• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,536 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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64 Monsters and Mazoku

It was like this day in and day out: Cozy Glow found something to complain about, but insisted she wasn’t trying to be mean. Tirek denied it and was his usual egotistical self. And of course Chrysalis was nowhere to be seen, probably talking to her stick again; she was his favorite right now, until she started judging him, that is. He really preferred it when she was talking to her stick. They were all insufferable.

Once again he tried to concentrate when yet another annoyance bothered him.

“Mr. Grogar.” Came a calm voice from the shadows. “I do hope you remember our agreement.”

“Of course I do Xellos!” Grogar growled. “You help me find my bell and when the time comes you get Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Exactly. I just had to make sure you remembered since it seems you’re more interested in playing house with these three at the moment.” Xellos said as he stepped out of the shadows into the still cave air. His eyes were tightly shut and he always wore that infernal smile.

“The plan, as I know it, is to get them to work together. They can't if they still bicker like foals all the time.” Grogar explained as he glared at the curious creature that called itself a Mazoku. How Grogar had allowed himself to be talked into this arrangement he'd never fully understand. But it wasn't the worst plan and it benefited him the most, especially once he got his bell back.

“Good point, I just find it curious how some creatures have to strive to work like this when the common goal should be enough to ensure cooperation.” Xellos said as he watched Tirek complain about Cozy Glow.

“Things just aren’t like they were in the old days.” Grogar mumbled.

“True, no matter where you are.” Xellos conceded. “But maybe those old days are gone for a reason.”

Grogar humphed at the statement. “I’ll bring them back. Just you see.”

“Well, I would like to tell you that, as agreed, I have found your bell.” Xellos calmly said.

“Good. With my bell back there will be nothing in Equestria that can stop me. Now give it to me at once.” Grogar said with a smile, finally something was going right.

Xellos shook his head. “Our deal was that I find your bell. Not that I retrieve it for you.” He said with his ever-present smile. “And I have done just that. It is in a cave atop the highest mountain in Equestria. You needn’t hurry, it’s not going anywhere.” As Xellos finished speaking he simply dissolved away.

“Worthless creatures, all of them.” Grogar growled. He needed to get outside, needed to clear his head of these pests.

After telling off those he could he left the cave, no matter how pleasant Xellos seemed he didn’t trust the creature. He had to confirm where his bell was, thankfully with a point to focus on he could magically search and know whether or not it was there.

It hardly came as a surprise when Grogar found them squabbling again as he returned to the cave. However he was in a good mood, well, as good of a mood as he could be in all things considered. Confirming the location of the bell showed that he could at least trust Xellos to some degree.

Unfortunately that overblown Gusty the Great had placed a simple but effective protective barrier on the bell that he could not defeat as he currently was. He had to rely on these hapless cretins for now.


Xellos needed to know what was going on, as much for his own curiosity as for knowing any potential usefulness of the bell Grogar wanted so badly. He remained inside his own pocket of unreal space, rendering him effortlessly invisible as he followed the bickering trio. There was so much malice and contention between the three he could remain quite comfortable.

Xellos easily kept up as he flew through obstacles that the group he was trailing had to go around, observing them as they went. It was strange to him that this group would be so vehemently opposed to cooperation given their shared goal. If it would suit his purpose he would ally with anybody as long as necessary. Even if he wouldn't work with them directly.

Tirek snorted as he walked past Xellos while Cozy Glow complained more about how far they were traveling and trying to sneak a ride on him. She was possibly the one Xellos hated the most, even as conniving and malicious as she was she was also insufferably sweet. It was sickening.

Chrysalis, however, presented an interesting prospect. She was a creature that survived on the antitheses of miasma yet was such a wonderful source of it. He'd have to investigate the changelings once he satiated his curiosity here.

As Xellos observed he noticed that Tirek was the most observant of the group. He was always looking around, always knew what was just up ahead. Chrysalis was impatient, but capable. Cozy Glow just bothered him. As far as he could see she had no practical use to the group, she did nothing for their cohesion, was quick tempered and quite selfish. She had all of Lina's worst traits and shared none of her more useful ones. What little cooperation they exhibited was inspired entirely by a respect and fear of Grogar.

Finally they made it to Mountain Everhoof and promptly split up, each to attempt to scale the mountain in their own way. He had high hopes for Chrysalis, her transformation ability could easily get her to the top, though she didn’t have the strength to get past the barrier by herself.

