• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,536 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

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60 The King Shield

James was woken in the night with an urgent security update. Cozy Glow had managed to escape and was not showing up on internal sensors.

“Well … How the fuck did she do that?” He mumbled.

“What’s going on?” Lucca asked as she rolled over.

“Cozy Glow escaped.” He commented.

“How the fuck did she do that?” Lucca repeated.

“My words exactly.” James said as he began to meditate. If he hadn’t just woken up he could probably focus better but even as it was he couldn’t sense Cozy Glow on the station at all.

Lucca had already gotten out of bed and was getting dressed. “I’m not going to change for this, James. I need my gun.” She said as she tied her hair up.

“Alright.” James said as he continued to meditate, trying to confirm that she was in fact nowhere to be found. The station was large and she wasn’t powerful so it was possible that she was hiding in a group. Security was already mobilizing with scanners and restraints and if she were still on the station they would be able to detect her from the command center once they had access.

“What do you mean you need your gun?” James asked once he realized what Lucca had said.

“I mean I’m shooting her on sight. Don’t worry, it won’t be lethal.” Lucca explained.

“Security will have her soon.” James said.

“You do realize what it means that she got out, right?” Lucca asked as James started to stand.

“She’s befriended some guard who felt sympathetic is my guess.” James said.

“She’s in max with automated security. If she’s out that means someone got her out, and that could only be someone from Equestria since she knows nobody here.” Lucca explained. “By the way, I’m shooting whoever got her out too.”

“So you think they’re in Equestria.” James simplified.

“Get some coffee. We’re going hunting.” Lucca said as she finished her preparations.


“James. Lucca.” Starlight said as she saw them walking through the castle. While it was a surprise to see them in Equestria in their normal forms it had happened before. “I’m glad to see you. Twilight’s Twilighting hard right now and needs some confidence.”

“Twilighting?” James asked.

“Freaking out in her particular way.” Lucca calmly explained. “Where’s she at?”

“I just got back from the school, she’s been making plans for her plan’s plan.” Starlight said.

“So worse than usual.” Lucca said. “Unfortunately James and I are here on business and can’t exactly help.” Lucca and James began walking towards the foyer again as Starlight followed.

“What’s going on?” Starlight asked keeping pace with them.

“Cozy Glow’s escaped, we’re here to find her and bring her back.” James said.

“And you don’t want to be recognized.” Starlight said. “Hate to break it to you James, but Ocellus has already shown everypony what you look like. Nopony’s going to be surprised.”

James slowed slightly, this was irritating but not as much as he thought it would have been. “I would like to have known you were going to do that … But as long as nobody’s bothered by it I guess that’s okay.”

“Everypony reacted exactly how we expected.” Starlight said.

“Meaning they don’t care.” Lucca clarified.

“It was Rainbow Dash’s idea.” Starlight added with a grin.

As they approached the door they heard a shrill scream that was obviously Twilight.

“Well that takes precedence.” James calmly said.

“I don’t know, could be Twilight Twilighting harder.” Lucca said with a shrug.

“Any harder and she’ll just pass out.” Starlight said before a scroll appeared in front of her. Starlight gasped as she read the scroll and looked to James and Lucca. “King Sombra’s back, the Crystal Empire’s fallen!”

“Yeah.” Lucca said idly fidgeting with her gun. “That’s a bit more important than an escaped convict.”

“Off to the school.” James said.

“No, the scroll has everypony meeting here. … I know she didn’t send you a scroll, but she probably thinks you’re still sleeping.” Starlight said.

James thought for a minute. While he shouldn’t solve this for them Seto had told him about his parallel to the Doctor. This world was under his protection, not to mention that his friends were in danger.

Even as they turned to go to the throne room the foyer doors flew open as the other girls rushed in. Together they ran to the throne room and found Twilight flying back and forth understandably panicked. Before anyone said anything Discord popped in and made a show of reading the summons.

“My family’s in danger, we have to stop King Sombra.” Twilight eventually said. “Unless you want to handle this for us Discord.” She not so subtly suggested.

“King Sombra? Nope!” Discord began handing Twilight various awards as he continued to refuse help before disappearing.

