• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 5,159 Views, 143 Comments

Tartarus Forged Friendship - Mystic Sunrise

Celestia and Luna are not the only alicorns in Equestria. Twilight discovers this in the most unexpected way.

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The moment Twilight saw the newspaper floating in Cadance's magic, and the stricken look on her sister in law's face, she knew something was wrong. But it was the title of the paper that confirmed it.

"Is it about Equestria? Is there something going on?" Twilight asked.

Cadance shook her head as she floated the paper over in her magic, which Twilight caught. "Equestria is fine for now. But."

Now Twilight was really worried. "But?"

Cadance sighed. "Just, read what it says Twilight. You need to know about this."

Twilight gave her a look, but decided to see what she meant and opened the Canterlot Times to the front page. Her jaw dropped as she read the headlines.

"Diarchy in shambles! Princess Celestia and national heroes condemned following the failed Changeling Invasion. Princess Celestia temporarily removed from power as ponies question her decisions over the last few months."

"In an unprecedented move, Parliament voted overwhelmingly to condemn the actions taken by Princess Celestia Sol Invictus, former Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor, and the Elements of Harmony, before and during the wedding of Princess Mi Amora Cadenza and Shining Armor."

"When question why nothing had been done when Twilight Sparkle brought up her worries to her friends and mentor, Princess Celestia was on record as saying. "Twilight had nothing but base accusations against who I thought was my niece. Someone she had not seen in some time."

"And yet it never occurred to you to at least give her the benefit of the doubt?" Lord Fancy Pants asked. "I do not know her well, but she does not seem one to throw something like that around without good reason."

"There was a wedding going on," one Rainbow Dash interrupted at this moment in the interview."

"For a pony none of you aside from Twilight herself knew. A pony none of you even knew existed before you were invited to help with the wedding preparations. One who had done nothing but insult you since the moment you arrived. I see nothing but your own greed and lack of belief overcoming what I assumed was a strong friendship," Lord Blueblood is on record as retorting.

That caused Twilight to wince. She and the Blueblood Family had never gotten along in all the years she had been Princess Celestia's student. But they had at least respected each other. Coming from Prince Blueblood's father, that was a glowing compliment.

"On top of all of that, there was a known threat against Canterlot. One that yourself, Captain Armor, provided a shield for the city against. Yet in the end, it seems you forgot or ignored that fact," Fancy Pants continued.

"Captain Armor had no comment to give on this statement."

The bulk of the article was mostly the Judiciary Committee's questions and the defendants' answers. None of what Twilight read helped her mood. In fact, it made it worse, and it again made her question why it had all almost gone wrong that day several months before.

Only at the end did Twilight find what she was looking for again. And all it did was make her heart sink.

"In a move nopony ever thought would come to pass, the full house, in conjunction with Princess Luna herself, voted to strip Princess Celestia of all her powers as a princess temporarily, and sentenced the Bearers of Harmony to 6 months community service."

"Princess Luna summed it up when she finally spoke after the vote. "I believe somepony once said it best, sister. You have a lot to think about. Maybe this time, it will actually stick with you. This kind of thinking cost you myself a thousand years ago. This time it nearly cost you everything."

"Ponyville took the news as well as one could expect. Granny Smith, Matriarch of the Apple Family, said it best I feel. "Ah raised my grandaughter better than this. Twilight might be on the odd side now and then, but she's like family to all of us. And family don't do this to each other."

Twilight did smile a bit at the glowing praise from Granny Smith, but she couldn't help but go back to something else as she looked at Cadance. "Can they do that to Princess Celestia?"

Cadance nodded her own mood down. "If Aunty Luna herself also voted for it, then yes they can. It's not widely known, but if one princess if found guilty of failing Equestria, then the next princess in line can make whatever verdict she wants on the punishment."

It clicked for Twilight. "And since you're here, Princess Luna is. What about Shining though? They never said what he got."

Cadance nodded. "Because we're married, what happens to him is left up to me." She sighed. "But I feel he's suffered enough as it is. Your parents are doing worse than I ever could."

Twilight rolled her eyes. That was an understatement if what she was hearing from her mom and dad was any indication. "But what happens to Princess Celestia now? Who's raising the sun?"

Cadance looked out a nearby window at the star. "Aunt Celestia still is. It's the only duty she has at the moment. She told me that she is taking a long vacation, and not to look for her."

Twilight's eyes grew large. "She's what?! Where did she go?"

Cadance shook her head. "I don't know. She didn't say. Aunt Luna is now in charge of Equestria. From what I hear, she's not any happier about it than we are."

Twilight couldn't really blame Luna for it as she sighed and set the newspaper on a nearby table. If she was in her shoes, she wouldn't be any different. Though with nothing bad seemingly not being said, Luna must have been doing a good job so far.

She wondered though where Princess Celestia had vanished too. With the sun still rising and setting on schedule, she was obviously fine whever she was, but Twilight was still worried about her mentor.

As mad and annoyed as she was at the whole thing, she had never wanted any of this. Not even in her most vindictive moments had she wanted it. She didn't even think it was possible.

But there it was.

Author's Note:

Time to start winding this story up. We've now entered the last few chapters of this story. So the next few chapters will tie up loose ends before Penumbra finally confronts Twilight about her feelings.

After that, this story will be over. I've almost run out of ideas, so I'm ending while I still have some good ones left, and not draw it out.