• Published 15th Aug 2012
  • 7,616 Views, 508 Comments

Wings - Silent Bob

Rainbow Dash makes friends with a future human pilot through her dreams.

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Across the Void

Across the Void

So... training is finally over. I'll be on actual combat alert tomorrow. It's a bit quick of a jump, but the Brits need every pilot in the sky they can get, and that includes lil' ole me. The Spitfire's a nice plane, or so the instructor has told us. It's definitely better than the old crop dusters they first had us flying, I'll give it that. They say she turns better than the hun 109's, so at least we have them beaten on the maneuverability front. We also have more guns than em' on our planes, and the more guns the merrier I suppose....


Though I hate to admit it...

I'm as yellow as a schoolboy on his first date right now.

It's not a bad thing though, right? Captain Harkness always says that a little fear won't kill ya. I think I get where he's comin from, too. It keeps the mind sharp and the body quick, but it sure isn't helpin' me sleep right now. What good is having a bit of fear in ya when having zero sleep will royally screw you anyway? I guess that's why I'm here, typin' away my thoughts in the R&R area at two in the mornin. I dun feel guilty though, everyone else is still wide-eyed.

Guess I'll continue off where I was yesterday, thinkin bout back before I got mixed up in another country's war. After me n' the pony played for a bit, eventually we made our way back to mah house. At this point, despite the fact she had the ability to walk through solid matter, I was thoroughly convinced she wasn't just a figment of my imagination. Crazy, right? Heh, mom didn't really think so. I guess she knew kids a lot more than I gave her credit for.

"Thomas, where have ya been all day?" His mother called as he entered the kitchen, her currently working on some sort of culinary masterpiece at the counter, or at least they always were to him.

"Playin' in the corn fields. Managed to kill me bout two huns!" he beamed proudly.

His mother gave him a worried glance at that. "Two huns, huh?" she said slowly. "You sure there aren't any other imaginary games you'd rather be playing?"

Thomas thought for a second before putting on a gleeful grin. "Well... actually... I kind of met someone today."

He gestured towards the multi-colored maned pony, standing behind him and glancing about the kitchen curiously. His mother looked to where he pointed, a confused look crossing her face for a second before she put on a knowing smile.

"Ooooooh, I see. And what is your friend's name?"

Thomas thought for a second before realizing that he hadn't actually asked. He then glanced towards the pony, a slightly guilty though curious expression on his face. "Hey uh... what is your name, anyway?"

"Rainbow Dash!" she said proudly, before moving over towards Thomas' mother. "Nice to meet you, miss Thomas' mom."

"Heeeeeeeeyyyy...." Thomas said. "How did you know my name? I never told ya it!"

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Your mom just said it a second ago, ya dummy!" she then glanced about the room with mock wonder. "Unless there's another Thomas in the room?"

"Oh... uhhhh..." Thomas blushed slightly. "I knew that!"

"Suuuuuureeee," she giggled.

Thomas turned back to his mom at that, her holding a bemused look on her face. "Your friend seems very nice, Thomas. Would you two like to help me make dinner?"

"Well, I'll definitely help but... Rainbow Dash can't really... touch stuff."

His mom chuckled at that for some reason before saying. "Oh, is she a ghost then?"

"Heeeeeeeyyy..." Rainbow Dash grumbled. "What's with everypony thinking I'm a ghost? I know I'm not dead or nothing!"

"It's alright Rainbow, I know your not a ghost," Thomas reassured her. He then turned back towards his mother. "If it's alright, ma, I'd like to show Rainbow round the house a bit. She aint from this world and dun know about all the neat stuff we have."

"Oh, so she's a spaceman then," his mother said, her bemused smile not faultering.

"A space pony," Thomas corrected, holding up a finger.

His mom chuckled at that, though she raised a slight eyebrow. "Ahhhh, I see. Well, that's alright dear. Go ahead and give her the tour before it's time to eat. Your pa should be home pretty soon."

"Thanks, ma!" Thomas said.

With that, the two left the kitchen and made their way into the adjacent living room.

"Your house is really weird," Rainbow said. "Nothing's made of clouds and it's got all these strange thingies I've never seen before." She gestured towards a nearby radio at that.

Thomas chuckled. "So, my house is the one that's weird huh?"

Rainbow ignored the comment, tilting her head slightly in curiosity at the nobbed device. "What is this thing anyway?"

"Its called a radio," Thomas explained. "You can hear people talkin from miles away with it."

"Can you talk back?" asked Rainbow.

"Well... no. You can only listen to em." With that, Thomas demonstrated how the radio worked by flipping a switch on its wooden side. Immediately, a powerful, but reassuring voice filled the room, though it still startled Rainbow slightly.

"Two months ago we were facing serious problems. The country was dying by inches. It was dying because trade and commerce had declined to dangerously low levels; prices for basic commodities were such as to destroy the value of the assets of national institutions such as banks, savings banks, insurance companies, and others......"

