• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 3,149 Views, 297 Comments

Equestria Girls: Symbol Of Undying Love - vortex123

A human strikes a deal with the man who speaks in hands and is sent to the human world of MLP as a monster. Apparently he's not the first ever monster there, nor the first person to take Gaster's deal.

  • ...

First Monday of school-Manny

‘I’m gonna die.’ Was all I could think as I looked around. There was about 26 students in this classroom, including me. 25 people who’re all capable of killing me in one blow, and if they’re anything like the students in my old school, then they’ll start fights for the stupidest reasons. Wanting to take my mind off the possibility of being murdered today, I took the time to go over the schedule I was given.

My first block (which I was currently in) teacher was some dude named Written Note, though of course we were supposed to call him Mr. Note. he taught history.

Someone named Ms. Luna (apparently she insisted that students use her first name for whatever reason) was my second block teacher, she’d be teaching Math, though Fire told me she’d also be teaching something else.

My third block teacher was someone called Iron Will (he was apparently really insistent about speaking in the third-person), he was my P.E teacher, though apparently he liked to double as a self-help motivational speaker.

I was able to chose my fourth block, and my choices were between science, band, English and Agriculture. Gaster said that he could easily teach science. I didn’t think I needed to take English since I already spoke that language (not sure why they teach something that the students already know how to do, but whatever). I had no idea what Agriculture was. So in the end I decided to take band. My fourth block teacher was Musical Score.

“Alright everyone, today we’ll be talking the era of the Mad King. While it may just be a silly myth, the historic moments surrounding this myth are important enough to bring up this myth. To save time, I’ll pass out papers that have the summery of the myth, so you can at least have a basic understanding.” Mr. Note says, handing out the papers. Without a word, we quickly read what was on it.

The world was split into two powers. The rulers of of those powers were friends. The king died so someone else, who happened to a racist megalomaniac, took the crown. The Queen was too heartbroken about the death of the old king to pay attention to the new one. When the queen noticed there was a war.

I’m not a fan of this teacher.

‘You can hardly blame a modern day teacher for not believing a story that crazy.’ I think with a chuckle and eye-roll. Abbey had told me the story during my time in the hospital. If I wasn’t living proof that Monsters existed and could be created, I’d be just as skeptical as Mr. Note. “Well he did say it was ‘just a silly myth’, it makes sense that he wouldn’t take it seriously.” I whispered.


I ignored the grumbling scientist and looked at Mr. Note.

“Now while this myth has many outlandish things in it, there has been proof that some sort of war took place around that time. For example: the castle ruins that the battle took place, the area around it was found in a way that couldn’t have possibly been made non-man made. Though rather then magic spells, it’s more likely that they used some ancient form of explosives, since shrapnel was discovered littering the area, though it is unknown what specific methods they used to make the explosives.” Mr Note says. The class continues like this until the bell rings, with us writing down notes. I proceeded to put my stuff in my backpack, something strangely felt off. I felt like there was something he was missing, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. It was like something was supposed to be there, but wasn’t anymore. So without a word, I finished packing and left.

I was on my way to my next classroom when somebody stopped me in the hallway.

"Hey new kid, why don't you stop and talk for a bit, me and my friends are wanna chat with you." I turned to the source to find three people. One (who seemed like the leader since he was in the front) had dark orange hair, red skin, and black colored eyes with yellow where there should be white. He was wearing a red open jacket, a tan shirt, and red pants and shoes. The one to his right (my left) was brown and wearing a dark brown long sleeved shirt and shorts, had lightish blue hair, and red eyes with yellow where there should be white. The one to the first's left (my right) was purple with a dark purple sleeveless shirt and pants. I couldn't tell what his eyes looked like because his yellow hair was covering them, though if I had to guess, they're probably similar to the first too.

"…Alright." I say, a little confused.

"I'm Garble, I just wanted to give you a little heads up on something, call it a little welcoming gift." He says.

