• Published 6th Jul 2019
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Together Alone: I live to love you - Shadowlight Wanderer

Spike visits Rarity and invites her to spend time with him. But he seems upset and it bothers the unicorn . Can the pair open their hearts enough to understand what is going on ?

  • ...

'Cause you are here...

Chapter 7


'Oh no ! What did I do now ? She looks so nervous and stuff ! What shall I say' Spike thought, eyeing Rarity.

He slide his gaze down her face when suddenly:


Spike froze for a moment. Where the heck did that come from ?


Whoa, slow down there. Could that be his draconic instinct kicking in ?

But maybe this is not a bad idea after all... but I just don't know if this is the right time... what would the others do in my place.

In his imagination, he saw the most present male friends in his life.

'Guys, what should I do now ?'

"Be unexpected. Sweep her of her hooves and then shower everything in confetti. After that drink chocolate milk together. " said imaginary Discord"

Well, that was somewhat to be expected

"Be firm, strong but not like ya were buckin' a tree with all force. More like polishin' the apple. Eeeeeeyuupp !" added Big Mac

That wasn't that bad...aside of the metaphors.

"I am sure you can do it buddy" Shining Armor grinned to him" Show her what men of Sparkle family are capable of !"

Can you enlighten me what we are supposed to be capable of ? I mean, it took you 10 years or something to get married ..."

"Spike, this is amazing !!! You certainly have to tell me all about pony love rituals !!! "Thorax beamed, always eager to learn about foreign traditions” Ever wondered why Chrysalis has holes in her legs...

Okay, that is far enough !!!

"Hey, Spike" another voice sounded from his right side and Spike looked around. He was shocked to see Ember there

Ember ? You are not a guy !

The fist of the dragoness collided with his shoulder. Even if it was only his imagination, it didn't hurt any less than the punch of the actual Ember.

"Of course I am not a guy, you idiot !" Ember shouted, her cheeks turning purple " I just came to you because as a Dragon Lord, I want to help my best friend. Even though you still chose HER, and not me...

What ?!

Ember gently pushed him forward

"Go. Show to her that the true dragon always gets what he wants..."

Spike blinked and realized that he was back on the balcony. But Rarity was nowhere to be seen. He was so entranced in his visions that she didn't notice her disappear


I would never imagine that I would be attending a conference in my own mind but I needed advice and my mind seemed like a best source

Girls, this really happening !!! And I can't stop screaming !!! Help me !!!

"Sugarcube, just don't do anything rush before the wedding !"

Wedding ?!!!

"Make sure to have a some yummy candy lipstick”

Yummy ?

"Be so quick that the guy won't know what hit him"

"Be sure to make Spike comfortable"


For Celestia's sake, enough !!! She needed to act now !


Spike was on his way to the door when Rarity emerged from behind the door frame.

The mare had a determined look with her eyes but when she noticed Spike, her face changed into embarrassed one.

"Spike, I am sorry for running away like that. I...needed to sort out a few things"

Spike chuckled awkwardly

"Me too, you won't guess what strange things I saw all of the sudden-"

Rarity made a step forward and then stopped



They both made a step forward but..

WOAH !!!

AIIII !!!!

A furious " MEOOOW !!!!!" came from down below when Opal, chasing some bird outside passed between them and was almost completely crushed below their legs.

Rarity screamed as she slipped and began to fall. Spike managed to catch her in his arms, but his own lack of equilibrium and momentum of the sudden motion caused him to follow Rarity's lead.

The unicorn fell to the floor and before she could even think, Spike's face, directly above her, closed the distance. And his lips landed on hers with a formidable strength.

Rarity's eyes bulged out from the sudden pressure. If it all wasn't happening so fast, she would be ashamed that all of her mental preparation led to her mimicking the puffer fish during the kiss.

But soon this feeling faded away.

Rarity gently kissed back, caressing the warm lips of Spike. She felt as if she was melting away. Spike was gentle as well, presumably from his inexperience, but Rarity loved every single moment. It was that tenderness that put her entire being at ease.

That was the same feeling when she was using her Element of Harmony. Just merging with the harmony and serenity of another's presence.

