• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 3,150 Views, 297 Comments

Equestria Girls: Symbol Of Undying Love - vortex123

A human strikes a deal with the man who speaks in hands and is sent to the human world of MLP as a monster. Apparently he's not the first ever monster there, nor the first person to take Gaster's deal.

  • ...

Name the fallen monster

"In all honesty, I'm not even surprised." I whispered as I watch another house being burned down in the distance. "If this doesn’t prove humans are an insane species, then I don't know what will."

"Come on dude! Aren't you being overdramatic?" The girl next to me quietly asked with a deadpan look. I look to her with a frown. Her name was Sophia Vivienne, she was a pretty stubborn girl. We had been best friends for years, so we hung out a lot. When we learned about the arson spree from the news, we didn't think much about it. Of course, none of our family members shared our view, so they pretty much put us under house arrest until the culprits were caught. We were hanging out in my house when that specific house suddenly caught on fire, my folks were in the kitchen, so we were alone at the moment.

"’Overdramatic’? Look outside!" I whisper shouted. "It's almost like they woke up one day, and suddenly wanted to watch the world burn! There's literally no reason for them to go out of-." I'm interrupted by the sound of two gunshots, making me shiver in fear, I look to Sophia and see she's in a similar state. We both fall down, Sophia pulling me into a hug.

"That sounded pretty close. You don't think they'll hit this house, do you?” She asked, only to receive a shrug.I look to the clock to find it's pretty close to 9:00pm.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, things should calm down soon. I mean, nut jobs gotta sleep too, right?" I asked, she gave a snort before looking at me.

"Not all humans are like that. I mean, I haven't started any fires, and you haven't intentionally started any." She started, my deadpanning intensifies. "So we can't all be bad, right?" She asked with a smile, I don't have a counter for that, so I just reluctantly nod in defeat. She lets go of me and we cut on the T.V.

We sit quietly together while the hours fly by. After awhile, I noticed Sophia wasn't with me anymore. When I looked around for her, I saw that I was in a black void. Before I could question life, an elderly man walks out of thin air.

"Hello there." He said calmly with a smile on his face.

"…Hi." I say back, slightly on guard. 'I'll be nice for now, but in case this goes south, I should get ready to run. Though since he appeared out of thin air, I wonder what the chances are that I could out run him.' I think to myself, he chuckles for some reason.

"Oh don't mind me! If you feel like running, go ahead and run. I'll be here when you’re done!" He says with a knowing look. I shrug it off and take his advice. I book it and run full speed away, a few minutes(?) later, I'm right back where I started. Sure enough, the man hadn't moved an inch. "You're pretty fast for your age. Now that you're done, I'll answer any questions you might have."

"Who are you? Where am I? Where is the girl who was with me, Sophia? Who are you?" I fired question after question at him.

"…You asked who I was twice. Anyway. You’re in a black void, not much I can explain about it without confusing you." He started.

"That's fair." I nod in agreement, I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack.

"Your friend is both here and not at the same time, again this "place" is complicated. She's completely fine, so don't worry." He continued.

"I wouldn't be a real friend if I didn't worry about her sudden disappearance." I state firmly.

"As for who I am, I'm Gaster." He stated without hesitation. Seeing my disbelief, he gestured toward the "surrounding area". Seeing that he made his point, he continued. "I'd like your help in an experiment I've been working on."

"…Experiment?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes, it's a means for me to leave this place. I'd do it myself, but as you can see, I'm not in the best shape." He said with a shrug.

"What do you mean? Sure your not exactly built for freerunning, but you don't look that bad. Heck, considering how most people from the fandom believe you look goopy, this actually looks fine. Though I'm surprised your human, I honestly thought you were a monster." I say before I hear laughing.

"Don't be fooled, that's just your mind trying to protect itself. Truthfully my form has…changed over time, what with all the time that's past, this place does that to you. My form is too terrifying for your mind to handle, so in an effort to save itself, it's making you perceive me as something harmless. And yes, I am a Monster." He says with a more hollowed chuckle.

"Wait, doesn't that mean I could end up the same way?" I asked in concern, he nods.

"Correct. That is, if you were here physically. This is more of a shared dream, I probably should've said that sooner." He said, cracking a smile.

"…Of course." I sigh in exasperation. "So why am I here?"

“As I said, I need your help in an experiment. Don’t worry, this is like the red and blue pill choice from that inaccurate movie you humans seem to like.” He says. Seeing my confused face, he explained. “While the human SOUL could generate enough power to make that machine function, the human body couldn’t. In fact, it would take much more power to keep them alive then they could generate. As for why you specifically, you’re the 185,678,457,855th human I’ve pulled here from countless universes. So far only one accepted………I’d rather not talk about that human.”

“What’s the choice.” I asked, slightly interested.

"I'm giving you the choice to either go back to your original world, or be sent to another one with an assignment, if you agree.” He answers simply.

'Well if I'm gonna be honest, having the chance to go to a new world is a once in a lifetime deal.' I think with a nod. "What’s the assignment?” I asked.

“In this world I’m talking about, there’s someone foul, irredeemable. They have, and will continue to, gain a lot of L.V through killing. I’d like to use this individual as a means of escape. I’ll explain ‘how’ later on, if you accept. And it’s not like you’ll be alone in this experiment. Trust me, this individual has already made a lot of enemies.” He says.

“Well I would hope so!” I say bluntly. He chuckles before offering his hand.

