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Strife in the Ranks

“How did the wedding go,” Celestia asked curiously as the Horsemen entered the throne room with the girls in tow

“Princess Cadence was under control of someone named Sombra,” Twilight simplified

“I fought and destroyed the Sin of Greed, Sombra,” War added

“One of the guards had his neck broken,” Dash chimed in “He actually fixed it. How the buck is that possible!?”

“Nopony should have survived such an attack,” Twilight said “It's not scientifically possible.”

“I guess it can't be helped,” Luna started with a sigh “Sister, would you mind silencing the room?”

“Of course,” Celestia replied

“I'm not going to tell you everything; but the guards aren't normal,” Luna continued

“What's that supposed to mean,” Dash questioned

“They're undead,” Death stated “In simple terms, they're zombies.”

“That's why they didn't recognize us that day,” Applejack realized

“When you told them something, they listened only to you,” Pinkie added “The two of you created them.”

“And my brother doesn't know,” Twilight questioned “Don't you trust him?”

“It's not that we don't trust him,” Luna offered “I decided it was better the guards listen to Death or I as Shining doesn't need to be reminded of the guards lost under his command.”

“If you don't mind; there's something I'd like to do,” Strife started, attempting to change the subject

“What's on your mind brother,” Fury asked

“Just something personal,” Strife answered as Discord popped up “I might tell you later.”

“Ready to go,” Discord asked, summoning a portal

“Damn straight,” Strife stated before stepping through “See you in a while.”


The actual Horsemen Strife was currently sitting on the edge of a cliff on an unknown world with a heavily armored horse; Mayhem; to his side. Below them was a battle between demons and angels that had been going on for a while; judging by the amount of corpses. A zipping sound was heard behind as the Horseman casually removed one of his pistols and rested its barrel on his shoulder upside down in preparation of an attack.

“Don't shoot,” the Equestrian Horseman said “It's me.”

“Damn. Ain't you a sight for sore eyes,” Strife joked, turning around “What brings you here?”

“I wanted to talk.”

“Oh? What about,” Strife questioned

“History and your past.”

“What don't you know?”

“When I was Displaced; I lost most everything about myself,” the Equestrian Strife started “I know that I am supposed to be you and that I am one of the Four Horsemen; but that's it.”

“Put simply; even when the Nephilim were alive; I was a killer. That's probably the reason the Charred Council picked me,” Strife answered “Death might have the name; but I've always been the mercenary. What brought this about?”


“Alright; cut the crap,” Strife ordered “Why are you actually here?”

“I have to do something at home. The others have done more in taking out enemies then I have.”

“When did you see action?”

“When I first arrived in the world, looking like you; Fury and I headed to the ruler’s castle to kill the demons there. Other then that; I hung back when Vulgrim gave us some crystals.”

“Hold on; how the Hell did that demon get to your world,” Strife demanded

“Portals? You know how he is. Voldy’s everywhere you want to be.”

“Serpent holes would be my guess. I've used them before a long time ago and forgot. I wouldn't be surprised all the places they could go and never thought of him like that before. So; you want to be useful? Do you have Mercy & Redemption or the other design,” Strife asked

“Individuals. I thought they looked better in terms of appearance.”

“That helps. I'm sure you already know Mercy is the four-barreled unlimited machine gun-like pistol; while Redemption is basically a ten round single barrel shotgun disguised as a pistol,” Strife simplified “Normally; you'd have to physically switch the ammo generated; but your Watcher might be able to help.”

“What can I, Discord; Equestrian Lord of Chaos; do for you,” Discord asked

“Do you mind setting up the pistols of my counterpart here for different ammo types,” Strife directed “Specifically: beam, lava, static, gravity, nature and charged shots?”

“Done,” Discord stated, snapping his fingers “All you have to do is think about which type of ammo you need and your pistols will automatically alter themselves to fire it.”

“Depending on your location; I'd recommend static shot against multiple targets. It'll be your best friend. Shoot one and the charge will hit other nearby enemies as well.”

“And the others,” the Equestrian Strife pressed

“Never used them much to be honest. Lava is best for completely destroying enemies; although it has a tendency to damage the ground as well. Other then that; you'll have your Anarchy mode if you can access it.”