Spike on the other hand, was on the verge of passing out from happiness and love overload. He opened his eyes to see Rarity staring at him lovingly. She moved her eyeball upward and winked at him.

He understood and deepened the kiss. Rarity did the same and for a minute or two there was no need for talking or thinking. Just one constant stream of love, enveloping them in blissful light of peace.

Finally, they parted and Rarity smiled

"As for the first real kiss, even if caused by my dear Opal that...was simply divine"

Spike nodded, still in daze

"Yeah...best dreams can't compare to this"

Rarity eyed him with a soft smirk

"You know, to be honest, I thought that scales wouldn't be so pleasant to kiss...but it was such an interesting experience. It tastes like burned sandalwood, something spicy and oriental..."

She looked around and bit her lip, looking at him coyly

"My, my, Spikey...it is not like you to be so bold. Whatever happened to you in that one evening ?"

Spike followed her gaze and noticed the position they were. She was stretched down on the ground and he was half leaning, half kneeling over her, with his arm still supporting her back.

He yelped, and scooted away as far as possible from Rarity, waving his hands so hard that they were almost transparent

"I-i-it w-was't on p-purpose...I s-swear on pervert, I am not Celestia...I mean... I am not a lovesick drool...fool...t-t-that I w-was back t-t-t-there. Opal...you...me...and I....then you...on the floor...and Opal...I flipped...I mean t-t-trpied... I mean..."

Rarity chuckled loudly and Spike stopped blushing madly

"Darling, it is alright, I am just teasing you" she waved a hoof „Given, it didn't happen exactly in a way that I imagined it. But still...it was magical..."

Spike sighed in relief

"Yeah...you really are perfection alive..."

Rarity blushed and got up, dusting herself off

"Say..." she said, pouting at the dragon" we can do that again if you like..."


"You know, since there is only you and me so..."

"WOHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!" came an high pitched screech above them.

Rarity and Spike looked up and their jaws dropped.

Above the boutique hovered a large, brown sofa. On the said sofa were sitting three princesses and Discord, munching the popcorn.

Spike rubbed his eyes and blinked confused

"Discord ? Princesses ? What in Tartarus ..."

Rarity bowed her head

"Good night your majesties, Discord... pardon my rudeness but... WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BOUTIQUE ?!!!!" she yelled, reddening from anger

Discord raised his eagle claw

"Now now Rarity, everyone can plainly see that we are not IN your home"

"You know damn well what I mean, dhaarrrrrliing !" Rarity hissed venomously " I am sorry but you are touching my personal air ! Me and Spike have some unfinished business to attend to !"

"YYYIIIIIIHIHIHIHIIIHHIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !!!!" Cadence screeched one more time, her eye twitched under frazzled mane, as she furiously scribbled something on a piece of a parchment.

Spike raised an eyebrow and addressed Celestia, who was wearing a pyjama and the bags under her eyes suggested a desperate need for sleep.

"Why exactly are you spying on us...for..."

"Twenty minutes now" Luna whispered

"Yeah...what happened ? "

"Cadence happened" Celestia yawned pointing at the pink alicorn " she woke me up, saying that something amazing is going to happen and we must see it. She wouldn't stay quiet and dragged us up here"

"And how come we didn't see or hear you before ?"

Discord crossed his claws with a smirk

"Piece of cake for me. You are so unlucky that Tia here demanded to dispell the protection before I could bring the real fun to live here"

Spike grinned at him

"You would so get it...You like to have thousand years of pain during the next session ?"

Discord crossed his arms

"Oh no, not that, everything but the thousand years of pain ! My butt is still hurting even if disconnect it from my body !

Spike focused his attention on the Princess of the Night.

"And why my sister-in-law acts like a rooster on sugar high ?"

"Cadence can detect abnormalities and fluctuations in pony emotions the same way I can search for nightmares" Luna explained " You have to forgive her, she is just very excited."


"Princess, please, you will wake my sister" Rarity quickly said " come to think of it, she is such a heavy sleeper with all the commotion outside"

"Sorry, sorry" Cadence smiled " But, congratulations! There was never a relationship that was causing so much controversy."