"Who's that?" Rainbow asked, her quickly recovering from her initial shock as the man continued to speak.

"He's called Roosevelt, the guy in charge of my country," Thomas said. A warm smile etched across his lips. "My pap always says he's gonna be the one to fix it up with somethin' he calls the New Deal."

"What's wrong with your country? Doesn't your prince take care of things?"

Thomas shook his head, a perplexed expression crossing his face. "Well... he's not really a prince. We don't really have princess' here, that's somethin' they had back in medieval times. He's called a president, I think."

"Your president must be kind of bad if he broke your country, then," Rainbow said.

"Well, he wasn't the guy who broke it," Thomas said. "My pap always says it was the 'fat cat money grubbing sons of-'" He paused at that. "Heh, I'm not really supposed to say the last word. Anyway, the ones who came before the current one were the ones who did it."

Rainbow's eyes widened at that. "So wait, your leaders don't stay leaders?"

Thomas shook his head. "Nope, they're elected every four years I think. Everyone around the country says who they want to be the leader and that person is made it. How's it like where you come from?"

"Well, we only have one leader, and she stays that way. Actually, I think she's been that way for like... forever."

The young boy raised an eyebrow. "Now that don't make sense. How can someone be a leader forever? Nobody can live that long."

"Our's can," Rainbow said, though Thomas could tell she wasn't trying to brag. "She does more than just lead, though. She controls the sun and the moon."

"You're pullin' my leg," Thomas laughed.

"I'm serious! At least, that's what everypony says."

"Well, that's the strangest thing I've ever heard," the boy said, bewildered. "Then again, I am talkin to a pony. Might as well just accept it."

The two giggled at that before a few seconds of silence filled the room.

"Hey Thomas..." Rainbow said.


"You don't think I'm... dead or somethin, right?"

Thomas threw her a look of concern. "Of course not. I mean... if you were dead shouldn't you be in pony heaven or something like that?"

Rainbow smiled at that. "You mean the Great Galloping Planes?"

"Well, whatever they call it where you come from."

"I guess that's true...." Rainbow said, before glancing away from him slightly. "But... what if there aren't any Galloping Planes?"

"That's just crazy talk. Gotta be some place ya go when you die, and my pa always says that 'we're rewarded for our struggles as long as we keep our dignity.'" Thomas said. "And I can tell you're a good person, pony... whatever, and since all good persons go to heaven, the same should be true with ponies."

"But... how else can I explain all this?" Rainbow asked. "I've never had a dream like this before. I don't want to stay here forever..."

Thomas put on a disappointed frown at that. Did she not really like him or something?

Rainbow Dash took notice of it before smiling slightly. "That doesn't mean I don't want to stay here a bit! I like you, Tom, you're a lot nicer than many of the pegasi I know..."

The young boy brightened at that, though he quickly narrowed his eyebrows. "Why would anyone not be nice to you?" Tom asked, his voice filled with an almost brotherly concern.

Rainbow looked away from him at that. "It's nothing..."

The young boy smiled her way. "Come on, you can tell me."

The pegasus glanced at him hopefully. "You won't make fun of me if I do, right?"

"I wouldn't make fun of anyone unless they deserved it," Tom stated. "It aint like a gentleman to do so."

"Well, alright... I'll tell you." Rainbow then sighed shamefully before looking towards her two chicken-like wings. "It's cus... I'm stunted..."


"It means my wings aren't growing as fast as the other fillies'..." she said softly. "A lot of others can fly already but... I'm stuck as a dodo."

Thomas threw her a look of sympathy, before narrowing his eyebrows slightly. "If I knew the ponies who were makin' fun of you for that, I'd definitely give em' a talkin too."

"Why? It's true... I am a dodo...." she said, her eyes growing a bit moist. At the look of them, Tom's righteous anger continued to swell in him.

"I don't care watcha are. Nobody should be makin' fun of someone for somethin' out of their control. Besides, I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of."

"How's it not something to be ashamed of? I mean sure... you can't fly, but I'm a pegasus! We were born for the skies."

Thomas threw her a stern look. "You said you were gonna be the fastest flier in Equestria one day, so you know what that makes me think?"

Rainbow Dash stood silent.

"I think when you finally can fly, you're gonna work ten times harder than anybody else to become the best you can be just to shove their words in their faces. Am I right about that?"

The pony then looked towards him, a slight smile forming once again as she brushed away a few tears. "Yeah... you're right." Her smile then widened, it becoming one of resolve. "In fact, I'm going to be freakin' awesome!"

Heh, I was a wise little kid sometimes, though it was my pa's doing really. I used to hang off his every word, and I'm glad I did so. From that moment forward, me and Rainbow Dash would have each other's backs, though neither of us knew it at the time. There was much we had to learn of each other and of our special connection, one I still don't understand to this day. However, I do know for a fact that it was real, and so was she.