The question was, who would he follow for now?

While Tirek would have the greatest hindrance being unable to fly he was clearly intelligent enough to find methods around his limitations. It would likely just take him longer.

Perhaps he would trail Cozy Glow, he would greatly enjoy wiping away that over the top optimistic attitude.

She readily followed the path marked as the way to reach the summit. Direct and probably her best option. It would not be suspicious for a pony to walk around in pony lands after all. Of course, it's stress that brings out a person's most interesting characteristics. A few shamanistic spells and Xellos whipped up a small localized blizzard to follow her.

Cozy Glow looked up as the snow came down in sheets. She didn't see any clouds, not that she could do much if there were any. She may be a pegasus, but she wasn't a weather pony. With a huff she drew her coat tighter around her and marched on. She'd show those ingrates when she came back with the bell. Then they'd have to do what she said.

It was with no small relief when Cozy Glow saw a house up along the road. As she took couple steps she found the the snow had suddenly stopped, she couldn't exactly explain why when she looked up again as there were still no clouds. She shook the snow from her head as she approached the house and knocked.

It was quickly answered by an older earth pony wearing a bucket on his head and carrying an old spear. “Oh, we don't see many ponies up this way.” He happily said. “The name's Rusty Bucket.”

Cozy Glow continued to brush the snow off herself as she brought down her hood. Just as she opened her mouth to talk a pile of snow dropped on her. Xellos continued to smile as he lounged on Rusty Bucket's roof.

“Are you okay there, filly?” Rusty asked.

Cozy Glow shook her head and regained her composure. “Oh, I'm okay.” She said, batting her large eyes at the concerned pony. “I just want to see the top of this mountain. Could you help me?”

“I'm sorry there, filly. It's my job to keep pony's from climbing this here mountain. It's just too dangerous.” Rusty said apologetically.

“If you want to be my friend you'll help me.” She sweetly said.

Rusty contemplated for a moment before he brought out a well worn purple book. “I don't know. It says here in Princess Twilight's friendship journal that friends don't ask friends to do things they're not supposed to do.”

Just hearing Twilight's name made Cozy scowl. “Well, then you should know that some ponies have made friends by doing what they weren't supposed to do.”

“I'm not so sure.” Rusty said as he flipped to the back. “I think that if you look to James, you'll find that they're encouraging him to do the right thing. See, right at the end of the first entry about him, he apologizes to them. And then came clean about why he came to Ponyville.”

Cozy smacked the book away. “I don't care what he did!” She shouted as she huffed.

“Woah.” Rusty whispered. “It's dangerous here, filly, you wouldn't want to start an avalanche.”

Xellos took the opportunity to brush some more snow from the roof, burying Cozy briefly. Cozy's eye twitched before simply shouting as loud as she could.

Not one to miss an opportunity to antagonize someone, Xellos started a snowball rolling down the nearby hill towards Cozy Glow. She nearly managed to dodge, however with a “mysterious” gust of wind, she was pushed back into it's path and sent screaming down to the base of the mountain.

Were someone to ask him, Xellos would gladly admit he enjoyed frustrating Cozy Glow’s attempts to scale the mountain. A weak lightning spell that locked her wings and a quick wind spell to blow her into a nearby tree. Knocking a pile of snow from the roof of Rusty's house as Cozy extricated herself from another pile. And doing it once more right after just for fun.

He didn’t even have to do anything another time as Rusty knocked the snow off his own roof onto Cozy. Xellos laughed from his unreal space as he watched Cozy Glow storm out front and shout at Rusty. Seeing another golden opportunity as she stomped the ground in her tantrum, Xellos casually rolled another snow ball her way. It was only when the snowball was literally on top of her that she noticed, screaming as she was swept down the mountain once again.

Xellos laughed hard for the next several minutes. Once he was able to stop he entered real space and transformed into a white earth pony with a violet bob cut and black cone cutie mark. He happily trotted up the path and knocked on the door only to be greeted by Rusty Bucket as Cozy had been.

“Well I’ll be, used to be we never got ponies up this way, now two in the same day. Greetings, my name is Rusty Bucket.” He said as he stepped out.

Xellos nodded. “And I am Xellos. I just wanted to thank you Mr. Rusty Bucket, I’ve very much enjoyed myself today thanks to you.”

