• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 8,545 Views, 334 Comments

Guess this is happening - Silver Butcher

A Human is turned in Spinel and ends up in Equestria

  • ...

My best friend lied to me

Twilight made her way down the dirt path that lead to the Apple family home and barn, Once she made it to the barn she gave the door a loud tap, waited a few moments, and tapped again, after about three minutes she opened the door and blinked, Spinel has tricked out the barn with some of the Apple's old furniture, a Table with a broken lamp stood next to the door. a large pile of rugs, welcome mats, and old carpet pieces was underneath the upper floor area, their old cart that had lost a wheel stood lopsidedly against the back wall, Spinel was using it as a chair as she watched the TV that Applejack and Big mac had set up. Twilight shook her head and knocked loudly on the door again, Spinel either didn't hear it, or didn't care enough to check what the noise was.

"Hey!?" Twilight yelled.

'Wha?" Spinel asked without looking away from the TV. Twilight grumbled as she walked threw the barn and to Spinel, she looked at the TV and rolled her eye.

"Hey!" She said again, Spinel gave her a side glance.

"I already said ,wha," She said simply as she reached out and pushed the pause button on the TV "What do you want?"

"The trip?" Twilight replied, Spinel gave no reaction for a moment before jumping up and patting Twilight on the back.

"Well why didn't you say so, let's go!" Spinel bounced out of the barn with Twilight coming behind her and closing the barn door behind them. Spinel was ready to get walking when Twilight light her horn.

"Alright to the train station,"

"You better not pick me-" In a Flash Twilight teleported them to the station.

"What did you-oh wow," Twilight watched as Spinel's eyes rolled around in her head with no synchronization as she sway back and forth, he hands holding her head in an attempt to stop the spinning "Are you OK?" once Spinel's eyes stopped spinning one ended up looking up and one was looking down.

"Hey good looking," Derpy said with a wave as she walked past them. Spinel waved back dizzily before shaking her head, her pupils dropped to the bottom on her eye then, after blinking a few times, she got them back under her control, she smiled for a moment before grabbing Twilight.

"Never do that, again,"

"Interesting," Twilight said as Spinel let go of her "It seems the standard Teleportation spell makes Gem's dizzy," Twilight scratched her chin "I wonder if other spells have side effects," Spinel was about to say something to that when she saw him, he was starting at her in silence, and she returned the stare with equal silence.

"Spinel," Spike said in a stained voice as he thought back to when she had tried to kill him.

"Spike," Spinel replied as she thought back to him eating gems, there was a short silence.

"YEAH!" Bulk yelled out as he walked by, making both Twilight and Spike jump, Spinel held up her hand as he walked past and he gave her a high five before continuing to work.

"I like that guy," Spinel said as he walked off "He's fun,"

"And loud," Twilight replied with an ear twitch "Anyway Spinel our train leaves in about 5 minutes so come on," the three made their way to the train, Twilight gave the conductor her tickets and the three boarded Twilight and Spike took their seats at the front and Spinel continued walking. "Hey were sitting here,"

"Yeah," Spinel replied "And I refuse to stay in close quarters with him," The two watched as Spinel sat in the farthest seat from them. After a few minutes the train started moving and Twilight looked around the empty train car.

"I think this is the first time I've seen the train this empty," Spike said in surprise.

"This is the morning train," Twilight replied "Most of the passengers get off by Ponyville, since the next stop is the Crystal empire in about 4 and a half hours.

"Well this isn't the worst wait I've ever had," Spinel called from the back row.

"Alright Spike I'll be back in a few minutes, or hours, depending on how cooperative Spinel is," Spike handed Twilight a notebook and several quills along with an ink bottle, she took them in her magic and made her way to Spinel, who was kind of just playing with her own body, when Twilight got to her Spinel was trying to turn her hand into a Balloon animal, she stopped once she noticed Twilight had arrived.

"So what can I do for you?" She asked sweetly.

"You said you'd explain-" Twilight started before being cut off.

"Yeah I know, you want the information on the Rejuvenator or the backstory on the time I tried to kill a planet?"

"You did what?" Twilight demanded.

"Oh planet it is then. Well first I got the Rejuvenator and A Bio-Poison Injector,"


"A Drill full of Pink Liquid made to end all life on a planet, I don't know under what circumstances it's suppose to be used under, but I just kind of stole if for revenge,"

"Revenge?" Twilight asked as she started writing things down.

"Oh my best friend lied to me and left me standing in place in a garden for...I dunno I think it was 6 thousand years," There was a snap as Twilight broke her own quill.

"I'm sorry," Twilight replied, taking a deep breath "Your best friend left you standing in a garden...for 6 thousand years?"

"Yeah," Spinel ran her finger along her cheek "almost makes you wanna cry don't it?" Twilight looked in silence as Spinel repeated the action three more times before sighing.

"I'm making a reference to the fact that these black lines on my face are eternal tears," Twilight's ear's went flat. "K good, anyway so I stole the Bio-poison injected and went to a planet called earth, home to humans..."

"Humans!" Twilight suddenly went from silently processing what she had just been told to sounding worried. "Walk on two legs, have hands and hair instead of manes, Look kind of like hairless monkeys?"

"Oh so you've heard of them, anyway I went to earth to try and kill a Human Gem Hybrid," Twilight was about to ask something when Spinel pointed at her. "And no more questions till the end of the story," Twilight nodded and Spinel began to tell her the story of Spinel.