"Oh! Well nice to meet you, I'm-" I started to introduce myself before I'm cut off.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Garble says dismissively. "Look I'm gonna cut to the chase. Since you're new to this school, you should know that me and my pals rule this section of the school." He finishes with a smile.

'Oh, they're bullies…I just love my luck recently. First Some phycho tries to kill me, then some pedo guy tries to kidnap a little girl on my watch and tries to kill both of us, then I end up in the hospital because of the phycho, and now I get to deal with bullies.' I think, with a groan.

"Oh don't worry, we'll leave you alone, for now at least. Just wanted to clear a few things." He says, before turning around. "See ya around." With that, he walks away.

"They're probably gonna stop me after school…" I groan, before continuing to walk to my next class.

How do you know this?

"Bullies rarely have originality, they tend to follow the same patterns with each other. 'See ya around' after talking to their future victims normally means 'see you after school', but they just wanna act cool and intimidating so they don't say it directly." I say with a sour tone.

It sounds like you have experience dealing with them.

"I come from a family with a reputation for being weird." I say simply. Nothing else was said during the walk, though I hoped I didn't share any blocks with them.

I finally get to my class when I'm stopped at the door, thankfully not by a bully this time.

"Hello Manny." The lady I assume is Ms. Luna asked.

"You already know who I am?" I asked in shock.

"Yes, my boss told me about your magic situation, along other things. I'll be your dark magic teacher, along with your math teacher." She says with a smile, then gets a look that you normally get when you remember something important. "Oh before I forget, I placed a spell on the math problem on the board, it's something to make the students unaware of it more accepting of the out of the ordinary for them."

"That's kinda…" I trail off.

"Yes yes, my sister already told me. But it's either this, or try to explain to a bunch of teenagers that dark magic can be used for good." She says with a wave of the hand.

"Makes sense, this would go faster." I say.

"See! I told Celestia that it's a valid reason." She says, losing the professionalism teachers normally should have. "Where were you when we were arguing about it?"

"Probably running from a pedo trying to kill me after a phycho shot me." I say with a shrug.

"Oh by the way, one (or possibly more) of those 'phychos' are here at school, possibly as a teacher." She says, causing me to groan.

"I'm beginning to this world hates me." I say genuinely.

"Don't worry, I assure you that things will get better for you, in time." She says, patting me on the shoulder.


I grabbed my shoulder as I feel a spike of pain.

"D-did you just damage me with just a pat!?" I whisper/shouted as a familiar green glow envelopes my hand, and by contact, the damaged area.

"Oh I'm sorry! I forgot how fragile your body was!" She says, taking over the healing, causing it to heal much faster.

"It's normally intent that causes the damage for Monsters, along with power." I say, not liking that she wrote it off as me just being fragile.

"Well the power part makes sense, I'm a magic teacher for a reason." She says, a bashful look on her face. She then gained a grim expression. "As for intent, that was because my mind was focused on those phychos as you called them, we have…bad history." After she says that, she looks away, and for a split second I could've sworn I saw her eyes turn slited and gain a bluish tent. Though when I looked closer, they looked normal. "In any case, I'll make an effort to avoid what just happened in the future, and I hope you enjoy your time here." With that, we both entered the class. I looked to the board to see the math problem she mentioned.


The x was probably an 8, I may not be smart in a lot of areas, but I was a wiz at math! That's…kinda one of the reasons for my problems in my last school. Wow, not even halfway through the day and I'm already depressed.

"Yep, I'm definitely back at school." I sighed, though it wasn't all bad, at least I get to learn dark magic!

'This woman has lost her mind!' I think as I fired bones at the one of the demons she summoned. While I'm far from a master, I did get a better handle on my magic during my stay at the time increased realm thingy that Discord made. Granted I could only make 5 (possibly 6) bones per few minutes, progress was progress. Though they didn't have the ice patches they did before, so I probably had a ways to go before I could unlock whatever that was.

"Sorry Manny, this is the first day of my teaching career, I accidentally casted the wrong spell. It was supposed to be a window to the Infernal realm, not a doorway. Though Husks are basic demons, so you should be able to handle them easily, which you are." Luna says as she held the remaining "Husks" in magic bindings.