“To make sure we’re both on the same page: I’ll send you to a new world with some alterations to your body and SOUL that will let you use magic, and in exchange, you help me in an experiment at the expense of a megalomaniac. So, do we have a deal?” He asked with a smile.

“Wait, how are you aware of what’s happening in that world, aren’t you stuck here?” I asked, puzzled that he knows so much about what’s been happening outside of this void.

“I’ve been ripped apart and had my consciousness spread throughout the multiverse. I know things no Monster nor Human should ever be forced to know.” He says with a shiver.

"…OK, we’re just gonna stop before it gets too freaky.” I say much quicker than I meant to. He nods and I shake it his hand. Everything suddenly goes dark. Then I see a screen and a white heart. The heart has small and barely noticeable streaks of different unidentifiable colors in it while the screen had text on it.


This will be your name, not someone else's.

After a moment, I type in my name.

Manny Osric

Then everything goes white, and I slipped into unconsciousness.

A picture shows a human King and a chimera Queen standing side by side, smiling at the camera. Long ago, two races ruled the world formerly known as Terra, humans and chimeras. The rulers of the land were not wed, but were best friends who chose to unite their kingdoms and rule side by side. Together they brought peace and harmony to the realm, with the exception of some trouble makers here and there. As time passes, the citizens of the fused kingdoms split into smaller factions, more out of wanting to be with creatures that have similar interests like them then wanting to claim power.

There was the Harmony faction who focused on spreading light and positivity throughout the land, they were not fans of the Umbra faction but chose to reluctantly support their decision. They felt it wasn't their place to judge them for being true to themselves. Then there was the Umbra faction who focused more on darkness and other types of things others were too afraid of, they hated the harmony faction with a passion but never acted on it. Then there was the Chaos faction who focused on causing mischief wherever they go. They didn't care about the other factions at all, they just cared about having fun and having a laugh. They were like the youngest sibling of the trio, though Harmony and Umbra couldn't fully stop Chaos on account of how adaptable and powerful Chaos was. Of course not everyone was in a faction, some just didn't see the point or didn't have the courage to join one.

As time went on, the human king eventually succumbed to the passage of time and left the living plane. In her grieving, the Queen failed to notice the warning signs that the new King was corrupted and twisted. As he gazed at the humans and chimeras laughing and playing together, he looked at the chimeras in disgust. To him, they were an unnecessary eyesore. Wanting to get rid of them, he devised a plan. He just had to sow hate and distrust into the two races while the Queen was too distracted to notice. By the time she did notice, the damage had been done. The hate fueled humans waged war on the chimeras. With the Queen not being of sound mind, the chimeras were quickly losing. As the war raged on, something no one thought possible happened. All three factions put their differences aside to combat the hateful humans, even humans who hated the new King chose to fight for the chimeras. The three factions, and the nonaffiliated formed a union called Dreams. Of course the factions were still present, just changed from factions to sections.

Putting all of their magic and knowledge together, they created a new race called monsters. The nonaffiliated section handled the structure of the SOULs, which were quite similar to both humans and chimeras. The Umbra section handled the combative and SOUL absorption of them, though they didn't mention the SOUL absorption to the others. The Harmony section handled half of the monsters' body structure, making sure they were constructed with positive emotions to avoid whatever they knew the Umbras were secretly pulling. And the Chaos section handled the other half of the monsters' body structure, making sure each and every one of them were unique in some way. They monsters proved to be frighteningly powerful, but they had a weakness. The humans were much stronger than them physically, not to mention that the humans seem to get stronger the more they kill. Even with that weakness, Dreams managed to push the fight all the way to the King turned tyrant's front gate. But all that struggling and hard work was for not, the tyrant had been developing a spell to end the war once and for all using artifacts developed with the help of the chimeras before the war. It was a banishing spell that would send the target(s) to another world.

Successfully casting it, he sent both monsters and chimeras away with a twist just for amusement. All the chimeras save for one who managed to resist that part of the spell were split into the multiple species that made them up, some still having different aspects. And the humans who sided with them were changed into creatures that he thought would make better slaves. Their very memories were also being erased to make sure they never returned. These acts infuriated the former chimeras, and the one remaining chimera now called a draconequus. For the first time in his entire life, the draconequus absolutely loathed someone. This thing that had the audacity to take-no-steal the image of King from such a benevolent ruler decided to pull a stunt like this and sully the title even further than the draconequus thought possible. Being someone who was almost as high standing as the Queen herself, the draconequus managed to easily persuade everyone affected by this spell to lend him as much magic as possible for one last spell. Managing to snap his eagle talon and cast two spells before the banishing spell was completed, he vanished along with everyone else. The spell shattered the enslavement spell on the former humans, and the humans that sided with the tyrant were suddenly overcome with rage and bloodlust for the tyrant. No one knows what became of the tyrant or what all occurred in the time that is now known as the dark ages. But it is said that you can still hear his screams of suffering if you visit the castle ruins, even to this day.

Author's Note:

To those who read the previous version of this chapter, I'm changing the start. Because I think I can do more with this change, then I could in the previous version.

As for the Name being Dreams, I'll explain.
Dreams can lead to peace and happiness (Harmony). Dreams can easily turn into nightmares or even night-terrors (Umbra). And any dream, be it good or bad, are always chaotic in some shape or form (Chaos).

And for those of you who aren't Undertale fans who are confused on why I keep spelling a word in full or almost full capital letters, that's just how those words are done in Undertale.