“If you remember the dragon that was with us that day; I asked him for four rechargeable wrath crystals that will allow us to use the ability if necessary.”

“Save that as a last resort as it'll more than likely destroy everything in your way as well. On a different note; how's the hunt coming for your Sins?”

“Two have already been killed; although the pair of brothers are still under watch.”

“Why aren't they dead,” Strife questioned

“They are apparently helping a few of the residents out. I'm hoping they keep to their word about being good.”

“Best of luck on that,” Strife joked “Now; how's about testing out the new ammo?”

“What targets do we have?”

“I see plenty down there,” Strife answered “Besides; they're ruining the quiet I hoped for to build a home.”

Having been given something amounting to permission; the Equestrian Strife dropped to his belly and readied the pistols set up with lava shot. With both sides busy fighting amongst one another; they were too slow to react to the concentrated lava as an unlucky demon was killed and an angel had his wings roasted at the same time.

“Horseman,” one of the demon yelled “Attack!”

As the remaining demons charged up the nearest path towards the Horsemen; the angels collected their dead and tried to find some form of shelter.

“Why would a Horseman target any of us,” an angel demanded “I ought to crucify them for destroying my wings!”

“Just help me get the others moved,” another ordered

“Well; there's plenty of targets for both of us,” Strife said cheerfully

“What's this,” a demon muttered “There's two of them!?”

“What is that other thing,” a second demon demanded

“Just kill them both,” a third demon ordered

“You're in luck. We've got twice the firepower for your ugly asses,” Strife countered

Both Horsemen continued firing as the Equestrian Strife stuck with the lava ammo while his teammate used regular shot. A few minutes later; all of the demons had been destroyed as the angels completely retreated.

“You'd best get going,” Strife offered “This attack won't go unnoticed by the Council.”

“Shouldn't I be there as well,” the Equestrian Strife asked cautiously “I was one of the participants.”

“Nah. It was my idea anyways.”

“Thanks for the help. It was appreciated. Discord; what are you doing?”

“Just looking at the weapons left behind,” he answered casually, picking a sword up “I’m debating whether or not they could use them.”

“I don't think they should get involved. You know how much those six mean.”

“That's precisely why I was thinking about it,” Discord argued “Besides; if it weren't for the four of you being there; they'd be the ones doing the work. I swear; they're the Royal Cleanup Crew at times.”

“Just grab some damn blades,” the Equestrian Strife muttered “We'll figure this out later. What about the others?”

“The pigeons will more than likely retreat,” Strife simplified “The one was an unfortunate victim caught in the crossfire.”

Two portals opened up around them as Discord and the Equestrian Strife headed home through one before it disappeared with the same zipping sound as it entered with. Strife knew there was only one place the other portal could lead and decided to get it over with.


Once on the other side of the portal; Strife was standing in front of the Charred Council’s totems and hoped to talk his way out of the incident. If he couldn't; some form of punishment was almost a guarantee with the Council.

“How's it going,” Strife asked casually

“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS,” one of the figures demanded


“I was minding my own business on the planet, thinking about where to build my house when I had visitors show up,” Strife answered calmly


“The other Strife came to talk to me about personal matters. During which; the demons attacked us, and we shot back. A stray angel might have ended up with roasted feathers; but he's still alive, just flightless. Any deaths to them were solely caused by demons.”


“I believe that is the definition of ‘personal’. He asked and I answered. Besides; that doesn't seem important to repeat.”

“BE GONE HORSEMAN,” the trio order together before Strife left


“My business is done,” Strife announced upon their return

“What was so important you had to leave,” Celestia asked

“Sorry; but that's just for my siblings to hear,” Strife retorted

“I come bearing gifts,” Discord announced as the weapons were dropped on the tile floor

“Angelic and demonic weapons,” Death muttered

“Is that blood on there,” Fluttershy asked, pointing to red spots on a blade

“It was like that when I got them,” Discord said flatly

“How did you get these,” Twilight asked, picking a golden blade up “I've never seen anything like these before.”

“You'd rather not want an answer,” Strife answered, as Twilight hesitantly set the blade back down instead

“Why bring these weapons to my little ponies,” Celestia asked

“Celly; you know as well as I, these girls are your cleanup crew for the world,” Discord started, putting an arm around her “If it weren't for the Horsemen; they'd be hunting the Sins down. I thought I'd give them something to use as a last resort.”