“Come on Twilight. We don’t need Discord. If you really think we need help we just have to ask James.” Rainbow Dash said as she hovered nearby practically presenting him.

“Rainbow Dash. My friends are in trouble. Did you really think I wasn’t going to help already?” James said with a smirk.

“James.” Twilight said as she walked up and looked at him pleadingly. “This is my family. I’ll do anything to save them and take any help you can offer.”

James felt more than a little awkward at the genuine plea, but he understood the desperation. “Give me five minutes.” He said as he brought out his omnitool.

With only a couple taps he violently melted out of Twilight’s throne room.


James found himself sitting in an armchair in what he could best describe as a living room. Despite not having been here before he recognized Discord’s home from the chaos.

“Ugh. Really? They ask you to solve the problem for them and you just do it?” Discord asked as he appeared behind the chair.

“Her family’s in danger so … yes?” James said.

Discord sighed before clicking his tongue. “What about next time? Or the time after that? Are you going to just take care of everything for them?”

“I think this time it’s okay. Again, this is her family in trouble.” James argued.

Discord leaned against James as another Discord wagged his finger. “Well then what about if something more dangerous comes? Are you going to swoop in and save them again? What would that make you? Their friend?” As Discord spoke a version of himself dressed as James walked out with a paddle ball.

“The Doctor?” Another Discord appeared with a fez and ludicrously long scarf that he promptly tripped over, taking the other Discord down with him and earning a glare from the one talking to James.

Discord’s expression and tone went from amused to threatening as he got to his last example, the other Discords vanishing as he spoke. “Or … Pops?”

A chill went down James’s spine as he heard the nickname. How did Discord know anything about … any of that?

“Oh don’t get all bent out of shape about it.” Discord said as his voice went casual again. “We’re on the same side here, the same team. Helping everypony become the best they can be. It’s not like I haven’t thought about going in and saving the day for my friends. But how would that help them?”

“But putting Twilight’s family in danger is a bit much.” James said.

Discord shook his head. “Everypony’s going to be fine.” Discord said dismissively. “… Most likely … This is just a confidence thing for them. And especially for Twilight since she’s going to be taking over as ruler of Equestria.”

“She is?” James asked.

“Wait, you didn’t know?” Discord asked, genuinely surprised.

“No idea.” James admitted.

“Ooh, we’ll have to talk about this later.” Discord said giddily before becoming suddenly serious again. “But yes, the girls need to do this on their own. With as hard as Twilight is Twilighting right now she’ll never be ready if she isn’t forced to confront this. And you always tell the girls that they don’t need you.”

“I’m having trouble believing that I’m going to say this … But you’re completely right Discord.” James admitted.

“Why is everypony so surprised about that. I’m the Lord of Chaos, not the Lord of Idiots.” Discord said as a dunce cap he wore hopped off his head walked out the door in a huff.

“There is one problem though.” James calmly said. “They expect me to be taking care of the problem right now.”

“Oh, I’ve got an idea about that. I do ask just one thing though.” Discord said.

“Alright.” James said, eyeing the creature suspiciously.

“Don’t let anything hurt the girls. I know you won’t let anything happen to Rainbow Dash, but keep them all safe. Because if anything happens to Fluttershy you’ll know just how much trouble I can be.” Discord once again made himself threatening as he spoke. Honestly he could probably be a real problem if he focused for more than a moment. Not that he had to threaten James, though, as he already intended to do just that.

“What’s your plan then?” James asked.

Discord laughed again as he snapped his claw encasing James in a large shard of black crystal. “Have I ever told you how much trouble you cause by the way? It’s almost as if you’re trying to be me.” He said before teleporting James to Cadence’s throne room where he blended in among the crystal spikes already there.


Twilight relaxed the moment James had vanished, but that slowly wore away as time passed. Five minutes stretched on into ten, into fifteen. At this point even Lucca was getting concerned. Things only got worse once Discord returned.

“It seems James was wrong about it taking only five minutes.” Discord said as he walked in. “Maybe somepony should check on him.”

Twilight’s eye twitched as she heard the suggestion.

“Please, James’s handled far worse than King Sombra.” Rainbow Dash confidently said. “I bet he’s just taking his time.”

