• Published 12th Apr 2020
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Youngblood - Centurion Pike-Wall

Sequel to The Broken and The Damned. Rainbow's sons spend a year in Ponyville as exchange students. How will the two of them react to a culture so alien to them, and the former friends of their mother?

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49~Randy Dandy O

June 5th, 3096 Imperial Calendar (1523 AD)
Creui Harbor

The Equestrians stood in stunned silence, watching the embrace in front of them. Depressi and the green filly finally broke off their kiss, giving one another a loving look. The Filly said, "Glad you're back."

"Agreed", Depressi said, before stepping back and sweeping a low wing as if presenting an expensive painting. "Everyone, this is Harpoon, my Marefriend. Harpoon, these are the Equestrian friends I mentioned in my letters."

"Pleasure", Harpoon said, flashing them a grin that showed off a large chipped tooth. "I got something special for your return. Give me a minute to get it. The others are already on the boat."

Harpoon headed back into the stall, with Depressi following her with a large, almost goofy grin. He turned back to the others, only to be met with reactions that ranged from pure confusion to looks of shock. "What?"

"When were you gonna mention you had a marefriend?", Pumpkin Cake asked.

Maraschino added, "Yeah. I mean, no offense, but I thought you were into Colts."

"Technically speaking, I am", Depressi said. "But, well, it just never came up in conversation."

"Typical Depressi", Gallia said, shaking her head. "Come on. If Harpoon is getting what I think she is, then we should get moving."

Gallia lead the way down the pier, winding past dockhands, fishers, and those heading between various boats arranged in clean rows like soldiers on parade. As they walked, Soundboard asked, "So, how long have you... Ya know?"

"About six months before I left for Equestria", Depressi said. "She wasn't happy, but we managed to stay in touch with-"

"No no", Soundboard said. "Not that. Well, congrats, but that's not what I was referring to."

"Oh? Then what were you referring to?", he asked.

Soundboard replied, "Known them. They seem like an interesting pony."

"Ah. We've known each other since we moved here from Pryha", Depressi said. "So, about... fourteen years?"

The group finally went down one of the ramps leading to a row of boats. Gallia lead them along the platform to the very end, where a small, reddish-brown boat sat moored with thick rope. It was relatively stout and somewhat blocky, with a noise that tapered out into a flat point and a squared-off structure. A small cabin jutted out of the middle front just before the slope began, with a decent space behind it. A few deck chairs and a small grill had been set up, with the harsh smell of burning wood arcing out in all directions. The back section of the boat was devoted to a large, segmented wheel with scoop-shaped blades, resting just in the water and covered with chipped green paint.

Resting among the deck chairs were a few other creatures. One, a tall Zebra with a messy mohawk wearing a shirt and suspendered pants, stood up and greeted them with a wave. "Sanibonani, Depressi. It is good to see you."

"It has been too long, Zende", Depressi replied. "This is Zende; his father is a Regimental Quartermaster." He pointed to the other three on the boat. "Those are Cervidius, Damasus, and Lamina Punctum."

The three of them gave waves or greetings in broken equish. As the group of friends piled onto the boat, they saw Harpoon coming down after them, a cooler balanced on her back. She slipped past the still boarding equestrians, tossing the cooler to Damasus and saying, "Put it near the grill." She entered the cabin and fiddled with some of the equipment. Soon, the paddle began to spin, and they were underway.


"Alright! Here we are", Harpoon shouted, turning off the engine and exiting the cabin. As she went towards the front and tossed the anchor overboard, the others looked at the area around them.

They sat just inside the mouth of a rocky inlet, the waves breaking against the rocks before they reached the boat, giving them a somewhat stable platform. A rocky beach with a small dock sat on the far side of the inlet, with a staircase cut into the rocks leading up, snaking beside a bare metal guide rail up the almost sheer cliff that blocked part of the late morning sun.

"How did you find this place?", Flurry asked, looking at the sheer cliff and barely visible defensive structures atop it. "I think we're right beneath the Fort."

"We are", Depressi said. "The Army use that dock for smaller shipments or trade-offs with the Navy or civilian boats. But I've gotten permission from my Mother to use it when no shipments are expected."

"What do you use it for?", Soundboard asked.

Before Depressi could answer, Cervidus ran past them. The well-kept and formerly sharply dressed caragor lept over the railing in a single motion, rolling as he slammed into the water. Droplets shot up, spraying those still on the boat with cold, semi-salty water. "Come on in!", Cervidus yelled, voice full of energy. "Water ain't as cold as it usually is!"

"That", Depressi said, undoing his belt and beginning to strip off his tunic.

Not really wanting to argue with the sentiment, the others began to remove what clothing they had and hop overboard. Soon, almost all of them were within the waters of the inlet. They raced, jumped off the rocks, or just swam around. The only ones that remained on the boats were Harpoon, as well as Southern Rose and Gallia.

"Don't swim?", Harpoon asked.

"She asked if you don't swim", Gallia told Southern Rose.

Southern chuckled, rubbing a hoof subconsciously. "Yeah. A-ah don't swim that well. Specially not in the ocean."

"There's no shame in it", Gallia said.

Harpoon muttered, "There kinda is."