“These are awesome weapons,” Dash offered, grabbing a demon’s axe “I’m keeping this one. The blood adds a ‘well-used’ touch.”

“I hate to say it; but Discord is right,” Luna chimed in, as Celestia scowled at her

“Excuse us please,” Death said “We'd like to talk in private.”

“All of you are dismissed for now,” Celestia announced

Instead of heading upstairs towards the bedrooms with Twilight and company; Death lead his siblings down to Luna’s workshop before blocking the door from any prying eyes.

“Spill it,” War demanded, choking Strife “Why'd you leave!?”

“You…know…why,” Strife rasped as War released his grip

“That doesn't answer the question,” Fury countered

“I left to learn from the real Strife,” Strife said rubbing his throat before pointing in turn to War, Fury and Death in turn “You're the muscle of the group. You're completely unhinged and unchained, pun intended; and Death of course is slaughter happy. What am I; chopped friggin’ liver!? Look at the fight with that bastard Tirek. All of you took him down while I stood around hoping not to play medic! I'd bet the real Strife has a higher kill count than the real Death.”

“I never thought about that,” Fury muttered “We never gave you much in the way of helping out.”

“What do you want,” Death asked

“Let me at least take care of the next Sin,” Strife begged “Let me be useful to our cause.”

“Fine,” Death muttered after a moment of silence “You'll take the lead in the next fight.”

“Who's next,” Fury asked

“Chrysalis,” Strife decided

“What about the others,” War asked “Why not go after the leaders?”

“They'll more than likely come here to finish us off,” Strife said with a chuckle


“Cozy; head back to Equestria,” Chrysalis stated

“Are you sure,” Cozy asked hesitantly

“You're not safe here. Whoever is attacking the rest of us will have to get through the hive,” Chrysalis replied

“Be safe Cryssi,” Cozy said hugging her
“And you. You don't deserve this."

Cozy Glow started making her way out from the maze of tunnels they were in towards the entrance of the massive cave the changelings called home. Once outside, a gust of wind started up and stirred up the dust in the area. Despite being a pegasus; she knew it didn't pay to fly in a dust storm so the next best thing was to start walking and see about flying when it was clear.


“Celestia; do you happen to have a map we could temporarily borrow,” Strife asked

“What do you need it for,” she questioned

“If we trust the information gleaned from the brothers; one of the Sins resides in a place called the ‘Badlands’. We're going there and eliminating them,” he answered


After getting far enough away from the storm; Cozy turned around for a final look at the hive as a tear fell. She wouldn't call Chrysalis her best friend, but it was nice to have some support from the others.

“No. I can't dwell on that. I have places to go and ponies to visit,” she muttered, shaking her head


“If you're heading there, perhaps you should be better clothed,” Discord pointed out

With a simple snap of his fingers; four dark brown cloaks were summoned along with goggles for the Horsemen that fell onto them.

“It's not perfect; but they'll do,” Discord muttered

“How are we supposed to get there,” Fury demanded “Without our mounts, specifically.”

“The nearest stop via train is a place known as Dodge City,” Celestia answered “After getting off, you'll have a long walk to get through the Badlands before finding your destination.”

“Let's get this over with,” War stated

“Take this,” Luna said “Show it to the ticket counter and they'll let you on our royal car. I’ve used it once in a while for a free ride.”

A coin was levitated into Death's hand. Looking closely at it revealed a blue coin with a moon on one side and a sun on the other. He simply attached it to his armor for safe keeping.

“Be safe,” Celestia mused

With the coin attached; Death led his siblings out of the castle and towards the train station.

“Four round-trip tickets for Dodge City,” Death stated, showing the coin

“Here you are,” the cashier replied, handing over four tickets “Take the private car in the rear. Trip will take two-and-a-half hours to destination.”

“So; where’re we sitting,” Strife asked

“In the back,” Death answered

“Good. I'd rather not have to deal with anyone,” War muttered “Don't need unwanted looks.”

“All aboard,” the train’s conductor called “Your destinations will be announced.”

Death lead his siblings towards the back of train. Attached to it was a another carriage which he opened the door to as the others climbed in. The interior consisted of multiple comfortable chairs and couches situated against the walls.