Lucca, however, realized that Discord wouldn’t have mentioned anything if everything was alright. She brought out her omnitool and sent a quick message to Liara and had a response in seconds. James’s teleport request was never submitted to the computer.

As she looked up she saw Discord giving the girls a look into the throne room of Cadence’s castle where she could see James encased in crystal. There was clearly more going on. She stayed silent as Twilight decided on a plan and ran off with the rest of the girls.

Lucca wasn’t about to run off without getting some answers first. She unholstered her gun and had aimed at Discord as he turned to face her. “What’s going on Discord?” Lucca asked.

“Whatever do you mean?” Discord said before using a finger to push the gun away from him. “I’m just letting the girls know that maybe sending James alone wasn’t the best idea.”

“I’m not stupid.” Lucca said angrily. “You interrupted his teleport, you put him in that crystal. But more importantly, we both know that he can get out of that crystal. What did you do?”

“Someone needed to explain to him the importance of not being the hero.” Discord sighed. “It’s fine to help others out, but if you just step in for them whenever there’s a problem then you become the problem. Why, just look. The girls are already running off now to not only save him, but now they’re going to step up and save Equestria. All because he didn’t do it for them.”

Discord began to saunter off as he talked. “Besides, how will the girls keep helping him if he’s the one who solves every problem? He’s grown so much since meeting them.”

“How do you know all this?” Lucca asked, Discord’s actions and words were too calm and too precise. He hadn't even made a single joke.

Discord turned around put his claw to his lips and smiled, his eyes tightly closed. “That’s – a – se–cret.” He said in an almost singsong fashion before appearing to dissolve away.

Lucca stared into the hall where what she had thought was Discord stood moments before. What she had just seen was no coincidence. That’s not how Discord talked, and definitely not how he behaved.

Xellos was here.

Cozy Glow really was the least of their concerns right now. But what could Xellos want? This entire world should be painful to him. Except Twilight’s freakouts were well known to be extreme, and King Sombra would evoke fear wherever he went. At the moment there was certainly enough turmoil to sustain him if he kept close to their sources.

Once the girls left it was little more than an hour until Lucca heard back from James.

“The Girls are dropping off the elements as we speak.” James said as he approached Lucca. “Sorry if I worried you, Discord made an unusually good point after I left.”

“That wasn’t Discord.” Lucca said as she approached James.

James scratched his head as he thought about the encounter. How was Lucca so certain when she hadn’t even been there? “Sure seemed like him to me.”

“Then it wasn’t Discord I was talking to.” Lucca clarified. “Xellos is here.”

James looked Lucca in the eye. “Are you sure Discord wasn’t just trying to mess with you?”

“Definitely, he played it too straight to be Discord and his answer was all too familiar.” Lucca explained.

“How could he survive here. There’s nowhere near enough turmoil for him.” James asked, really hoping that there was some way to prove that it wasn’t Xellos.

“Twilight is freaking out right now. King Sombra’s magic scares ponies. As long as he’s near them he’s in a small habitable zone.” Lucca said.

“Okay, but now … Why? This place should hold no interest to him or the other mazoku.” James asked as he racked his mind.

“I don’t know, but he’s going to stay near the girls for as long as Twilight is freaking out so you need to be there to protect them.” Lucca said.

“I need to get my gear.” James said as he turned to return home.

“No.” Lucca said firmly, stopping James in his tracks. “Xellos is already here and he’ll be shadowing the girls. If he strikes you’re the only one who can potentially hold him back. I’ll get your stuff you protect them.”

James nodded and with a quick kiss he rushed off to meet up with Twilight at the Tree of Harmony.


The sight that greeted him in the cave was less than optimistic. The tree was shattered and another ring of black crystals cut off a section of the cave.

“Girls, are you alright?” James called as he rushed to the crystals. Logically he knew they were, this wasn’t Xellos’ style, he’d have simply done the job quickly and efficiently and left.

From a short ways behind him he heard scratching coming from just beneath the ground, he turned just in time to see Pinkie Pie erupt from the floor followed by the other girls. James gave a quick sigh of relief as he rushed over to help them out of the hole.