"Ekhm..." Discord proudly presented his chest

The Princess of Love rolled her eyes

"And of course Discord's NEVER CONFESSED affection towards your friend Fluttershy. It is time you do something about this !"

The large bucket of chocolate milk emptied its contents on her head.

"I am a god, I have time "

"Well she hasn't got all infinity. Prolonging it will only make things worse. Right, auntie Celestia ?"

Celestia was sitting on her spot with the eyes closed

"I am not obliged to answer questions outside my working hours. I am exhausted. What a drag..."

She opened her eyes and looked at the pair below. With a gentle flap of her wings she landed in front of Spike and hugged him

"Spike, you are like a son to me and I am so happy that you found love with such nice mare as Rarity."

Luna sighed

"Well, I suppose we will be going. There will be plenty of time to talk when the rest of your friends wake up"

"What do you mean ?" Rarity asked

"OOOOH !!! Luna gasped" I forgot to tell you ! I allowed your friends to come to your minds and give you courage in this important moment. I thought of it as good, friendly deed"

"Wait..." Rarity mumbled in a weak voice " So the visions earlier...they weren't..."

"Just your imagination ? No, 100 % real ponies guaranteed. Well, as real as dream selves can be"

" I think I am going to faint..."

"So everyone knows now...that explains a lot...and sets up a lot of questions too" Spike said, thinking about Ember and her odd behavior.

Discord rolled his eyes

"Okay, I am officially bored. Farewell, my dear brother in arms. We will surely discuss this later. Say weeeeeeeeee !!!"

He smacked the sofa, which soared through the sky, moving with the sound of farting and rainbow trail.

When Celestia's scream was gone in the distance, Luna smiled tenderly at the pair

"So there you have it. Enjoy your special night. And before I go too, allow me to give you a gift. Consider it an apology for earlier interruption"

The princess flew higher and higher, rising her hooves above her head. When her entire silhouette was in front of a full moon, she started to sing an entrancing melody:

As Luna sang, shooting stars started to fall down in a luminous cascade and the moonlight enveloped the surroundings in the eerie, magical glow. The last clouds faded, leaving only clear, starry sky.

Luna bowed her head

"I am so glad that my creations may lift the spirits of two of my dearest friends. One who freed me from the darkness and shared the burden of my past. And the one that helped me felt that I belonged and understood my loneliness more than many who called themselves my closest advisors. I wish you happiness during that night and beyond it. Feel free to come to castle and talk to Tia and me, we are very eager to listen to you. Goodnight"

And with an indigo flash, she was gone

Rarity couldn't take her eyes of the sky and "oooohs" and "aaahs" kept leaving her mouth.

Spike slowly walked to her and sat next to her.

The unicorn rested her head on Spike's shoulder and they both watched celestial shower

"Hey Rarity"

"Mmmm ?" fashionista looked at him with one cheek still squished into his arm. Her vibrant eyes were filled with the reflected, shiny trails of the falling stars.

Spike continued, smiling

"I think that you helped me after all"

"Really ? That is wonderful darling !"

"You know, I think I am okay with how the things are now. There may not be perfect but will it ever be ? It wouldn't hurt for all of you to take me on the missions or just include me more in general things you do. But I love all of my friends so much that I just can't think of myself anywhere else but your side. And after all..."

He embraced Rarity who accepted the gesture, nuzzling dragon’s snout with her own with a soft giggle

"...I have you, my greatest treasure and the biggest happiness. I don't know if I believe in destiny, but if it exists...if it made me meet you... I am so grateful that I managed to live with you all here. If my destiny was to find you, save you and give you love to finally find myself too...it wouldn't be so bad..."

Rarity felt a tear flowing down her face as she gently kissed Spike on the cheek

"I feel so too Spikey Whikey" she said, making herself comfortable within his arms.

And she meant it.

She knew that they didn't need wealth, social influence, power, a kingdom. They didn't need to put up the displays or play pretend. They didn't even had to feel a burning lust and desire to make the other their own in the most primal of ways.

There was sadness, anger and fear. But also love, laughter and freedom.

They had a whole life within them. Within their past, present...and future.

And to live it happily, they wanted to stand tall and proud, side by side.

Of that, Rarity was sure.