• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 8,545 Views, 334 Comments

Guess this is happening - Silver Butcher

A Human is turned in Spinel and ends up in Equestria

  • ...

Might I ask why my name is now Anti-Heart?

"Nice place," Spinel noted as Topaz used his magic to keep her in place "What is this, is it like a cave, an abandoned mine maybe, old castle that sank beneath the ground perhaps?" Topaz gave no response as he flipped threw the pages of his book "Stop Ignoring me," Spinel called down with a sour expression.

"For the love of the queen do you ever shut up?"

"No I don't ever shut up," Spinel replied "And who is this queen you speak of?"

"An ancient force of nature that we will soon be sending you to,"

"So this is an old castle then?" Spinel asked earning a groan of irritation from Topaz as he looked up at her.

"The queen has many names, but the one we all know her as is death,"

"Oh I see," Spinel replied "So how exactly are you going to be deathing me today?"

"The proper word would be killing," Topaz replied simply "and most legends say we must simply shatter the gem in your chest beneath the Crystal Heart at Midnight,"

"I have legends? I had not heard," Spinel waited for some sort of response from Topaz and gained none, "Alright ignore this," Spinel hacked for a moment then spat a loogie at Topaz, nailing him between his ears.

"You disgusting demon!"

"You evil queen you," Spinel replied with a smile.

"I am not a queen!" Topaz spat back holding up the hems of his dress "This dress is traditional,"

"Oh come on, you look like an old queen, your mane even has glitter in it,"

"That was from an accident at my day job,"

"Oh I didn't know that cult queens had day jobs,"

"Listen here you Bi-" the door to the chamber they where in swung open and cut Crystal Topaz off, "Speak fast," he demanded looking at his two followers.

"Sir the Princesses have called out a search and retrieval mission for the Anti-Heart,"

"The who now?" Spinel called from above,

"I see, the Princesses must have been corrupt by it, we may need to put them down should they interfere, but never fear I shall be the hero's of the empire once we shatter the Demon and expose her evil-"

"Sorry," Spinel called out cutting him off "I hate to just cut you off mid sentence, but how exactly do you plan to, put down, two princesses? and might I ask why my name is now Anti-Heart?"

"The princesses hold no special powers, they simply use simply tricks and basic illusion magic to fool the simple minded commoners of the world, but me and my minions-,"

"Oh no the three evil amigo's what ever will they do?"

"I'll have you know there are 6 of us!" Topaz snapped back, Spinel blinked at him and started laughing at him.

"Are you for real?" She asked "I was just kidding cause I've only seen 3 of you so far, are there really only 6 of you guys?"

"We are few but strong, and together we-"

"-will get beaten so fast that I might not even get a turn," Spinel called back laughing hard.

"My father's father founded the protectors of the heart, and never once have we failed in our duty to protect the Crystal heart from-"

"What about that Sombra guy Twi told me about?" Spinel called back.

"We where all sick, it was out of our control, and even then that was Princess Amore fault, if she hadn't gotten in the way-" Topaz grumbled angrily.

"Yeah I don't know who that is," Spinel replied as she continued to try and unpin her arms from her side. "So my new name?"

"oh yes I've heard you'r calling yourself a Spinel," Topaz scratched his chin "interesting choice I must say, I always imagined you to be a fire ruby,"

"Well when you said Topaz I thought of a Topaz but I must say they typically look cool, you just some weird queen with a cult,"

"I am not a queen!" Topaz called back.

"Yeah," On of his minions called back "He'd be a King,"

"Wrong kind of queen," Spinel called back. Topaz pointed at her and his Minion used his horn to take over holing Spinel.

"Find someplace to keep her," he said as he opened his book "I still have preparations to make," the two saluted as Spinel called down.

"Hey you didn't answer my question!" the minions headed out and took Spinel out the exit, there was a loud slamming sound and Spinel screamed in rage as her face collided with the top of the door.

"Oops," The Unicorn carrying her said as he turned her upside down and slammed her head to the floor "My bad,"

"When I get out of here your the first one I'm gonna use the Rejuvenator on," Spinel replied as the unicorn dragged her threw the hall, making her hit the roof and floor in repetition.

"Twilight," Spike said as she circled around him.

"Who would want Spinel, She hasn't really left ponyville since she first arrived-"

"Twilight," Spike repeated.

"-Maybe she had enemies that followed her here?"

"Twilight!" Spike repeated, yelling this time. Twilight turned to him "Echo Spell?" Twilight blinked at him then face hoofed herself.

"Echo Spell, of course Echo Spell!" Twilight light her horn and teleported Spike and herself outside the castle, and levitated the same Spinel gem she'd used to locate her last time out of her saddle bags "Alright let's hope she's somewhere easy to find.

"Here we are," The Unicorn said as he forced Spinel into an X position and strapped her to a table with metal binding around her wrists, ankles, one around her neck, and one around her midsection, he locked them all with a key and made a big show of putting it around his neck "Hope you enjoy your stay," The Unicorn called as he closed the door and laughed with his friend, Spinel lay in silence, trying her best not to laugh at him.

"Yeah OK," She said as she extend her left hand out and brought it to the key hole keeping it down, she turned her finger into a key and unlocked it, "I think I'll start enjoying myself real soon," she said with a smile as she began unlocking the rest of the locks.

Author's Note:

You may have noticed that these guys may have mistaken Spinel for something she's not.