• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,536 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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47 New Normal

The three crossed the fog barrier, Rainbow Dash James and Sun Bro (as they had taken to calling him) watched as their enemies took their places. Two bosses at once would certainly prove interesting.

James rolled to the side as the smaller of the two rushed them with his lance out ahead of him. “Trust me, concentrate on the little guy first.” With a shout James rushed forward and began mercilessly slashing at the smaller of the two bosses.

Both James and Sun Bro faded out as Rainbow Dash collected the souls. She was constantly reminded about the subject matter of the game, but it was ultimately just an illusion. She walked around the arena, something had activated and she needed to find it.

“Good fight.” James's disembodied voice said as Rainbow Dash found the elevator up. “I hope you're ready, beyond this door coming up is the Princess of Sunlight.”

Rainbow Dash had to stop as she heard the statement. “Wait, Princess Celestia is in this game?” She asked, astonished. Nothing about Celestia being in the game made sense to her as she hesitantly walked towards the door.

“No, not Celestia. I'll get into a bit more of her story later.” James said, keeping a close eye on the doors.

The music sounded almost reverent as the doors opened and Rainbow Dash got an eye full of Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight. She cocked her head to the side as she looked at the huge lounging woman, barely covered by ribbons of cloth. Her auburn hair framing her gentle face and warm smile. Rainbow Dash heard a quick snort from James and wished she could see his face right now.

“James …” Rainbow Dash hesitantly said. “Why's she so … big?” She didn't really want to ask the question any more specific than that, especially with James's laughter at her question.

“Celestia's taller than any other pony.” James said through his own laughter. Egging her on to be more specific with her question.

“You know what I mean!” She shouted, blushing deeply as she tried to think of a better way to ask.

“Don't ask me. I'm not the one who did character design for the game.” James coughed as he spoke, he was now choking by Rainbow Dash's best estimate. “Just go talk to her, she has something for you.”

As much as she would prefer to look away, the illusion's heaving breasts were too close and too carefully animated to ignore. Why did this even happen to these humanoid species? It's not like they needed them all the time. Rainbow Dash shook her head, she did not want to ponder this any more.

Wouldn't those get really uncomfortable?


The two walked into what could only be described as a graveyard. Swords rose from the ground as monuments and in the center sat a gigantic wolf atop a stone pillar watching over the arena. Rainbow Dash looked out over the gloom before looking up the pillar. The dog looked quite familiar.

“Is that Sif?” She asked, awestruck as to her size.

“Yes it is, she's grown quite a bit.” James answered.

Rainbow Dash laughed excitedly as she looked at the wolf who had helped her fight the creature in the darkness. “Oh, whoever the next boss is is going to be in so much trouble.”

James pointedly stayed silent, his glowing white avatar standing next to Rainbow Dash.

Sif leaped from her post, snarling at the comparatively tiny pony as she advanced.

“Sif?!” Rainbow Dash asked as the wolf approached, the promise of death in her eyes. “Don't you remember me? Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow Dash looked around her, James was nowhere to be seen as she hoped for an answer.

Sif was practically on top of her when she suddenly started sniffing. Her expression changed and she stopped snarling as she got just a bit closer to sniff again.

Rainbow Dash sighed and began to relax. “Good, you do remember me.”

As she spoke the wolf threw her head back in a plaintive howl, and she turned back for the stone pillar.

“It's okay, you just didn't recognize me.” Rainbow Dash insisted.

From a grave near the pillar Sif drew a large sword and took an aggressive stance. Rainbow Dash's worst fear was confirmed when Sif's health bar was displayed on her HUD and James suddenly appeared. Rainbow Dash did not draw her weapon. James cautiously advanced.

“No!” Rainbow Dash shouted. She cared about this dog, Sif was awesome! She was not going to fight her!

“What do you mean?” James calmly asked as he rolled from a slash.

“I'm not fighting Sif!” Rainbow Dash angrily answered.

“You have to if you want to advance.” James said as another blow bounced off his shield.

“I don't care if I advance! I'm not fighting Sif!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “NG-Com. Exit!” The exit materialized behind her and without any hesitation she ran out.

James was booted and his own holosuite opened.

Rainbow Dash was waiting in the corridor, fuming about the fight. “What's her story James?!” She demanded.

“You know almost all of it now.” James said.

