• Published 15th Aug 2012
  • 7,616 Views, 508 Comments

Wings - Silent Bob

Rainbow Dash makes friends with a future human pilot through her dreams.

  • ...

I See You

"Tom?! Tom?! No!" Rainbow cried. "Nonono. You were falling when I found you... you must be in some sort of trouble!"

She gave a growl. "You were always able to take care of yourself! What happened, Tom Mayflower?!"

"He may be saved yet, you know."

Rainbow's eyes widened. She glanced about for the origin of the deep, composed voice, but found none.

"You share a special link with him. A link that has bound these two worlds together," the voice continued.

"Who the hell are you?!"

It gave a chuckle. "I once called this land my home. I would like to again. But for that, I need your help..."

"All I want to do is save my friend! I don't want anything else!"

"And that is how you will help me."

And suddenly, right before her eyes, a portal opened. It was silent, blue, and twisting about like a snake.

"Y-You want me to go to his world, don't you?" Rainbow asked.


"Will I be able to come back here?"

"In time. And you will not be alone. When you return, the war will end."


"You shall see. Go, Rainbow... save your friend. It isn't his time to face the reaper just yet."

She gulped, weighing her options, before wincing slightly.


"Rainbow, where the hell are you going?!" Spitfire roared, and Rainbow twirled about. Fluttering before her was both Spitfire and Princess Luna.

Luna's eyes widened. "Is that..."

"A portal. To Earth," Rainbow growled. "And there's someone there I care about more than this entire god damned war of yours."

"What?!" Spitfire snarled. "Are you serious?! I aughta shoot you right now for the very idea of-"

"Earth..." Princess Luna said, her eyes blank. "I have not heard of that land in many mellenia."

"Then you know who's there, right?!"

"It is where the Teranids fled, back to their kin, after they came here in the first place."

"W-Why did they come here?" Rainbow asked.

"They didn't wish to be scrutinized for their magical use on Earth. There it was viewed as devilry and evil."

Suddenly, Rainbow gasped.

"I once called this land my home. I would like to again. But for that, I need your help..."

"And I think they want to come back," Rainbow said, utterly flabbergasted.

Luna's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

"And I think they need me and Tom to do this."

"Utter bullshit!" Spitfire spat. "Let's lock this traitor up and get back to-"

"Silence, Spitfire," Luna hissed, before turning to Rainbow Dash. "Dr. Whooves spoke to Celestia and I about your human friend. He did not approve of your connection for some reason."

"Luna, he was one of my closest friends," Rainbow wept. "I need to save him if I can... he's in danger. I have the chance. I'll find my way back."

"Are you sure about this? There is no guarentee..."

"And think about the friends you're leaving behind! Your nation!" Spitfire roared.

Rainbow took a deep breath. "If the Teranids come back..."

"They may wish to help us deal with their own creations..." Luna nodded, before facing Rainbow again. "Go. Save your friend."

"What?! You can't be serious!" Spitfire roared, before snapping towards Rainbow. "You'd be a disgrace to your father if you did so! Betraying your race to save some...human. Didn't you take history? Don't you know what they did!?"

"I learned history thanks to Tom," Rainbow growled, before twirling about, and racing into the portal. "And one of the things I learned about history was: apathy can be just as deadly as war itself. And so can anger."

With no further words, she entered the portal and disappeared with a flash of blue light.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Spitfire spat, racing after her.

"Spitfire! Wait! Don't do it! The portal may be unstable!"


Before she could enter, however, the portal was gone.

"GOD DAMNED TRAITOR!" she roared, swatting at the air where it once was with her spear.

"Save it for the griffins," Luna said, narrowing her eyes. "It's time I enter the fray... personally."

An evil grin slowly crept over Spitfire's face.

A feeling overcame Rainbow best described as having the air sucked out of her lungs. She gasped for air, before viewing her surroundings.

Her eyes widened in horror.

Great machines of metal danced about the skies around her, aircraft, as Tom has explained to them. Machines of war.

