• Member Since 29th May, 2014
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Timeless Lord Slayer

"Don't be better than everyone else. Be better than yourself." - Now with a Patreon! Check it out! Commissions open!

Comments ( 39 )

Uh... I'm in shock that someone is apparently doing another rgre story... I think.

But this story seems pretty good so far! Looking forward to more!

... I am curious as to what happens next. Proceed.

Nice introductory chapters, interested in seeing the story and it’s “RGRE” factors go

I mean, sure, I dreamed of coming here before, just like a lot of bronies, but...'

Eww the brony word.

I don't know if I like another one this writer's displaced story with this video game nonsense but I really enjoy how this writer writes their stories and their characters. If they could get away from displacement and video games I bet they could write a fucken solid HiE.

Huh, I'm really liking this take so far. Love it

“He’s just a male!” Fluttershy echoed.

Is this turning into one of those stories?

10101959 RGRE? Yes, that was the plan. It says as much in the description.

This is getting more and more interesting. You have my like, and an eye.

Very realistic of what I would have expected from celestia or luna, but from twilight is a bit of a new one. Don't get me wrong I knew that twilight might learn from celestia but to use it and immediately tell the person you are using it on is a bit of a new one as at least celestia would have kept it a secret. But overall it is a good chapter and actually shows twilight growing up to be a political leader; mind reading, harsh to the unknown, and considering choices before making them, though she is still rough around the edges.

Ok.... Twilight tries to set the tone that they are friendly and welcoming, but instantly smashes that when she (admits to) mind read him.
And the others indicate that they knew what was happening.

For me it sets SEVERAL of precedents:

  1. They are not above putting certain moral standards to the sides, but we don't know where that line goes for now.
  2. If they don't want him to know he is being mind read, they may use Twilight and he would be non the wiser due to her being able to hide her magical corona while casting spells.
  3. They have all shown that they are very much able to hold a good political poker face, and play their cards close to heart.
  4. Knowledge is power and the ponies have more on him. Thus the status quo is heavily slanted in their favor.
  5. Any relationships are based on trust, or the lack of it. Trust is very much built on faith and knowlegde on the other parties traits (and personality).
  6. If you have such an ease of access to others minds, what else can Twilight do with/to others minds?!

For me this equates to that he can't trust them, due to them not being like in the show. "Because strangers are just friends you haven't met yet." indicates that Hamin should already be a friend on some level in their eyes, and thus be afforded some semblance of trust from them. Mind reading says otherwise.
These ponies are much more close guarded from strangers than Twilight proclaim they are. Thus this is a lie. 🚩

He now know that they are not morally above to subject him to injustice due to mere uncertainties they may have in regards to him and his person.
The way Twilight reveals it, feels like she tries to laugh it away like a footnote. Also say initially, that this moral hurdle was not very high. This must be quite disconcerting for him.
Twilight even agrees with him that it was over the line, and she still did it! 🚩

"I'm sorry, Hamin. I really am. But, you must understand, we've had to resort to a lot of different means to keep the peace."

''The Rulers Calculus'' or ''The means to and end''...In my ears it sounds like ''It's OK to do x amount of injustice, if we achieve y amount of justice!'' 🚩

This along with Twilight's ability to willingly mind read at any notice, also sounds like a way to say ''Until we truly trust you, we are putting you on a leash. We know when you will do something wrong, and punish you accordingly.'' 🚩

Who doesn't hide some thing about themselves....? Was it not that exact lesson that was learned in ''Gabby Gums''? The right to privacy?!
The question that must swirl around in Hamin's head right now must be, if Twilight have such an ease of access to others minds, can you then also manipulate it magically?! 🚩

He have most probably by now realize that they are most likely not the 'show' ponies, he knew about.
The feeling of betrayal from the distrust they had of him and his view of their initial welcoming attitude... In hindsight, him being lead up to Twilight, must have felt like him being unwittingly being lead into a trap. 🚩

And the lack of true knowlegde about them, their personality and traits. Do they still truly represent the values EoH, or did the same happen to them, like Celestia and Luna? *RED FLAG STATUS: PENDING*

With all of the red flags (🚩) popping up, what faith in their good will can he hold,when they clearly show what they are willing to do? How much can he actually trust them, to not find something about him that they don't agree with, just culturally vice (or more)?

These avatars of EoH just might have made ''the road to friendship'' what was a very short walk to the neighbor, into the equivalent of ascending Mt. Everest. It might not be feasible and it might become dangerous depending on the unforeseen (political) climate!

PS: Thanks for the chapter, it was good!

10298625 I appreciate the full breakdown of the chapter. Honestly, my plans for this chapter changed to what you see now during the process of writing it, so it's good to see others pick up what I was trying to show. Later on I will be showing how this affects Hamin, and after that, the relationship he will have with the ponies.

Expect some very deep thinking in the near future, and a lot of somber vibes.

Oh dear *Sips Tea* I do believe our hero is going to raise quite the ruckus. I worry for how he will damage the perspectives of the residents

That was a rather ominous 'show him the error of his ways' from twilight. Either friendship rainbow cannon or execution or maybe both.

I believe it would be capture, some kind of therapy, if that fails, friendship cannon. Or rainbow cannon of doom straight away. Can't wait to see which one!

Just how many crossovers did you make? Fable, Dragons Dogma, Skyrim. What else did you put here or plan to?

10305280 That will actually be all I crossover with, barring elements - pretty much entirely materials and items - from other games, or even other Displaced.


Yup yup! I said I'd be focusing on this story, and hoooo boy am I!

Not gonna lie this guy comes off like a whiny child.

10306414 I can understand that. And honestly? That's the point. He's supposed to grow from that stage. However, how would you really react if you'd just hurt two living, thinking people? If you'd crippled them? Would you truly be in a good state of mind?

This has really grabbed my interest so far. It s detailed and the imagery I get feels so vivid. Well done! I'm really looking forward to where you go with it from here. ...and maybe excited to see how he'll breaks out.

Way better than the first version imo

Hey author, when r ya gonna work on this?

10450295 Currently I'm working on the crossover between it and my other story, The Storm Queen, as said crossover takes place before the next few chapters. Believe me, though, it's all being worked on.

Coolio, don’t burn yourself out though.

10450510 I'll endeavor not to. I thank you for the concern.

What / who was he displaced as?

No character in particular. He's a mixture of several things; an Arisen from Dragon's Dogma, the Dragonborn from Skyrim, and finally the Archon from Fable.

This story started a long time ago and people still read it again. The mix is nice and it feels more like a puzzle.

10890404 I'd no idea people did so. I appreciate that, thank you.

There are not many views despite the years but if one is curious enough, they will find their way here.

Hoooly fuck.....just found this story 3 hours ago and read thru all of it..very good..and.....other than the first rewrite chapter the new version was a story all on its own...very good story..keep it up! 😀

... careful what you WISH for around that sword Twi... :rainbowderp:

Everything looked very, very different. Thin black lines outlined nigh everything, color upon color upon bright color seeming to beg his eyes to stare at them all, and overall, everything looked like he was in some sort of animated world. He appeared to be in a courtyard of sorts, and a decently-sized one at that. The walls were mostly purple, with gold trim and accents and a few darker purple accents. It seemed somewhat familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on why. The apparent "art style" of the world was strange. Not cartoonish, but not exactly like the animes he watched, either. Somewhere between cartoonish and realistic. Slowly, he lowered his arm, eyes wide as could be, and simply stared slack jawed, mind running faster than a drug dealer from the police.

So is it like borderlands art style

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