Rainbow Dash flew up in the air and got nose to nose with James as she glared at him. “No. None of your usual you'll tell me after it's done. Tell me now!” She was furious, James knew this was coming. He knew she was going to have to fight Sif!

“I'm not the one who tells it best.” James calmly said.

“I don't care. Tell me!” Rainbow Dash wasn't backing down from this. She liked that dog, even more so now that it was a giant sword wielding dog.

James nodded. “NG-Com. Prepare to Cry: Artorias. Suite two.” The door to Rainbow Dash's holosuite slid open. Inside was a theater simulation, waiting for the occupant to enter so it could begin.

“What are you going to show me?” Rainbow Dash asked seriously. Between him saying “Prepare to Cry” and his warning that there were sad stories in the game she wasn't sure she wanted to watch what was coming.

“I'm going to let you see the story of Artorias, which is also Sif's story. The man who tells it does a much better job than I can do.” James explained.

Rainbow Dash glared at James a moment longer. “Alright. I'll watch it.” She eventually conceded. She walked into the suite and the door closed behind her.

James had just over twenty minutes. He knew that the story would only reinforce her decision to not fight Sif and if she were going to continue he had to do it in her stead.

The story was a sad one, and even with it's constant breaking off into other stories it helped Rainbow Dash to understand everything going on in the game a bit better. James had told her that the clues for the story were hidden in the game, he only knew it because someone else had put them together. This must have been that person.

As she walked back into the corridor she saw James leaning against the wall. “I'm glad I know her story. I kind of wish I could continue playing now. But there's no way I can fight her, she's just trying to protect me from the Abyss.”

James quietly nodded. “Don't worry. I hate fighting her too. I got you the ring you need, but you can't go back to her arena.” James said quietly.

“So I don't have to beat her?” Rainbow Dash asked, a glint of hope in her voice.

James nodded. “No you don't. Unless you go through New Game Plus after beating the game, that puts the ring back under Sif's watchful guard.” He wasn’t going to tell her that he had killed Sif in her place, she was too invested to not be angry with him if she found out. Quietly he wondered how she was going to handle Seigmire’s end story. Death was the only end for him, no matter what they did. Either in the pit to save her some effort or by her blade with the help of Seigmeyer’s daughter.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “I think once will be enough for me. I want to finish this, but I don't think I'll play the sequels. Maybe I'll try a game with a happier story.”

“I've got some good ones. Though I was thinking next you might want something with an optional story. Maybe with giant fighting robots?” James casually suggested.

“That sounds awesome!” Rainbow Dash excitedly said.

“It's made by the same people who made this game, so it's plenty tough. Even tougher when I let the rest of the group know that we've got an up and coming challenger.” James said with a smile.

“Yeah? Well bring it!” Rainbow Dash said confidently. “Once we're through here you'll have a new champion in your group.”

“Lucca might have something to say about that.” James chuckled.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

It was a cold cloudy day in New Guardia, not that anyone in the den really noticed. A fire kept the room comfortably warm as James finished reading. With a smile he closed the book and looked around. Tali sat cross legged in his usual reading chair while Lucca and her daughters sat on the smaller of the two couches.

Sara and Amber giggled as they looked to their father, once again a living pillow for Rainbow Dash. But she wasn't alone resting on him. While Rainbow Dash had his chest all to herself, Scootaloo snoozed comfortably on his lap.

He watched almost helplessly as his family got up and began to walk out. Lucca putting her hand on his shoulder as she passed. “Don't go anywhere.” She quietly said.

Tali nodded as she stood. “You're doing good work right now.”

“Don't worry dad.” Amber said as she kissed his cheek.

“We'll be sure to check on you … eventually.” Sara added with a mischievous grin.

James smiled as he considered the two sleeping girls currently using him as their means of comfort. As he did his hand came to rest on Scootaloo's small, downy wing. Folded as it was it fit entirely in his palm, reminding him just how young she still was.

He thought a moment on her life as he knew it. Well before he even met her she had been given over to the care of the community. He grinned, remembering that that community now included him and his family.

Both Lucca and James seriously wished that they could bring the pegasus child to live with them, though they knew that would not be the right thing to do for her. But they did want to leave her the option, if for any reason she needed somewhere to stay. While Scootaloo didn't yet know, Lucca had had James set up aside bedroom specifically for her right next to their daughter's rooms. This evening they were planning to let her know that their home was open to her at any time.

