• Published 15th Aug 2012
  • 7,616 Views, 508 Comments

Wings - Silent Bob

Rainbow Dash makes friends with a future human pilot through her dreams.

  • ...

Britain's Blue Angel

"[German] Yes, that's right command, we have broken through the British flight. However... our losses are high. We only have two bombers remaining in our flight. The rest have either retreated or have been shot down. Our fighters are still engaging the enemy."

"[German] Unfortunate, Kaiser-2. We're sorry for your losses. However, Cardiff is still open to you. You will likely face relatively light defenses. The choice is yours"

"I lost many friends on the way here... though it will not be in vain. We have enough firepower to finally destroy their Spitfire factory. With it gone, their numbers will decrease exponentially."

"If you can take the shot, do it. However, make sure to minimize civilian casualties."

"I can, and understood. Heil Hitler. Colonel Klink - Out."

The captain of the German bomber 'Himmer's Fury' turned about, facing his crew of six. "This is it. All or nothing. Now or never. If we complete our objective, every Spitfire taken down will take longer to replace. We'll be saving a lot of lives."

"And taking a lot of there's, I hope," another German growled. "Why do we care so much about minimizing civilian casualties? Are we trying to lower their morale or not?"

"It's the Fuhrer's orders, Schultz, and you're the one who loves him so much."

"[English]Well hey! That's great!" a new voice called, right from outside the bomber's cockpit window.

The crew's eyes widened. Klink swiveled about, only for his jaw to nearly fall off.

"[English]Now why don't you punks turn around before more people get hurt, huh?!" Rainbow Dash grinned.

The crew continued to remain silent, until finally, a gunner spoke:

"[German]What in the shit is that?"

"Looks like a flying horse."

"Wow, that's genius of you to point out. But one problem: when the fuck have flying horses ever existed?! Horses that could talk?!"

"Captain Klink, what did the horse just say?"

"[English]Hey! What the heck are you all saying?" Rainbow Dash grunted. "Can't any of you speak Equestr- English?!"

Klink shook his head in disbelief. "[German] It uh... it uh wants us to turn around... and speak English."

"[German] Fuck that! We didn't just take a hundred casualties for some god damned mythology creature to send us packing. God damnit, I need a cigarette..." Schultz snarled, folding his arms.

"Seriously, what's going on? Am I dreaming?" the gunner asked. "And why is the horse kind of cute?"

"[English] That's it, either you guys start talking, or I'm taking this thing down the hard way!" Rainbow Dash growled, narrowing her eyes.

Klink finally composed himself at this point, clearing his throat. "[English] Listen, I do not know what in the hell you are, but we have a mission to complete. If you try to impede us, we will turn your guns on you."

"I'd like to see you try," Rainbow Dash grinned.

"[German] Fuck this, no more negotiating," Schultz snarled, moving to the intercom and flicking it on. "Red Baron, shoot the god damned children's cartoon outside our window."

"Belay that order!" Klink cried.

However, it was too late. The side-gun of the second bomber, the Red Baron, flying alongside the Himmer's Fury suddenly came to life, and a brilliant stream of yellow tracers were sent Rainbow's way.

Barely catching this out of the corner of her eye, Rainbow gasped and quickly moved to the other side of the Himmler's Fury, blocking the Red Baron's fire.

"I knew it was going to be the hard way!" Rainbow snapped. "You humans don't know jack about me, but I know all about you! Nobody's dying on my watch!"

With that, the twin machine-gun on the bombers side twisted towards her.

"Oh no you don't!" Rainbow growled, as the gun opened fire.

Almost as fast as the bullets coming from it, Rainbow sped away from the bomber, moving in a twirl to avoid the gun's bite.

[German]" Hah, scared the bitch off," Schultz grinned, hanging onto the handles of his gun. "I don't know what kind of English trick this shit is but if this is all they're going to throw at us... this island will be ours in a month!"

"Mph, we have no idea what we're dealing with here..." Klink grunted. "I'd turn back now, but you're right, we must not allow her to impede the mission. Shoot her on sight if she returns."