"So... this is how humans fight," Rainbow said, narrowing her eyes.

Suddenly, a roaring sound came from behind her. She twirled about and gasped. A human fighter was about to run her over. She had a brief glance of the pilot's eyes, and he seemed as shocked as her. He performed a roll to the left to avoid her.

Rainbow raised her eyebrows. These machines the humans used weren't too shabby when it came to flying.

She then shook her head, reeling out of the shock of the situation. Tom was out there... somewhere.. and falling. She glanced about, before eyeing a smoking 'Spitfire', she believed they were called, falling towards the ground.

"That must have been his..."

Narrowing her eyes in determination, she flew with all the speed she could muster towards the wreck, and as she grew close, she noticed him: Tom, falling in the winds with no signs of life.

"Please be alive," Rainbow gulped, tears forming in her eyes. "Please be alive!"

As the wind sailed through her air, and as her wings flapped like they had never before, she finally reached her falling friend. And surprising herself, she found she could actually let him land on her back. They had never been able to touch each other before.

"Gotcha," she sighed, closing her eyes in relief, before flying downward towards a grassy farming field below, all the while hanging onto Tom with her two spare hooves.

Finally, she gently lay him down upon the field, looking him over. He was in bad shape. A large gash could be seen on the side of his head, and his breathing was slightly raspy.

"Please... Tom..." Rainbow wept. "Don't die on me... I came all this way. We can finally hang out for real... get away from both of our stupid wars..."

She lay over Tom, and a few tears fell from her eyes... right onto the gash. Immediately, they began to heal.

Rainbow shook her head in disbelief. "W-What? P-Pegasi tears can't do that..."

However, she didn't care. Tom's breathing was becoming normal, and more regular. He was, in all sense and purposes, coming back to life.

"R-Rainbow?" he coughed.

"I'm here Tom, I'm here," Rainbow beamed at him. "Oh my god... you scared the crap out of me you bastard."

"Heh... sorry about that," he wheezed. "Not every day I take a wing to the head. W-Where are we?"

"Earth," Rainbow smiled.

He winced hard.

"How the heck did I... survive?""

Rainbow took a gulp. "It's because... I'm actually here. I'm not just a ghost."

Tom took a deep breath. "Touch me."

"Eewwwww... come on, we're not like that."

Tom rolled his eyes. "On the shoulder or something."

With that, Rainbow nodded, and gently prodded him with a hoof.

A bright smile crossed Tom's face. "So... all these years, it wasn't a dream. You were real."

"And so were you," Rainbow smiled.

"Either that or I'm actually dead... and I'm in heaven."

"Errr...." Rainbow coughed. "Not really... I sort of was able to... heal you."

Tom raised an eyebrow.

"Uh... pegasi tears."

Tom smirked.

"Oh shut up! I got something in my eye. Had to fly pretty fast to save your falling ass, you know."

"Whatever you say..." Tom wheezed. "Though it makes sense... in mythology, pegasi were said to be able to heal wounds with their tears... human wounds."

"That would explain it," Rainbow whispered. "Always the history buff."

Tom gave another cough.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I just took a wing to the head," Tom growled, before sighing heavily. "God... look at that up there."

Rainbow gazed upward, and her mouth parted. The human aircraft were continuing to dance about each other.

"See the gray ones?" Tom said.

Rainbow nodded.

"Those are the Germans..."

"The... 'huns."

"They're just people... just like me and you, caught up in some shitty war because occasionally... the world just needs it."

"Yeah," Rainbow sighed, before raising an eyebrow. "Looks like the bigger German planes are getting away..."

"Yeah," Tom coughed. "Son of a bitch... looks like we've lost a few."

Out of the thirty fighters that had engaged the German force, only ten were left in battle. The rest had either retreated or were shot down.

"Those bombers... house nearly five hundred explosive weapons... they're going to carpet bomb Cardiff's industrial zones. Many civilians could be killed."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "This isn't my war, Tom. I'm only here for you."

"You're hiding something," Tom whispered.

"How do you know?"