“Nice digs,” Strife muttered “Best I've seen since the castle.”

“Not bad,” Fury added

“How long is the trip,” War asked

“Long enough,” came the answer

“Eh; no big deal,” Strife countered

True to the word of the cashier; the train did indeed arrive to Dodge City on time. After departing; the four made sure to have the goggles on before starting the long walk.

“Could this walk be any longer,” Fury asked sarcastically “All I've seen is dirt and rocks.”

“Of course it could,” Discord jokingly answered, popping up “It's not too bad.”

“Can't you open a portal and get us to the front entrance,” she demanded

“Oh very well,” Discord relented with a sigh “If it stops unnecessary complaints.”

On cue; a simple portal opened up with it's exit facing a rock wall. A single entrance led inside to whatever lie beyond and hopefully the next Sin. Inside consisted of various holes in the rocks, followed by ramps leading to upper areas.

“Hello,” Strife called “Anyone home!?”

Not to his surprise, but a series of black bug-like creatures emerged from the holes. Strife opened his cloak and summoned Mercy and Redemption from the crystals.

“I feel a song coming on,” Strife said cheerfully

“Seriously,” Fury retorted “What are you thinking!?”

Creepy little bugs, won't you come out tonight? (BANG)

Come out tonight? (BANG)

Come out tonight? (BANG)

Creepy little bugs won't you come out tonight...and die to this old Horseman




Each line was enunciated with a shot from Redemption as one of the bugs fell before Mercy took a few shots as a total of ten were killed.

“I hear an encore coming,” Strife announced “Second verse, same as the first.”

“ENOUGH,” a voice called

“That's all it took to get your attention,” Strife questioned

“Stop killing my offspring,” the voice pleaded “They're innocent.”

“I take it you're Chrysalis of the Seven Sins,” Fury demanded

“I am,” Chrysalis answered “And to whom am I talking to?”

“Someone who was ordered to eliminate you,” War countered

“And why do I deserve to be killed,” Chrysalis questioned “I haven't done anything wrong.”

“Our orders were to eliminate the Sins. You're a Sin deserving death,” War stated

“That I am; but should you really follow orders blindly,” she continued

“They instructed us to carry out this mission,” War retorted

“There's no arguing with the dope,” she muttered under her breath

“Before we decide your fate; perhaps you could explain what your fellow members were planning,” Strife offered

“Grogar wanted our help in taking over Equus. Tirek went rogue with his own plan; while I joined in order to protect my hive,” Chrysalis explained “Grogar promised they would be spared if I agreed to participate.”

“Let's go,” Strife said with a loud sigh, while the others followed reluctantly behind

“What was that for,” War demanded “Why didn't you kill all of them!?”

“She was doing what she felt was right,” Strife answered “Who could fault her for protecting family?”

“Family? I don't recall you caring when you helped slaughter our own kind,” War retorted “Or did you forget all about the Nephilim?”

“Was that a threat little brother,” Strife asked, drawing his swords

“Do you really think you could actually beat me,” War taunted

“Both of you knock it off,” Fury demanded “Fighting amongst ourselves solves nothing."

“Let them go,” Death offered “If it help them to calm down and put this matter behind us; then go for it.”

“With pleasure,” War stated

“You wouldn't mind holding these, would you,” Strife asked

Each of tossed the cloaks and goggles towards Fury; landing in a heap by her. Both allowed the energy from their Wrath crystals to channel their powered up forms. A circle of flame signified War’s transformation into a large flaming demon armed with a sword.

“Now that's what I've been waiting for,” Strife yelled “Let’s have some fun!”

Strife’s Anarchy mode was triggered by an explosion of pink energy. It consists of a large black horned goblin with a scorpion-like pony tail capable of unleashing destructive energy and a mini-gun as replacement for a left hand.

The sand kicked up, causing the area to lose visibility down to nothing. This did nothing to hinder to the Horsemen as War started to swing wildly in an attempt to hit his brother. On the other hand; Strife had used the flaming body as a target and maneuvered out of range. A series of shots from his mini-gun let loose altogether were partially deflected into the surrounding rock face as passed by their sister.