Schultz put on an evil smirk. "Thought you'd never-"

He quickly snapped his mouth shut when he saw what was ahead of him.

Rainbow Dash was grinning, waving at the bomber in front of a massive storm cloud she was putting together with lightning speed.

"It can move clouds?!" one of the gunners cried. "Now that is some neat stuff. Look how fast she's going! I can barely see her!"

"Oh for fucks sake, you're complimenting her?!" Schultz snapped.

"Performing evasive maneuvers," Klink groaned, before flicking on the radio. "Red Baron. The... the pegasus may be quick, but we can still take her down. Lead your shots and fill the area before her with lead. Avoid the thundercloud if possible."

Outside the plane, Rainbow Dash smirked at their maneuvers. As she had guessed, they were slow when it came to turning. However, their gunners certainly weren't.

"Oh crap," she gulped.

Suddenly, she found herself in a maelstrom of turret fire, yellow lights whizzing every which way around her as she struggled to complete the thunder cloud.

"This better work... electricity... that's what Tom called it. Shorts out mechanical stuff.... come on..."

As she sighed with relief, the bombers finally began moving through the massive thunderstorm she had gathered, despite their attempts to avoid it.

"Yes, come on! Come on!"

However, though she expected them to drop out of the sky, to her widened eyes, they emerged from the other side.

"Ugh! You've got to be kidding me! That storm had plenty of lightning..."

At that, she glanced ahead of her. The city of Cardiff lay before her, taking her in awe. She had seen human cities before with Tom, the capital of Alabama for one thing, but she could never fly too high without losing the link... this was the first time seeing them so high.

It was also her first time seeing tracer fire flying from the ground. The British were fighting back.

"Ugh, damnit, just let me handle this!" she growled.

And far below on the ground, Tom winced to himself. "Come on Rainbow... just give up before you're hurt..."

However, Rainbow wasn't through yet, though the bombers were now right over a large building below.

[German] "Good fix on the target... opening bombay doors," A German said within.

"Let's end this... and go home," Captain Klink sighed.

Rainbow gulped as she saw two bomb bays opening. She knew what that meant... she had seen videos of bombers in action before.

"No! The cycle isn't continuing, damnit! Not here, not anywhere!" Rainbow cried.

Narrowing her eyes in determination, she charged the two bombers from above, gripping her crossbow tight.

"Let's see how tough this thing is! RAUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHH!"

As tracer fire soared around her, she sailed towards the right engine of the Himmler's Fury, and with one quick thrust, tossed her Crossbow into the propeller. Made of wood and metal, the crossbow quickly was torn to pieces, though it was still enough.

"Yeeeeeees!" Rainbow cheered.

The bomber was now listing towards the right, and seemed to be losing altitude, and had stopped shooting at her for a brief moment.

"[German] Everyone, bail out! Bail out!" Captain Klink cried. "Let's hope the British show us mercy..."

A hatch was open on the side of the plane, and soon the crew, donning parachutes, began to leap out. All save for Shultz.

"Shultz! Go!"

"Not yet! I have business to finish!" he snarled, before taking aim with his twin guns. "An eye for an eye, bitch."

The turret swiveled, and Rainbow was caught off guard. Before she could even move, a series of shots were fired her way, and a fountain of blood soared out of her wing.

"AGGGGGGGGH!" she shrieked, the pain piercing her like a knife, as she began to fall from the sky along with the bomber aside her.

"RAINBOW!" Tom shrieked, his eyes widening in horror. "No... nonono! Come on! You can fly with one wing, right?"

Rainbow was desperately trying, but stabilizing herself was proving to be impossible. Finally, after a minute of falling and struggling, she went limp.

"Sorry Tom... looks like I'll be leaving you again..."

She smiled slightly, however, as she eyed the second German bomber turning around... retreating. By sacrificing herself, she may have saved countless lives.

As two Spitfire pilots approaching her were fully aware of.