Rusty Bucket starred blankly at this new visitor. “Uhm. You’re welcome. But, uhh, what did I do?”

Xellos gave him his usual mischievous smile. “You were just your normal charming self. That’s all I needed. Have a good day.” Xellos said before trotting off down the path.

“Oh, well thank you. You have a good day as well.” Rusty Bucket called out after the mysterious earth pony. “Strange fella.” He muttered to himself. “Nice though, wouldn’t mind having him back for a visit.”

Xellos returned again to his unreal space as he watched the camp that Tirek had built in everyone's absence. He had hoped that Tirek would try, but the reasoning offered was sound. Without anything better to do he listened as Cozy Glow complained about and to Tirek.

Xellos watched with interest as Chrysalis approached the group in an alternate form as the group was being attacked by a creature she currently resembled. She appeared to inspire infatuation with the creature before devouring that very essence. Xellos could feel the creature's misery but it wasn't to his particular tastes, hopelessness always felt a little bitter to him. Changelings like her could clearly be beneficial to mazoku efforts, but working in tandem with them to produce it didn't seem feasible.

As they sat around the fire they finally reached an accord as they shared their complaints. Once again Xellos couldn't see how they were having trouble cooperating when their goals and even motivations were so complimentary.

Soon the group began to make jokes amongst each other and Xellos half listened. Even when they were getting along there was animosity to spare. “You should have seen Twilight’s face when I brought her friends out as a shield. It was all …” Tirek began making cutesy despair like noises and pulling his face into different expressions as they all laughed.

“She’s so stressed out all the time.” Cozy said with a smile. “And James would make it worse at least as often as he made it better.”

The mention of James caught Xellos’s attention. Chrysalis mentioned something that made them all laugh before Cozy Glow spoke up again.

“Ugh, don't remind me. I'm still sore where he stabbed me with his horn.” Tirek said as he rubbed his left temple. “At least I got the satisfaction of knowing that he was poisoned.”

“I wish I could have seen her face when she found out he wasn’t supposed to wake up again. She always was coming up with reasons to have him around.” Cozy Glow commented with a sly grin. “I think she had a crush on him.”

“Oh it was priceless!” Tirek hooted. “It was all. “Ahhhhh!”” Tirek pantomimed as he pulled his beard to make his mouth open wider.

“Ooh, did she do that eye thing?” Cozy asked with a laugh.

“She sure did!” Tirek continued. “The only thing better was when that pegasus slammed face first into the door trying to escape. It was wonderful!” Tirek began to tear up as he was laughing so hard.

“The only thing that would have been better is if my plan had worked and I’d drained all the Magic from Equestria.” Cozy Glow said as Xellos began to zone out again, enjoying the malicious entertainment offered.

The next day by utilizing their new found cooperation the group easily made it to the cave atop the mountain where they encountered the barrier.

Chrysalis eagerly flew towards the opening before a flash of magic blast her back. The burning pain it caused was short lived but memorable, and she lay still for a minute as she recovered.

Tirek and Cozy Glow both approached the barrier to investigate. Tirek pressed his hand against the barrier, in addition to the burning pain on his palm he felt the same pain shooting up his arm. If the barrier were only painful he could force his way through, but it felt solid too. They needed to consider their options.

“Can't you absorb the barrier?” Cozy Glow asked.

Tirek shook his head as he contemplated that feeling he's had since leaving Grogar's cave. “I can only absorb magic from living beings … Like our little spy companion.” He said looking directly at Xellos despite his being in a different plane of reality.

“Well done Mr. Tirek.” Xellos calmly said as he appeared, floating above them. “How did you know I was there?”

“I consume magic and can sense powerful magic in nearby living sources. You’ve been following us for days now. I just couldn’t tell who you were working for.” Tirek said as he stepped towards the strange creature.

“I am currently under the employ of Mr. Grogar.” Xellos calmly said.

“Then why haven’t you been helping us?” Chrysalis demanded as she stood up.

“Because, Ms. Chrysalis, my contract with Mr. Grogar is specific and I choose not to go beyond my duties at this time.” Xellos explained.

“Well, what do you get out of it?” Cozy Glow asked, clearly probing for something she could use to manipulate the mazoku.

