• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2023


I want nothing more than to bring a smile to your face with a light-hearted clopfic! If you want to bring a smile to mine, leave a comment!

Comments ( 670 )

FYI the Equestria in this story is located in a deep gravity well, so all characters are over ten million years old in Earth years and therefore 100% not illegal.


meh option 2 it feels like the road more insane and crazy


Really neat story idea, I like it!

Gonna go with number 3, if liquor is involved, things could get interesting!~

I'll be sticking around till the end for this one.:moustache:

While I appreciate the topic, Shining is a Smart Boy, don't you be dissin' him!

I'd say 3) is the most sensible option, but 1) is the most in character. . . Shining Armor is a military stallion of action, it's ALWAYS better to take action EVEN if you make things worse, so dictates the man-logic!

Shout's Flurry is the best depiction.
Also 3.
Can't ever go wrong with booze.

3 seems like the best choice

I was thinking of voting for whatever steered most clear of incestuous fun, just to see how long I could counter the will of the readers, but I'm not sure which of those that might be this time.

Maybe 2. Overwhelm her early so she resents him longer.

1. so he doesn't get furry heart any more upset than she already is . so you can understand flurry heart little bit.
he's been away on his Royal Guard Duty for a while. getting to know play Heart little better will help him out in the long run

I choose number 2. Let's get this crazy train going off the rails early.

No, I don't think that's a good idea. Shining Armour should be considerate and kind parent showing flurry heart that she could trust him with anything . that he understands how she feels So she will open up to him.in more ways than one. :raritywink::raritywink:

Oh absolutely! But when his mind is being controlled by the readers of fimfic... Uh oh.

I vote option 1. Let Cadence help with the planning.

I can't decide between options one and three.

On the one hoof, knowledge is power, and it would behoove him to learn more. But this is Shining 'Goddamn Moron' Armor we're talking about here, so I have doubt as to whether he could capitalize on any information gleaned from Cady.

On the other, he's had a long day, and just chilling out for the evening would do him good. As a bonus, it'd make it look like he's doing exactly what his wife told him to do, and Cady strikes me as the kind to 'reward' such behavior. ;)

So I suppose I'm left to vote for OPTION TWO, because it's what Shiny would do; it'll make for some fun, potentially hilarious story telling, and could definitely be more-rewarding later on, when Flurry wants to "make up." More importantly, it will flesh out the struggles Flurry is facing, give her some character traits, and establish some more-concrete strife between her and Shiny.

“Well hey there Lost, I’m Night Light.”

LoL Oh man, that one will never die. Lots of mileage left.

... Flurry had given him a cold shrug and had even asked why she should accept his proferred hug, as this was the exact same as when he’d returned home from work the previous week.

Should be spelled 'proffered'.

The train ride has been uneventful.

Whoa, things heated up fast!

Alcohol will make everything worse

lets do it! 3

FYI the Equestria in this story is located in a deep gravity well, so all characters are over ten million years old in Earth years and therefore 100% not illegal.


I keep meaning to get to your (and everyone's comments) when I remember that I have time.

Hmm..... I think I'll say.... 3

The question at hand is whether this multi chapter story choices results in punishment/reward and how heavily this choices influence the pace and interactions.

Though option 2 is by far the best choice, rationally thinking, and in this case, how Shining thinks, going for option 1 is a safe option in this uncharted social lands and might give us insight of some juicy information, that even dimwitted Shining Armour might use to his advantage on future chapters.

She blinded me with science.

3) it is too risky. you will not be able to use any of the information from the book without exposing yourself.

3, by far.
1 way too dangerous - remember Twiggles is Flurry's aunt and probably taught her some kind of alarm spell on the journal.

Flurry Heart looks like Maud in the cover image

Derpibooru, search, artist:shoutingisfun , princess flurry heart

I find Derpibooru confusing

Is this the one you were talking about?

If not, then please PM me a link

it may just me being paranoid but I can't help but think this is all set up,
Flurries diary ending up in Shinings study right when he comes home before Flurries birthday, and even all those other books I can't help but think Cadence and/or Flurry are trying to send a subtle message to Shining that he is not exactly getting because of him being a Moron and all.

Interesting theory! Who do you think is behind it all?

Those unicorns can be pretty tricky. Maybe Shining could cast a detection spell?

If I had to guess it would probably Cadence, she is The Princess of Love so she might be able to sense these things,
and as The Princess of Love, I suspect her to be sentimental and flurries birthday is the perfect timing for shining to have time off.
So she may be the reason that shining got put on "sabbatical" and she may have gotten Night Light to give Shining some hints for all we know.
And I don't exactly know Flurry in this story that much except that she is an average teenage filly and she liked a human show,
but the only other one who might come up with a plan who may have a motive might be Twilight sparkle but they have yet to show up and directly interact with the rest of the characters but maybe that is the point.

Wow, not even a day passed and clops delivered.
>that was fast< tag achieved.

So, let's see what we got...

1) Gambler's choice: high risk, even higher reward. Pretty sure Flurry would notice given the odds, at least eventually.
2) Prepare for war choice: Not sure what exactly can benefit Shining from this, given his daughter has two relative alicorns whose magic tutelage surpass his own (granted she's still a teenager and I might be thinking way too much into it), leaving with few powerful or deceitful tricks up his non-existent sleeves.
3) Play Safe: And even that might not benefit him much, surely he will mess up here and there in the conversation, could give him points but with no large term benefits, it's almost back to square one with a bit of boosted stats. And I also believe this is a set up and might get her annoyed instead.


Many threads may be running in the background!

i'll go with option 1 edit damn it to late to vote. welp well i'll just vote on the next one

1. Seeing this succeed or fail would both be extremely entertaining

#2 leaves open the possibility for Flurry Heart to come into the study looking for the diary while Shining is studying the spellbook, which would be an interesting scenario. It would be advantageous for Shining to interact with Flurry with her going to him rather than him entering her territory.

I think that messing with Flurry's journal is too dangerous in any regard. Stealing it to read it is too likely to result in more trouble, and simply moving it may mess up whatever she'd been arranging.

Whereas #2 has many potential applications! Sure, we could maybe find something immediately useful for personal gain, but it might also give us some deeper insight into Cadance's schtick (wife-approved conversation topics!). And, if somepony has been messing with Flurry, mind alteration is going to be one of the most effective ways, so the best way for us to counter it would be to understand it ourselves! The book sounds like it might have some insights in this regard. It might be a long shot, but Superdad's newfound knowledge to the rescue? Hmmmmm...

Option (2) please!

*groan* If he could find out what Flurry’s day to day was like, maybe he could find some clue as to what was making her act like some emotional teenager, instead of the beloved little filly he remembered. At the very least, it could probably give him some clues as to what her interests were.
yes shining armor: she is an emotional teenager you moron -.-

all the stupid daddy landmines with a nuke warhead xD

"after voting" you guys really want to see him get smith'd down by flurry xD


Such a pleasure to have you comment on the story! I like your take on option 2, using it to not only get a powerful new skill, but also potentially to relate better with the waifu, too!

There's definitely a big reward aspect to the greater risk of checking the diary.

You gotta forgive Shining, he doesn't realise that little fillies grow up!

I like your idea of Flurry coming in, something I was also considering!

Well of course option 2! After all, who knows what could be in that spell book; it could be love spells, it could be "reveal your true desires AND thoughts" spells, it could even be tips and tricks for the BEST taco Tuesday ever! The possibilities are endless and, in this case, less is more!

As a side note, never use that shade of blue again, very hard to read.

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