• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 3,149 Views, 297 Comments

Equestria Girls: Symbol Of Undying Love - vortex123

A human strikes a deal with the man who speaks in hands and is sent to the human world of MLP as a monster. Apparently he's not the first ever monster there, nor the first person to take Gaster's deal.

  • ...

Getting settled in the new world

Manny and Sunset woke up in their respective beds, last night's events fresh in their minds.

Last night

"How can a 13 year old be this stupid!?" Sunset groaned with her head on the table, having spent the past 30 minutes trying to get Manny to understand the basics of magic. Manny looked at her with a frown.

"How can a supposed 'genius' struggle this hard at teaching someone?" Manny shot back. Sunset glared daggers at him, though the size difference just made it look cute.

"Hey! It's not my fault you can't understand something kids younger then me have already got down pat!" She countered.

"Last time I checked, you're teaching me. And while I can't do it on command, I have shown I actually can do it, so it's not my fault! You're just not a good teacher. Student? According to that screen, you're a great student. Teacher? Well if you were a good teacher, we wouldn't be having this argument." He countered right back.

"I don't have to help you, you know. I could just let you figure it out yourself!" She yelled, a little red in the face. He deadpans.

"Ok? What's your point? You're the one asking for my help. Admittedly that's only because I can actually use magic, but my point still stands." He said, folding his arms and giving her an expectant look. Sunset isn't able to answer that right away. 'You may be a hell of a lot smarter than me, but you're still a little kid. I have a lot more experience in arguing then you do.' He thinks with a smug look, which disappeared when Sunset gave her own smug look.

"Last time I checked, a Monster's body is extremely weak against humans. You could go out there without learning magic, but I highly doubt you'll get far in a one on one fight, and that's only if you're lucky. If the people here are anything like the folks back home, one look at those horns, and you'll have to deal with a mob." She retorted. 'It pays to have intelligence on your side.' He rolled his eyes.

"Good point, if only there were some sort of object that could possibly help hide these tiny horns. Like some sort of cloth based item that could cover the top part of my head…though I doubt in invention that complex could possibly exist." He sighed in mock defeat. Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Cute. We can argue about this later, right now we should get some rest. Let's see if there's anywhere close by that'll take in a little girl and a bum." She said, Manny huffed at being called a bum.

"More like little brat if you ask me, drop the attitude and it shouldn't be a problem. I don't suppose you have this world's currency, do you?" He asked. While they were trying to figure out how Manny used magic, Sunset had accidentally let it slip that she's from another world. Seeing no reason to keep it a secret, Manny had told her that he was in the same situation.

"No, this world (or rather this country) uses a certain type of paper called dollars, I only have a few bits on me." She sighed.

"I'm familiar with that type of money, though I doubt mine have the right type of look to it, if I actually had some on me." He says with a shrug before giving her a questioning look. "Also, what's a bit?

"This is a bit, I only have like three or four on me though. I didn't bother bringing much since I needed to travel light and this world might not even use them." She answered while showing him a bit, which was in fact a gold coin. "Turns out I was correct, there completely useless." She sigh. Manny is slack jawed.

"That's a gold coin." He says, his left eye twitching.

After Manny calmed down (at least on the outside), the two went out and asked around for directions to a pawnshop. They had managed to convince everyone they talked to, that Manny liked wearing fake horns and that Sunset was just a small adult rather easily. After all, how many Elementary schoolers can accurately explain things like the relationship between gravity and time while acknowledging how movement can alter both of them, let alone better then the University students they talked to?

They found the place they were looking for soon enough. After showing the owner the bit, they left with $250, unaware that since Equestria gold was more valuable than they realized at the time. They managed to find a motel to stay in for the moment, well Manny did, Sunset was too sleepy because of how late it was, so Manny had carried her to said Motel. Though Manny had to wake Sunset up for a bit, so they could use their 'Sunset is a little adult' story to get past the front desk, and get a room to sleep in.