He felt the delicate wing twitch in his grasp, so very different from Rainbow Dash's own soft yet powerful wings. He guessed that she was dreaming of flying high over the clouds on wings that would truly support her beside her hero. Dreams unfortunately denied to her by incident of birth.

A quiet half laugh escaped her as her wings shot out and stood rigid for a moment before folding back up. James moved his hand back and he could feel it twitch as her adventure unfolded for her in the confines of her mind.

“You know,” A gentle voice said from the doorway of the den. Tenyo stood staring in at him, a kind smile on her face as she looked at the scene. “you really are at your best as a family man.”

“Thanks.” James whispered.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

It was a familiar sight now to see Rainbow Dash curled up on James's chair in the den. She wasn't here everyday, but a minimum of once a week had become normal. And even though she didn't always fall asleep here, between teaching classes and Wonder Bolts practice when things got hectic she could usually be found in the overstuffed chair.

James picked up her book and placed a book marker before setting it on the end table. As had become habit, he fetched the afghan off the couch and draped it over her. She would be out for a while and was in for a surprise when she did wake up.

It was Tali who found Rainbow Dash sneaking away, Tank close in tow. “Wait a second.” She called as best she could through her suit.

Rainbow Dash stopped and turned to the call, she had hoped nobody would notice her and she could sneak away without difficulty. “Oh, uh. Hi Tali, I was just passing through from visiting Pinkie Pie.” She was lying, she knew that she came around a lot but she liked it here. Almost as much as she liked living in Ponyville, and the two being so close just meant that she could be in either whenever she wanted.

“And stopped for a nap?” Tali added, her tone made it clear that this whole thing amused her.

“Well, I came by in the evening and just fell asleep reading.” Rainbow Dash was caught, but it's not like she ever actually planned on going to sleep there. “It's been a little crazy and I've got Wonder Bolts practice coming up in a few weeks.”

“That's alright.” Tali said waving her hand, she liked that the castle had regular visitors now, it was too big to be so empty. “Actually what I'm about to show you has been long overdue.”

“Wait? Overdue? What's overdue?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused. There was nothing she could think of.

“Follow me and you'll find out.” Tali laughed as she walked away.

Rainbow Dash shrugged and took to the air and flew beside Tali. It didn't take them long to come to the first guest bedroom where Tali stood to the side and motioned for Rainbow Dash to open the door.

What once was a comfortable, if generic, bedroom now had Daring Doo and Wonder Bolts Posters hung up. The bed had been replaced with one that was much larger and more comfortable looking. There was a large armchair like the one she tended to fall asleep in in the den next to a bookshelf containing every Daring Doo book published and a few other books she had liked from the Grand Archive. The closet was open showing many styles of blankets and spare pillows, as well as a robe and slippers clearly designed for her. Two clocks hung next to each other on the wall, one with New Guardian time and one with Ponyville time. Even Tank's spare bed and food bowl had been brought in.

Rainbow Dash marveled at the room as she examined it. It was obviously for her, but she had no idea why they'd set a room aside specifically for her. She walked up to one of the two nightstands and looked at a framed picture of her and Scootaloo. She smiled as she remembered the festival they had attended in Truce where it was taken.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked at the room. Beneath the picture was a note. Carefully written from the whole family. “Friends are family you choose. With each new member we are all made more from it and are lesser when they are away. No matter the hardship, you are family. You are welcome. You are loved.”

Rainbow Dash wiped a tear away as she put down the note. “But … why?”

“Well, you're here often enough. You had already brought a special bed and food bowl to leave here for Tank. Alecia knows Tank's favorite foods and snacks.” Tali explained. “Besides, with how you spoke about James's we had to do something nice for you, even if it wasn't much. Think of it like a home away from home.” Tali said as she gave Rainbow Dash a key.

Rainbow Dash continued to look around the room as she tried to think about just what to say about this. She looked out one of the windows onto the flower garden just outside. Her room had a great view of the flower garden outside. She turned back to take in what had been done for her. “Why's the bed so large?” She asked.

“I insisted. Something nice big and luxurious.” Tali answered easily as she sat on it. She felt herself sink into it slightly but it was comfortable. The kind of bed you could lay on and fall asleep even if you were wide awake.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

James and Rainbow Dash walked out on to the soccer field, she had convinced him to come out and play a one on one game with her.