Twilight was still in shock as she looked to James. “The elements are gone.” She breathed. “King Sombra just used the Crystal Empire as a distraction to destroy them.”

“And now he’s on his way to Ponyville!” Rainbow Dash said as she pulled James’s arm.

James wasn’t about to mention Xellos now. They were already under enough stress and he didn’t want Xellos to know that he knew yet.

“Alright. So first thing we do is beat Sombra into submission.” James said as he allowed Rainbow Dash to pull him along with the group. “Then we can worry about everything else.” James finished, now running alongside them.

“He might have controlled Lucca by now.” Rainbow Dash said as she thought about all the damage Sombra could do.

James shook his head. “Lucca went home to get some gear I forgot.”

“But what if Sombra discovers New Guardia while he’s in my castle?” Twilight asked.

“Then he’s handled for us. He doesn’t understand technology well enough to get around my security systems, not to mention he would have to face Tali and Lucca. Even I’d turn tail at that prospect.” James explained.

“Then I hope you don’t mind me sayin' that I hope he did go to New Guardia.” Applejack said as Ponyville came into sight.


Already they could see the stream of ponies leaving the town walking towards Canterlot. Inside the town was no better as they tried several times to interrupt the hypnosis Sombra had them under.

It was seeing Apple Bloom that brought Twilight over to help. She had felt Sombra's magic and had a spell that should break his hold on the Crusader. She had to prepare herself as she remembered James's lecture on mind control magic and her own experience breaking a strong one that Starlight had crafted.

Twilight held her horn to Apple Bloom’s face as sparks flew from it. There was a flash of green before a luminescent darkness drove it back and soon Apple Bloom’s eyes returned to normal as she looked around. Twilight smiled at the success. But the effort was simply too much to be able to repeat for everyone under Sombra’s control. It would just take too long.

“What the hay’s going on?” Apple Bloom asked once freed before Applejack wrapped her in a tight hug.

“Apple Bloom run to New Guardia, Lucca should be nearby, tell her to bring my circlet and as many like it as we have.” James instructed. “That way we can prevent us from falling under his control at least.”

“Run on Sugar Cube.” Applejack said with a smile. “We’re counting on you.”


Apple Bloom ran as fast as she could towards Twilight’s castle, thinking only of her task. Pausing only as she realized that just inside the door something had lifted her up.

“Please forgive me.” Came a chillingly calm voice. “But unfortunately I cannot allow you do as James requested at the moment. There’s far too much valuable information to be gained by observing.” Apple Bloom recognized the shape of the creature holding her as being human as it materialized. Though something about him felt wrong. His mischievous smile felt like a mask and his gaze seemed to pierce both his closed eyelids and her.

“What? Who are you? I’ve got to help my friends.” Apple Bloom shouted as she struggled against the creature holding her.

“Why, I am the Mysterious Priest Xellos.” He said with an unchanging smile. “And I’m afraid I cannot allow you to do that. It would be safest for you and your friends if you stopped struggling against me. I would rather not have to resort to unsavory methods to assure your cooperation.” As he held Apple Bloom up he allowed a small shock to travel through his hands and into her.

Apple Bloom screamed in agony and fought back tears as the pain began to pass.

“And that was just a taste.” Xellos said as his smile turned from mischievous to sinister.

“My friends …” Apple Bloom gasped as she tried to compose herself.

“Will be far worse off if you don’t do as I say.” Xellos finished for her.

Apple Bloom began to sob as she realized that she could do nothing. Though some hope did return as she heard voices and hoof beats coming her way. Xellos gently put her down and held his finger to his lips. “This is our secret. Don’t tell them anything, and do not go to New Guardia today.”

Apple Bloom watched as Xellos dissolved away into nothing. Shortly after his disappearance Starlight came running into view, spike flying along beside her.

“Apple Bloom!” Starlight happily said. “Great, did you get to Lucca?”

Apple Bloom looked to Starlight for a moment before nodding. “She ran back for more.” She uncomfortably lied.

“Thank Celestia.” Spike said with a sigh as he looked back towards Ponyville. “Come on, we’ve got to help everypony cut back the Everfree forest.”

“Great job Apple Bloom.” Starlight said as she hugged the small pony. “Twilight was freeing Sweetie Belle as we left so she should be along soon.”

