• Published 29th Sep 2019
  • 5,159 Views, 143 Comments

Tartarus Forged Friendship - Mystic Sunrise

Celestia and Luna are not the only alicorns in Equestria. Twilight discovers this in the most unexpected way.

  • ...

The Soul Bonding

Twilight had to admit. For being in Tartarus, the accommodation was pretty good. Better than she had expected in fact.

After leaving the Throne Room, she had been lead to what she had been told was the Guest Room. Why such a place even had a Guest Room was beyond her, but she decided it wasn't worth the brainpower trying to figure it out.

Inside the room was rather spartan. A bed stood along one wall near a doorway that leads to a bathroom. On another side was a window that offered a view of the surrounding mountains.

Twilight admitted it was a nice view in fact.

Aside from that though, the room was bare. Dust sat several inches deep on everything as if no one had used this room in many years.

"That is because no one has used this room in over a thousand years," a voice said as if reading her thoughts, causing Twilight to jump in fright and turn to see Penumbra giving the room a sad look.

Twilight wondered what she was thinking of, for she had never seen somepony so down before. "What do you mean?" She asked.

Penumbra looked at her. "I saw that you were wondering why this room looked so abandoned. The last pony to sleep here has not visited for over a millennium, and now I doubt she ever will."

Twilight cocked her head. "Who was she?"

Penumbra sighed. "You know her as Princess Luna. At one time she visited quite often. But she has not even talked to me since her return."

Twilight was conflicted. She felt this was none of her business, but she couldn't help it. "What happened between you two? You sound like..."

Penumbra laughed. "Like I love her?" Twilight nodded. "Yes. At one time I did love her. She was the greatest thing to ever happen to me, and I wager she will say the same about me." Her gaze hardened. "But then she turned on us all."

Twilight gulped. "Nightmare Moon."

Penumbra nodded. "Yes. At that moment, the mare I loved was gone. For all that I loved her, Luna allowed her vanity and pride to overcome her sense. She came to me, just before she turned on Celestia, and tried to convince me to join her."

She spat. "Fool! In our love, I never once allowed it to blind me to my duties or my oath. I refused. I tried to talk her out of it, but she refused to listen and left in a rage. I'm sure you know the rest."

Twilight nodded and filed this all away for later. She wasn't sure if she should ever tell anyone else or not. Walking over, she placed a hoof on Penumbra's should and gave her best smile. "Luna has changed. I don't know all of what happened, but can't the two of you talk it out? Come back with me to Equestria. I'm sure she would be happy to see you again."

Penumbra smiled weakly. "Maybe, and I long to be free of this realm, to see the surface again." Her head dropped. "But I cannot ever leave here. Only unde exceptional circumstances can I, and only then for a limited time."

Twilight was aghast. "Are you sure there isn't another way?"

Penumbra closed her eyes. "There is, one last way for me to be able to leave. But no one would ever do it. Not with me."

Twilight looked her straight in the eyes. "What is it?"

Penumbra sighed. "It is called a Soul Bond. I would tie my life force to that of a pony willing to let us, in essence, become two souls sharing one life together. At times they would allow me to take over them, their body becoming my own. Their minds would remain theirs of course. But I would be in the driver's seat so to speak."

Twilight blinked as she digested this. "I've never heard of this kind of magic before."

Penumbra nodded. "It is only known to alicorns alone, so it is no surprise you don't know of it. We don't like to speak of it if we can."

Twilight could see the wisdom in that now that she thought about it. "But why would no one ever do it with you? You're too nice to remain alone."

Penumbra smiled. A real one. "You are one of the few ponies to ever say that to me Twilight. And I know you mean it." Her tears fell. "But why do you think? Think about who I am, what I do. Who would ever do that with the Personification of Darkness herself?"

She turned away. "No Twilight. I will always be alone, and I will never leave here. I see that now. Go back to Equestria. Forget about me. Forget I ever existed. Maybe it's better this way."

Twilight watched her go with a heavy heart. She wanted to go after her, she really did. But what could she say? What comfort could she give to her? She was just a regular old unicorn.

Her mind awash with a million thoughts, she turned back to the room and walked over to the window. Plopping down in front of it, she set her hooves on the sil, followed soon by her head.

She sat there like that deep in thought deep into the night.


Twilight awoke the next morning to find herself tucked in bed. For a moment she was confused. The last thing she remembered was looking out the window digesting all she had been told. It was a lot to take in, to say the least.

But it was what she had been told last night that was really on her mind. No matter what she had been told, she could never forget Penumbra or all she had been shown.

Every time she pictured her host from the night before, Twilight's heart broke a little more. Nopony should never be alone like she was. But what could she do? She wasn't her mentor or her sister. She was just a small-town librarian.

Well, there was something she could do, but could she really go through with that kind of commitment? She would be tying herself to someone she barely knew. This was what her head said.

In her heart though, Twilight had already made her choice.

But she wasn't sure if she was ready to take the plunge. This would normally be something she would want time to think over, talk with her friends and Spike, get their opinions. Maybe even ask Princess Celestia what she thought she should do.

Twilight was afraid though that as soon as she passed the Gates and returned to Ponyville, she would never be able to find her way back here again. Even if she did, there was no guarantee Penumbra would even let her back in or even remember who she was.

