• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 5,159 Views, 143 Comments

Tartarus Forged Friendship - Mystic Sunrise

Celestia and Luna are not the only alicorns in Equestria. Twilight discovers this in the most unexpected way.

  • ...

Between Friends

Hours later, after the wedding had been put back on track and Cadance had ripped everyone a new one for their treatment of Twilight over the last few days, she went looking for her favorite filly.

She found Twilight sitting at her old bedroom window in what was one of the many Guest Rooms of the castle. Even now though, seeing the wings on her back took Cadance by surprise.

Of course, she wasn't too shocked. Aunt Celestia had hinted for a while now of a possible future idea for Twilight that involved this. But she didn't think this was how it was meant to go.

She would be the first to say that Twilight deserved her newfound alicorn status. Probably more than many in Canterlot thought she did. And that lead to another thing.

All of Canterlot was in an uproar over the failed Invasion. The House of Lords had called an emergency session to discuss all that had transpired. The uproar had become even worse once news that Twilight's warning something was very wrong had been ignored and she had been dismissed as a delusional fool from the wedding.

Even the Blueblood Family, known for their unwavering loyalty to the princesses, was asking Celestia, the Element Bearers, and Shining Armor, to appear before a formal inquiry to explain what had happened.

Once news of Twilight's ascension got out, Cadance could only imagine the reaction Canterlot and Equestria would have to it.

Twilight must have heard her for she turned around. When she saw who it was, her face broke into a grin. "Cadance. Shouldn't you be asleep?"

Cadance returned the grin. "After all that's happened? Sleep is the last thing I need. Besides, we delayed the wedding a day to allow everyone to catch up on it."

Twilight nodded, seeing the reasoning before her mind went to a place she had been avoiding all day. "Did you talk to Shining?"

Cadance didn't need to ask what she meant as her grin grew. "Yeah. I talked to everyone actually. Ripped them a new one for how they treated you earlier. Even Aunt Luna ripped them a new one."

Twilight smirked. In another lifetime, she might have felt horrible for how she had acted earlier, or even asked for forgiveness from the others for her outburst.

Now? She only felt a very smug satisfaction for being right and everyone else being wrong. She still loved them of course. But this made her feel ten feet tall. "Where's Princess Luna? She's been avoiding me all day. I mean, we're not that close. But this feels like more," she asked.

Cadance sighed. "She's not avoiding you Twilight. She's avoiding Penumbra."

Twilight was confused as she looked at herself. "But I'm not Penumbra. I mean, I kind of look like her. But I'm not. I'm still me."

Cadance rubbed her forehead. "I know. But Auntie Luna is still torn up inside from what happened between them a long time ago. Even if they've since made up. You're reminding her of her lost love."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Well she has nopony to blame but herself," she mumbled, before slamming a hoof over her mouth. Where did that come from? That wasn't something you said about the princesses. No matter how much it was true.

Cadance saw it to but didn't comment on it. "What was it like?"

Twilight didn't need to ask what she meant as she smiled. "It was, weird. I still felt everything that was going on. Saw it all too, but it was like, watching from a distance. But at the same time, I've never felt so amazing before in my life." She grinned goofily. "I'd say it was even better than sex!"

Cadance rolled her eyes. "Easy there Ladybug. Wait till you've had sex before you say that."

Twilight stuck out her tongue at the use of her old nickname. "Well you'd be the expert on it, so I'll take your word for it."

Cadance snickered before she rememberd there was another thing. "Where is Penumbra now? Is she still with you?"

Twilight shook her head as she looked at herself. "Not, really. I guess she's always with me now. But right now, she's returned to Tartarus. I might even say she's as tired as I am."

Cadance nodded, then bit her lip. "Twilight. I know how you two came together, but I have to wonder. Do your feelings for Penumbra go beyond just being friends?"

Twilight tried to hide her blush by turning away with a huff. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Cadance rolled her eyes as she walked around to face Twilight head-on. "Nice try Ladybug." Her tone softened. "Come on Twilight. I'm the Princess of Love. I won't judge you for that."

Twilight bit her lip. She wanted to argue the point, but lieing to her old foalsitter and friend just felt wrong. "I. I don't know. I feel safe around her. I'm comfortable being with her. Is that wrong?"

Cadance nodded. "It's a good start, but?"

Twilight sniffed. "What if I'm not good enough? She's, and I'm," she gestured at herself as she sniffed again. "I'm noting special. I don't even know if she prefers mares now after what happened." A tear fell. "I don't want to break her heart again. She can do so much better than me."

Cadance smiled. "Twilight. You are an amazing pony. Anyone will tell you that. I know Penumbra knows that too." She sighed. "I can't say for sure about much, but whatever she and Aunt Luna had is dead and gone."

Twilight pulled back. "That's my point. I don't want to do that to her again." She slumped. "And look at us. We can't be together like other ponies can."

Cadance nodded. "And long-distance relationships are never easy." Her smile grew as she pulled Twilight close again. "But, and I say this as your sister and friend, not as a princess, you both deserve to be happy." She smirked. "I know you prefer mares, so don't deny it."

Twilight blushed but didn't argue. "Okay fine, I do. But what am I supposed to do? I just can't say that to her face. Not now."

Cadance nodded. "I can't help you there Twilight. Love works differently for everyone." Her smile grew. "But I will say that when the time comes, you'll know it."

Twilight grinned. "And sweep her off her hooves right?"

Cadance giggled as she pulled Twilight into a hug. "And sweep her off her hooves. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll always be friends. Never forget that."

Twilight nodded, her worries abated after the talk. The two of them sat there like that for some time.


In Tartarus, Penumbra felt and heard all that Twilight and Cadance had talked about, and it sent her reeling. Not for a long time had this ever come up.

Twilight liked her, like that? She was stunned. Even in her weariness, she sat on her throne.

She had always preferred mares, as evidenced by her past relationship with Luna. But after what had happened, her heart had been broken and she had forsworn love of any kind for anyone ever again.

She could not take the heartbreak twice.

But now this had come up. And it left her confused. Could she feel the same way again?

Penumbra sat deep in thought long into the night.