"While you're not wrong, who does something like this on their first lesson?!" I asked, before the Husk I just "killed" (apparently unless you have divine magic, you can't actually kill them, only send them back to their realm) proofed, and in its place was a bag with a loaf of bread in. "……what?"

Gained 25 experience

"For your first question, I told you it was an accident, sue me." She says with an eye roll. "For your second question, the Infernal realm connects to all realities, these Husks must come from a place where defeated enemies turn into items. Now I’m gonna release another one, and this time I want you to your attacks with negative thoughts, specifically fear and hate. This is because this is the easiest method, though hardest to control and least effective in my opinion. I’ll explain why after you defeat that husk.” I reframed from rolling my eyes, and focus on my hate and fear.

"Why am I not he ceiling?" I asked, having no idea what happened.

"Apparently fool's dark magic doesn't mix well with your race." I heard Luna say. Looking at her, I noticed she had bruises here and there. "You went feral and attacked me."

"I did that to you?" I say, feeling pretty guilty, though she just waved it off.

"Don't worry about it, consider it payback for what I accidentally did to you." She says, letting me down from the ceiling. "Besides, I can easily heal this, I just waited because I didn't think you'd believe me without proof." She says as she does just that.

"You called it 'fool's dark magic', why's it called that?" I asked.

"Because only fools think that's the way you should use dark magic. Darkness is an already existing force that's all around use, like the light. What you did was the equivalent of someone jogging in place for hours on end without a break, just to get enough sweat to put out a fire, when the ocean is right next to them. By the way, here." She says, handing me a scroll, some vials filled with unknown liquids, and a jar (the size of a water bottle) filled with clear liquid(?). "These appeared when you destroyed the husks. I wouldn't get your hope up, husk's rarely drop anything that good, you'd have to be super lucky to get anything decent.” I shrugged at that.

“How am I gonna carry this without the glass breaking?” I asked. ‘It’s not like I have an Inventory to keep it in…’ Suddenly all the glass based items vanished in lines of white.

“What?” I asked at the same time.

Oh yeah, you have an inventory...Did I forget to mention that?

“Relax, it’s just an inventory, it’s no big deal.” Luna says, snapping her fingers and causing a clear dark blue tinted screen pops up.

“Is having an inventory common?” I asked, she just raised a brow.

“Yeah, all magical beings have one.” She says. “Just think about it, and snap your fingers. It works differently for some beings though.” I do as she suggests, and instead of an inventory screen, what looks like an options menu pops up. On it are inventory, stats, phone and exit. “Ok, now that’s strange.”

"Ms. Luna-" I jump as someone behind me said that. Do to everything that happened, and the fact that they've been quiet this whole time, I forgot they were here to. "-can I go to the bathroom?"

"I think you might've put too much power in that spell." I say as I turn to Luna, referring to the spell that made them accepting of strange things.

"I think you might be right, it defeats the purpose of the class if they're unable to register magic at all. Oh well, something to keep in mind for next time." Luna says with a frown, then looks at the clock, there's at least 25 more minutes until 2nd block was over. "Yes Mr. Treat, you may, but don't take too long." With that, the student walks out the door, but not before Luna hits him with a spell.

"So do you think I could fight more of those things?" I asked her.

"You want to fight more of them?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Well yeah, I get to practice my magic while getting things when if I beat them!" I say with a smile. 'Plus since I'm technically just banishing them instead of killing them, my LV won't rise, so I don't have to worry about that.'

"Sure, as long as you maintain a good grade in my class." She said with a shrug, then gave me a stern look. "Both aspects of it."

"Y-yes Ms. Luna." I stuttered. 'Man she's intimidating.'

…I like her.

On the way to my next block, I decided to take a stop in the bathroom, not to actually use it though. I wanted to check out my menu. So once I entered a stall, I bring up my menu.


First I clicked on Stats.

