shit honestly, but Beck is a cheap—not Potter's cheap—man, so it made sense to me.

Also, good ol' Bundy will definitely be making an appearance soon enough. Well, kinda.


Mate, I think we're speaking in different dialects of Drink-ish.


Beck is the protag's name, Potter's is an incredibly cheap, absolutely horrid vodka. Had to do my research to find that out, I.E. drink it.

I see.
I can't say anything about vodka, because I avoid it like the plague.
Hate the stuff.

The chapters a little short but still good hopefully the chapters come out a little faster or get a little longer


I gotchu, fam.

Filler chapters for this story are going to be short, but main chapters—excluding the first—are going to be around 3-5k words long.

Comment posted by Vergil19 deleted Jul 4th, 2020


Hey Vergil! I'll do my best to drop an update before I hit up GuardianCon. Can't make any promises, but be on the lookout just in case!

Comment posted by Vergil19 deleted Jul 4th, 2020
Comment posted by Vergil19 deleted Jul 4th, 2020

I love this Anon. Strong character without resorting to the sarcastic asshole trope. He's a straight shooter Aussie bogan and the dialogue is really entertaining as a result.

Bummed it looks discontinued but Im happy to read what's here.

Also if you ask me, RGRE without clop is great. Sex is nice but i think romance and story is better than a cheap fapfic anyday.

Dunno, my mum loves caramel BV. Too bad we can only get it in duty free in airports.

Would probably realize he's in a different world after a couple of weeks.

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