“Watch it you idiots,” Fury called

Two small columns of smoke appeared around Strife and Fury as the energy from the Wrath crystals wore off. Despite that; they fought against the sand to try continuing their fight.

“That's enough,” Death ordered, scythes drawn against them “This is over. Now get walking.”

Without a word; both put the fallen items back on and began to trudge through the desert and road back to Dodge City. Once at the train station; they were in luck that it was only a five minute wait for arrival.

“I'm just going to ask,” Fury started, breaking the silence “Where in the name of the Creator did you learn how to sing?”

“That? I was just making it up as I went along,” Strife answered with a laugh

After those comments; the four sat in silence as none of them knew what to say that wouldn't reopen old wounds. Even in Canterlot they didn't want to talk. Waiting in the throne room was Twilight and the others.

“How'd it go,” Luna asked

“It didn't,” Death stated “Chrysalis was spared.”

“That's good. Right,” Fluttershy asked hesitantly

“She joined to save her offspring,” Strife answered


“Finally,” she panted “I am far enough away from the sandstorm to stretch my wings.”

Despite what Grogar instructed her to do; she decided to just head straight ahead towards the castle. If the plan wasn't successful; she could always go back to a nearby town to stay.


“How dare you threaten my friend,” a voice cried

To the shock of everyone gathered in the room; an expected visitor in the form of a pink pegasus with light blue curly hair barged inside.

“Who's the flying pest,” Fury demanded

“My name is Cozy Glow,” she answered “The cute and only won.”

“Want to see something funny,” Strife whispered to War

“What do you have in mind,” War asked

“Just wait,” Strife answered

“Very well,” War muttered

“Drop the cuteness act,” Strife stated, addressing Cozy “No one's going to fall for it.”

“In three…two…one,” Strife whispered, counting down on his fingers


“I'd recommend you start trying to calm down,” Fury offered

“Golly, where did these Alicorns come fwom,” Cozy asked, returning to the cute tone of voice, before lunging towards them “I was told there's ownwee two.”

“I'm not telling you again,” Fury stated

Before anyone say it coming; Celestia teleported everyone in the room outside by the front gates. Once they got their bearings; Fury activated her Storm Hollow.

“Ooh, scawey,” Cozy taunted

“I'm going to destroy her,” Fury yelled “Sin or not!”

Fury lunged at the pegasus with her spear as Cozy flew into the air at the last second.

“You're an awicorn, wight,” Cozy taunted “Just fly after me.”

Concentrating for a moment; Fury stretched her wings and jumped up trying to fly. Unfortunately; she ended up lowering to the ground via burst of wind. Instead; her spear was thrust upwards as lightning bolts struck the area.

“I'm a pegusus, duh,” Cozy stated in a sarcastic tone “I'm immune to lightning.”

Just as she taunted Fury; a bolt of lightning struck Cozy; causing her to land. Not wanting to let up; Fury summoned a trio of tornadoes to surround Cozy.

“Horseman,” Celestia started, getting her attention “Fury; stop.”

“Why,” Fury asked, dismissing the tornadoes

“Cozy Glow is,” Celestia hesitated “Cozy is my daughter.”

“WHAT,” the main six asked in unison

“How is that possible,” Twilight asked

“When a mare and stallion love each other very much,” Celestia jokingly answered

“I know about biology and reproduction,” Twilight countered “When did it happen?”

“A little over a thousand years ago,” Celestia said with a sigh

“If you're that old; why the appearance,” Dash asked rather crassly

“I don't have an answer to that,” Celestia answered “It could be due to being an alicorn, or a number of other possibilities. As for the hair color itself; that was what mine looked like before using the Elements of Harmony. I do have a question for you Cozy; why did you leave?”

“Why else,” Cozy retorted angrily “I had to hear you banish aunt Luna to the moon. I left because I saw other families have what I envied: a life. I joined Grogar and Daybreaker to have a family. They knew the truth about my envy and sheltered me until I was ready to return.”

“You're back where you belong; but I am going to put you in time out for a little while to cool off,” Celestia said reassuringly


“Get ready,” Grogar stated

“You're going to teleport us there now,” Daybreaker asked

“I'm not taking any chances. We strike when they're unprepared and we'll have the advantage,” he answered

“What about the others?”

“If they were slain; then they had better gone down fighting.”