Manny Osric:

Exp: (ERROR)
Level: 2
Experience: 0/125

HP: 330 Atk: 80 Def: 80 speed: 100 magic: 3030 (Error in SOUL locks stats to 100-HP 5-Atk 5-Def 10-speed 20-magic).

SOUL: Boss Monster Active (Error)

Status: (Active) (Single) (Neutral Good)

Conditions: There seems to be an error in Manny's SOUL. While it's not fatal, it seems to have debuff elements to it.

"That's…much more detailed then it was in the game." I say.

Well there were massive glitchs long ago that caused certain changes to the way this world operates. Some much worse then others. Take the fact the you have an LV stat and a level stat for example, despite those having been one in the same in the game.

"You ever gonna clue me in on these things?" I asked, slightly annoyed that he's keeping me in the dark about so many things.

The reasons I haven't told you as much as I should have are because I've either forgotten to, being as old as I am will do that to you, or I felt you weren't ready for it. I mean, your mind nearly broke when you saw an enemy turn into items, despite being sent here by a would be video game character.

"Ok yeah, that's fair." I say with a nod. "Any idea about the error?"

No, unfortunately that was there before you and I first met. And I don't have the tools to examine it, sorry.

"It's fine." I sigh, then remembered something. "Hey, back in the void, you mentioned how my friend was technically in the same place as I was. What happened to her?"

I'm not sure, I couldn't find her SOUL after I made the deal with you. Though I'm sure she's fine, she had quite a strong SOUL.

"Yeah, that sounds like her." I say, then looked at the level and experience. "So can you explain the new leveling system?"

Well this would has two sets of levels to work with. L.O.V.E and levels. L.O.V.E is increased by acts of violence. Killing sentient beings just because you want to, causing misery to other, etc. Levels on the other hand are increased by completing objectives, beating (not killing, but beating) enemies or opponents, etc.

"Is there a difference between which one you increase?" I asked.

Increasing your LV is 10 times as powerful as increasing your level, not that that really matters for you, since your stats are locked as they are. Though if their SOUL isn't active like yours, they can't gain the benefits of increasing LV, while everyone can increase their level. Also levels are not affected by Karma. Hey Manny, maybe you should do this later, you still have class.

I go wide eyed and rushed out the bathroom, then headed for the gym.

‘Alright, this is just ridiculous.’ I think as I looked at the body builder that was my P.E coach. He had hair so dark blue it was almost black. Grayish blue skin, dark blue shirt and shorts, and black shoes and tie. His eyes had a red ring around each one. There was yellow where there should’ve been white, and his eye color was black. I also noticed he had tattoos of bull horns on the sides of his head. Once I looked closer, I noticed a whistle under his tie.

"Uh mister, I think you're in the wrong type of gym." One of the students said, she sounded kinda familiar.

"First of all, Iron Will will be called Iron Will. Second of all, there's no such thing as a wrong type of gym. Third of all, Iron Will is exactly where he should be." Iron Will said, kinda sounding like a stereotypical wrestler. "Now before anything, let's do some stretches." After he said that, he lead us through various stretches. After we were finished, I felt a little sore, probably because I haven't really done any physical activity since I got my new body. If I had blood, it would've run cool then and there.

That's right, other then the 2 fights and a little bit of dodging, I've done practically nothing physical with my new body. Especially when I was stuck recovering, since I'm just magic with some mass, I didn't even have to do physical therapy since my body could move just fine.

"This is gonna suck." I groaned.

Oh quit complaining, it's your own fault for not taking the initiative to exercise during your recovery. Now get to it, you've got a lot of ground to make up.

On the plus side, I had plenty of energy, the only real problem was that my body wasn’t used to this, so it was pretty sore. We had just done 10 laps around the gym, and while I wasn’t the very last to finish, I was one of them. During the run (yes I know that’s it’s better to jog the laps and save energy then it is to run nonstop, but I prefer running nonstop), a teacher had came in. I heard Iron Will call him Professor Yin Tu, he was apparently this school’s top science teacher. And oddly enough, he wanted to talk to me. He was grey with white hair and eyes, it was like he was born without pupils. He was also wearing a lab coat.