“That’s – a – se–cret.” Xellos said in a singsong fashion. “But rest assured I’ll not interfere with anything you do. I could care less if Mr. Grogar’s plan succeeds or not.”

“Then why help him?” Tirek asked.

“Because at the moment it suites my purpose to help him.” Xellos offered.

“If that’s the case, let me have your magic so I can break this barrier. As a sign of good will, of course.” Tirek said with a coy smile.

“Mr. Tirek, if you knew my nature you would realize that is tantamount to suicide. Besides, you have a source of magic much closer and less capable of opposing you.” Xellos said as he gestured to Chrysalis. “I’d suggest you find some way to work together on this issue.” He added with his usual calm.

“Work together? How?” Chrysalis said as she backed away from the group. The strange creature had been clear enough that he was suggesting Tirek consume her magic.

“Well.” Cozy Glow said. “You give Tirek your magic, then he might be strong enough to break through.”

“And then?” Chrysalis asked suspiciously, fully expecting nothing but betrayal from the group.

“Then Tirek gives it back.” Cozy easily answered.

“I do?” Tirek asked, quite confused.

“And how do I know you wouldn’t just take my magic and leave me?” Chrysalis asked.

“A little trust. Because you will have to work together with only that if you intend to have any hope of succeeding.” Xellos calmly said.

“I’ll give you your magic back.” Tirek reluctantly said.

Chrysalis growled briefly, she hated that creature who clearly had the power to help but simply refused to. “Very well. Do it.”

Xellos watched interested as Tirek consumed Chrysalis’ magic, observing it's effects on her like he did when she consumed that creatures affection. Noting just how completely drained she was by it, even lacking the physical strength to strand. Perhaps the creatures of this world were tied almost as closely to magic as himself.

Tirek and his horns grew as he consumed Chrysalis' magic. He took a moment to revel in the feeling and admiring his physique. Before approaching the barrier and focusing his magic to try ripping a hole in the barrier.

While he did succeed, it was a hole large enough only for Cozy Glow, and even then just barely. Tirek grunted and strained as he held the hole open, eventually growling for Cozy Glow to hurry. A few moments later she shot out holding their prize.

Xellos watched with renewed interest as Tirek returned Chrysalis' power on her request, much to the surprise of both of them. Xellos slowly began to clap as he watched. “I would understand if you had kept the power yourself Mr. Tirek.” He calmly said as the three were just beginning to enjoy their success. “But it is good to know that you’ve become such good friends this day.”

This appeared to trigger something in each of them as they recoiled from each other. “Friends!” Chrysalis roared. “Never! I respect them for their power and ingenuity. Friendship is a disease that destroyed my hive!”

“Of course, I’d never be friends with these two. They are useful to have around however.” Tirek added.

Xellos shrugged. “I’m afraid I’ll have to accept that.” He calmly said. “I’m incapable of actually having friends.”

“Really?” Cozy glow asked sickeningly sweetly. “You can’t even like anypony?” She added, clearly trying to tempt him with the offer.

“While I am fond of several others and have a great respect for many I maintain no attachments to any of them.” As Xellos spoke he opened his eyes slightly and his smile turned from mischievous to threatening. “I could as easily kill those that I respect as help them, and it would not change their value to me.”

Chrysalis’ horn glowed as she examined Xellos for any love and found … absolutely nothing, it was as if he were a void, other changelings didn't feel this empty. Even Tirek had love, for himself if nobody else, and while Cozy Glow’s was disingenuous it was still there. Xellos was an enigma.

“Xellos.” Chrysalis said as she finished examining him. “You know as well as we that Grogar has no interest in sharing power. We are all simply tools to him to be cast aside when he can reclaim power.”

“That does seem the most likely scenario.” Xellos said evenly. “However what happens to his plan is ultimately irrelevant to my goals.”

“And you won’t interfere with our plans?” She asked again.

“What are you getting at Chrysalis?” Tirek demanded.

“Why, I believe she’s planning a coup.” Xellos said. “So long as I get what I want I don’t care who helps me.”

“And what is it you want?” Cozy Glow asked.

“Why, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” He easily said.

“What?! No! I want her! She and her friends ruined my plans!” Cozy Glow shouted.

“I want her magic.” Tirek said hungrily. “Especially since Cozy Glow’s plan failed and she got much stronger magic.”

