• Published 12th Apr 2020
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Youngblood - Centurion Pike-Wall

Sequel to The Broken and The Damned. Rainbow's sons spend a year in Ponyville as exchange students. How will the two of them react to a culture so alien to them, and the former friends of their mother?

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33~Way of the Heart

February 14, 3095 Imperial Calendar (1523 AD)
Sweet Apple Acres

Southern Rose slammed the last crate onto the back of the cart, huffing as she did so. She stepped back, a small grin creasing her face. "Alrighty, Mr. Rich! That's all 'a it!"

Filthy Rich returned her grin, saying, "Ha! And it's not even been a half-hour. Thank you again, Miss Rose. You too, Depressi."

Depressi ceased flapping his wings, landing next to Southern with a thud. "You're welcome, Mr. Rich."

"Right then", Filthy said, reaching into a small pouch he had on his side. He opened it up, pulling it out a decent amount of bits. He placed them on a spare crate next to them, divided into three groups. "The big one, obviously, is for the cider and wood. Those two smaller ones are for you two, as a little thank you."

"Oh, that's not needed", Southern said, shaking her head.

At nearly the same time, Depressi said, "Thank you, sir." He grabbed the bits, before noting Southern looking at him. "What?"

"Yer takin' it?", she asked. "Ya said ya were fine with just helpin' out."

"I am", Depressi said. "But he supplied a payment for my services. It'd be rude not to take it."

"Pryhan business and Equestrian business mentality, I guess", Filthy said. "Well, I gotta get this stuff back. Thanks again, Southern. Oh, and Happy Hearts and Hooves day!"

"R-right", Southern said. "S-say hi ta Maraschino fer me."

Filthy nodded, climbing into the cart and nodding to the stallion pulling it. It rolled off down the road, trampling the few remains of snow and the puddles from the melted snow. They disappeared down the road, while Depressi looked at Southern. "What's Hearts and Hooves Day?"

"Oh", Southern said. "It's this holiday 'bout spendin' time an' celebratin' yer partner and the like."

Depressi blinked, saying, "You really will create a holiday for anything, won't you? Shouldn't you be doing this by default?"

"Of course, but this day is just sorta... More devoted to it, ah guess", Southern said.

"I see", Depressi said, shrugging. "I'm not complaining. Just noting." He looked up, noting a slightly sullen look on Southern's face. "Is something wrong?"

"N-no. Not really", Southern said. "Uh... Thank ya fer helpin' me out. Ah know ya normally just fly around, but ah really appreciated it."

"No problem", Depressi said, clicking his tongue lightly. "Well, I should be off. Have a good day."


Depressi trotted down one of the streets, heading back to his Aunt's house. Normally, he would've just flown back, but he felt walking would mix things up for him. And as he did so, he noticed more of what Southern Rose had said.

Large amounts of ponies had paired up, chatting or walking together. A large portion of them were established couples he had either seen or heard of before, but he also saw a few of his classmates were also hanging out together. He even saw Soundboard, who was laughing with a colt he believed was related to the local barber. Even though it was barely ten, almost the entirety of the restaurants around town were packed, with signs about brunch and various specials outside.

"Hey, Depressi", Maraschino said, coming up to and falling into step with him. "Out and about, huh?"

"Salve. Yes, I am. I got back from Sweet Apple Acres, and figured walking would do me a bit of good", Depressi said.

"Right, dad's unloading the shipment he got. I'd help him, but he said I should take the day off", Maraschino said, before clearing his throat. "Uh... H-how was Southern?"

"Fine. Why?", Depressi asked.

"O-oh. No reason", Maraschino said, facing away.

"I see", Depressi said, cocking an eyebrow. The two of them arrived in front of Scootaloo's house, with Depressi flicking his head at it. "Hey. I'm not really doing anything today. You wanna go get something at Sugarcube corner or something?"

"I thought you hated that place", Maraschino said. "Well, not the place, but the stuff they sell."

"Humor me", Depressi said.

Maraschino shrugged. "Alright then. Sure, I'll see you later. 12 work?"

"Sure", Depressi said, entering into his aunt's house. As he did, he saw DJ coming down the stairs, his practice sword slung over his shoulder. "Good morning, brother."

"Morning, be back in a few hours", DJ said.

Depressi asked, "Well, while you're on your way out, would you mind stopping by Sweet Apple Acres?"

"Sure. What for", DJ asked.

"I just need you to deliver a message. Tell Southern to meet me at Sugarcube Corner at noon", Depressi said, pushing past his confused-looking brother. As he disappeared upstairs, DJ just shrugged and headed out the door.


Maraschino and Southern stared at one another, Depressi watching with his typical amused smile. "Excellent", he said, gesturing to the seat next to Maraschino. "Now that you're here, we can get this started."

Southern nodded, sitting down. "W-what is this about, Depressi? I thought you wanted to talk to me? Why is Maraschino here?"

"You said the same thing for me", Maraschino said.

Depressi took a sip from his glass of water, shrugging. "Yes, well. You both needed to be here. Now, from what I've seen, this holiday is about being close to those you have a romantic interest in, and-"

"Umm... Not to be insensitive or anything, but I'm not into stallions", Maraschino said.

Depressi said, "What? Oh, no no no no. I'm not referring to myself. In any regard. I mean you two."

"What?", they both said at the same time.

"About dang time", another voice said. Looking up, they saw Pound Cake standing next to their table, a notepad and pen held in his wings. "I mean, Pumpkin's gonna freak when she finds out."

"Wait, what are you talking about?", Southern asked.

Pound said, "My sister especially has been trying to get you two to finally work it out for at least a year now. I mean, it's so obvious that you two like each other, I... frankly I feel like an idiot for not noticing it until a few months ago."

"Indeed", Depressi said. "Look, I don't want to really get involved with this, but if this is something you do on this day, then you might as well give it a shot."

"R-right", Maraschino. "So, uh..."

"You wanna just give it a shot?", Southern asked.

"Sure", Maraschino said, a bit too quickly. "I mean, ok."

"Great", Pound Cake said, stepping aside slightly to allow Depressi to leave. "So, what can I get you two love birds?"

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