“You wanted to talk, Professor?” I asked.

Wait a second, what’s a Professor doing here? Shouldn’t he be in some college or university?

‘He has a point, now that I think about it.’ I think, once again, not understanding what’s going on.

“Yes, I’d like to talk to you about Ms. Shimmer." He said, causing me to pause. It took me a moment to realize he was talking about Fire.

"So what about her?" I asked.

"Well, I'd like to know what's she like, I'm gonna be her teacher tomorrow." He, a literal Professor, said with a straight face.

"You're joking." I stated.

"She has an overachieving 'my princess deserves the best and will get the best' father." He said with an understanding look.

"Ah." I say, relieved that the world still had a scrap of logic in it.

"So you can imagine why I'd like to learn about her before I meet her, especially considering certain…factors." He says, scratching his head.

"Well she seems like a girl who knows what she wants, knows how to get it, and will do what she needs to do. She more then deserves her title as a prodigy, and regardless of what adults say about adults knowing better then kids, I'd be much more confident in doing what she suggests then I would be for most adu-" I say before I'm cut off by a scream.

Gaster's POV

As I watched Manny talk about the girl, I couldn't help but be reminded of my own former prodigy. She was a bit stubborn at times, but she was one of the few people I'd genuinely recognize as a master of magic, despite some people claiming that you can't master magic. Their argument was that magic was an ever expanding force that had far too many mysteries to be mastered. What they didn't understand is that that is the case with everything else you could learn. Martial arts are an ever expanding force with many unknown mysteries, but you can still be a master martial artist. Archaeology is centered around the ever expanding mysteries of the past, but you could still be a master in that field. Even science is something you can be a master in, despite the many questions and possibilities to discover. Frankly if they spent less time trying to act sage like, and more time to think about what they're talking about, they might actu-

"Get away from there!" My train of thought is broken as I heard someone scream in the distance.


“Well he did say it was ‘just a silly myth’, it makes sense that he wouldn’t take it seriously.” Manny suddenly whispered.

I give him a confused look, before noticing he's now sitting in a desk. I looked around to see where we are, only to see we're back in Manny's first block class.

"Uh dude, you alright?" Manny asked, a concerned look on his face. I just nod, now understanding what happened.

'Someone here can Reset, but who?' I think, hoping whoever it was won't go down the same path the prince had.

Author's Note:

While Gaster might've not answered it, there's a very important question that Manny forgot to ask due to not paying enough attention to everything Gaster had said (from the deal, to the bathroom part in this chapter. Can anyone guess what that question was?

Also I know this chapter was a pretty big info dump, but there’s a lot of things to cover.

With Mr. Note: I wanted to reinforce the fact that the everyday citizen aren't aware of the magical world, plus give Manny a way to learn the history of the world in a way that his character would logically learn it despite it not being something that he'd go out of his way to learn. And what better why to get someone to learn something they wouldn't care about then to make them learn it in school.

With Luna: Manny needs guidance from someone more down to earth then two geniuses who're so outta his league that they literally can't properly teach him magic. Luna, despite also being outta Manny's league, is still pretty down to earth. And not only that, she doesn't have much experience teaching, so it gives Manny and her a reason to get to know each other. Since (in my personal experience) there's a emotional barrier between many experienced teachers and students. You saw how Manny instantly went feral the first time he channeled negative emotions in his magic? That's due to Garble bringing up bad memories right before he got to Luna's class. So Manny needs someone who can act as an outlet for his negative emotions, understands what he's feeling, and can help him work past it. And I thought what better character to do that, then Luna. Also I had her be inexperienced because the "all knowing and wise teacher that helps the protagonist" troupe is done to death, and I thought this would prevent her from being a cardboard cutout [insert wise mentor name and description here] that most protagonists "conveniently" get because they're the protagonist. This way she won't instantly know how to best handle a lesson and will have to learn as she goes.

With Iron Will: Manny's kind of a pushover, and he needs to learn how to be more aggressive to get jobs done. He also needs to get in better shape. Yeah his stats are locked, but having good hand-eye coordination and reaction time will help him in future Fights.

