• Published 12th Apr 2020
  • 3,304 Views, 299 Comments

Youngblood - Centurion Pike-Wall

Sequel to The Broken and The Damned. Rainbow's sons spend a year in Ponyville as exchange students. How will the two of them react to a culture so alien to them, and the former friends of their mother?

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April 23th, 3096 Imperial Calender (1523 AD)
Ponyville Regional Junior High

Entering into Twilight's office reminded DJ of entering the courtroom during his father's trial. He held his head low, having tried to move as fast as he could through the school without drawing attention. The mare at the entrance to the office had waved him through, offering him a look of pity in the meantime.

The inside of the office had been freshly cleaned and smelled faintly of lemon. Twilight sat behind the desk, looking at and repeatedly straightening a line of pencils along one side of it. Three chairs sat in front of her desk, with two of them being occupied. One of them was High Society, who looked away when she saw him enter. The other was an earth pony dull pink coat and dark purple mane, wearing a fancy silk blouse and several bits of golden jewelry. DJ took the open seat, locking his eyes on the Headmistress to avoid Spoiled's dirty look.

"Thank you for coming, DJ", Twilight said. "This is Spoiled, High Society's mother. I imagine why they're both here."

"Of course", DJ said, clearing his throat and straightening up more.

Spoiled cleared her own throat, her glare turning even more poisonous. "Don't pretend to act like a Gentlecolt, you little ruffian. You attacked and traumatized my daughter!" She shook High Society for emphasis, causing the normally stuck-up mare to sink even more into the seat.

"I missed", DJ groused, but kept his posture up.

Spoiled growled. "Speak properly, you little-"

"That is enough, Ms. Spoiled", Twilight said. "While DJ's actions were inappropriate, that does not give you the right to be rude." Spoiled snorted, but silenced herself, giving Twilight a chance to compose herself. "Now, DJ, given you are a part of the Exchange program, I'm guessing you are familiar with the rules at this institution?"

"Yes", DJ said.

"And, one of those rules was a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to roughhousing, violence, or similar actions to it", Twilight said, her voice sad.

"Of course", DJ said.

"Given the severity of the... incident... I'm afraid I'm going to have to expel you from the program", Twilight said, giving him a look.

DJ knew what that look meant. He had seen that look before; it was that look that his mother gave him whenever she had to refuse to go to the park with him, or not being able to read him a bedtime story, or even making him a snack while at school. That look which said "I don't want to do this, but outside pressure prevents me from doing so. I'm sorry". A look he understood, and responded only with a simple nod.


3 days later

DJ stood on the train platform, staring straight ahead. His suitcase had been fully packed and now sat next to him, while he twirled a small wooden stick in between his paws.

Depressi was sitting on a bench behind him, ostensibly reading and annotating a book for Equish class. However, DJ was more than aware of the looks that Depressi occasionally took of him, before darting his eyes back down if DJ gave even the slightest inclination that he was looking back at him. Finally, growing tired of the looks, DJ said, "I know what you want to say. Come on; spit it out."

"Do I even need to say it?", Depressi asked.

DJ shrugged. "Guess not. Still, you know why I-"

"It's not exactly an even arrangement", Depressi cut in, frustration evident in his voice. "She insults you at every turn, mocks you for literally everything, and she gets slaps on the hoof and a few detentions. You-"

"Shut up", DJ said. "I know, but I don't care. My condition is exactly that; a condition. It's not an excuse for me to get away with stuff like that."

"Still", Depressi said.

DJ let out a small chuckle. "And here I thought I was the spiteful, impulsive one."

"You still are", Depressi said, standing up and putting the book down. "You're just also the self-reflective one."

"I swear, Elema had a blast creating us", DJ said, giving a light chuckle. "Seeing how many contradictory traits he could fit into two individuals."

Depressi draped a wing over his back, and the two of them shared a laugh. As their laughter died, they heard the grinding sound of train breaks activating. Looking up, they saw a train begin to slow down as it approached the station, eventually grinding to a halt. The doors opened and ponies spilled out, heading past the two brothers and dispersing out into Ponyville. The two of them embraced, locking limbs and holding one another close, as if they would drift away into nothing if they let go. Finally, however, the did, and DJ boarded the train. The doors slammed shut and Depressi stood, frozen partially out of regret and partially out of dispair, as the train lumbered away into the distance.

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