"I can tell... you're here for something else."

Rainbow sighed. "I might be... my people need help. Equestria needs help. Remember the Teranids? One of them spoke with me... somehow. They said they want to come back to Equestria."

"What's the point," Tom groaned. "In either dimension... there's war. Fucking cycles of hatreds that never end. There's no hope for either of us."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "You've always looked at the bigger picture, Tom. But... look at the smaller one. Me and you are alive... we're friends. And I've made six that I wouldn't give up for anyone. They make my life worth living. They make me forget the cycle of war."

Tom took a deep breath. "I'd like to meet them some day..."

"Did you ever make any friends, Tom?"

Tom chuckled, understanding what she was getting at. "No... once we stopped talking... I was just too pissed. But... maybe you got a point."

And with great effort, Tom rose to his feet, feeling around in his uniform for his radio, before finally pulling it out.

"Is that a radio?" Dashie asked, quirking her head.

"Mhmmm," he said, before clicking it on. "Mayflower to Captain Harkness..."


"Damn... I hope he's alright. He was a good flight leader."

"I'm sorry..." Dashie sighed.

"For what?"

"For the people you lost..."

"It-it's alright..."

"And I'm sorry for abandoning you. I should have given you a better chance, talked you out of wanting revenge. But... today I found out even us pegasi can... go down that road."

Tom took a deep breath, a few tears inching in his eyes. "My father... could never get over his hatred for the Germans. Volunteering for the French Airforce... it was a lost cause. The Germans rolled through that country like nothing. When I found out he was killed... I... I just snapped. I'm not sure if there was anything you could do to help me."

"It sounds like both of our countries are screwed," Rainbow frowned.

Tom lifted an eyebrow.

"The griffins... they have allies. It seems like every one we kill they have three more... we're being overwhelmed."

"Just like Britain is," Tom sighed.

"What about America? Your home," Rainbow said sadly.

"I don't know... I don't think they can touch it now. But they... they are unstoppable in Europe. Their leadership, Rainbow... is led by the worst kind of human. I'm not talking about the Germans, I'm talking about the Nazis..."


"What the more... political Germans call themselves. They believe they're the superior race... and that everyone else should be subjugated. Their leader, Adolf Hitler, is openly racist... deceitful..." Tom closed his eyes. "If people like him can continue to rule in this world... we have no hope. I wish we had a Princess, like yours, to rule over our world."

"We still have wars, Tom... and ours isn't going well," Rainbow sighed. "She united the ponies, but not the rest of the world. The different types of animals on our world could be considered like the different kind of... races, or cultures, they're called right? In your world."

"Yeah..." He gave a chuckle. "And damn... you've gotten smarter, Dashie."

"Well, let's just say a lifetime of two eggheads rubbing off of you can do that." Rainbow then smiled. "I'm glad I got my first back."

"And I've glad I've got my overly cocky jock back," Tom smiled. "Though what now?"

Rainbow gave a smirk. "Well, now that I'm here.... I suppose I could help you out."


"By breaking the cycle of hatred," Dashie said, she then glanced towards the bombers, flying off in the distance. "You... jumped out your plane when it went down. If I were to maybe... do something to the Germans planes, would they be able to jump out, too?"

"Y-Yeah but... Dashie, are you sure you want to reveal yourself like that? The government might have a few questions for you..."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Pfffft, I'm Rainbow Dash, remember? Nohuman or pony can hold me for long!"

"Ugh... alright, if you're serious about this," Tom groaned. "Watch their gunners... they're the big sticks sticking out of-"

"I know what gunners are, Tom," Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. "I sat through your history class when they did that thing on bombers."

"Heh, oh right..." Tom said. "Seriously though, Rainbow. Be careful. If you get shot down... I can't fly up there and catch you."

"Sucks to be human, doesn't it," Dashie said, sticking her tongue out.

"Yeah, yeah, at least we have thumbs." He then gave her a smile. "Good luck."

"Who needs it?" Rainbow chirped, before barreling into the sky.