• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 8,545 Views, 334 Comments

Guess this is happening - Silver Butcher

A Human is turned in Spinel and ends up in Equestria

  • ...


"Welcome!" Pinkie screamed out in joy as she pushed Spinel into the center of the party, her cheer was quickly followed by the residents of Ponyville all copying her with the same cheerer

"Welcome!" with a loud "Yeah" mixed in, Spinel looked back at the crowd to question the yeah when Pinkie pushed a cake in front of her with the word welcome to Ponyville on it with one big S shaped candle in the middle, Spinel took a deep breath and proceeded to lick her fingers and pinch the flames out, there was silence for a moment before Pinkie poped up and called out.

"CAKE TIME!" earning cheers from the crowd as Pinkie cut a slice for Spinel before whistling for the Cakes to set up the Rest of the Cakes and other treats, Pinkie leaned into Spinel and whispered "Don't worry I'm paying for the party, Have fun mingling," Pinkie skipped off, calling everypony to come get their when Spinel heard it again.

"Yeah!" Spinel turned on the spot.

"Alright who's yelling yeah?" without hesitation a Large White pony jumped on his back hooves and flexed.


"Yeah?" Spinel replied.

"YEAH!" he retorted as he walked forward

"Yeah!!?" Spinel called back as she walked to him

"YEAH!" He yelled loudly.

"YEAH!" Spinel screamed back, the crowd watched as the two continued yelling yeah at each other, Spinel stretching herself in threatening poses as the White pony Flexed harder and harder. After a moment the crowd started cheering them both on. As the Yeah off was happening Pinkie met up with Twilight and Discord, who where having a talk.

"Are you serious?" Twilight asking as Pinkie joined the talk.

"serious about what? That Spinel is from another dimension,"

"Ah I see Applejack told you," Discord said with a nod,

"Oh Applejack knows to?" Pinkie jumped in place "how exciting, you think more Spinels will come looking for her?"

"Judging from what Discord just told me," Twilight turned back to the Draconequus slowly "Her being her is all because of his stupidity,"

"So I left a portal open and she got sucked in," Discord blew a raspberry "Her being here is 100%, with out a doubt, probably OK,"

"Probably?" Twilight demanded "Why don't you just send her back?"

"First, she doesn't want to go back," Discord replied honestly before adding the lie "And I couldn't even if I wanted to, due to her being sucked threw my dimension I have no idea where her home dimension is," Twilight processed that.

"You said you closed the portal,"

"I closed the exit, my portal's track me and open, on their own, into my world and then suck what ever I sucked in into Ponyville, so relax, worst case scenario you get a few new friends who could potentially wage war on Dragons," Discord scratched his chin "actual I can see how that could go over poorly," Discord mumbled under his breath, the only words Twilight caught was "....so long as they don't run into the queen..."

"Who's the queen?" Twilight asked in confusion earning a glow of blush from Discord at being overheard.

"No one!" He said fastly "Nothing, just talking to myself, god stuff!" Discord gave her a thumbs up before turning to Pinkie, only to find she must have gotten bored and split a while ago. "Anyway I'm here for Spinel, just want to ask a few questions,"

"Same," Twilight replied "We can ask her together," she added, giving Discord a suspicious look. The two found Spinel pretty quick as her Yeah off had started getting out of hand!"

"Yeah!" Bulk screamed as he lifted a bench with several ponies on it.

"Yeah!" Spinel replied as she started juggling weights.

"What the-" Twilight light her horn and pulled the weights out of the air.

"Hey!" Spinel said before slapping her mouth "No fair I call cheating!"

"Yeah!" Bulk agreed point to Twilight and giving her a slow head shake. Twilight muttered before Pulling Spinel out of the circle.

"I need to borrow Spinel, you two can do...whatever this is, later."

"Yeah!" Bulk yelled out.

"Yeah!" Spinel agreed as she was dragged off.

"Interesting way to make friends," Discord said with a nod. "That a gem thing?"

"No," Spinel replied "I think that's a...what ever that guys name is thing,"

"Whatever," Twilight put Spinel in a sitting position, Pinkie skipping by and dropping a plate of cake next to her.

"You forgot that," She call before hopping away.

"Thanks," Spinel said aimlessly as she picked up the plate and dug in happily as Twilight asked the first question.

"How many other...Spinels are there?"

"Ton's but I'm the only Spinel like this," She replied, "Every other Spinel is basically...a squeaky Pinkie Pie," Discord jumped in for his question.

"If you had to chose one, who would you say is the most entertaining Gem besides yourself,"

"Peridot," Spinel said without hesitation "Easily,"

"Are all Gem's like...you, or are some...better?"

"Well Bismuth's are great at building things, and Lapis lazulis are Terraformers, Pearls are I guess maids or something," Spinel scratched her chin as she tried to think of more examples when Discord asked.

"Do gems have any...things I guess, you know like carts, houses, weapons,"

"Oh yeah, most every gem has a weapon they can pull out of their gem," Twilight blinked at that.

"Do you have a weapon?" Spinel opened her mouth, closed it as she scratched her chin, then decided.

"Let's see," Spinel put her hand up to her gem and it started glowing, Spinel pulled out what looked like a Laser pointer.

"Wow," Discord said in disappointment "That's kind of-" he was cut of as Spinel started screaming at it.

"Why do I have a Rejuvenator?" She demanded as she attempted to put it back, instead it was taken out of her grasp by Twilight who looked at it in interest.

"Rejuvenator?" she asked "Interesting, what does it-" Spinel tried to snatch it back and in trying to pull it out of Twilight's magic accidentally pressed the button, the rod shot up and in a flash of Pink light Spinel was holding what looked like a magic scythe. Twilight looked at in in shock and Discord whistled.

"Alright that is pretty cool looking," he maid to touch it when a horrible feeling shot up his spine and he jumped away from it, "question," Discord asked sweetly "Why do I get Tireck flash backs when I got close to that?"

"Who?" Spinel asked in confusion.

"A Centaur who ate magic," Twilight replied as she looked at the Rejuvenator.

"Oh, well this is made to reset a Gem, so there's a chance, if magic is a close enough match to a ponies magic, that it could reset a pony," Twilight backed away slowly and Spinel took her chance to deactivate it and put it back in her gem.

"Reset?" Twilight asked.

"Oh yeah, if I got hit with that everything that made me, me would be erased and I'd become a basic gem, I guess since Ponies are organic the worst that would happen is that you'd lose your magic, or ability to fly, or your cutie whatevers, you'd probably still have your memories," Spinel shrugged "If your magic is similar to what makes me, me,"

"Why do you have that tho?" Twilight asked, "That sounds like a serious weapons,"

"Oh I use to be crazy evil," Spinel said simply "I tried to kill a planet with...well that's besides the point," Spinel gave Twilight and Discord a solute. "now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take this cake," Spinel took her plate "And I'm gonna go back to the Apples and watch more Camp Pining hearts," With a wave Spinel walked away from a stunned Twilight and a Discord who was laughing himself silly.

"Marvelous!" He laughed out "Absolutely Marvelous!" With a snap he disappeared leaving Twilight alone, after a few second Twilight found her voice.

"You're just gonna drop that bomb and walk away!?" She demanded as she began running after her.

Author's Note:

Sorry only one chapter today.

bet you weren't expecting the Rejuvenator in a chapter called Yeah