Apple Bloom didn’t look at her as she nodded. Too afraid that if she looked Starlight in the eye she could tell that she was lying to her.


The fact that more than an hour passed without hearing from Lucca since Apple Bloom returned to help the small gathering of ponies try to tame the forest told James that she was lying when she said she had seen Lucca. But he knew that there had to be a reason, Apple Bloom wouldn't dare lie about something like that without one. And he didn’t have time to ask her at the moment.

It wasn’t long afterwords that Celestia, Luna and Star Swirl joined them, taking over and leading the group in pushing the forest back to free the girls up to face Sombra.


They appeared outside Canterlot and faced off against everyone Sombra still controlled. Something had to be done, but in keeping with James’s promise he couldn’t solve the problem for them. But there was a good middle ground. “Girls, I believe I’ve got a solution.” James said as he began chanting. The ponies drew closer as James focused to cast his spell, the power around him building a wall of wind to buy them a moment of time.

“Any time James!” Twilight said as she bumped into him while backing up.

James altered his stance as he finished the spell and what appeared to be a lotus folded up around each of them before vanishing followed quickly by slats of light surrounding each of them before they too vanished, finally a red barrier appeared briefly in front each of them.

“Alright, we can run through now. Don’t worry about being hit, the spells I just cast will keep you safe.” James said as he looked forward to the castle.

The girls looked at each other for a moment before they took a breath and barreled through the ponies blocking their way. Much to their surprise they felt no magical blast and every hit from hoof or thrown object bounced harmlessly off them. Getting through like this would be simple and they wouldn’t have to hurt anyone.

Once inside the castle they finally managed to secure Discord’s help in facing Sombra. With him reluctantly leading the group they marched into the throne room. James knew that Discord had a real plan here and would bow out when it was time to let the girls take over.

Almost as if on cue Discord played injured as he flung himself back and began to extol on the traits of the girls one by one. James deciding that he would stay here under the guise of caring for the Lord of Chaos.

That is until Discord added one final trait to the list as he smiled at James. “And of course you James, will always be their shield.” Discord said, pushing his act of injured and on his last breath well past sense and of course perfectly in line with his thinking.

James grinned as he stood and faced the unicorn on the dais. Discord had meant far more of him when he told James to keep the girls safe. And it made sense now, a shield could bash it’s way through obstacles with a lot of effort, but it’s purpose was to protect. And that’s what he needed to do, protect the girls so they could do their job. They didn’t need him, but they could definitely use him.

Sombra launched a jet of magic at them as they advanced but James held out his hand and blocked it with a flash of light as homage to Discord's efforts. Another blast of magic, another flash of light and they continued forward. His magic may not be as potent as Discord’s, but he had centuries of training and practice that this unicorn didn’t.

Inspired by Discord’s performance Twilight spoke of how together there was no obstacle they couldn’t overcome nor opponent they couldn’t face, her golden eyes glowing brighter as she advanced.

Xellos watched as the aura radiated out from the group of floating ponies. From the feeling alone he could tell already that this magic would be particularly dangerous to him and teleported away, using the convenient door James had in the crystalline castle to escape the effects of the princess's augmented magic. He would have to check back later to see if Discord had survived the attack. It was hard to tell with mazoku like beings from other worlds, but in his case the world was once again an unpleasant place for him.

Once Xellos passed Lucca on his way through New Guardia castle, she began to move again, never realizing that she had been frozen in place for hours. He had some of the information he wanted and would just have to patiently wait for another chance for more.


James smiled as he watched the girls pampering Discord while he hammed it up. Both as it was such a sweet gesture they were giving him and imagining the backlash when they found out it was all an act. He also wouldn't deny being more than a bit jealous of the draconequus at the moment.

He didn’t have to wait too long as Celestia, Luna, and Lucca arrived. James walked over and hugged Lucca as Twilight apologized to Celestia.

On hearing the news that Twilight wouldn’t be ruling Equestria any time soon Discord jumped up and began complaining about how he had gone to such great effort to convince them that they were ready. Eventually storming off and leaving through a window.

