• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 5,938 Views, 17 Comments

Together Alone: I live to love you - Shadowlight Wanderer

Spike visits Rarity and invites her to spend time with him. But he seems upset and it bothers the unicorn . Can the pair open their hearts enough to understand what is going on ?

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Before read introduction

Before you read...

Hi there, thank you so much for choosing to look at this story in advance. Before it all begins, I would like to address a few things.

I.The entire point of "Together Alone"

This story was actually commissioned by one of my colleagues, who is into Sparity as much as I am. Come to think of it, it wasn't much of an order, more like a friendly suggestion.

The key to the story is the fact that Rarity and Spike are passing the "wooing and courting". Spike confessed his love to her and Rarity wrote him a letter, realizing that his song stirred her feelings, causing her to display eagerness to discover how deep her newly found feelings run (all in the prequel)

In this story, they are both nervous but in the same time accepting around each other. I wanted to create a story where Spike and Rarity both act like a pair of lovesick fools, but above all, discovering loves in the environment deviod of all the tension and pretense. That's why being true to one's self play an important role here.

This story is also my personal tribute to Sparity, on the level that my writing skills can provide, that is for me one of the most underappreciated parts of the show. It is not that relationship that keeps me interested in the show, I am emotionally attached to it for many reasons, but I learned to love the potential behind this unique and controversial pair. A little more about it in a moment.

II. Time and Age

For some people it may be important that in this story Spike is freshly after 18 in pony years and Rarity is nearing to 23. Interesting fact, if dragon molt functions in any way like human puberty, I assumed that Spike is 14-15 in Molt Down. And here is the weird part. From Molt Down to Between Dark and Dawn at least 3 human years passed in Equestria. Why ? I think the most relevant factor of the passage of time here are fixed holidays, especially Heartswarming, since it is once every year. Between Molt Down and Between Dark and Dawn we have two Heartswarming episodes. That gives us two years. The third Heartswarming had to occur off screen after Going to Seed and before Between Dark and Dawn. In S09e10 we saw the Apple family harvesting every single one of the apple trees on the farm. But in the mid season finale we see the orchard with the apples back, which means they needed another vegetation cycle to bloom again. That means another year, with another Heartswarming on the way. So by the end of the first half of season 9, Spike should be 18 or at least near to it. Because of that, the thought about aging him to 18 doesn't seem so farfetched.

III. The importance and value of Spike and Rarity's love

The love of Spike towards Rarity is one of the oldest connections like this in the fandom and, like it or not, one of the few ships were we have actual confirmation of feelings, at least from one of the sides. It may not see like much but it is actually really crucial.

Over the years, Spike's affection towards Rarity gained a lot of haters...

but also many followers...

In my personal opinion, the earlier someone started watching the show, the less faith he had in Spike's ability to develop because to be honest, I can see why Spike's personality could be precieved as annoying in the earlier seasons. But although nothing visibly ages in the show, Spike changed. Over the time, he became a crucial support in everypony's life, especially Twilight's and Rarity's. He was maturing because both of his victories and defeats.

I grew to respect him because he was firm in his ideas and loved Rarity no matter what. That is a true strength. Rarity should really discuss the state of their relationship with him, whatever the outcome may be.

For me, Sparity symbolizes hope that love can come from any place and reach any soul. That you can love despite differences and love doesn't have to be sexual in nature. Being different species doesn't bother with developing a close relationship and age gap only can cause problems in the intimate area. I am sure Spike would wait

Spike and Rarity are in constant struggle between giving and taking, as a dragon and Element of Generosity. Spike is helpful to everyone yet has to control dragon's natural greed. Rarity is naturally generous, but tends to manipulate ponies and Spike to get what she wants. I believe that being together, they learn from each other.

I really liked the idea that Rarity grew up not knowing that much of a close affection and now she is clinging to every last bit of romance, changing herself and manipulating others to feel that she is loved. On the other hand, Spike doesn't believe that he can have a value or be loved unless he is useful. Both Spike and Rarity can teach each other the missing pieces of their love...if they are willing to listen.

Concluding, I think that the best concept of my love for Spike's love towards Rarity is his very own song. Through the line "Nothing can compare to You" Spike says that Rarity's existence is a gift for him and she is one of the best if not THE BEST, thing(s) that happened in his life. I think that form of love deserves some recognition

IV. Thanks and dedication

I want to send best wishes and praises to all of my friends on MLP Facebook Groups. I also am grateful for Fimfiction Sparity group. You guys are amazing creators and source of inspiration even in the darkest days. Thank you so much.

I thank my friend, who shall remain nameless, and my little cousin. She was the one who wanted to read this story first.

And finally, I bow my head before Cathy Weseluck, Tabitha St. Germain and writers of MLP. Without you, I wouldn't be able to explore this relationship at all.

So without further delay,