Celestia led her daughter inside the castle and down the steps on the way towards Luna’s lab. Instead of continuing downward; they turned down an unmarked hallway towards a row of cells.

“Mom; is this really necessary,” Cozy asked

“I'm afraid it is,” Celestia answered sadly “You were a member of the Seven Sins and knew of their plot to take over Equus.”

“But I wasn't part of it,” Cozy begged “Please don't do this.”

“This is just temporary. I'll let you out in a little while.”

Celestia opened the cell with her magic as Cozy very reluctantly stepped inside. The door was closed as another burst of magic locked it. Celestia had to wipe her eyes as she didn't want to imprison her daughter; but knew it was for everyone's safety. Being over a thousand years old in the body of a filly; there was no telling what her daughter could be capable of if provoked.

“I'm sorry,” Celestia said in a whisper to herself “I'm sorry for everything.”

A ring of fire appeared on the ground in the courtyard as two occupants emerged. The first was a white alicorn similar to Celestia; although a mane and tail of fire differentiated them. Accompanying the alicorn was a four-legged blue ram with white hair and mane that stood the same height. Attached to the collar around his neck was an oversized cowbell.


“Who are the two of you,” Twilight asked

“I am Daybreaker,” she answered “You may call me ‘Mistress’.”

“You are not aware of Grogar, the Father of Monsters,” he demanded “Such a shame the education is lacking if I'm no longer being taught.”

“What is your purpose here,” Celestia demanded, teleporting from the castle

“I plan on destroying you; but I want a challenge,” Grogar stated “Give me your strongest warrior. Defeat me and you'll never see me again.”

“I'll take you on,” Death stated

“May I have your name,” Grogar asked “I like to know whom I am killing.”

“You don't know my brother,” Strike asked in mock shock “This is the legendary Gore Grimskull.”

“Can't say I've heard a name like that before,” Grogar said with a laugh “Good luck."

“Hold on a moment. If we're doing this; and we ARE doing this; I want your best,” Daybreaker stated “Not ‘Pwincess Cwestia’ the ruler who sits on her flank eating cake. I want the Celestia who was a ruthless warrior. Bring that version out or I kill everyone here until you do.”

“Hold a minute; my little ponies are innocent,” Celestia countered

“Than I suggest you get them out of here,” Daybreaker countered

“Luna; take the six and head into the castle,” Celestia instructed

“Very well. What about the rest of you,” Luna asked, turning to the Horsemen

“If he's fighting; than we're staying,” War answered

“Well said, little brother,” Strife chimed in

“No. All of you go with Luna. Your job is to protect the others,” Death retorted

“Fury can take War,” Strife countered “I'm staying here. I don't care if I'm on the sidelines or not.”

“Suit yourself,” Grogar answered “When he dies; you're next.”

“Is she alright,” Daybreaker asked

“Cozy’s in her rightful place,” Celestia confirmed

“You mean locked in a castle cell before being banished to Tartarus,” Daybreaker spat, before charging


Daybreaker created a gigantic mace from her magic as Celestia created a claymore and shield to defend. The mace was swung towards Celestia only to meet the shield instead. A small dent was made due to the force as Celestia attacked in retaliation.

“Good to see you haven't entirely became a slouch,” Daybreaker taunted “That would have been a mistake.”

“I've made enough mistakes over my lifetime,” Celestia said “Loosing my sister and daughter being the two biggest. I should have seen it. Ponies never gave Luna a chance to see how much the night is needed. Cozy envied what I never gave her; what you gave instead: comfort.”

“At least you have confessed. Does it make you feel better?”


“Kishin, Witch hunter,” Death muttered

Death did not want to take any chances with his opponent and thought to use the scythes to test his skill. Despite the age; Grogar was quick enough to dodge each swing before a small burst of energy was sent towards the Horsemen.

“I thought you'd use magic to beat me,” Grogar taunted “After all; alicorn are the strongest magic users.”

“I like my way better,” Death stated “It gets the ‘point’ across better.”

“Let's see if this old ram still has it in him,” Grogar muttered

A series of hooves started to break through the ground in the courtyard as multiple bodies pulled themselves up and turned towards Death. Without caring; a single slice was enough to end all the zombies.