“That magic is the very thing I seek Mr. Tirek.” Xellos explained, a threatening edge to his chillingly calm voice. “It’s not hers and must be returned.”

“Why not just let me have …” Tirek started to say before Xellos waved his staff, sending out a burst of magic knocking the massive centaur into the barrier. The burning pain now coursing through his entire body had somehow managed to not hurt half as much as the blast that threw him into it.

“Because it is my job to asses the situation and get the magic back to my world. Should you attempt to claim it yourself,” Xellos said, leaving no room for argument before turning his violet eyes on Cozy Glow. “or you attempt to banish it, I will not hesitate to kill you.” His tone disturbingly kept the same calm as though he were explaining the process and result of picking up a pen. His only concession was to Chrysalis. “I care nothing about her love, so if you try to claim that, Ms. Chrysalis, I won’t stop you.”

“I’m more concerned about what you'll tell Grogar.” Chrysalis said as she kept an even tone with the creature that had managed to throw Tirek around as easily as Grogar had. But even Grogar showed frustration, this creature was unreadable.

“Nothing at all. I followed you for my own curiosity, not on his orders. Do whatever you like, I don’t care.” He said as he appeared to dissolve away.

“What do you make of that Xellos creature?” Tirek asked as he was finally able to climb to his feet.

“I think he's dangerous.” Chrysalis said. “If he turns on us, we may just need the magic of Grogar's bell to protect us from him. We must figure out how to use it as quickly as we can. Then we can make our own plans to deal with Grogar.”

“And what of Xellos' plan?” Tirek asked.

“I know neither of you will like it, but it's safest to leave the princess to him.” Chrysalis explained as she looked at the other two. “Besides, imagine her anguish to know of her friends defeat before her’s.”

“We need to kept the bell nearby.” Cozy Glow said. “I heard stories while I was in prison. James is a lot more dangerous than he lets on.”


“You lost my bell?!” Grogar shouted as he began to pace. “How in Equestria did I ever get stuck with such incompetent minions.”

“Minions?!” Tirek growled before Cozy Glow cut him off, shaking her head slightly.

“It's alright, Grogar Sir.” Cozy said as she flew in front of Tirek's face, using her small body to muffle his angry mutterings. “We've learned how to cooperate, and that makes us stronger.”

“You idiots!” Grogar shouted again. “That bell has my magic! How can I expect to take over Equestria without it?”

“We can work together to cover any weaknesses we might have.” Chrysalis said.

“My only weakness is you three!” Grogar continued to shout. “Now I've got to work on finding my bell … AGAIN!” His personal shouting match done, Grogar stormed out of the chamber.

“Wasn't it Grogar's plan to get us to work together?” Tirek eventually asked.

“He has been acting more stressed lately.” Cozy Glow offered. “Maybe he's just grouchy.”

“No, there's something different about him.” Chrysalis said stepping forward. “It started shortly after Sombra's defeat. We should keep an eye on him.”


“Xellos!” Grogar called as he finally managed to get some privacy. “Where is that miserable mazoku?” He added under his breath.

“Yes Mr. Grogar.” Xellos calmly answered as he appeared from the shadows.

“Those creatures managed to lose my bell. I need you to find it again. Start at the top of Mt. Everhoof and work back here, leave no stone unturned! I'll go and collect it myself once you've found it. I can't trust those buffoons.” Grogar paced as he talked.

“Very well Mr. Grogar. I'll once again locate the bell for you.” Xellos calmly said. Of course following those instructions would take him quite a while to complete, especially with the bell in the possession of those very “minions” he couldn't trust.

“At least you've proven to be capable, if not helpful.” Grogar growled.

Xellos caught a faint flash of light from the corner of his eye before leaving to begin his fruitless search.

Author's Note:

Xellos often sits back and watches things unfold.
As for the term “unreal space” I'll leave this here:

You see, whenever real space and unreal space collide with each other, real space always wins; connecting a fake world to the real world means bye-bye to Crazy Land.
- Lina Inverse, Slayers: The Battle of Saillune, page 74

I could have used warped space to describe it, but unreal space seemed slightly more accurate to me for no reason whatsoever. And she was using the above quote to explain how she had escaped from an area created by a Mazoku that was this warped/unreal space. Now time seems to flow different in such spaces, so I'm hand-waving it since mazoku regularly use it for fighting and it doesn't always seem to distort time.

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