“Just warning you now, I'm not any good.” James said with a grin as they approached the center of the field.

“Please.” Rainbow Dash said dismissively. “With all that training I bet this game will be awesome!”

James nodded. “Sure, maybe if I hadn't agreed to wear this.” He said as he pulled aside the jersey Rainbow Dash had brought for him revealing a dark gray skintight outfit beneath. A Jurian suit designed to restrict the strength of those who had recently undergone body modification.

“That just makes it more challenging.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile. “How long have you had that thing anyway?”

“Since first going to Jurai. They had me wear it during … Well, I've had to wear it a few times over the years.” Now wasn't quite the time yet to tell Rainbow Dash about his history of piracy.

“Really.” Rainbow Dash asked with a sly smile. “Maybe I should ask Seto sometime.” She rolled the soccer ball a bit before kicking it his direction.

“Trust me. That's not a rabbit hole you want to go down.” He said kicking the ball into the air and catching it on his ankle. He grinned as he got an idea and tossed the ball high in the air, leaping up after it to kick.

Unfortunately the suit did as intended and held him back. Instead of flying up and kicking the ball back to the ground he twisted awkwardly before falling on his face.

Rainbow Dash fell over laughing as she watched the normally adept fighter face-planting trying to kick a ball.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

James stared at the chessboard while Starlight grinned at him from the otherside. He chewed his cheek and considered his options before eventually moving a pawn out two spaces.

Starlight nodded. “I'm surprised that you didn't move your rook. You could have taken my knight.”

James smiled knowing what she was doing. “Losing it to your bishop and getting myself in check for the effort.”

“You know, for not playing chess much, you're not bad.” Starlight said as she looked at him across the board.

James laughed. “Any skill I show is nothing more than an illusion.”

“Don't say that about yourself.” Starlight said comfortingly as she moved her queen.

“I'm not saying that to bring myself down. I just know I'm not that good at chess.” He wasn't going to take the risk losing his own queen and used his bishop to take hers.

With a smile Starlight moved her knight beside James's bishop. “Checkmate.”

He cocked his eyebrow and examined the board for a minute, looking for anything that he could do the get out of the situation. “Well …” He continued to look for the board for a few more seconds. “Yeah, you got me.” He said, knocking over his king.

Starlight smiled and held out her hoof to shake. James, however, kissed her hoof instead, making Starlight blush. “To the victor go the spoils.”

“Oh, what do I win?” She asked.

“Next meal we have is on me.” He said.

Starlight laughed. “So no different than normal.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

The clack of billiard balls rang out from the table as Twilight broke. She watched as the balls rolled around, while a couple came close none of the balls rolled into the pockets.

“Well, your shot.” Twilight said as she stood back.

“Not many choices.” James said as he looked over the table. “Guess I'll go with solids.” Another clack of billiard balls and the two ball rolled into a side pocket. Another shot knocked the four ball around but it didn't sink.

“Stripes. Sounds fine.” Twilight said as she looked over the table and lined up her shot, sinking the eleven and thirteen ball in one shot. With no other shot open to her she used her next shot to try to block James's shot.

James grinned as he looked at the table. “You're not hustling me, are you?” Even doing his best, he could only knock around the seven ball without sinking anything.

“You won the last two games.” Twilight laughed as she smiled at him.

“That's why I'm asking if you're hustling me.” James said. “You're too good for just a beginner.”

Twilight adjusted herself and took a shot, not hitting anything. “You flustered me.” She teasingly said and jokingly glared at him.

“Still a scratch.” James smiled.

“Well, the game's not that hard. I know all the angles already, it's all geometry. The only variable is my force.” Twilight explained.

James smiled as he placed the ball and set up his shot. “Honestly. It really doesn't matter to me whether I win or lose. Or even if any of us play well. I enjoy the game and, of course, the company I keep.” He shot and sank the five ball. “If we're all all happy, does it matter that much who won or lost?” He sank the seven ball, but on the following shot he failed to sink the six.

Twilight started to line up her shot and paused. “Yeah. Rainbow Dash loves winning though.”

“Yeah, but that just makes the game more fun.” James said. "Not to mention, as long as you try she wants you to feel as proud of yourself."

Twilight smiled as she thought about James's statement. "Yeah, she does, doesn't she?"

Author's Note:

It may not seem different, but for him things have definitely changed.

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