“That was unimpressive,” Death offered “Let me show you how it's really done.”

Death concentrated for a moment and allowed a trio of ghouls and a small murder of crows to manifest themselves and attack Grogar. The latter could only summon a shield of magic to try and block the onslaught from both groups. In the meantime; Death decided to dismiss the abilities of both scythes and remove the enchantment, returning to his original Harvester scythe.


“I see you have tried to change,” Daybreaker started “I have one request.”

“What is it?”

“Take care of Cozy Glow. She sought me out in anger; but wanted a family. She doesn't deserve to be punished for her actions when she really wasn't par of them,” Daybreaker finished sadly “Promise me you'll do that Celestia.”

“I promise.”


“It's time to get serious,” Grogar stated

He tapped the bell, causing a ring of magic wave to emanate from it along with the dismissal of Death's summoned minions. A second tap caused Daybreaker and Celestia to be stripped of their magic.

“I always knew she was soft,” Grogar taunted “I'll save you the trouble and finish off the traitor myself before I get to you.”

“You rat,” a weak Daybreaker muttered

Another ball of magic was tossed towards Daybreaker causing her to fade away into a trail of smoke just as Celestia reached Daybreaker’s hoof one last time.

“Goodbye,” Celestia said quietly

“Now; it's time I take care of your magic,” Grogar continued

The bell rang for a third time as the Horsemen were targeted. Both Strife and Death felt a little uneasy; but neither really had magic to care about losing it.

“Any last words Grimskull before you meet your doom,” Grogar asked

“You call yourself the ‘Father of Monsters’ but you've never the monsters I have. You think you’ve taken my magic; but there’s only one group that has the ability to do so,” Death started, “I've been known by many names over the millennia and I'm the last person you'll meet. Let me properly introduce myself. I am the Kinslayer; the Grim Reaper. I. Am. DEATH!”

Death removed a Wrath crystal and allowed the energy to flow through him. To Grogar’s shock; the pony in front of him turned into a winged being wielding a giant scythe. The last thing the ram saw was the blade heading towards him as the bell was all that remained. Once his task was complete; Death forced himself to return to return as Celestia used the bell to return the stolen magic.

“It's done,” Death panted

“That was so totally awesome,” Dash cried as she tackled Death “I've seen awesome and that tops everything. You turned to that beast.”

“How were you able to do that,” Twilight asked

“As you know; the four of us are the enforcers of the beings known as the Charred Council. What you saw is the ultimate form of Death; the true Grim Reaper,” Strife answered

Before any celebration or rest could take place; a fiery portal opened up by them.

“No rest for the wicked,” Strife joked

“Where are you going,” Pinkie asked sadly

“We have to report to the Council,” Death stated

“Come back, ya hear,” AJ demanded "You have a home here."

“We promise,” Strife replied

With that; the four stepped through and headed into the lair of the Charred Council.

“What can we do for you,” Strife asked


“Let's see; one happens to be the daughter of one of the rulers,” Strife said, ticking them off on his fingers “Another was a mother worried about her hive and the last were actually trying to better themselves.”


A scene from a warehouse in Equestria was shown as the brothers Flim and Flam were working on the Cider Squeezey.

“You know brother; I don't believe we've heard anything about the others,” Flim started

“I concur. If I'm not mistaken; we're the Sin alive,” Flam added

“You know what means; right?”

“We can finally take over Equestria for ourselves.”

The two paused in thought for a moment before answering simultaneously, “Nah.”

“It's too much work, anyway.”

“Agreed. Besides; it's nice to finally help others out for once.”


“They plan on helping out,” Strife answered “They'll be left alone.”


“You have the original Horsemen take care of the rest of the universe and we'll return to Equestria and guard it against all threats,” Death answered


With that; the four headed back through the portal. They didn't have any idea what might be in their future; but they knew their promise to defend Equestria would always be kept.

Comments ( 2 )

A'ight, look i like the story, it entertaining and I throughly enjoyed it but if you could do me the small favor of keeping who is which sin straight i would appreciate it. You repeatedly call both Sombra and Tirek the sin of greed.

Tirek was supposed to be Wrath, while Sombra was Greed. With Tirek gathering of magic, it is the greed of doing so that caused him to become wrathful against others. Sombra wants power just because he wants to

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