"Well…got any ideas for today?" Sunset asked simply.

"Find a way to make money." Manny answered with a shrug. Sunset raised a brow.

"Really? I would think that you'd want to try learning magic again." She says.

"We need money to pay for things like rent, food, water, and a bunch of other things. You only have 3 'bits' left, that's not going to last long, especially for two people. We also have another problem, we don't exist as far as this world is concerned, we're essentially illegal immigrants in this country. So getting a good job isn't gonna be easy, not to mention out of the two of us, I'm the oldest, and I'm only 13. I might be forgetting about a lot of things, but those are the biggest problems I can see at the moment." Manny points out.

"Well…maybe not." Sunset says optimistically. Seeing Manny's confused look, Sunset explained. "If I remember right, some old dude who's name you can't seem to say, sent you here from across the void." She began.

She is quite a rude child, but that is accurate enough I suppose.

Manny jumped at that, before turning to the source of the familiar voice, much to Sunset's confusion and the scientist's surprise.

"☝︎♋︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎!?" Manny asked in shock.

You can see and hear me!?

"Uh Manny? I didn't catch what you said, it sounded too jumbled and warped. What's wrong?" Sunset asked.

"Nothing, I'm just seeing, and apparently talking to, the guy who sent me here. Though he looks different then I remember." Manny replied, before bringing his attention back onto the Monster in question. Gaster now looked like his regular self, from his skeleton body to his black shirt, gray pants, black shoes and white lab coat. Though oddly enough his right eye remained halfway closed, still showing the white dot acting as one of his pupils, while his left eye seemed perfectly fine.

It seems that whenever you say my name, it becomes a warped and jumbled version of my dialect, fascinating. Just refer to me as 'Doctor' or Just 'Doc' for now, for Ms. Shimmer's sake.

"Alright, Sunset? He said to call him Doctor or Doc." Manny repeated.

"Ok?" She questioned, giving Manny a confused look. She shook her head and continued her train of thought. "So this 'Doc' guy sent you across the void, so wherever you came from, must've been pretty far from this world. Am I right?" Manny looked at Gaster for confirmation, seeing him nod, Manny nods as well. "Well my world is connected to this one via mirror, so the two are close enough for that to be possible. So it's possible that this world has some things in common. In Equestria, it's not that hard to get a job as low tier as say, house cleaning or helping out on a farm."

I've seen how farm work is done in Equestria, trust me, she shouldn't go anywhere near a farm in this world at such a young age. She'll be scarred for life, I'll just say that cows and such are sentient and talking beings in her world, and leave it at that.

Manny just nods, acting as if he was agreeing with Sunset, when in reality he was agreeing with Gaster.

"Alright, but first things first, we should learn about this world some more. Any suggestions anyone? At the moment, I don't think any suggestion would be a bad one." Manny says with a frown. Sunset shakes her head while Gaster chuckles.

I have a few suggestions, but I'll have to have your full cooperation for them to work. Don't worry, I'm quite familiar with working through someone else to get something done, but you'll have to do and say exactly what I tell you to.

Manny raised a brow, but decided that a former Royal head scientist could handle this better then he or a little girl could. Filling Sunset in on what Gaster had said, she fully agreed, surprising both Manny and Gaster. Though both suspected that it probably had more to do with the Royal part of his title, then actual trust in Gaster, along with her not being able to think of anything else.

Author's Note:

Things like time travel and teleportation (which if I have my facts right, is similar to time travel. But instead of going from one point in time to another, you're going from one point of space to another in much less time then normal) , while seemingly impossible to the average person in this world, it’s entirely possible in mlp if Sweetie Belle teleporting is anything to go by. That’s like us explaining to them how non-magical electricity works. A simple concept for us, unthinkable to them.

Also whenever Gaster talks, I'm sure you noticed the lack of these marks: ( " ), that's intentional. Gaster is still in the void, not physically there. There's a reason that he's able to be with Manny, but that'll be explained later.