Comments ( 16 )

In my defense, I typed that on a phone.


Current danger level of Maanny = Froggit or Mismulum with this terrible stamina/endurance

Yep, right now Manny’s as dangerous as a Froggit or Mismulum.

That method of using dark magic isn’t healthy, especially for a Monster.

Nope, the book had nothing to do with it, the errors were there when Gaster first met Manny.

Yep, unfortunately due to the errors, Manny’s just gonna have to work around that.

In Glitchtale, Gaster explained why Monsters have gained blood.

Yeah, I wanted it to start like the game, but didn’t know how to shorten it without leaving it confusing.

Well this would has two sets of levels to work with. L.O.V.E and levels. L.O.V.E is increased by acts of violence. Killing sentient beings just because you want to, causing misery to other, etc. Levels on the other hand are increased by completing objectives, beating (not killing, but beating) enemies or opponents, etc.

SAPIENT beings. Not SENTIENT beings. Animals can be sentient. Humans are Sapient. There is a major difference.

Fair enough. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No, in the more earlier levels, killing and harming animals can increase L.V. to a certain point.

Sapient monsters. Monsters. All sapient. Capable of intelligent and rational thought.

You do know the existence of Monsters do not erase the existence of animals, right? And killing or harming animals can increase L.V to a certain point in the early levels.

I think I understand the misunderstanding here. Gaster had explained that multiple glitches had occurred in the past. And when a system encounters glitches that it can’t erase, it’ll either reset to factory settings, or adjust itself to the glitches using patches. Some patches might work effectively, some might overwork, and some might not work enough. With no one to fix it, it has to do the best with what it has and can do. The only reason that it hasn’t erased itself is because the timeline itself is fine.

Never once has the character had an encounter they couldn't talk their way out of in Undertale. This indicates sapient thought. The player never once encounters animals by definition in the Ruins, Snowdin, Hotland, or New Home. Not once do they encounter a being they can't talk their way out of a fight. There is one exception I can think, that being Greater Dog, but we also see them wielding a spear and using basic tactics that require at least minimal sapience(hiding the entirety of their bulk under what seems to be a short layer of snow.)

Either way, fine, I don't care. You can ignore basic fact all you like. I was just nitpicking something that I found off in a good story.

Didn’t know fanfics had to work exactly like it does in canon, with zero alterations from the writer :ajbemused:

This is a fanfic, and it’s been made pretty clear that it’s not working on pure Undertale logic and mechanics since chapter one.

I appreciate you calling it a good story though.

That may have come off as snappy, so in case it did, I’ll rephrase it.

This isn’t working on pure Undertale logic and mechanics. I just checked the first chapter, and I’ll admit it doesn’t actually make it clear that it doesn’t work solely on Undertale logic, so I apologize for that. However, the absence of animals in the game doesn’t mean they’re not included in gaining LV, since it’s been stated that there’s a world outside of the underground, but we never see it.

And you’ve never been able to talk down Undyne (she simply loses interest in fighting you on her own) you’ve never been able to talk down Flowey (Asriel and Flowey are separated by the fact that Flowey doesn’t have a SOUL), and you can’t talk down Sans (for obvious reasons). You also can’t talk down Asgore (Torial intervening is what stops the fight).

Finally, there’s an AU tag, so its not gonna be the same as the game. There’s definitely things from the game that exist in the story, but things are bound to work differently in stories with an AU tag.

Comment posted by vortex123 deleted Nov 25th, 2020

Eh, fair enough. I hadn't realised it wasn't being written according to canon, but that's totally fine if it isn't.
That would be interesting to see how much farmers with their SOUL awakened have in terms of Exp. Quite a lot, if I were to guess.

Now that you mention it, that does sound interesting. It reinforces just how precious life is, and just how cruel the average person is when it comes to creatures that can’t talk back.

Maybe I should touch on this in the future, to at least show proper respect for animal life. Definitely an idea for the future.

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