If she was truly committed to this, this might be her only chance to do so. Or miss it, and regret it for the rest of her life.

"Princess, I'm sorry," Twilight whispered. For some time now, she had felt her mentor had been grooming her for something important. What it might be she didn't know, and while she was honored that the princess thought so highly of her.

It was time she started thinking for herself and not being tied to something she knew would not last forever. She would always love the princess and what they had. But from here on out, Twilight Sparkle made her own path.

And destiny could choke on it for all she cared.

Her mind made up, Twilight went into the bathroom to clean up, before setting out to find Penumbra and make ready for whatever came next.


In the Vault of Harmony, the Elements all flared together once before returning to their normal states. They had felt the strands of fate change, but they were glad of it.

On top, the Element of Magic too began to change. But it would be some time before it became evident.


Just like the day before, Penumbra was once again on her throne. Most days were like this. The only time that changed was when a soul came to her to hear its fate. All who came here came to her first.

But today, like most days, there were few to none that came. And she was glad for it for her mind was not really on her duties today.

Her mind kept returning to the day before. Namely to Twilight Sparkle. She could not deny that having her stay for a while had brightened her heart more than anything had for many a year.

But she knew that wouldn't last for long. Twilight would return to her life in Equestria, and she would remain here alone. For the rest of time.

A small, petulant part of her, urged her to throw caution to the wind and just ask Twilight to form the Soul Bond with her. But she quickly crushed that line of thought. No matter how much she wanted to be free, she could never ask her that.

What right did she have to ask that? They barely knew one another, and as friendly as she was, Penumbra doubted Twilight would ever do something rash like that without talking to her friends or Princess Celestia first.

And there was always the chance she would outright reject the whole idea. Penumbra knew her heart would be crushed then and there, and she feared what she might do if it was.

A better question now was why did she care so much all of a sudden about this? She hadn't had this kind of feeling for over a thousand years.

So engrossed in her thoughts was she that she didn't hear Twilight's approach until she heard her clear her throat at the base of her throne. Looking up, she found Twilight giving her a concerned look.

"Is this a bad time?" Twilight asked.

Penumbra shook her head. "No. Today is a slow day. Like most days." She eyed her idly. "I thought you would return to Equestria soon. Is this not true?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. There's so much here I could learn about, but I'd miss my friends and family too much." Her gaze became pleading. "Come back with me. Whatever happened between you two, you and Princess Luna need to make up, and I'm sure Princess Celestia wouldn't mind seeing you again."

Penumbra let her gaze drop. "You know I can't Twilight. I wish with all my heart that I could leave here. Just for one day if at all. But I never will."

Twilight took a step forward. "But-"

"Go Twilight. One of my Shadows will see you to the Gates. Leave, and don't look back. Never look back. Forget about me. Forget you were ever here," Penumbra replied in a low voice.

Twilight felt her heart sink. She heard the resignation, the loneliness in that response, and it filled her heart with resolve at what she was about to do. "No," she said, causing Penumbra to raise her head in surprise. "I'm not leaving. Not yet. I still have one last thing to do."

"And what would that be?" Penumbra asked in confusion even as she felt something gathering around them. "She isn't. She wouldn't," she thought.

Twilight smirked as she ascended the dais. "Making my own destiny," she replied as she leaned forward. "I am getting you out of here."

And kissed Penumbra, who jolted in shock, to say the least. But that soon passed as she let go of her worries and returned the kiss in full.

As she did, both felt their horns ignite, Twilight's Fuschia aura melding with Penumbra's own dark purple aura. Soon they were one and the same.

Even as they felt that both felt the Soul Bond ram home between them like a chain. Neither would feel the full effects for some time.

But right now, neither cared as a bright light filled the room.


When Twilight opened her eyes again, she was no longer in the Throne Room, or even in the Palace at all. She was back outside the tunnel entrance. It was daylight again and the fresh air felt amazing after being in Tartarus.

She was confused though. "Penumbra? What happened? Did it work?"

"It worked perfectly Twilight. Our souls are bound now."

Twilight blinked at the voice in her head. "Where are you? I thought you'd come with me?"

"I am with you, now and always. I am still here. But now I feel and see all you do."

Twilight was still lost though. "When will I see you again? I still have so many questions about all this."

"In time. I will come to you. When your need is greatest. Now go. Your friends are waiting for you."

Twilight suddenly remembered everything she had left when she had entered Tartarus. Turning to the path ahead, she began the long journey back to Ponyville, the memories of her time in Tartarus fading away into nothing like mist.


Penumbra watched her go with a smile, and for the first time in a very long time, she was happy. Though at the same time, there was an undercurrent of sadness.

"I am sorry Twilight. I'm sorry you won't remember any of this. Not yet. You're not ready, Equestria is not ready," she whispered as she folded her wings around herself.

One by one, the braziers sputtered and went dark, filling the castle with darkness.

"Until that day, you were never here. We never met."

Author's Note:

So, the chapters are coming so fast because most of them have already been written. The first arc, in fact, is done. It just hasn't caught up here yet. This chapter, in fact, marks the halfway point of the first arc. Up next is the Canterlot Wedding. And oh boy is it being crashed. Hard.

Queen Chrysalis will be wishing she had been love blasted by Cadance and Shining Armor by the time it's done and over with.