“Well, at least James didn’t disappear at the end this time.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew over to him and Lucca.

“Well I had to stick around to take my lashings.” James said.

“Excuse me?” Twilight asked as she gave James a curious look.

“To be honest, I was in on it from when I was supposed to go to the Crystal Empire.” James said. “Discord diverted me and told me his goal. Clearly there was no true plan, this is Discord after all. And he reminded me that I am not a hero, I’m a shield. I’m supposed to keep you safe so you can do your job, and not to do it for you.”

“Come on.” Rainbow Dash moaned. “Being a hero is awesome! I mean, just look at us!” She said as she stood by the other girls.

James gave a genuine smile as he nodded. “Yeah, your world has you. You don’t need or want Pops.” Everyone in the room but James shifted uncomfortably at the reference, knowing full well that James was convinced he could go down that path at any time. “I’ve been the hero, I’ve been the villain. Maybe as a shield I can finally get it right.” James said.

“Wait, you’re not going away again are you?” Pinkie Pie asked, suddenly concerned.

James chuckled. “No, I’m not going away again. The only problems I’ll take the lead on though are from outside your world … And I hope you’ll help me when I do. I clearly need it.”

“Speaking of…” Lucca whispered in his ear.

James nodded and turned to her. “But there’s someone I have to talk to before we start looking into this.” He whispered back. “And before the girls leave here.”

“I’m afraid we’ve got to run. There’s some work we have to take care of.” Lucca calmly lied. “Thank you very much. I’m sorry we couldn’t visit more.”

With that James’s omnitool blinked to life as he typed out several commands and they violently melted out of the throne room.


The clear sky shone down on the quiet apple orchard as James and Lucca violently melted onto the well worn path from the front gate. James explained what he believed had happened as the two calmly walked into the farm house and up the stairs. As they got closer they could hear Apple Bloom crying from down the hall. It would be a while before her family got back and James had one question he needed to ask her.

Lucca knocked on the door gently. “Hello? Apple Bloom.” She called. “Can we talk to you?” Lucca had a good motherly voice when the situation called for it, and Apple Bloom cried a bit less as she heard her.

“Uh-huh.” Apple Bloom answered.

Lucca slowly opened the door into the clean bedroom. The small yellow pony sat on her bed wiping away tears and quaking, she was clearly still frightened of something. Lucca sat down next to the frightened pony and gently rubbed her back. “Do you want to tell us what’s wrong?” She calmly asked.

Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment and slowly nodded, but didn’t say anything.

“Are you scared?” Lucca asked.

Apple Bloom nodded again.

James walked over and sat on Apple Bloom’s other side. “It’s alright.” He quietly said before coming in to whisper into Apple Bloom’s ear. “Don’t say anything or nod if I’m right, if I’m wrong just say no or shake your head. Okay?”

“Mh-hm.” Apple Bloom said as she waited.

“Did he tell you who he was?” James whispered.

Apple Bloom didn't respond at all.

"Was it Xellos?" He asked quietly enough that he didn’t even hear himself, though Apple Bloom certainly did as her shivering intensified for a moment but she never said anything, never nodded.

James stayed where he was for a minute digesting the information. “You did the right thing Apple Bloom.” He whispered. “Don’t think for a moment that you didn’t or that you were a coward.”

Lucca leaned over and hugged the trembling pony. “Do you want us to go?” She gently asked.

Apple Bloom quickly shook her head and looked to Lucca with wide pleading eyes.

“Do you want us to stay until Applejack get’s back?” James asked.

Apple Bloom nodded as she looked back out the window over the farm, once again the happy place she knew.

But was it safe?

Author's Note:

Sometimes the most unlikely of characters has to be the voice of reason, and remind James that he can hurt them as easily as he can help them. After all, Discord is a walking Ex Machina, but he uses restraint.

The Mysterious Priest Xellos appears, but what reason does he have to come to somewhere so toxic to his existence?
Also, this part went VERY different in the first draft. While I kind of like the first draft, it was going in a direction I didn’t want it to go. So with a little Draconequus ex Machina I changed it.
The final draft let me toss in Xellos in an antagonistic role, which I wanted for him, and keep James from another serious breakdown. (It got kinda dark.)

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