"Have some tact, for once, Harpoon", Gallia said. "For Depressi, if nothing else. These are his friends as well."

"I get it, I get it. I'm a prick. Sue me", Harpoon said, reaching into a cooler and removing a trio of glass bottles. She tossed one to Gallia, before grabbing a small bottle opener. She popped the caps on the other two, before passing one to Southern.

Southern lifted up the bottle, examining the green and red label that displayed a golden bolt of lightning. "Fizz Fulmine?", Southern questioned.

"Fizz Bolt. It's a kind of flavored Tonic", Gallia said, checking the label. "These ones are lemon-lime flavored, but there's a bunch more."

Southern nodded, taking an experimental sip. It was certainly lemony, with an almost harsh carbonated taste that made Southerns tongue tingle. "Woah. Good stuff." She turned to Harpoon, watching the small mare take a large gulp of her own bottle. "So, uh, Harpoon?", she asked, continuing when the smaller mares' eyes met hers. "How'd, uh... You and Depressi end up together? Ya don't seem the type to get along well. N-no offense, of course, I-"

She was cut off by laughter coming from the green mare. She placed the bottle down on the grill and grabbed ahold of the railing, steadying herself while laughter continued to peel out from her. "Sorry, sorry. Uh-Sorry. Just... No take-n."

"She and Depressi have known one another for years", Gallia said. "Like Depressi said, ever since he-"

"I can tell the story just fucking fine, Gallia", Harpoon said, before frowning. "Though, I could use a translator."

Gallia muttered something that Southern figured was probably offensive, before relaying what Harpoon said: "The two of them go way back, as I said", Gallia said, putting emphasis on those last words while she shot Harpoon a dirty look. "Harpoon stood up to a few other children on his first day of school that were harassing him, and stuck by him. He didn't really like her at first, but they got along soon after. They did everything together; fish, swim, play games. They even helped each other get their Flank marks-"

"Cutie Marks?", Southern asked.

Gallia shrugged. "If that's what you call them. Anyway, they may not be too much alike personality-wise, but they're perfect for each other, even I'll admit that."

"Up your ass with a Zebra Bass", Harpoon said, reaching over to the cooler.

"What's that?", Southern asked.

Harpoon removed her knife from its scabbard, placing it on the grill next to her. She then opened up the cooler, grabbing ahold of what was inside. She yanked it free with a large tug, placing it on the small table in between her and Southern. With a wide grin on her face, she said, "Lunch."


"Jeez, Southern", Pound Cake said. "I don't think I've ever heard you scream that loud before."

Maraschino shot him a dirty look. The group had come back into the city about half an hour ago, having spent most of the day within the inlet. Despite the long time away from the city, the hustle and bustle had yet to die down; if anything, as the sun had begun its daily retreat to make way for the night, even more creatures, sounds, smells, and noises filled the streets.

"Damasus", Harpoon said, skipping along past them. "Make a note."

"You know you could just use your own damn ledger", Damasus said, pulling out a pen and small booklet.

Yeah yeah. Anyway", she said. "We should keep her away from some of the more... Interesting Thermopolia tomorrow. We don't want to attract the Civil Guard thinking there's been an assault because she saw Goat Brains on a stick."

Flurry bristled at the comment, before shuddering and taking a few steps away from the two of them. "So, Depressi. What's this place you wanted us to go?"

"Aurata Scaena", he said. "Nice place. Especially tonight."

"Why? What's tonight?", Soundboard asked.

Lamina Punctum said, "Performance Night. Owner has... arrangement. Performers come in, perform, get paid."

"Correct", Depressi said. "And there's something tonight you're not gonna want to miss."

Flurry cocked an eyebrow, yet did not question it. Soon, the group arrived at a small restaurant built into the bottom level of a large apartment complex. A few menus were plastered on the wall outside, and the red door was wide open. Depressi lead them inside, making a bee-line for a booth near a large, raised platform in the center of the main room.

All around them, other Pryhans dined with friends, chatting and laughing. A thick scent of cooking meat, spices, and vague incense filled the air, giving it an exotic flair to the Equestrians. Pieces of art were mounted on the walls or on small outcroppings on the pillars, ranging from sculptures or carvings to paintings.

As they all being seated, a young Caragor came up to the table and asked them for drinks. Soon after ordering, a collection of Fruit Juices, Tonics, and Wines were placed among them. The group began to talk like those around them, language being overcome by the use of the three that spoke both Pryhan and Equish.

Soon, the lights in the room dimmed slightly, while brightening around the platform. Two creatures came out onto the platform, heads somewhat low and with nervous looks on their faces. One was a Bighorn, wearing a blazer over a dark blue shirt and striped pants. The other was an Earth Pony, dark grey with a peppery orange and brown mane, who wore a bowler hat and similar blazer over a dark red shirt.

"Excuse me", the Earth Pony said, drawing the attention of everyone around them. "I know the itinerary said we'd be a Trio. But, unfortunately, our third member is running late. So, we've got an impromptu duet that we will-"

Before he could finish, a third figure ran out onto the stage. Well, stumbled would be a more accurate term, as the figure came to a stop and fell forward, panting like a dog in the summer. The figure stood up, and Flurry Heart froze.

"I-Is that DJ?"

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